Fantasy RP An Angel's Lewd Corruption, In the Hellscape of Survival

" I will bring the best of the best for this task of being both your guards, and your garden helpers. But you will need to choose which ones you feel most comfortable working with. "
as he said this, now both his own motions, combined with her hip movements, the pleasure only increased for her body all the more. Elentiya would find her master teasing her all the more, as he groped, and fingered her while rubbing himself against her.

" So then we want to start with the hell horses? or we want to start with the garden?"
asking this, as he would have to make arrangement's, but giving the choice of which task she would undertake first. However slowly Heliel was making it all the harder for his little breeding pet to think straight, breaking her with his gentle yet aggressive teasing, and constant lewd abuse.
Marina moans softly, closing her eyes and pressing her hips closer to Heliels touch. She wraps her hand around his wrist, gripping tightly, though she doesn't try to pull him away. "Ah- II don't. . ." She presses her head back against his chest, her breaths coming shorter. She looks up at him, blue eyes a shade darker as she stares at him for long moments.

"Uh. . . r-riding. . ." She bites down on her lip, pressing closer to him, "Please. . ." Though she meant to say it for the riding, it sounded as if she was pleading for something else entirely.

For a moment, Elentiya's scattered brain tried to understand what was happening, as she had multiple times already. Yet, she couldn't figure out what. What was this male, treating her like a broodmare, yet so gentle, and perhaps kind, trying to achieve? What was his end goal? There had to be something more than tiny little demons running about the large home.

She moans softly, her fingers digging into Heliel's wrist, nails biting at the skin. "Please. . ." She repeats the plea, her breath heavy as she closes her eyes again, grinding her hips harder into the male's hips and then back wards against him.
hearing her pleas, as well as feeling this former angel's actions, the demon lord would move to take a stronger hold of her frame. slowly moving to easily lift and repositioned her body to now be facing him. her legs now moved to ether be bent to sit on her knees, or stretched out behind the demon, as if to play with his feathers using her toes. as he would lower her back down, thus impaling her upon his unholy spear slowly. feeling every thickening inch, as it slowly went deeper, parting, and stretching her womanly entrance. however the way he did this, as his eyes met her own.

"On you will get to ride, in more ways then one. do not threat, once we are sated, I shall ensure you get to pick out the magical mare of your preference. "
saying this in a gentle yet almost playful manor. she had not made her desire clear to his ears, as such she was getting her request in more ways then one, even if the first method was not what she actually meant.
Marina gasps softly, staring at her master as she blinks slowly. She sucks in a breath, her hands grasping his shoulder and her nails digging in sharply, "Heliel-" She whimpers softly, squirming atop him.

He felt impossibly big, just as the times before. Large, and reaching every bit of her insides, the slow slide into her body both infuriating and pleasurable. "A ride?" She mumbles, flooding her legs so her knees were under her. She moves her hips slightly, moving along him.

"Both sound equally appealing." She murmurs, pressing her face into his chest, slowly moving her hips up and down.
"hmm, you will become the perfect breeding partner, my Soon to be Fallen queen of Lust. "
as he said this, with out revealing it, the dark lord revealed a small part of his wicked plan, to make her into a true fallen angel, but one of lust, and breeding with him to make strong children, demonic hybrids which would change the world around them. however he did not hide his true goal, but did not reveal all of it in one go. however the more she falls into lewd, corruption, even if driven by a desire of pleasure, and passion, he gave a bit more info with simple words, or phrases. but none of it truly took from the fact he owned her, but treated her more like a lover, then a simple fuck doll of a slave which she was. however now with her the one moving to ride her master, the angelic beauty would find the growing pleasure, blooming images in her mind of lewd acts, with family around them. things which were enjoyable images, but forbidden for angels to even consider.
Marina looks at him, a strand of blonde hair drifting onto her face as she blinks slowly. She moves her hips again, grinding back down. "Fallen?" She mumbles, a hand moving down to slide over Heliel's ribs. Her fingers danced delicately between the bones, her face peering up at him, half of it revealed.

"You want to fell me?" She murmurs, moving her hips back up, moving achingly slow. "Make me a denizen to of Hell?"

