A Vampire Raised with Lycans (the Brit)

He did just that, bringing a nurse back, one who had been there for his own mother’s birthing.

The nurse helped Carmen with her pups, pulling one from her as it breached. She let Kai nip the sack, warming up the small pup with his tongue. Only til he heard small whines did he let it snuggle up next to Carmen’s still swollen belly, seeing another pup breach.
Kai cursed and shifted back to his human form, biting his wrist and feeding his blood to Carmen, letting her drink from him as the Nurse freed the second pup, moving it aside and cutting the sack open with her sharp nails. She rubbed the fur the wrong way, warming it up and pushing it against Carmen’s belly, wondering if that was all she was going to give birth to.
Kai dismissed the Nurse and he shifted once more, licking up Carmen’s rear clean of blood and her amniotic fluid. He then sniffed the pups, licking all three of them gently on their heads, hearing them fuss at him. He chuckled lightly and settled with Carmen, his tail laying over hers. “I know darling but you did an amazing job,” he praised her, licking in between her ears gently.
Kai flicked his ears gently, “And I love you,” he tree turned in reply.

Back at the camp, Carmen’s sister, Serena was pregnant as well with her own heavily swollen belly. She had forgotten how many times Carrack actually had bred her, but she didn’t mind. She got to sit there and look pretty as his mate while others basically tended to the alpha’s mate.
She felt warmer as he latched, and she couldn’t help but moan, and feel wet between her legs. She was already swollen like a tick ready to burst, but she couldn’t help how aroused he made her. And basically the alpha’s mate was no more than for breeding purposes, and that’s what she enjoyed and wanted.
Carrack continued to give her milk bulged nipples attention, draining each in turn as he hummed softly, loving how her milk tasted "You are so sweet, honey..." He murmured into her, eventually pulling away when he couldn't drink anymore "And after tasting that... I think I'll need you pregnant all the time, so I can always have it..." He teased.

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