A Vampire Raised with Lycans (the Brit)

Axel sighed at her sudden realization, “Listen…if you play by the rules, they’ll go easier on you next time..” he mentioned and helped her up, feeling sorta sorry for the she wolf.

She continued to cry out in pleasure, cumming a second time as he continued to fuck her. Serena gave a soft moan once she felt his seed fill her womb up, and she blushed heavily at the moment she realized what she had done. Carmen would be so pissed.
"Fu... Fuck your rules..." Carmen muttered as he helped her up, shoving him away and going to try running again, but only getting a step or two before collapsing to the floor, her slit still leaking Kai's release.

He panted as he slowed down, leaning down to kiss her again as he started to pull out of her, holding her close "Mmm... Serena... How was that?"
Axel sighed, moving over and scooping her up quite easily. “Come on,” she would hear him say as he brought her back into his chambers, going to clean her up next.

Serena flushed deeply, hiding her face in his chest, “Y-You were amazing,” she mumbled softly, knowing she was about to say she loved him while he had been fucking her.
She didn't resist him this time, letting him clean her up in the shower before standing there, still naked infront of him and waiting to find out what he'd want from her.

Carrack looked down, his arms still around her "Oh? I'm glad you found it enjoyable..." He smiled, even as he moved his lips to her ear "But don't you want to finish that sentence you cut off when you came?"
He put her on the bed and tossed her some soft clothes. “Go ahead and dress yourself,” he mentioned and gave a soft sigh, feeling terrible now.

Her ears flicked and she warmed more from embarrassment. “T-The sentence I cut off-?” She questioned but knew what he meant, before shaking her head, “O-Only if you say it first,” she mumbled softly, peeking up to look at his eyes.
She looked at the clothes, frowning a little but putting it on. It was a maid uniform, but she didn't know that. All she knew was the skirt felt way to short and the chest felt way too tight.

Carrack nodded to her as she spoke, before moving her head to meet his look "Serena. I love you." He told her, waiting for her reply before kissing her.
He sighs again, shaking his head. “No, I refuse for you to wear that, I don’t care what my brothers say,” he mentioned and shuffled through some drawers, finding a lightly sheer nightgown, but it was better than the maid uniform.

She gave his eyes a shy glance and she blushed more as she heard those words. “I love you too,” she murmured softly and kissed him happily in return.
Carmen blinked as he spoke, but removed the maid uniform and took the nightgown. It wouldn’t have been her first choice, but it still provided a modicum more modesty than the maid uniform, even if it’s tight, slightly see through material left very little to the imagination.

Carrack merely held her there in the kiss, content and happy for the first time in a while.
“I’m sorry it’s not much,” he mentioned and gave a soft sigh. Shaking his head, “I’ll be back in the morning,” he mentioned, figuring he would leave her alone for now.

A young maid servant was going to William’s quarters, going to make his bed. She was a just a human though, at the age of 20 years. She found him to be particularly sweet, but was unaware that she too had caught his eye, and more importantly his affection. But she was oblivious of course.


Serena pulled back after a few precious moments and she settled in his embrace. “So…” she began softly, “What…what does this make us?” She asked shyly.
Carmen watched him leave and growled, ripping off the gown and sleeping as a wolf, making sure they couldn't just ogle her.

(I wonder what you could possibly be intending... ;) )

William was just returning from the days exertion chasing Carmen and came up behind the servant, silently approaching her and licking his lips. He was a little hungry, and human blood had a little tang that Werewolf really didn't quite match...

Carrack smiled to her, nuzzling her neck "Isn't it obvious, Serena? We're mates..." He told her, before leaning down "And... I think I should mark my mate, hmm?"

Lilia felt a presence behind her, and she paused. “My Prince?” She asked softly. She was partially blind, and she relied heavily on touch.
(*coughs* she’ll regain her full sight back when she becomes a vampire)

Serena nodded to him, feeling his breath on her neck, “I..I would love to be marked by you..” she murmured softly to him.
She felt his hand and she moved to remove her servant collar that she wore, giving him easier access. “I appreciate you asking but you know you shouldn’t ask a mere servant that question..” she scolded him lightly, trying to remember he was the crown prince, he shouldn’t be worrying himself with humans such as her. Scars outlined her neck, collar bone and shoulders, where she had been bitten by many vampires here, as were the way for humans who served them.

Serena let out a soft moan as she felt his fangs on her flesh once more. She leaned into his bite, only wanting that mark from him, and him alone. She was surprised she had won the affections of the Alpha.
He shrugged "I like to be polite... At least, when I'm not ravenous." He smiled, even if she couldn't see it before he leant in and frowned, unable to find an unbitten segment "Mmm... No No no, this won't do..." He muttered, before leading her to his room.

Carrack pulled from her neck slowly, licking up the leaking blood and then gently lying himself atop her, the same way an Alpha might in wolfen form, to protect his mate.
She frowned at his observant nature and let him lead her to where she could only assume was his quarters. She soon found herself sitting on his plush bed and she waited patiently. “What seems to be the issue your majesty..?” She asked softly, a blur of colors filling her eyes, she could only assume he was standing in front of her. She knew she was able to make out his face when he came closer to hers, but she wondered what he was up to. He could let her drink from his blood, in turn healing her imperfections on her skin.

