Fantasy RP An Angel's Lewd Corruption, In the Hellscape of Survival


"You can call me Heliel, for that is the name I have gone by for some time. and Elentiya was it, a lovely name for a proud woman I see. the body you have is that of a warrior, but soon it will become that of a mother, and woman of the chambers, But we will ensure you do not lose any of those lovely muscles or your masse. " as he spoke, spreading his wings completely out once more. this time moving to wrap them around her body. Marina would find herself feeling how several of the black, almost cosmic looking feathers began to cling to her. forming a feathered dress, or gown for the young lovely lady. one which would show off her shape, and curves, while also keeping her warm and oddly comfortable.

As this would go on for a bit in the pond, Her mind would be pulled back to reality very soon. as the devil smiled, and asked if she enjoyed being properly abused for once, instead of a simple insemination, which was a direct way to impregnate one with out the fun part. making it clear he wanted to be hands on for all his fun, revealing to her, that their was a more direct way to knock her up for sure, but it was no fun, and had no sensations behind it. thus proving one thing true of the old stories, devils, and demons alike lived for pleasure of all kinds, however this kind was nothing like the evil deeds, she heard about them enjoying, and forcing upon others. however now it would soon be her turn to make inquiries, as well as once she felt prepared free to ask to be taken to their new home so to speak.

( feel free to make our angel gown, look as you see fit, as it is for her comfort, and ease of access for our lord wink wink. )
Marina nods once, "Heliel. . ." She murmurs, "Does it mean anything?" She asks, tilting her head to the side, her gaze considering the male. No, Heliel. She smiles slightly, trying to seem polite in her curiosity. She flicks the water slightly, watching the blood colored droplets spatter across the surface of the pond. She blinks and looks at the forming dress around her curves and body. It was short, yes, fell down to her knees, but she wouldn't deny that it was magnificently beautiful. she looks at Heliel, blinking once in surprise. She found the dress, while semi-short and slightly showing off her bust, comfortable. Far more comfortable than the tight, crushing confines of the leather she was used to. It felt like she had room to breathe, and didn't have to feel to pain of her breasts being crushed to her chest to keep them out of the way.


She stares for a moment, her cheeks coloring again and she drops her gaze, "Um. . . yes. I did."She murmurs, shifting her weight, tucking her wings close to her body and swallowing once. She had enjoyed herself, and maybe she would again, if Helien's words were true. That the male wanted to enjoy her, and enjoy. . . impregnating her with his child. She runs fingers through her damp hair, looking back up at the male before her for a long moment.

"The dress is beautiful. Thank you." She murmurs.
"Come now, I can't have My perfect breeding stock looking like some two scent sacrifice now can I. A Devil I might be, but proper care is needed for a Proper woman no?"
as he spoke with an oddly playful tone at this point, the kind yet dark tone which would be new to her ears. however the wicked devil would move to take her one hand, and pull Marina tours him. as he lifted her hand to slowly suck her ring finger into his mouth. it would be an odd act, and sensation. however once the finger was fully in his mouth, a sharp burning pain would be felt, as if he was biting into her finger. however once her hand was released, a strange shimmering Bone ring was now on her. one which fused with her flesh to an alien like look. but had an other worldly charm, and glow to it.

" That might have hurt a bit, but with this, All will know you are mine, and mine alone. " as he said this last part the devil would move to walk Marina out of the water as her dress seemed to instantly dry once it was out of the fluid. "So then my cute little Elentiya, shall we rest here for a bit, or would you like to be taken right away to our little torture chamber hmm?" saying this with a wicked and teasing tone. the devil was quiet the odd ball, however he would look into her eyes, despite being an evil being of the darkest abyss, even Marina would find his eyes lacked the sinful and evil glow of the dark sinners she had been trained to eliminate, now his eyes would seem more like those of a fellow angel, despite obviously not being one. as he would non saliently let it slip from his mouth, the meaning of his name.

" He who cares "
Marina lets out a soft laugh, shaking her head, "No, I suppose not. . ." She murmurs, though she didn't really know much of the males words she could guess some of them. She steps closer again, watching him take her finger unto his mouth and suck. She squeaks, color rising once again to her cheeks and then a soft yelp of surprise. She almost yanked her hand back, but just managed to hold erself still and wait until Heliel gave her hand back.

