Fantasy RP An Angel's Lewd Corruption, In the Hellscape of Survival

It would be felt, the sensation of the wicked creature's thick hot load gushing deep into her. flooding the angel's womb, and core, while coating her lewd bowels. as it flooded both her holes at once, right as she screamed. the sensation could not mask how her belly increased and bulged in size. however this weight would be felt, yet an odd pain was felt. as her body suddenly felt empty. something which should be a wonderful thing, yet in her condition feeling the lack of cocks to sate her, would lave the angelic maiden suffering a hungering, heat which was worse then any pain prior.

however the weight no longer on her, the pressure gone, and the hot seed escaping her violated, and ripe for abuse lower entrances. however at first glance it would almost seem like a seraph had saved her, due to six feather wings. however if she had the state of mind, Marina might be able to see how they were black and white, with a pink and red hue. the partial armor of black onyx, and obsidian stained with the blood of countless victims. as the figure had two bloody crimson horns coming out of it's head. the thing would turn slowly smirking to notice the prime woman for abuse. however he had her current owner to quickly deal with, before claiming his prize.

"Tell me, do you prefer beast or man woman. "
asking this with a lewd, and wicked tone, the devil was asking this, for he planned to take this angel regardless of her answer, yet it would reveal to him if she would be more willing to be taken by him, or if he would have to be forceful. depending on her answer would also dictate how she was taken, be it in a gentler manor, or like some luggage, once the recovering insectoid beast was dealt with. as it was now rushing from the cave which it had been tossed back into, with in the blink of an eye. happening far to fast for one to follow with their eyes.
Marina's head dropped the slightest bit, her whole body shuddering. She whimpers, the tears still leaking from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. Her gaze lifts slightly, catching on the new figure above her. She blinks once, her vibrant blue eyes confused, slowly processing the words. She shakes her head slightly, panting heavily, stilling needing. . . something. She didn't know what it was, what she needed, but she knew that need was there.

"N-Neither. . ." She rasps, shaking her head again, "B-But. . ."

She coughs once, her body shuddering again. She gasps, trying to pull air back into her lungs. Her eyes lifted again, back to the new male before her. "If I had to choose. . . Man." She rasps, shaking her head once.

"Please-" She whispers, biting down on her lower lip. She needed something. . . but she didn't want to be touch. She on;y wanted to be free. To go home. But what was the likely hood she'd be welcomed back anyways? Looking like thins? She had a single hazy memory, when she was little, of a brother trying to come home. But he'd been ruined, and thus shunned by the elders. He'd been cast away. She'd never thought twice about it, never once thought. . . That sometimes someone didn't choose to be ruined. And yet they were still punished for their ruination. "Don't want. . ."
His wings folding up behind him, as the figure moved to kneel down next to Marina, liking her answer, and will to fight for her freedom even now. the wicked stud would move to unclip one of his wrist guards, as it converted to a choker like collar. as he clicked it upon the angel's filthy throat. as it would begin to shimmer, healing her injuries, but nothing more then that. as he smirked, before speaking softly.

"Good answer, I shall make you my woman once I am done with this pest. "
saying this only to have one of his wing suddenly extend, creating a black flame barrier, which prevented several spokes which were launched from the mace hand as it swung them. almost like explosive porcupine thorns, as it left holes in the mace claw, as new ones began to form in it. the creature rushed and impacted the barrier. it's claw grasping hard on the barrier trying to dig through it, as it seemed to ignore the foe before it. acting on primal instinct, as it was trying to go for Marina's ankle. however her body seemed to desire to be taken, and finish up with this wicked creature, however she would be suffering even more as the sensation only grew worse, her core heated, and in need. the more her flesh healed, the hornier, and more suffering her mind went through, as it seemed to be unending at this moment in time. However by the time it would click in her mind, would the angel be able to call out for what she needed, be it from this angel like demon or the beast prior. as this was a chance for her to speak up, and seal her fate completely one way or another, as the collar was now on her.
Marina tries to pull away, seeing that thing come closer towards her. She shakes her head once, but the moment the. . . collar? was around her neck, she could feel the scrapes along her flesh slowly knitting together, healing themselves. She sputters a few times, shaking her head, "What? No- I'm not anyone's anything!" She protests, her eyes flashing with rage and anger. Despite this male healing her, she hated the idea of him thinking that just because he was coming to her rescue and being a 'knight in shinning armor' meant he could just. . . take her. She wouldn't lie down and let things happen to her, she never did that.