She enjoyed the closeness he showed her, her small frame easily hid underneath his much larger one, and Serena drifted off to sleep once more.
William shook his head "It's quite simple my dear... I simply refuse to drink from anywhere that another has touched." He informed her, before he pulled down the chest covering of her maid dress "Whilst here is unblemished..." He leant in and bit down on her exposed breast, sighing happily at the taste of her blood.

Carrack smiled, closing his eyes and drifting off with her, staying close to his mate.
He laughed into her body softly, pulling away when he'd had his fill "Delightful..." He smirked, licking his lips clean "Now then, Lilia... Why were you coming to my room again?"

Carmen growled again as she heard the door opening, assuming it was Axel returning, but instead it was Kai stood there, a dark grin on his face.
Lilia shifted as he was finished, “I came to make your bed like always,” she reminded him, unaware of the affection he showed her.

Kai grinned and stepped forward, shifting to his wolf form, easily dwarfing her. “I see you’re just as beautiful in your wolf form…” he licked his lips and knew she had nowhere to go.
William frowned a little, looking at the bed "But it's not messy..." He sighed "Seems a bit of a waste of your time..." He smirked as an idea struck him, raising an eyebrow "Perhaps we should make a mess of it..."

Carmen gasped as he loomed over her, the closed door trapping her in there with him. She had two choices really. Fight him, or give in. She chose to fight, biting at his nose to try and push him away.
“It’s not..?” She questioned and folded her arms, “You’ve been out all night again, haven’t you.” She said with a small sigh, not catching what he mentioned. “You can’t just go sinking your fangs into every pretty thing you find…you know there are diseases out there!” She shook her head, still not putting it into place that he was a vampire and couldn’t get sick. It was cute that she worried though.

She nipped his nose and he laughed as she tried to push him away. “You’re a feisty one, aren’t ya?” He nudged her closer, going to sniff at her heat scent again.
He blinked as she told him off, before tilting his head "I... I'm sorry Lilia. I didn't realise you worried." He murmured, before leaning in again "But as I said... Why don't we make a mess of it, hmm?"

She growled warningly, even as he'd get a nice whiff of that sweet scent she was giving off "You stay the fuck away" She snarled, lashing out with her claws to try and force him away again.
“Of course I care, you fool,” she sighed and leaned back and heard his words this time. “Well whatever mess we do make you do realize I have to be the one to clean it,” she reminded him next.

“Or what?” He teased and as she tried again, it was barely of use. “Come on, you have to admit it though…you did enjoy me, I could tell from how you squeezed around my cock..”
She gave a soft sigh, still fucking oblivious. “I’m sure,” she muttered, figuring he would just use her for his pleasures like all the other vampires…

Kai growled lowly, “That bloodsucker knows how to woo them, that’s for certain.” He nearly spat, and shook his head, “But for now, you’re mine,” he growled again, flicking his tail. He certainly possessed alpha qualities like Carrack had.
William tilted his head at her reaction, shaking his head a little as he stripped her down to expose her body.

Carmen gulped as he loomed over her again, shivering a little as her situation finally set in. She was so much smaller, and here was an Alpha, ready to take her "I... I... understand..." She mumbled, turning herself to raise her hind towards him, her tail down and out of his way.
She let him undress her, and then something would set in. The guard, who was a mere brute to all of the women servants, human or wolf alike…had already taken what William had desired. So what would Lilia care though, a crown prince, destined to take a vampiress as his queen.

William would see dried blood on her in between her thighs, knowing that she had been raped recently by the guard. Perhaps that’s why she wasn’t refusing or asking him to stop. She just assumed this would be her role from now on.

“There’s a good servant,” she would hear him growl happily and he mounted her quite easily, his length pushing past her slit once more, stopping at the base of her womb.
William paused at what he saw, pulling back and blinking in shock "Lilia... Wha... What happened to you?" He asked softly, gently brushing her thighs.

Carmen moaned in response, assuming that's what he wanted to hear as he fucked her tight slight again. Even if he was giving her pleasure, she didn't like it, didn't want to feel this way. Her heat was fighting against her though, and her moans might mollify Kai a little, into perhaps not being too rough.
Lilia could only assume he had seen the dried blood on her thighs. She had yet to wash it off, as she hadn’t had the chance to bathe yet. She swallows slowly and sighed softly. “The guard he-“ she shakes her head, “you know he doesn’t care for such things-“ her voice sounded broken, like he had broken her spirit.

Kai heard her moans but kept up his steady, strong pace. He continued to fuck her, loving how she felt around his length, only wanting to feel more.
William snarled a little, before taking a deep breath and leaning down, biting his wrist and placing it at her lips "Drink, Lilia... heal." He instructed her, basically forcing her too anyway.

Carmen wriggled underneath him as he kept up the fast pace, whining slightly amongst her moans, his thickness starting to cause her pain as he buried himself deep into her body.

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