She leans back slightly, her breathing still heavy. The image of a family, unbidden in her mind, filled her with an unknown emotion. One she couldn't quite put her finger on.
"Of course, if you were to remain a beautiful angel, you would be only good for carnal pleasure, not breedable at all. I desire a strong and beautiful queen to be my right hand, and my personal breeding sow for making the strongest family. "

as he spoke saying this with no falsehood. even if she was already becoming a fallen angel of lust slowly which was visible in her wings slowly growing pink feathers in them. the demon once more did not lie to her, nor did he have any reason to. as he admitted, if he kept her as an angel, and just broke her for a toy, she would be the most beautiful trophy any male could ask for, but then she could not become his breeding partner and right hand pet. his words made it known he desired her, but also owned her, while his actions were the ones of a lover, not a master.

all the more, as she began to slow her movement, Marina, or the angelic beauty known to her demonic master as Elentiya would fall even more into the desires, and passion which she did not understand. the images of a proper family, one even in this hellish domain, no perhaps it would be better, to say only in this hellish domain could she find a master which wanted her for more then just a trophy, a toy, or just a tool like she was as a warrior. a tool to cleanse demon kind, however now she was becoming a woman, even if she realized it or not, emotions she did not understand bloomed with this fiend claiming and enjoying her, while pleasuring her body as well as corrupting her soul, but in an oddly welcoming manor.
Elentiya swallows and hides her face once again, mostly to hide the emotions crossing the fine features. Being an angel, and a warrior,she was trained to remain emotionless. She wouldn't make a good killer if she felt sympathy or pity for the one she was to kill.

She keeps her movement slow, precise. She groans softly, deep in her throat and murmurs, "Queen? Are you saying that literally or. . . As one says to someone they care for immensely?"
"Oh that is simple, As one who is cared for Immensely, but if you become strong enough, we can make you the literal queen of my domain, but you will always be mine and mine alone. "
as he spoke clarifying this to her. revealing that his word currently was due to how he felt, but she could become his true domain queen if she became strong enough, more then that, the demon lord did not deny the chance for her to grow and learn, as long as one thing never changed. that she was his, no matter what or who tried to take or convince her to leave.

however as she moved slowly and precisely, her body felt more pleasure spiking in her depths, and along the angelic beauty's spine. due to how the demonic mana mixed with her natural angelic mana once more. corrupting her slowly, more and more every time they made out or he took her. due to how he enjoyed her, and made sure it was mutually enjoyable, the corruption was that of pure lust, no wrath, envy, or any other negative emotions, thus if she became a fallen lord of lust, she would still have access to many of her angelic abilities albeit slightly weaker then they are now.
She nods slightly, her face still buried into his chest. She slowly starts to move faster, her body wanting more of this hellish male. The hand still on his shoulder slid around his neck, pulling herself closer as she lifts her face, staring up at him.

After a moment, she leans forward,lightly brushing her lips over his neck, "I'm not that ambitious of a person. . ." She murmurs against the skin there, the opposite hand slowly reaching back to brush through his feathers.

"Angels are made not to be. Wouldn't make good servants to our Father if we wanted to overthrow him all the time." She tilts her head, ghosting her lips over his jaw.
"Oh, I have no such desire, just enough power to protect that which I treasure. However this is nature for us demon, as we seek the power to take what we need, and protect what we have. but this also is the root for our sinful urges. " as he spoke revealing his own urge is that of pride, and lust both. which was no secret, but at the same time. as she moved more, and more.

as the pleasure grew, the desires as well, the two would soon be lip locked together. sharing a powerful and passionate kiss, one which would slowly sap the strength from the angelic maiden's body.
however as the kiss broke, she would see his eyes looking into her own, as the stud spoke softly to her.

"You do not desire to grow in power, perhaps you will desire the growth of a family once, you experience the joy of having one hmm?"
saying this part in a gentle questioning tone, as if she had a choice, which she obviously did not have by this point, with how many time he had already rutted her like a savage beast in heat, even if it was mutually enjoyable with the manor of which he abused her.
As he kisses her, she presses closer, close enough her blossom presses firmly against his chest, the hand on his feathers delving into the soft down. If she admitted, she loved the way his kisses her, full of a primal need and want. It made her feel more than a tool, even if, on some round about way, she still was.