She blinks once and watches as that dark wing extends and the dark flames appear. She swallows at the sight of the spines slamming against the fire. She shakes her head, panting softly. She watches out of the corner of her eye, the creature lunging for her, trying to get to her. She didn't know why it wasn't going for the threat against it, but only for her. She pants heavily, her body still so hot and aching. She closes her eyes, her throat burning, her core molten. She was sure her scent was permeating the air, full of heat and desire. She wouldn't dare voice it though. She would not stoop that low. . . not yet, anyways.
An evil yet playful smirk coming across his face, as the fiend pulled back in pain, regenerating the limb which had burned off due to the barrier. the fallen angel looking demon would look to Marina.
"Well if you do not wish to be mine, I can allow this thing to reclaim you, and leave you to your own devices then. it is not that big of an issue, however when I remove my collar of ownership, it will also remove the healing it granted. thus forcing your body to heal on it's own naturally. "

as he spoke telling her this with out hesitate. the demon would move to look at the daemon which was hell bent to get ahold of this angel, ignoring the threat before it. due to how feral it was with her womanly scent, and pheromones driving it into a wild lust.

"So then I shall ask you one last time, do you wish to be mine, a human like entities play mate, or do you prefer to be free, and forced to fend for your self in these lands?"
saying this, his eyes obviously looking over naked stained, and soiled body. the demon seemed to be having his fun with her, as he began to move just enough to let the creature's nail tip just barely reach the bottom of Marina's foot, to show he was serious about his offer. However little did she know, he was going to take her regardless, but wanted to play with this victim a bit mentally first.
Marina's eyes widen, eyes flashing with fear and pain. She turns her face away, shuddering. "N-No. . ." She mumbles shaking her head. She supposed being with this new male was better than the beast behind her. The new male hadn't hurt her, in fact he'd healed her, and had. . . mildly defended her. She looks back up at him, her face filled with need and desire.

She shifts her hips slightly, panting softly and pulling at the vines she was still entrapped in. She could feel the intense feeling in her body, still unrelenting, still burning. "Please. . ." She whispers, trying to move again.
as she agreed to his offer, the wicked demon would move to stand up. as he aimed his hand tours the fiend, snapping his finger. as it was suddenly engulfed in black flames. before both their eyes, the creature which ruled the cave, and dominated Marina prior was now burnt to a pile of molten flesh and cinders. as he would then move to grab the angelic maiden. his hand moving to pull away the remaining vines which were entangled upon her still.

once Marina was fully freed of the vines, and pulled to her feet. the wicked thing smirked as he looked over frame, as well as taking in the womanly scent.
"seems like some one still needs some help, and I know a nice little oasis near by. how does that sound, a nice dip, and we take care of those needs, before that lovely scent draws more playmates to us hmm?"
as he spoke saying this, as if asking if she wanted to do the deed with him, and be washed off. as if Marina had a choice, as she would feel how he moved his one hand between her thighs, feeling the new goods he would soon enjoy. however oddly enough his touch would only cause more pleasure, and enticement, unlike the dread, and desire to escape which existed when other creatures touched her. was it due to the venom being in her system or perhaps due to the more gentle way he teased her, before the answer, as he would lift and take Marina to wash her off in a near by red water oasis, unless she refused, then he would simply dominate, and claim her right here on the spot.
Marina watches, her eyes wide with. . .not exactly fear. She'd seen plenty of things like that on the battle field, but maybe wariness. She looks up at the male, silent for long moments before looking away to the pile of cinders and ash. She swallows thickly, dropping her gaze to the floor for a long moment. Her voice whispers out of her, soft and reserved, "Thank you. . ." Her fingers grasped the males arm, maintaining her balance as she gained her bearings and tried to push the desire away. As she tried to focus. She'd never felt so disoriented, not since the first time she'd been knocked over when she'd first started her training.