She looked down at her hand, noting the pale white bone ring encircling her finger. She grasped it lightly and gave a gentle tug, blinking when it didn't budge. If Heliel's words were right and this was a mark of ownership, just as the collar, then it would be good if the thing was non-removable. It would prevent other creatures from taking it off her and taking her for themselves. She had little to no wish to leave Heliel, as he was the only to not hurt her in this confusing realm. She could use the home he gave her, and gather herself together while she learned how to get home. Or to at least parse together the truth. She had a hard time just because Helel used her made it so she could have a child.

She blinks, "Um. . . the second option?" She whispers, following the male from the water and pressing close to his side. He was warm and, well, safe. Even if just for now. She knew he could turn on her, but Marina was also a warrior, and she had long since learned to never run unless she had too.

She blinks at the name meaning and looks up, tipping her head back slightly and pulling her now clean hair, if with a slight, but beautiful, red tinge over her shoulder and running her fingers through it, detangling the locks. "'He who cares'. . ." She murmurs softly and then nods once, shrugging slightly.
it would be a bit unexpected, however with a snap of the fingers, the two would suddenly be engulfed in the same black flames which saved her prior. but this time their would be no burning, searing of flesh, or even pain. as the fire vanished, she would be standing in the arms of her master. out in front of a massive, and wicked looking castle, which had spewing dark plasma geysers all through out the yard. as he would smirk, suddenly moving to scoop Elentiya up bridal style. as he would begin to carry her through the dangerous field of dark energy, and beautiful plants which shimmered like stars but on the ground.

" well then shall we head to the room for the night, and pick up where we left off in the morning. "
saying this with an almost evil chilling tone. Marina would be able to tell that this session tonight was not the only one, but she was getting a break from any more, most likely thanks to him knowing how she was abused prior to being taken by the devil himself. yet in the coming days she would learn just how perverted, and playful this evil being truly was, which would destroy her view of the hells all the more. but for now she could rest in his arms, or complain, make request for something to eat, or some kind of action to be taken. as it would seem odd, but being carried over a threshold by a devil was indeed the best thing to happen sense falling into this horrible realm.
Marina flinches, stumbling back upon seeing those flames which had seared the last creature that dared to touch them. She grips onto Heliel, her fingers curling tightly and a look of fear flashing across her eyes before the beautiful pond vanishes and is replaced with. . . palace grounds. Equally beautiful in her mind, though the palace could use some updating, and maybe a woman's soft, gentle touch. She would also say maybe some light. But the probability of changing just a few things would be little to none if Heliel decided to keep her in a cell or one set of chambers to keep control of her. He'd hoped not, she had the burning itch to move and fly constantly, and staying in one place for longer than a few hours was maddening.

She nods once, "Of course." She murmurs, not only to Heliel, but to the realization that he was not yet done with her body.
Carrying her to a room which had all kinds of bondage changes, blind folds, gags, and other tools along the walls. in the center of this room was a massive heart shape bed. which the devil would move to lay Marina onto the bed gently. before moving to lay in the bed next to her. pulling his angelic play thing's frame close.

"For right now, let us rest, by remaining together none shall bother us. "
saying this to her, this room was indeed a lewd cell to say, but it seemed that she was not trapped in a simple cell or chamber but her prison was the entire mansion, yet this would be her primary room for sleeping, and for when he felt like abusing her. however stating how it would be wise to rest, was like a red flag for what he was gonna would push his Elentiya to her limits to say the least, if this devil wanted his plaything at full strength and health.
Marina sighs softly, curling on her side and closing her eyes. She felt like she hadn't had any rest for weeks, though logically she only knew it to be a day or so since she had fought on the battle field. She blows out a soft breath and relaxes slowly, pushing the images of the room she had caught out of her mind's eyes. She didn't want to think about it at all, honestly, all she wanted to think about was sleep and how wonderful it would feel to feel that kind of bliss again.