She takes a deep, breathy breath, looking at him, "I. . . Don't know. Perhaps. . ." She kisses him again, her hips moving faster still as she moved up and down his length.
As the two continued to enjoy each other like this, The angelic maiden soon felt her master's hot thick baby batter spewing deep into her depths. steady and powerful bounces milking out even more with each impact of her ass into his legs. Elentiya would feel how her lover and master filled her, from her own actions this time. as it was at her own pace, however this would leave the question, how many loads, and sessions until she felt sated or the need to have the demon lord under her take control, and abuse her once more.

"You are indeed a powerful tool, referring to your role as an angel, but down here, your new role is as my woman, and the one who will bring me beautiful heirs, an ideal pet, and lover to be properly cared for, and equally abused. " as he said this part, the words he used would paint an odd picture when combined with his actions. publicly owned, as a pet and slave, but treated like a lover, and wife in training, who's purpose is to be corrupted into a carnal fallen of lust, an ideal motherly figure for any demon house hold. but a pure lustful fallen would still have some angelic power, meaning the children could be born as perfect Nephilim's, hybrid of angel and demon with the access of full power for both blood line or to be born as an angel or a fallen. thus it could pose three different kind of children from one mother, which this little fact was why most pure fallen, found pregnant were to be executed on the spot, to prevent such things. now she was becoming what she was trained to kill. now even knowing the truth behind the rarity of such fallen, as they could only be formed by, being gently corrupted by a more passionate partner, like she was enduring now.
She gasps, moaning louder as her own climax came over her, her body shuddering and tightening as she lost her steady rhythm. She grinds down roughly, urging on her own climax as her head tips back. "Heliel-" She rasps, her hand gripping into his hair.

She pants as she slows, looking up at him. She stares into his eyes for a long moment before slumping into him, her eyes closing.

After long moments, she chews on her lip, "What if I get killed?" She whispers, her fingers curling into his hair, "What if I'm found and someone kills me."
"We are linked now, as long as one of us is alive, the other will always revive in my special room. However I would prefer to avoid you experiencing that horrible experience. "
as he said this revealing something to her, now that they had mated so many times. she had become his in more ways then one. however this could be seen as the ultimate weakness for the demon lord.
as no powerful cursed being would share it's life with another for this is a grave weakness, making it so their was a way to take advantage of them. which now this former angel had become the achillies heal of
her fallen lord.

"if you truly end up suffering like that, I will make who or what ever did it, suffer far worse. "
as he spoke his powerful hands slid along her back, and along her wings. in a gentle caressing, and soothing manor, as her body was still impaled on his rock hard, slick and messy cock. while her body still had his hot fluid oozing into her from his spear tip, and some of it escaping her depths with her own fluid now, under the duo.
She stays quiet, looking up at Heliel for long moments. "What about the baby though? If I'm pregnant and killed--" She chews her lip, hugging herself, "Would it hurt the baby?" Her thumb brushes over her upper arm. She stares up him, her blue gaze expecting an answer as her wings shift, settling against her back.

She wondered why this male would let her that close to him. She hadn't done anything to earn it, nor had she expected him to feel so for her. Everything about this male confused her, to be honest. The words he spoke didn't match his actions; the way he treated her didn't match what she was. He confused her, and she was unsure on how that made her feel. She hadn't been treated like a treasure in her life, nor had she been the person someone would bind themselves to.

She tips her head against his chest, "I suppose that would be fair. Someone kills me, you kill them. But that doesn't stop the cycle of violence."
"of course it would stop the cycle of violence, nothing ever will, but we can minimize it. however as for what would happen, if the little one is still growing with in you, it would be treated the same as a limb when being revived. no harm, unless say it happened during child birth. "

as he said this to her, the demon would not relent on his oddly enjoyable way of handling his angelic play thing. treating her like a lover, and play toy back to back. despite how she was more of his possession not his lover, by any proper means.