Marina's gaze focused on the males face, those blues eyes showing an intelligence and insight that she was normally careful to keep hidden. She knew that, based on her previous experiences, that this male, even showing her a slight kindness, was no different than the others down here. His callous way of getting rid of the other creature, which had been taken control over by it's baser instincts, just to procure her, did not miss her. She understood perfectly what this male wanted and it was not to woo her with his charm, but simply access to her body.

His touch, however pleasing, between her thighs only confirmed her thoughts. Her grip on his arm tightened and she sucked in a sharp gasp, a groan in her throat. "Y-Yes, please. . ." She mumbles, shifting her hips slightly and biting down on her lower lip.
"Yes to the dip, or to being taken care of first?"
as he spoke like this playfully, the wicked demon was an actual demon, unlike all those she dealt with prior. as the wicked thing did something a bit unexpected, suddenly moving his arms around her, to scoop Marina up, almost bridal style. yet positioning his one hand to play with her, as he carried her. his wings would spread, wide, showing off all their majestic glory, as if the feathers themselves were made from galaxies. some pure shimmering, some dark with dots and astral forms shinning on them.

"I will not lie to you, as long as you make a good bed mate, and child bearer, I can guarantee your safety and comfort. However for now we shall get your body cared for. "
Being straight forward with her, and his tone having an oddly dark, however alluring charm to it. as if her current condition was being made all the worse by his touch, as well as his voice. however it would not be long before the two could soon see the twisted oasis appearing before them, as well as several bodies of oddly bloodied looking flowers glowing around the odd body of water. where he could claim her then wash her, or he could wash her while claiming the angelic maiden. as she had chosen to allow him to clean her up here, allowing for a gentler inter action for once sense she had been tainted in this hell hole.
Marina blinks once and stays silent, not really knowing how to answer that final question. She lets out a soft sound as the male picks her up, holding her in just a position to keep his hand between her legs and support her as he spread his wings. Six of them, the pairs. She stared at them, her mind focusing on them for just the shortest moment. She had to be honest, she found them. . . beautiful. Something, if she was honest, she wouldn't mind running her fingers lightly over in quiet moments of calm, just to see if the feathers were as soft as they looked. She blinks once, her focus dragged away by the hand between her legs.

She lets out another sound, needy and soft, almost nonexistent as her eyes close. She swallows once, her head tipping back ever so slightly. She opens her eyes and finds herself once again staring. Her gaze was locked on the oasis, crude as it seemed, she also found it held a beauty of its own, alluring and wanting. She swallows thickly, her breath panting now as that hand prevented the heat from banking and leaving her body. All it did was make it worse.

The male's words caught her by surprise and she looks at him, her eyes widen slightly, her gaze snapping back to the male's face, "Children?" She asks, her mind coming to a halt around the word. She hadn't thought that a possibility. All couples in her homeland had to first, be paired. The seraphim would pick to angels to mate. Usually a powerful female with an equally powerful male to make the best of the offspring. After being paired, the couple couldn't even do anything until they were mandated to bare a child, once the female was pregnant, she was then taken and cloistered away for protection until the birth.

Every angel was planned, accounted for and each child was carefully raised and trained in his or her respective field. Marina, having been born from two powerful fighters, had been trained to fight from a young age. It wasn't until her third-hundredth birthday that she had gotten to fight in her first battle. She'd been trained so carefully, and taken care of by many angels, her parents included. But she had never thought she might one day have to bare children. Only select females and males, those with the paternal instincts. Marina had been told she hadn't born those, on the ones of a proud and loyal fighter. Not only that, but she had been long told a female couldn't have children unless blessed by the seraphim.