Elentiya. . . The spirit that could not be broken.That had been her mother's name, and now she was using it for herself. She wondered if her mother would be insulted at the thought. At Marina using it to keep her real name hidden and away from these creatures. And she felt the name was more fitting. She had no plans to let this world break her. She would keep her mind sharp and her wits about her the best she could. That was the last thought she had before falling into oblivion.
Allowing sleep to over take her well abused body, even if fully healed physically. their was still the mental exhaustion from so many ordeals and events from the day prior. However the oddest thing would be in her mind, as Marina slumbered. as it would be like her mind was telling her to give into the darker urges, the lustful desires, even if it was just in her dream. it would reveal to Elentiya that the pleasure and sensation she enjoyed had indeed tainted her. for this was not meant for an angel to know or enjoy.

as her mind raced in her sleep, a mixture of nightmare, and pleasing dreams. where she would relive being rescued, being properly loved instead of just rough fucking, and even images at moments where she was forcefully dominated by her new master, even though he did not assault her like the vile creatures prior. did her mind and body feel a desire to be forced down, and taken with out remorse now? did the creatures really effect her mind to such a degree, as only time would tell.

finally morning would begin to come, despite how dark it was, the hours passed. as Marina would find herself awakening first. however she would be wrapped in this devil's arm. his impressively thick, hot member snug between her thighs, and up against her slit. however in position to tease, and take her at a moment's notice, the way his arms wrapped around her as well. this would give more of a sense of protection then just simple possession. however she would find it oddly easy to slip out of his arms if the angel so desired at this moment in time.
Mairna felt rested and. . . not, at the same time. The dreams had kept her mind occupied and while her body, physically healed, and now feeling less sluggish, her mind felt just as tired. she blinked a few times, nestling a little closer and relaxing. The quiet was nice, calming. It felt good to not have to hear the scurrying of tiny creatures or jump at any and every small sound. She could just breathe and relax. She tipped her head back, looking up at Heliel's face for a long moment. She hadn't had much time to examine it this night before, but now, in the silence, she looked at it.

After a few moments, she slowly pulled free and sat up on the bed, running her hands down her face and blowing out a breath.
Having come to first, she had the odd collar which seemed to constantly heal and refresh her body, and now this ring as well. however unlike the ring, the collar could be removed, yet at the same time. it would also remove the odd healing effect the collar had. Marina, now known as Elentiya would find her oddly alluring master sleeping soundly. she could take this chance to explore the odd torture chamber converted into room. as all the odd toys, and bondage devices decorated the wall, however if one looked closely none of them had ever been used. however in this room a large bathroom, and wash room existed. which could allow her a much needed hot shower or bath, however this was a rare chance to slip out of the room alone if she dared explored her new home territory.
Marina just closes her eyes, slowly relaxing and blowing out a slow breath. She stays on the bed, pulling her knees close to her chest and brushing her thumb over the skin of her shin.

She wondered if she would ever get home. Be free to Lyrin in the sky again without anything holding her back. While the official terms for her to use with other angels was brother and sister, they weren't really siblings. It was in name only, not by blood. She missed her family though.

But she also wondered at the disgrace she may face for being the
only angel left alive after the massacre that brought her here. If she went home looking like she did now, an being the only one left. She wonders if she should have died on the bloody field.

She shakes her head, whispering under her breath, "I cannot think lie that. . ." She opens her eyes and carefully slides from the bed and peers out the window, looking over the land.
Despite, the dark and dreary nature of the land scape. something about the high vantage point from this room's window. it allowed the colors of the lava, the burning souls, and the flaming gas shooting through the purple, and orange lightning filled sky to reveal the beauty the hell's hid. the darkness one thought was only disgusting had a unique beauty all of it's own. however if she looked directly down, their would be glowing Lunar Lilies, a rare flower which was believed to only exist in the heavenly realms. yet they filled the dark lands around this fortress, and were being tended to by different kinds of demons, and monsters. ensuring the beauty of these flowers grew for the amusement of their lord.

it slowly began to reveal itself to this now corrupting angelic warrior. the hell she knew about was nothing like the real deal, the stories were far worse. sure these creatures were foul, instinct driven, hell even willing to kill for the chance to survive, and breed. to bring forth their blood line to ensure a child in this wicked world. after all it was a cruel realm which was survival of the fittest, and only the strongest had luxuries to live in comfort.

