Fantasy RP An Angel's Lewd Corruption, In the Hellscape of Survival

( no worries, real life always comes first, all I ask is a warning if you ever decide you done with our story thats all :D )

as she fell, injured and weakened, now very vulnerable, Marina would be a small distance from the beasts. however not far enough to prevent the victors from dragging her off again. However as she laid their sore, weak, and vulnerable. if the angelic maiden looked to her side, many of the smaller insects which were scavengers would be moving tours her. thinking she was a dying body ripe for feeding upon. their small mandibles clicked in hunger, as they scuttled quickly, however if she managed to kill one or two of them, the rest would scatter quickly. however these were also the odd insects, which had a strange life force in them which was unknown to the demons, but for one like Marina it would heal her incredibly quickly, at least physically, however this would also make her body ripe for abuse once more. as her body had already landed and crushed a few with how she fell. the body had began to heal already, just not quick enough to be noticed right away, yet with the impending assault upon her, it could easily be turned into the kind of miracle Marina needed at the moment.

as all this was going on, a humanoid figured with four wicked wings hovered high in the dark clouded sky watching from above. it's glowing red, and golden eye looked on, as the unseen face smirked. wondering if it should have a taste of this victim as well, or let her endure some more. as the show of her struggles was the most entertainment this entity had in countless eons, and more so, one it saw as a kind of distant kin now in it's realm made it all the more enjoyable to watch. knowing right now the lesser fiends were her worse enemy, clicking its tongue as the insects began to come for her, thinking this maiden was another dead daemon, or fiend which they could feed on.
(Will do. Tho I’m super invested, so it might take a force of nature to make me lose interest.)

Marina grits her jaw, determined not to disgrace herself or her brothers and sisters by lying down as death knocked upon her soul. She pushes herself up onto her good arm, looking down at her injured arm and pausing. It was smeared with a greenish liquid, though slightly think, like syrup. She traced her fingers in it and blinked slowly, feeling like she was imagining the slight tingling sensation in her arm. She frowned, noting the gore that was also on her arm, and flicked it it.

She sits up fulling and slowly climbs to her feet once again, looking down at the bugs all crawling towards her on fast, skittering legs. She kicks one, sending it splattering into the rock beside her and then kicks another, wiping her hand through the greenish substance and wipes it down her arm. She hoped that the smell would hide her own and mask her presence from any other creatures. It might make it a little easier to hide if she looked more like a dead plant than a living creature of fleas and blood.

She kicks more of the insects and then steps on them, still smearing their lifeblood onto her body and murmuring soft words for the creatures deaths so she may survive. Some habits died hard she supposed, for she did the same thing before every meal.
Due to the nature of the situation, as well as the panic, followed up with the determination, it would be easy to miss the effects of this insect gore on her flesh. despite how it masked the sight, and scent. under the stain of insectoid blood. blue, and red vines would flash under her skin. as the odd sensation and warm yet tingling sensation flooded her system. the pain quickly ebbing away, as all her wounds sealed. it would not be long before her body would be as healed as if she had never been abused prior. with the exception of her inner womanly bits which would forever be gone, as her precious innocence was gone, and the taint in her womb now a part of her being if she knew it or not.

Marina the struggling angelic warrior would now find herself able to move, despite being naked, and only masked with insect blood on her. the first priority would be simple to find some where to hide, then find save source of water, and other material, be it hide for some kind of clothing or covering, as a sensation she never knew would begin to hit her, the sensation of hunger, and thirst. being an angel she was naturally an immortal, and perfect being, however being in this realm she now would face the sensation like a sinner or a mortal, with needs. however they would become stronger due to how her body could be impregnated by demons, if it wasn't already. yet as her little killing spree ended, with countless critters rushing away from her now. the once glorious maiden now looked like a crazed slime coated woman of the wilds.
Marina looks over her shoulder once, and then moves silently away, watching carefully as she backs into the shadows. She shivers, the temperature drop startling her body, her wings chilling, feeling brittle. She frowns, confused, no longer feeling the pain in her left wing. She spreads it slightly and blinks when no pain flares through her body. She could fly away, she hadn’t seen any wings on the fiends. . .

Her gaze flicks up, above her and to the darkness that hovers a few dozen feet in the air. She didn’t know what manner or creatures lived in the pat darkness and she was sure she didn’t want to find out. But if it meant she could fly. . . She was a faster flyer than she was on foot, she was one of the fastest flyers she knew even. Her small body lighter for herself and her slightly larger wings, which were definitely out of proportion.