She shakes her head slightly, her brow bunching, "I cannot bare children. . ." She murmurs.
Chuckling as she said this, he would suddenly move to deliver a deep and oddly enjoyable kiss upon Marina. as he landed. still carrying her, as his tongue invaded her mouth, dancing around the angel's own. once the kiss broke his golden eyes looking into her own, as he spoke. " Your wings, they already have the pink hue forming, your body is no longer pure, you no longer require blessing to bear cursed children. However the child will never be a pure angel, even if you have an angelic lover in the future at this point. so it is decided then, you shall become my personal lover, and plaything. "

as he spoke answering his own question for her, at this point, due to how she answered prior with the cannot bear children. moving tours the water, only stopping shortly, as the naked angel would feel how he finally positioned to set her down. the delicate feet of the shorter vixen touching oddly silken smooth black and bloody red flowers. the wicked demon would look over her moist, and needy body, as he moved to extend his wings. and gently touch her, his two wings wrapping around to touch her wings. which was a known act between angels which had been given the duty to bear a child. however the other four moved to wrap around her. two around her hips, and two around her upper body, as they rested against her flesh. giving Marina a chance to touch them, and discover how perfectly smooth, and fluffy they were. however using his wings alone, pulling her to be chest to chest with him. the healthy thick cock soon felt between her own thighs, as the wicked devil began to rub himself. as if using her for a thigh job, and sliding the hot pulsating rod against her puffy moist lower lips.

"so then, I ask once more, as it will be done ether way, do you wish to enjoy the sensation of being abused while being washed, or shall we make one of these floral beds your special memory spot, before the wash?"
asking this as he was now teasing her, and his own hands moving to play with Marina's breast, the other hand to touch her chin to keep her looking into his eyes as he spoke, and had his face close enough for her to feel the hot breath against her lips. as if teasing, and threatening to kiss her deeply once more at any moment, if she did not kiss him herself out of growing desire, and instinct, yet it was this powerful venom still in her to make the now known need in her to breed. yet the pink hue which was the beginning of the corruption was also the pass to bear children, which also meant their was a very real chance one of the monsters from her prior encounters might have already knocked her up, as it would be unknown for several days at least.
Marina looked over her shoulder, gazing at her own wings and swallowing at the sight of that pink hue. The color was pretty, she wouldn't deny that but it was also condemning. Damning even. It was a shameful mark to bare as an angel, one that had been whispered about, but never outright mentioned. She knew very little about it, and what it did, though she did know that wing color and designs spoke volumes about a creature's, or at least an angels, abilities. She didn't know what pink did, but white was pure. Pure and honest, noble and brave.

She looks back up at the male before her, her body forced to take a step forward as his wings enveloped her. She shakes her head once, bowing out a soft breath, "I. . ." She blinks in wonder, a hand coming up to brush against the feathers but stopping a hairsbreadth away before dropping away. She gasps softly at the feeling of him between her legs, swallowing once, swallowing down the plea that rose to her lips.

She blinks at his question, trying to make a logical decision, but his touch to her breast stopped her thoughts, distracting her. She let out another groan, shifting her hips forward slightly and closing her eyes. Her breaths came heavy, filled with desire and her mind fogged by it. She closes her eyes, letting the male keep his grasp on her chin, her body making the choice for her. She leans forward, pressing her mouth to the male's in a fervent, needy kiss.