with her impaled on him, as if pinning her into his lap, and lewd embrace. gently teasing and playing with her hair, and feathers. the dark lord spoke to his angelic, and soon to become lustful fallen angel, as the beautiful hue of pink grew more and more vivid each time they spent more time together. corrupting her slowly, and enjoying how her body had become more and more ideal for him to breed, however for now, taking his time, and enjoying her. slowly Grooming this powerful maiden into his ideal queen to be. Yet little did ether of them know, later this night, when she would be alone, if Elentiya chose to be alone after their little fun together ended, however if she chose to remain with this oddly gentle brute, he would use and abuse her some more, after a short recovery break. as if addicted to her once pure angelic body, like an ideal drug for his pleasure, despite how he ensured every assault was equally pleasing for her own body.
She looks mildly nervous, tilting her head and then nodding slightly. She leans into Heliel, sighing softly. Closing her eyes, she relaxes slowly, blowing out a breath. She moans softly, low in the back of her throat as she tips her head back to look up at him again.

"O-Oh, that makes sense. . ." She shifts slightly, rolling her hips slightly as she presses her hands down onto the other's hips. "Wait. . . Would someone be so cruel as to kill someone while giving birth?!"

Her eyes go wide and she stills, trying to process.
"All kidding aside, this is Hell, and yes their are real monsters like that. things far worse then natural demons, monsters born from the souls of man. "
as he said this to her with out the playful tone he often used. to make sure she knew he was telling the truth on this hellish thing. also as to why all his servants were actual natural born demons. for if human souls were able to perform nightmarish acts, even demons wouldn't do. then perhaps the angels had made more mistakes then even she had come to realize at this point.

however her body against his, her depths over filled, and her entrance well stretched to the point the outline of her lord's cock could be seen and felt from usually well toned and small belly. a few thrusts would poke her senses with pleasure to cause more of a wake up call from this subject. wanting to get her mind to better things, and enjoyment, however now their would be even more to think about.
as she began to pull herself away, Elentyia would feel his powerful arms moving to pull her into his frame once more. this time moving to wrap his arms around her, his wings shortly after. holding her close, as he moved to kiss her neck, and nip at her ear as the dark lord spoke softly.

"even if you do not wish to admit it, facts are facts. but you are mine now, and as such, I will do all I have to in order to ensure your safety, and the safety of our potential future children. after all, you still have much to learn about the lies you were raised on. the truth of the world around us. the beauty hidden by the horrors. And I shall be your mentor, tutor, and your abusive key into the true world of lust, and romantic feelings my cute little darling angel. "

as he spoke like this, making it all the harder for Marina the powerful warrior and slayer of demons to fully become her new self, Elentyia the breeding mate of the dark lord in question, the land of evil, as it was actually a land of raw emotions and survival, yet their was indeed horrible nightmares in hell, but she was learning the beauty it hid with in it's gnashing jaws.
Marina closes her eyes, leaning into Heliel's embrace silently. She sighs, reaching out and lightly running her fingers through his feathers, quietly admiring the beautiful pattern and the softness.

She closes her eyes for a moment, tilting her head to the side, letting the Lord have access to her neck. "I know. . ." She mumbles, responding to his declaration of protection.

She slides her hand into his hair, her touch gentle, tender even, as she gently scratches the demon's scalp.

"But. . . It's just. . . A lot. A lot to learn and process, and the relearn everything. . ."
as she accepted the sensation, the embrace, and more importantly the new feelings growing with in her. the dark lord which was for a lack of terms her master and owner, despite how he treated her, did not lie to his angelic partner. he was straight forward with how he saw her, the use he had plan for her, and more so how he planned to ensure her comfort in return for her own acceptance.

The truly euphoric, and enjoyably, romantic moment would soon come to an end though, as a larger minion cam rushing into the private chamber with these two washing up. kneeling down, as the two headed goat demon spoke up in a bit of a panic.

"My lord, another Angelic attack, they seem to have come seeking one of their own, more so, it seems they need to erm . . Purify this angelic being before corruption is to far."

as the demon delivered the message, one of his head's was indeed dead, and dangling as the other spoke, for the dark lord would be amble to simply tear off the dead head, and using dark magic regenerate a new one for his servant, as long as one of his heads, and two hearts were still beating. However this sudden out burst would also be a signal for the angelic maiden who was now falling into the realm of corruption, would she seek out her brethren, or would she continue to fall into this oddly enjoyable, and addictive realm of desires, and taboo bliss?
Marina pulls forward slightly, frowning. She listens to the servant and then looks at Heliel before looking back at the servant. Concern glittered in her eyes for the demon, wondering if the loss of a head hurt, or if the creature didn't feel anything at all.