And the feeling of the insect lifeblood covering her skin made her want to retch all over again. The smell was horrendous, and the feeling slimy, though the feeling under her skin had been pleasant. She knew she looked just as horrible as she felt to. Her once neatly braided hair was mostly torn free from the style, and while her cuts, scrapes and bruises were gone, she still had her blood as well as the blood of the creatures she had killed, now mixing with the green liquid.

She steps from the shadows, spreading her wings and giving the, one flap and then another. She knew the motion would gather attention to her, but she would be in the air before the fiends could reach her again. She leaps into the hair, soaring up and overnight about twenty feet above the ground, looking down at the creatures and then up at the waiting darkness. She shakes her head and with a flick of her wings, she was darting off in a random direction, her gaze scanning the ground for anything, but hopefully food.
as Marina spread her now healed wings, with their oddly cute, and alluring pink hue. as this was an alluring glow to them which would lure any number of males to her, even if her body was well masked. however more then that, the angelic warrior now unarmed, and naked yet fully healed and able to fight if the need was their. she would soon discover the darkness of this hell was not like her pure realm prior. as the darkness would appear like open, and clear skies, however it would manifest, and shift into solid walls, changing the land around her into caves at a moments notice, or back into an open field. Little did Marina know the nature of this realm was to become the worse possible area for a victim to endure, and survive in. however the demons, this was paradise, as it made it more ideal for the more powerful, yet for smaller creatures like daemons, and fiends it was something they could not control. for Marina, she would be like the daemons or fiends, a victim of the realm, at least until she had become corrupted enough to manipulate darkness at will.

however now moving away from the warring tribes of fiends, unaware of it, Marina was heading right for something more aggressive, a Daemon nest, hidden in the darkness. however for right now it was for her to discover the kind of realm she was in, and how to deal with it.
Marina rubs her eyes and then lands on a single rock, crouching down and closing her eyes, trying to gain her bearings. If walls and stalagtites were appearing out of nowhere, Marina shouldn’t be flying, but it was faster than walking. . . She shakes her head, sitting down and blowing out a breath. She didn’t want to walk, and she didn’t think flying was best if she was seeing things that could give her a heart attack, like a sudden rock spy hat she could slam right into.

She looks back up, and then at her wings, scowling at the pink shade and then down below her at the small creatures she could hear stirring at her passing. Yeah, no, she was flying. She flaps her wings again and goes back into the air, gliding through the fudged darkness and watching the ground below her for a moment before looking ahead and spinning out of the way of a stalactite, tucking her wings close as she serials past it. She spreads them again, keeping her gaze wary as she looks out for any obstinates.
Skillfully flying around, and dodging the formation of stones, and sediments, Marina would find what felt like tendrils snagging her arms and wings. however if one paid attention they would realize this was merely thick vines. which had a heavy and sticky texture to them. meaning they could easily be broken, but made it harder to move quickly around. yet if she looked back, it would become very clear how far she had traveled and quickly.

as she was now far out of reach or sight of the warring fiends, it would almost seem like the naked angel had gotten herself a safe distance away, however in the darkness. where she would have to take a few moments to free herself from the vines she was now tangled in, and appearing like a paratrooper who fell through thick tree vines. her feet barely able to touch the ground until she freed herself. however the sounds of this caused a strange echoing growl to permeate through the tunnel she was in. from something larger then herself, something which echoed with each step. the massive claws could be heard scraping the stony wall in the distance, yet the beast would be far from sight, meaning it could find her by sound, but not scent.

Marina squirms, tearing vines and slipping free from the tangles. Her feet land onto the tunnel floor and she looks around. Her gaze struggles to adjust to the darkness and she takes a steps backwards, the sound of clicking claws. . . She shudders, tucking her wings close, the darkness causing them to glow ever so faintly, the light pink color coming from the feathers barely illuminating the area around her to see.