"F-Flower bed. . ." She mumble, pulling away slightly, as far as the male would allow, her eyes still closed.
Hearing her answer, the devil smirked, as he unwrapped his wings from around her. pulling away, only to take Marina's hand, and walk his new play thing tours the thickest bed of flowers near the red watered oasis. as he winked at her, before speaking. " Well then, let us make sure that this session of satisfaction is done right, for you will become completely mine alone once we have properly bred together. "
saying this to her, it would seem odd, as Marina had been raped by multiple monsters.

as they would move together to the chosen spot, the devil would move to guide, and coax Marina onto the sweet smelling, and silken smooth yet soft bed of flowers. as he smirked, moving to feel her elegant and once pure body. not even hiding what he was going to do to this heated beauty before him. her body in a prime condition thanks to the beast prior, now she was about to become sated in a manor of speaking, however it would be quiet the experience. as he would coax and guide her to lay down, before getting down himself. the one hand moving to slide along her belly, and down to nestle between Marina's thighs once more. as the wicked stud began to force three fingers into her, while his thumb teased her little nub of a clit. the other hand moving to slide up to her breast, and tease the erect nipple. as he began to kiss and tease her with his own lips. kissing slowly up tours her own lips. as the process was oddly gentle, and alien with the foreplay which was not needed at this point. as it seemed more so that it would only help to drive Marina all the crazier for the impending session of passion instead of just the typical forced fuck which she endured multiple times now.
Marina silently follows the male, her eyes following each movement he made. She let him lay her down, feeling his hand between her legs and pressing at her entrance for a moment before pushing into her. She lets out a low moan, her hips pushing up and head tipping back against the ground as she felt his fingers inside her. A soft cry of pleasure escapes her lips as he presses against her clit, the bundle of nerves exploding with the sensation and sending her mind into overdrive.

The prior fucks had barely left her pleased, the only pleasing thing she'd felt was the in and out of the males' cocks inside her body. The baseline pleasure she could have felt. But this? This was different, and she wanted more of this. "Please-" She gasps, her hips moving again, grinding against the male's hand. She hadn't known this much pleasure could exist in one's body. In her core, in her breasts. She wanted more, and never wanted it to stop.
Giving into the increased, and pleasing sensation, Marina was wanting more, and was being given more. as the devil moved to even remove his hand from her one breast, as he began to play with her sensitive wing. moving to gently play with her feathers, as he kissed down her neck, and tours her breast. his other hand working hard to make the angelic maiden hit her first true release in just the foreplay. as the real fun would begin once she had released the first ever climax sense being in this hellish domain, the first real one.

as his lips assaulted her tender flesh, the demon would speak sweet venom into her ears.
"Oh I shall ensure your body is given all the blessings of the dark lord of lust, and in return give me more of this beautiful voice of yours. "
saying this between kissing, and biting of her tender flesh. as he sucked on her skin with the bits, and pulling it, hard enough to leave a mark but not break the skin at all.
Marina's hips moved repeatedly, moving slightly in time with the male's fingers and moaning again. She kept her eyes shut, breaths heavy and her fingers curled into the ground grasping at the dirt. "Oh, heavens above~!" She cried out, her back arching and lifting her from the ground. She swallows thickly, panting and groaning as she clawed at the dirt through her orgasm. Her hips spasmed, her body shuddering and wings flaring out slightly beneath her. She needed this, needed more of it and for it to never end.

She turns her face to the side her breath sawing in and out of her body as she slumped to the ground, her fingers still grasping the dirt.Her knees had bent slightly, her legs spreading and heels digging into the earth to leverage her hips and push herself up to grind against the male's hand. But now she felt spent, and strangely, she felt as if she could do that forever at the same time.
Pulling his hand out of her, and getting up onto his knees. the massive wings spread once more. as his eyes looking upon the rising, an and deflating frame of the heavily breathing maiden. now moving to reveal to her, the massively long, thick, and throbbing, veiny cock. moving to grasp her thighs, and slowly positioning himself between her legs. rubbing the tip along her moist hot folds. leaning into kiss her belly a bit, before moving up her frame. as the devil did this, slowly beginning to push into Marina, filling her in a way which was alien yet familiar all at the same time. as her body was being used, but in a way she could enjoy, making her mind and body slowly bend and break to become this devil's plaything. he was honest with her, and even told her exactly why he wanted her, and now he would begin the process on his own end. yet here it was a devil violating a once pure angelic warrior, and her body was loving it, however more so, unlike the prior violation where it felt like her body betrayed her. this one felt like she deserved it, she needed it, and this devil was rewarding the fallen warrior for surviving, and introducing her to a new kind of bliss. as he slowly filled her, digging out her depths, and shaping the love tunnel to perfectly fit his invasive cock like a sleeve.
Marina looks up at the devil, her gaze admiring his wings. They were beautiful in her eyes, proud and majestic, large and dominating. Her gaze slides over them, and then down to his chest, his stomach and the V of his pelvis. Her cheeks colored slightly, staring at the male's cock. She hadn't been able to get a good look at the other males, but looking at the devil before her, she wondered if she would have been attracted them if she'd been able to look at them.