As the fallen angel, no perhaps it was better to say the Arch of Hell with how it appeared as a Devil but with a name and features resembling that of the highest tier arch angel at the same time. however he was appearing defenseless and harmless in his sleep at the moment. a chance for Marina to strike the devil down, and take her freedom back. it would destroy the if he died surely, however would she have this desire, after what this devil had put her through, the gentle, and almost romantic sensations. the pleasure of the flesh angels were never meant to know.
Elentiya admired the beauty they lay out before her, smiling softly. She lightly touched her hand to the glass if the window, relaxing. She hums softly, feeling the warmth under her hand before turning and looking back at the demon on the bed.

He was handsome, she wouldn't lie about that. A grace and masculine beauty about him. A gentle demeanor about him as he slept. Though she hadn't forgotten the dominating presence the male held when awake.

She held some. . . Respect? For the male, fo while he had taken he and her body, he had still. . . Made his intentions known. He hadn't asked, but he'd told her. It had given her tie to prepare, to be ready. Unlike the creatures before him, he had also been gentle. Kind in his own cruel way.

She knew nothing of this world, and she'd learned not to take anything for granted. This male hadn't hurt her yet, and until harm came to her, she supposed she could stay. She had clothes, food and shelter here. She wouldn't jeopardize that.

She moves back to the bed and sits on the edge, silent and waitig for the male to wake
Sitting their, enjoying the peace, it would be during a moment where Marina, or as her master knew her, Elentiya was lost in her thoughts, that Heliel would smirk. his eyes still close, yet he would move to quickly take hold of her hips. the sensation made all the more powerful with how his demonic mana was forced into her body through the touch. this would cause a playfully ticklish, and pleasing sensation, as he pulled her back into the bed. before opening his eyes and looking at his angelic play thing.

"Morning, I have to say, you wake very early, for one who endure so much. But I think we have a bit of time before we need to worry about a meal no? perhaps a morning work out, to get the blood flowing?"
speaking as he was, the demonic lord, and owner of this angel seemed to treat her more like a lover then a sex slave, however he did not mask his words. she knew her position, and role with in his domain. more so she knew he had taken a liking to her appearance, however the fact remained, This devil in his own twisted way, was the closest thing to a gentle lover one could hope for in this nightmarish realm. yet the morning work out he was offering, would she accept, or try to pull away from the gentle yet enhanced embrace he was using to tease her frame. albeit through his mana being injected directly into her through touch, and thus triggering many pleasuring, and sensitive nerves through out her frame.
Marina gasped and fell back against Heliel, a laugh escaping her chest. She blink once and then led out another giggle at the sensation under her skin. She blinks once and looks at Heliel, her head tipping back against his shoulder to look at him.

"If aim honest, being bre for battle and war, then trained for it. . ." She lifts her shoulder in a smooth shrug, "No matter how tired you are at the end of a day, you always find yourself waking at dawn. Sunrise is beautiful anyways."

She rolls slightly, facing the other and lightly pressing her hand into his chest, her gaze on the ring locked to her skin. "A warm up. . ." She murmurs softly, swallowing once.

"Sounds nice." She answers. Though really, all she wanted wasa day of rest. A day to give her body a chance to recover and for her to process an understand the lat 72 hours of he life
"How about we make this a simple day, I will only Abuse ya in two sessions today, we can enjoy the morning breakfast, or bath together, and again ether dinner and bath. that will let you heal up for rougher play to come? how does that sound, I get what I want, and you will still be able to rest, we keep it simple this day?" as he spoke in a gentle, and oddly alluring tone, moving to nip at her lips, pulling the bottom lip after kissing the angel a bit playfully. as he was telling her how he would give her a more peaceful day then one would expect from a master who fully warned the new play thing her role would be a given, and the options very little. however if she agreed, to ether with the meal or bath. one would end up with him in a manor of speaking feeding both her mouths at once, her lewd one, and her natural one, one with his meat, and the other with a proper meal, however if she chose the wash it would be like the spring, but at the same time more private at least.

as he made the offer, even teasing her a bit, with a warning he would choose for her, if she did not decide, by the time his little friend came to full attention, as it could be felt slowly coming to, the thickness, and solid heat of the meaty rod felt growing against her. meaning it would soon poke ether between her thighs or up against Marina's belly. as he spoke to Elentiya like this. he would indeed move to break her, but at a slower, and more enjoyable rate.
She closes her eyes, her frees hand sliding over Heliel's shoulder and into his hair for a moment. A hand in the male's vest an in his hair, Elentiya wondered at the instincts that had her touching the male nonstop. She clears her throat, blinking once and then hums. "Food, I suppose. I'm hungry, we didn't eat last night."