She was a damn beacon for any creature that could see the pale pink glow and she knew she had to find a way to dampen that as well, but for now. . . She had to get away from the creature clicking through the tunnel. She tries to push her way past the vines, each rustle and swish like thunder to hear ears.
trying as she could, Marina would soon notice the massively tall figure with a mace like arm, and a wicked claw. a twisted humanoid amalgamation of insect, reptilian, and even human like material making up it's flesh and form. the wicked thing clicked it's odd mandible, as it's eyes scanned around. at first almost as if it did not notice her faint glow, however drawing steadily closer to the angelic maiden's hiding spot. it would soon become apparent it saw her glow, and heard her movements. making this an unruly situation for the formerly mighty warrior. however she would have momentary flashes of what the fiends prior did to her upon the capture, and unlike the smaller fiends, this daemon was a creature far larger then herself yet a power level stronger then any fiend, but weaker then any true demon at least.
Marina closes her eyes and freezes, going perfectly still and holding her breath. She kept her wings tucked tightly behind her back, hoping that the vines would hide the faint glow. She wants to run, escape, but she would get tangled into the vines again, and this creature may be faster than her. She grips onto the vies tightly, trying to stop her trembling and shaking.

She had to find a way out, a way spa way from this situation. She looks around, her eyes barely able to see through the darkness.
Once it came into view, the massive humanoid beast clicking could be properly understood now. the mandible was clicking along the faint humming coming from the beast. as it's one claw scraped along the wall. the mace like arm smashing into pillars, and tearing vines. it would appear as if the beast was about to walk past the angel, before stopping. slowly turning itself to face her. as the massive insect like eyes focused on the faint glowing wings. the sharp clawed hand would reach tours her wing, two of it's talons extended to touch the odd new item in it's den. however unaware that the prize before it would be far more rewarding then what it thought, due to how her womanly scent was still masked by the insect gore and goo from earlier. however as it dried, or as she panicked more and more. the scent of her gender, and frame would become stronger, slowly revealing itself.
Mirna stayed frozen in place, her breath sawing in and out of her chest shallowly. She wanted to run, flee. But her training forced her to stay rooted to the spot, to try and take deep breaths. She swallows thickly, pushing down her fear and forcing her heart to slow, her pulse to steady. She took one deep breath and then another before holding her air in her lungs, subtly shifting her wing from the creatures touch. She didn't want to know what that thing could do. Probably squash her without a second thought.
Doing all she could to keep from panicking, running, or revealing herself. Marina would find the claw having moved past her wing, as she just barely moved it out of reach. scraping along the wall next to her. the creature would seem to tilt it's alien like bulbous head. the massive eyes looking tours her, but not seeing her. this would be when it suddenly to the massive mace like arm and slammed it into the wall right above her head. then began to cackle. it would be at this moment, she would be able to realize if the maiden thought about it. this creature did not see her, but it saw where she was via the vibrations of sounds, and the faint glow. almost like an earth bat, or dolphin, adapted to see in the dark with more sounds then sight. however having the unique eyes it had could see very well as well when needed.

once the echo of the nightmarish impact happened right above her head, causing dust, and debris to fall upon her. the other claw began to move slowly at first tours her. the hand large enough to easily grasp her entire waist, in it's one palm. meaning she would need to react quickly if the maiden wanted to try and escape, before being grabbed, however it's true intent to her would not be hidden. as everything she ran into thus far wanted to breed the angelic warrior.
Marina stifles the sharp gasp of shock and fear that threatens to escape as the creature slams its arm into the wall. Fear filled her, and this time she could not push down the emotions building inside her. She stumbles back a step, not wanting that creature to touch her naked flesh. She turns, her gaze searching for a way out, but all that she could see was endless vines. The creature after her was blocking the clear way out.

She looks at the creature, swallowing thickly as she makes an attack to slip past and around it.
Marina would manage to slip past the creature, however doing so would also cause it to quickly notice her movements. as the sounds of her body moving along the cave echoed like a mouth watering beacon for the beast. it moved steadily after her. the angelic maiden blind, and moving as swiftly as she could, however the risks of tripping on some of the loose debris, smacking into some of the stalactites, or worse getting tangled in the vines was very real. as she could only head deeper into the den of this beast. however if she ended up tripping, smacking into something or getting tangled would allow the humanoid beast of nightmares to catch, and take advantage of what ever position she would end up in, unless Marina managed to avoid any of these dangers until hitting the deepest reaches of the den, where their would be no escape.
Marina presses her hand to the wall, letting her fingers graze over the stone as she kept moving. She knew, if it was a cave, she was probably going deeper into the monster’s den. But she was hoping, beyond hopes, that it would be big enough to dart around the creature again and retrace her steps. Maybe have time to figure out how to get out.