She looks back up at the male's face, her breaths heavy. No longer with exhaustion but desire once again. She lets out a groan, shifting her hips weakly, trying to urge the male inside her, a needy sound escaping her again. "Please, please. . . please." She mumbles.

Each slow, excruciating movement into her body drove Marina mad. She wanted it more and now, she wanted it all. She rests her head back against the ground again, moaning softly and hooking one leg around the male's hip.
Grasping her one leg which did not hook around him. the devil moved to lift Marina's leg, as if trying to fold her up a bit. as it would allow her foot to rest over his shoulder. at which point he began to move and kiss, and lick along her leg, calf, and thigh. with each powerful impact, a small bulge could be seen and felt in her belly. one which Marina's hand could easily feel and her eyes could see. yet unlike the prior invasive bulges, and over filling she endured, even with the pleasure from the venom. this one would feel more natural, as the wicked stud filled her with out remorse. his entire log shaping her depths, in a manor the angelic warrior's mind would accept, and lewdly come to enjoy even more so then she might realize.

as he did this, the massive wings would flap softly, as the two longest ones coming from his upper shoulders move to press against her breast, the soft fluffy wings playing with her fleshy mounds enough to welcome Marina's hands to explore them if she dared. all the more the other two could be felt by her one leg which was hooked around his hip. as her body softly bounced with each lewd impact into her depths.
Marina let out soft sounds, each one growing a little louder as the male moved within her. He was giving her everything her body craved, and everything she had, even without voicing it, asked for. Her eyes raked over his body, enjoying the sight of him over her and gaining a carnal feeling, one should couldn't name or place her finger on. One of her hands slowly, cautiously, released the ground and slowly traveled up the male's chest, pressing lightly and exploring the planes of his stomach and chest.

Her wings flared out completely behind her, gathering dirt into her pristine feathers, but she didn't really care as she looked at the other's wings, her free hand reaching and finally. . . finally brushing over the feathers. Soft, silky and smooth. Her eyes glittered with wonder and her lips parted, another moan and cry spilling from them as she gasped out, "Y-Your wings-" She pants, lifting her head slightly to gaze at the male's face.

"B-Beautiful. . ."
Laughing as he heard her panting and moaned words, the devil did not relent, but he did speak in response to her comments.

"these are the wings your kin hate, and disown, the wings of a corrupted one. yet they do appear pure in their own right no?"
stating this, it would soon reveal to Marina that her new master was once an angel of some kind, as it made sense with his wings, however she soon felt the hot fleshy spear deep with in her beginning to swell and thicken with each thrust. as the warning signs of the massive load about to be released, as this devil planned to drain his balls dry into her with out letting a drop escape his new fuck doll, and playmate. however the fact remained, she was being talked to like some two cent play thing, yet her body was being handled like a submissive lover, not a doll to be ruined. as it was oddly enjoyable to be handled properly like a woman for once.

yet once the hot pre seed could be felt coating her depths with each thrust, a growing sensation and desire to go wild grew with in her, to take what she needed with out remorse, yet these unknown sensations would become known to Marina all to soon with her new master soon enough. as he was going at a rate to try and force her second climax to hit along with his own release into her depths.
Marina's eyes flashed with recognition and she blinks once, moaning again. "Y-Yes~" She mumbles, panting more. She needed this, needed to feel him in her and, saints if it didn't feel better than Heaven.