She shifts slightly, shaking her head, "What. . ? Why? They never do rescue missions." She shifts slightly, looking mildly uncomfortable as she glances at the Lord before down to the floor, thinking.

She then huffs, no one can die. No one should die because of me." She crosses her arms.
Once the lord finished healing his loyal servant, he would look to his pet project in the works, a gentle and caring smile coming across his usually playful face.

"Angels do not rescue those who fall to this domain, they eradicate them, and collect their essence to create new angels. But I will not let them take you from me, However if you wish to discover the truth for yourself, we can go together. But be warned, I will show them no mercy even if you request it, for this is my domain, and they are not welcome here after harming my loyal kin. "

as he spoke, giving her his word that he would allow the angelic maiden to discover the truth for herself before eliminating the intrude, however if she chose to come with him, perhaps she could convince them to leave peacefully? for this domain was dangerous yes, however it also housed it's share of good souls in it, even if they were not the kind of souls which angels could naturally allow to exist.
She looks back at Heliel, "Don't kill them." He grasps his hand, "Please. They're just following orders."

She stares up at the Lord, her master, or whatever in the hells he was, blue gaze pleading. "Just enough to make them leave. And if they still refuse, then. . . Then kill them, but give them a chance, please." Her hands tighten around the Lord's one hand, and she pulls back slightly, swallowing and shifting her wings.

"For they have their own who care for them. This cycle of violence and revenge won't end unless something is done to stop it." She whispers, her wings dropping slightly.
"I see, if that is the case, would you care to come? as long as you stay with in my reach, I shall protect you, but you might have a better chance to talk them down, before I allow my blade to drink their blood."

as he spoke in a gentle yet serious tone, the demon would have a gentle smile on his face, as he offered to take his woman, and breeding pet with him. as she was told and explained her role as an object or possession, yet in this demon's arms she felt more cared for and loved then an angel which was a tool of death and destruction would ever truly know. as such she was now considered corrupted and fallen, even though the process was not completed yet. this giving her both a chance to see her familia off safely or judge for herself, if they should be cut down for the safety of her new home.
Marina smiles slightly, resting her head on Heliel's chest. "I wouldn't have it another way." She murmurs, sliding her hand over his side slightly. She looks up at him, her eyes looking over his face for a moment. She swallows, tucking her wings close.

She wrinkles her nose, "You had to say it like that? 'Drink their blood's?" She shudders slightly, mostly reading, but also a little unsettled by the words he'd chosen.
"I will not sugar coat what happens, when this cursed sword cuts those of holy blood. the more pure the quicker it is absorbed, and taken from them. Even more reason, why your corruption, even in it's infant stages, makes it far easier for me to protect you my dear, sweet lil thing."

as he said this, before she could properly respond to his choice of wording. our young looking, slowly corrupting angelic maiden would find herself in a deep, and over whelming kiss, which would sap the strength from her very legs with ease. if not for her being carried, it could pose an issue. however it would become an interesting sight, as he passionately and deeply kissed her, right as the other angels would find them.

It would be unplanned, but amusing, as the sound of two fellow female angels, and a male arch angel would gasp, and demand they freed their sister from his embrace. for the arch angel here was the one sent to execute their target, and bring back her pure soul to be granted a new life as a new angel. erasing her memories, and starting a new. However this would not be allowed, even with the two valkyrie like angelic warriors with him to take their target, however while she was in her demonic lord's arms, she could begin to talk.
Maria parted her lips to reply to his words, but was silenced by his kiss, her eyes closing and lips pressing back against the male's. She reaches up, sliding her hand into his hair, grasping it firmly, pressing herself impossibly closer. She blinks and pulls back slowly, looking over.

She sucks in a breath, "You should leave, before he kills you." She murmurs, her hand brushing over Heliel's chest. "I do not wish to see you die, but you will if you touch me."

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