Her toe slams into a rock and she hisses, letting out a yelp and stumbling forward a step. Her hands slam into the stone wall and skid, slicing her palms. She blows out a pained breath and stumbles forward another step, slumping against the wall. Her fingers curl into it and then she silently bends down, picking up a hearty stone and holding her breath, hoping the creature couldn’t hear her heartbeat.
Now getting herself into position with a rock, Little did Marina realize that now she had made the most noise one could ask for. it had increased it's speed, to the point it could no longer be heard. as the beast would soon be right upon her. However the angelic maiden would be ether forced down onto the ground with her head pinned into the muddy hard surface to force her ass up into the air, or she could end up getting snared by the one claw, spun around, and pinned against a wall, or tangled into some vines for the beast to begin to enjoy her. as it would depend on her position once it reached her, as the beast was now moving to make it's silent and dominating move swiftly upon this prize prey.

( you can choose, get her pushed down, and pinned? twirled around to get her back against the rough wall, leg pinned up against it's frame, or tangled up and left hanging in the cave to be abused. as the position is your choice, as well as any last ditch attacks before this session of horror wink wink. )

Marina had planned to pick the stone up and throw it. That was, until she suddenly found herself pinned to the wall with the mass of the creature pinning her there. Her breath escapes in a harsh whoosh, her chest shuddering in an attack to pull air back into her body. She was crushed against the wall, barely able to get in a gulp of air as she felt her leg grabbed and moved. She hisses at the stretch and pull, her leg lifted and pinned in an awkward position, but it threw her weight off that she couldn’t make any kind of resistance without falling in the slim chance she succeeded.

Her fingers dig back into the wall, feeling the cool air against her now exposed body. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling, the darkness already brought on a coldness she despised, but now for her core to be exposed to it, it made her want to scream. But she wouldn’t give any satisfaction to that.

Her jaw tightens and she squirms slightly, huffing out and then sucking back in a breath.
( you gave such a wonderous set up, so prepare for rewards nyaa :D )

Now grabbed by the one large claw, as it held her by the leg. causing Marina to endure the stretching, as her foot seemed to almost dangle at the shoulder of the beast. as her other leg was struggling to keep her toes on the ground. due to how it pinned her. the uncomfortable, yet oddly painless position, unlike the fiends prior. this creature began to release an odd sounding cracking, and tearing sound. however it was perhaps for the best she could not see, as the crotch area was tearing open, the hard exoskeleton revealing the well protected and very intimidating three cocks it had. each one impressively thick and long. as they began to swell and thick as they came out of the sheath one by one. however as this happened, a vulnerable spot would finally reveal itself so to speak.

however as they began to rub against her moist, tender core, the struggling angelic maiden turned into an ideal breeding victim in this hell. would feel how she would soon be teased by three hot spear tips. if she managed to wiggle just enough it could avoid getting more then one in her, however if she did not struggle to much, two or all three could get into her, as it would give her body a world of pleasure she should never now but also become addictive in it's own right.

all the while, if she moved her hand from the hard soil and moss covered walls, Marina could try grasping, scratching or even hitting the fiendish insectoid with her hand. as the massive mace like claw pressed into the wall next to her. also giving something her one hand and arm could use to try and support her body.
Marina was slightly dazed, the only thing that hurt, and barely even so was the reaction her body had to her own squirming, if she was still, she didn’t feel anything at all really. Maybe a mild stretch in her hamstring. She pants through her nose and soft sound in her throat at the feeling pressing against her. She tips her head back against the wall, a single hand coming up to grasp at the mace like thing beside her head.

She bites her lip, shifting her hips slightly. Her nails dig slightly into the creature, grasping to maintain herself.
Now grasping the body against her frame, the soft busty mounds pressing into the hard armor like hide of her assailant. Marina would feel how one cock at a time managed to slide deep into her. until all three found their home deep with in the angelic maiden. moving as if each one was it's own entity competing to fill her to the core. moving faster with each thrust, each time one moved in another moved out like a well oil machine of pure pleasure. however more then that, the clicking maw was soon finally visible to her eyes., as it's insect like pincher opened, to reveal it's real mouth, and long tongue. as it had maw like that of a human's hidden under the hideous mandibles, yet it had fangs almost like a vampires, as the tongue longa nd thick. it would stretch out licking from the center of her upper chest, the top of her breast to the cheeks. before moving to tongue fuck the angel's mouth a bit. as it would be a strange sensation being kissed like this while being used like a two cent whore, yet her body once again would quickly begin to give into the growing sensation as it was far more intense then the squad of fiends. however at least her body had already been prepared for this kind of assault having endured the prior gang bang.
Marina lets out a soft moan, her hips shifting again as she gasps softly. She’s never felt anything like this. . . Pain, pleasure and indignation all at the same time. She stares at the 5ing before her face and then gasps at the feeling of it tongue between her breasts. She shudders as it slides up her chest, neck and cheek, only to feel it on her mouth. She lets out a soft sound of surprise, her lips parting the slightest bit. But it was enough for the creature to put its tongue into her mouth and move it around. Invasive and unwanted, she bit down, surging her body forward to try and push the creature off and away.