She folds her wings forward slightly, one wing wrapping around the outside of the male's wing and resting there as her body tensed, her core feeling to reach it's melting point yet again as the male ground inside of her. She loved this feeling, of being wanted, of being touched instead of grabbed or thrown. She pants heavily, her left hand sliding back up the male's chest and over his shoulder, grasping it in her hand as she arched her back. Her head tipped back and her hips ground up and forward with the movement of her back, a low and loud pleading sound leaving her throat.
Having flooded her core, the wicked devil would move to slip himself out of her messy, and now leaking cunt, only to go and push himself slowly into her ass next. his hand moved along her frame to begin to assault Marina's clit, as this devil began to move and assault her back side. while teasing her one leg still. yet more then that, he would speak up, complimenting the body and beauty of his new play thing. stating how he would fully claim every ounce of her frame, and to make sure to tell him if it began to hurt to much. saying this as if he cared, when in truth he would only add a bit of healing magic if it hurt to much, as to keep his toy healthy while being broken into. as his wicked thing was the largest as of yet to stretch out the inner depths of Marina's ass. as he began to move slamming himself into her faster, and harder. as his wicked fleshy spear was slick with the sexual fluid from their prior, shared climax. Yet more then that, she now knew for sure, this session would not be over until he used her in every possible way, having filled her womanly entrance, he was now tainting and ruining her chocolate star fish with out mercy, yet only pleasure could truly be felt. as the odd sensation from the venom was now gone, thanks to the sated act prior, meaning this pleasure would be all natural and more then that. a pleasure she could easily become addicted to, but would such an honorable woman be able to admit her body enjoyed being claimed like a cross of a two cent hooker being turned into a woman, and a bed queen in the field of flowers?
Marina pants, her slumped body beginning to come to life again with the same burning need, yet it felt different than the time before. She arches her back, pressing her chest closer to the male as she moans managing to wrap both legs around his hips and pull him closer. Her hands went into his hair, gently gripping the soft, silken stands of the devil's hair. She shifts her hips slightly, in time with the male's movements as she moans again, panting.

She lets out a strangled sound of pleasure when the male's movements intensify. She felt as if she was being torn open and reshaped into someone else's image. Which she probably was, but she didn't have any complains because it felt so good. Better than any sin had the right to feel. She lets the moan fall from her lips again as she felt her core heat once again, a deliciously addicting feeling she may never want to let go of.
Now giving into this new pleasuring assault. her legs wrapped around the demon, as if locking her ankles against his back. like one would do if a lover was trying to pull out, which was not the case with this fiend. however the way this went on. he would lean in, as the devil forced his angelic toy into another deep kiss, his powerful hand pressing a bit more forceful into one of her fleshy mounds of a breast. the other moving to move and interlock with one of her hands. pressing palm to palm, with fingers inter locking with one another.

as this devil once again forced his lips against hers, his tongue invading her mouth, and dancing around Marina's own tongue. it would be while she was in this altered position that his hot thick batter could be felt spewing into her. coating the lewd bowls, and filling the angel's plump, flawless ass, now tainted as well. as she had been claimed vaginally, and anally at this point. meaning he had one way left to claim her, if the devil would fully claim her as he declared. which would be oral, however would she be able to endure enough, or would this anal round be enough to cause her body to hit the very limit it could endure at this point?
Marina presses close to the male, meeting his kiss with her own, despite the clumsy reciprocating she gave. Uncertain and new to this, she didn't want to be. . . displeasing? Her fingers tightened around the male's her hips lifting at the feeling of being filled again. "Oh, heavens bliss~" She moans, her second orgasm hitting her. Her body slumps back against the flower bed after a few moments. She pants, her breath heavy and her eyes open, staring up at the male.