Her free hand shoved into the creature’s chest, the hand gripping it’s mace like limb tightening and using it as leverage to kick her free leg into the creature’s pelvis.
managing to bite the tongue hard enough to cause a copper taste to fill her mouth, Little did Marina realize this had also caused more of the odd aphrodisiac like venom this creature produced to get into her system. and in a much more potent amount. however this caused the tongue to quickly retract in pain. as the creature followed up by quickly moving to sink it's fangs into the crook of her neck, and the mandible like pincers, digging into her shoulders to secure where it was biting. oddly enough this was more painful then one would think due to the insect like mandibles, however it also prevented any unwanted damage to her body with struggling as it pumped the venom directly into her, causing the rapid increase in heat with in her core.

as she leverage with the mace arm, her foot which was once stretched against it, now having her heal flat to the creature's chest. it would be painful, as she began to feel the three cocks all pumping thick fluid into her, one then the other. adding the sensation of weight to her core, as she pushed with her might to get free. It would cause an injury to her shoulder, and leave the hot thick over flow to escape her pussy, running down her inner thigh, and leg. but she would get free. Having little time to concentrate what strength she had to close the bite wound, and rush off, before the angel's adrenaline began to run out, as this was a limited window to escape. but would she end up running deeper into the core of the den, before getting cornered and forced to fight again to free herself, or would she pick the right path and rush tours the entrance she came from, while needing to avoid the rocks, stones, stalactites, and more importantly the vines which almost seemed like they were alive with how they had been in her way so many times already.
Marina lets out a hiss of pain and picks a random direction, taking off as fast as she dared in the tunnel. Her wings tuck close to her body, preventing drag as she careful dodges rock formations. She hisses softly at the feel of her bare feet tearing into the stone floor, scraping along. She shudders, feeling the golden ichor slowly drip down her left arm and breast. And the think. . . Liquid sliding down between her legs. She shudders, her blood pumping and strangely, her core growing warmer.

What the hell had that creature done to her? Why was she now craving the feel to be touched. So much so that she was slowing, even as her mind begged her body not to? She lets out a frustrated sound, her right hand coming up to grasp her shoulder. She hisses in frustration when she reaches the vines and starts tearing at them, ripping and clawing.
managing to get tours the point where Marina could finally see some light, it would be at this home stretch, that her wings, would end up tangled., her one leg snaring in a vine. as her injured arm got pulled. due to a careless mistake, at the excitement of finally escaping, caused a momentary laps, combined with the sensation in her body growing all more heated, and needy. it would be as her body hit the ground with a thud, that the sensation would reveal how she had made a horrible mistake with how she tore the vines. having tangled herself due to this action.

her one ankle, wrist, and one of her wings now tangled, however as she was on the ground like this. if Marina managed to roll onto her back to try and free herself, the angelic maiden would find herself forced into a breeding press, with her legs both grabbed, and forced up tours her shoulder, as if trying to fold the angel in half. however if she was still on her belly, then the creature will pin her down, as it got to her, in order to prone bone her her. ether position she got herself into, would end up being how she got pounced on and pinned, as the beast would not hesitate to triple penetrate her womanly entrance in a single strike. as it was, her body would welcome, no more then that need, and desire this assault.

( The position is your choice wink wink )


Marina lunges forward and then gasps, her wings flaring. Tears sprang to her eyes, she just wanted to get free! She squirms, only to get more tangled in the vines. She gasps when the creature shoves her face into the ground. Her breasts squished beneath her painfully and all three cocks shoved into her hole at the same time. She lets out a cry of pain, more tears springing to her eyes. She lets out a moan, her body begging for more of what the creature was giving to her.

Her wings were unable to move, tangled in the vines as well as her left arm. Her right arm was crushed under her body, the creature moving atop her, violating her body and taking control of her. She feels her tears on her face and shudders, letting out a low moan.
Successfully pinning the elegant, and beautiful angelic maiden upon the ground, Marina now trapped in a prone bone position. feeling how her body was being filled, stretched, soiled and violated. the beast ontop of her went to town. moving it's hops. as each thrust, helped to push all three moving cocks with in her. as they moved about, fucking the beauty from the inside, each time one moved deeper another felt like it was trying to retract. almost like an ideal machine of pure carnal pleasure for her core. as this went on, the pain slowly vanishing, and being replaced with the mind hazing pleasure, and addictive desire for more abuse.

all the while the feeling in her arms would slowly be lost, as they went on, the hard soil under her indented by the movement of her knees, and feet, as if digging into the ground with her toes to try and get some distance away with each thrust moving her slightly. the beast leaned in, as it's damaged tongue licked from her back, along Marina's wings and to her cheek. having little to no remorse for her actual comfort or pleasure, yet her sounds and body language made it clear the venom's effect only grew more potent the longer it bred her. however little did the beast know, the more lewd sounds, and pleasuring scent her body released, the quicker they would be discovered by something far more dangerous then the fiendish cave daemon himself.
Marina shudders, another moan slipped from her mouth and her core heated, warming. She pants softly, her knees scrapping against the dirt and stone floor, her golden ichor blood seeping into the dirt as the scraps on her skin slowly bled. She tries to move her head, to pull free from the creature. She tugs on her arm, hissing as the vines tighten around the limb. She groans, her lips parting slightly.

"Please. . ."

She didn't know why she said it. Maybe she was pleading the creature to stop, or maybe begging for more. Her voice was raw and scratchy, it was the first word she had said since she had fallen iinto the world, and she hated herself for the plea. She was too proud for it, to be begging for anything. But. . . She whimpers again, moaning another time as her hips shift slightly.
as if responding to her plea, Marina would suddenly feel how the beast began to pull out of her slowly, one of it's longer thick cocks popping out the angel's well abused pussy. before the beast moved to grasp the vines entangled around her sensitive wings. moving to pull the vines, in order to loop them around her shoulders, and arm pits. thus pulling Marina by the arms, and wings with them. similar to how one uses Reigns to pull and direct a horse. as it began to push it's thick log into her tight back side, thus beginning to double penetrate her pussy, as it stretched and ruined her ass at the same time. now pulling on the vines each time it pushed into her. pulling Marina's body up in a way so her breast scraped the ground, and showed off the bouncing and abused breast, before letting her fall back down to the ground as the beast pulled out of her slightly, leaving enough of the tip and shaft to push back in with incredible force, and gusto. creating quiet the lewd and moist slapping sound, with each impact.

now abusing her with the effect of the venom. converting all the pain into pleasure at this point. the fiend was inching closer and closer to release it's load into her, yet so far from marina's own release, as it would seem she would have to endure for who knew how long before she could feel her sweet release. However unfortunately for the angelic maiden she would be left needing, and flooded before she could ever get her own release. as the sight, sound, and actions in the open area drew attention. however all she would need to do was scream loud enough to draw the right eyes to her, which would not be that hard to do, as her body was turning against her mind and heart, even if she knew this was wrong her body wanted, no needed all this abuse and so much more. as she could now use her arms to grasp the one mace arm which was near her head, as the other clawed arm used the vine made reigns to pull her upper arms, and wings with each thrust. making Marina into quiet the messy sight, blood, mud, and semen would be staining her once glorious and innocent body for all to see. Her only grace being in this hell, was no other angels could see her in such a shameful, and humiliating state.
Marina gasps, the stimulation to her nipples a new sensation as they slid through the dirt. "Ahh, no-" She mumbles, closing her eyes tightly. She was feeling new things, and enjoying those feelings. But she hated herself for enjoying, and craving more of them. Her body and mind warring with each other. Her wings and shoulders ached, the vines digging into her skin as her body was moved and completely controlled by he creature atop her.

She lets out a cry, a cry of pleasure and frustration. She heard it echoing in her ears and bouncing around the cave behind them, and out into the world before her. She had been so close to being free, to getting out. And in her desperate excitement, she'd gotten herself tangled again. She shudders, tears rolling down her cheeks and a soft, broken sound cracked in her throat. She could have sworn it might've been a sob had it not been for the pleasure coursing beneath her skin.

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