"I. . ." She closes her eyes, tired. She felt as if se had spent the whole day training and was about to collapse into bed. "Mmm. . ." She mumbles.
sliding out of her slowly, the devil's impressive cock could be felt, as it retracted from her tight, hungering, and now well abused entrance. leaving her gaping, and dripping. as Marina's now limp body laid their, panting and exhausted. she would feel her new master moving to lift her almost bridal style. as he would carry his new toy into the water. as he moved to position her, so that Marina's feet could feel the soft sandy floor oft he small pond. as she would find his hands washing her off, and his wings, comforting her, as the blood like water was used on her now healed body. even with the odd healing from her collar, the filth still needed to be washed off.

"so then, Once were done here, I shall take you to your new living quarters. "

saying this, as the demon spoke, making it sound like she would be kept in some kind of tiny cell only to be released when ready for abuse. However the way he handled her, would lead to different ideas then how he described it. She would discover the quarters he spoke of would actually be his personal living area, as she would share it with him, however how long till an angel like Marina tried to escape her demonic master. as it was right now, he was like an evil prince charming. however once recovered how would her mind react to her current condition, as she could for right now, use his frame for support as he washed her off carefully and thoroughly.
She slumps into the male, her eyes closing. She runs her hand down his chest absently and relaxes slightly at the gent;e touches as the male washed her body. Her hand lifted to her throat, fingers brushing over the collar and she swallows once, "You make that sound. . . fancy." She rasps, her voice scratchy and hoarse. She looks up at the male and then looks down at the water, absently moving her fingers through the water.

She wondered the wiseness to say her name. To tell this creature the name she had borne her whole life. Or maybe, to create a new one. Fabricate a new existence down here under a new name. Or maybe she should stay silent and stay nothing at all. She sighs softly and slowly slides from the males gasp, down and submerging herself in the water, gently scrubbing her face and hair before rising. The reddish water left a reddish hue in her blond hair, and she looks at the male. She swallows and then looks away, her cheeks coloring at the fact that this male was just looking at her in the nude. Looking and touching her. Washing her.
The devil before her seemed to chuckle, having a kind of charm not found in male angels, as he would move to offer her his hand. the once thought to be evil eyes now looking into her own, with a fondness, and gentle allure to them. despite how he spoke of now owning her, his actions did not seem like those of one who was a master, but a lover instead. however what would come from him next would be a bit unexpected, but not entirely unwelcomed.

"so, does the mother of my future brood have a name? or shall we give you a name for your new life to begin with me hmm?"
asking this in an oddly gentle, yet dominatingly alluring tone. the hand was offered to her, all Marina had to do was speak, her choice and take his hand, thus a new chapter of her once blood filled life would begin, however was all the hell she endured worth it, to meet this devil, this incarnation of Evil which went against everything she knew and learned. yet her body and feelings would not betray her, like it seemed her teachings had or perhaps it was the other way around. their would be much to think about, however her cute blushing shyness amused the devil, as he had already carried her naked, washed her, and more then that, having filled her with his seed in not one but both lower holes, leaving only one spot left for him to claim if he was to keep to his word of fully making her his in every way possible, at least all the ways which would come to mind for a lewd owner like he should be.
(Elentiya, I stole it from a book. In the book, the name means 'spirit that could not be broken')

Marina stayed silent and thoughtful for long moments, thinking. She would give a new mane. One she knew she would come to love or come to hate. She closes her eyes and whispers, "Elentiya. My name is Elentiya." She looks up at the male. He gaze was expectant and waiting. She would not settle with 'master' or 'lord'. She would wait until she got a name. Something to call this male, if only in her head and thoughts.

Her mind was a whirl, she'd been told many things about the acts between a male and female. None of them being that it felt good. Actually, many angel's had claimed to feel very little during the act, and the only time they felt something was when the female found out she was expecting. Marina was mildly confused at this notion, that she had felt blissed and pleasured beyond anything she'd felt before. She knew she would spend the next moment alone that she gt pondering the things she had learned.

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