Meaning she hadn't eaten in the lat 72 hours either. She was famished, and despite what may happen while trying to eat food, she was too hungry ti care.
Hearing this, the devil smirked playfully and excitedly. before he pulled a hand away from her, snapping his fingers, after which a shadowy presence soon began to manifest. in a butler outfit, the figure stood 8ft tall, with four powerful arms, the outer, arms from the shoulder much larger, and more muscular, as the smaller under arms longer, and athletic. from the waist down was like that of a goat man, with hooved feet, but a strange dragon like tail despite the fur on it. the abdomen to the chest so well tone, one could chisel meat on it. the head of the beast oddly shaped more like a horse's head, with what should be a snout housing the human skull face. as the area for the eyes of the horse shaped skull would be where the horns grew out, like a bovines. the back had two tiny butter fly like wings very colorful and faintly glowing. as the beast bowed, requesting how it could be of service.

"Ah, good lad, Me and my new pet are in need of a large meal. we need to restore all her stamina and strength, get the cooks to prep a proper feast, and if it is satisfactory a reward will be in it for you and the cooks, however if it is another failure some one else from your crew will be gone by the end of the night. " as he spoke in a serious yet oddly alluring tone, the devil's word cause this brute which was intimidating to just look at to shiver in obvious fear, before saying it would be done right away. as he melted away back into the shadows and vanished.

once they were alone once more. laying their for a bit longer, holding her, his hand came back to this time to gently run through Marina's hair, as the devil looked into his new toy's eyes. as he spoke in a soft yet playfully cruel tone.

"So Should I say I am the Lucky one your my cute little Elentiya, after all a woman of your quality will give many healthy pups for one such as I. "
saying this, with a wicked glee in his eyes. the devil did not hide his intention or role, however the oddest part would be how his words and actions, albeit not that contradictory did not properly match. for a devil's pet or slave should be handled rougher, training, breaking, enjoying the wails moans, and struggle, yet here he was treating her as a lover, dare say close to an equal, albeit still a bit lewd with how touchy this devil was. yet it was still worlds better then anything she endured thus far, yet little did Elentiya know, that the demon servants would try to take their reward before knowing what it should be, assuming it would be a round with her in the near future if they pleased the master with the meal. unaware his order was not for himself but for marina's needs. even if she did not need to eat to survive in this world, the pain of hunger would be very real, even if one was an immortal warrior of the heavenly realm.
Marina blinks obe at the creature tht appeared, her back stiffening and her face falling into a scowl. She watched the butler creature closely before sighing and turning her face away, dismissing the creature. Her head rests against Heliel's chest, her breaths slow and even at the moment.

She looks up, "Pups? Is that what you cal or offspring, or are you just using slang?" Her head tilts to the side in curiosity. While the idea of becoming a mother was not all that alluring to her, she couldn't ignore the pride she knew she would feel at bringing any life into the world. Not for herself, but for the babe she would mother and nurture, and she knew this feeling of anticapiry pride was some latent paternal instinct.
"Any child born in our hellish domain is always a pup, innocent yet deadly. even the most harmless born innocent is quickly changed into a demon or devil of some kind. thus a pup in need of training. I will expect my breeding partner to also be a good protective mother as well. " saying this, in a playfully dark tone. images would flash in Marina's mind, of the devil playing the role of daddy so to speak with the way he spoke. however it would be almost comical the sight of an all powerful devil being beaten by simple harmless kids, like a doting father. due to the way he spoke when speaking of breeding with her, the tone of his voice changing, and his body language as well as the sensation of how he touched her. it all signaled to Marina, how this devil longed for a family of his own, and it seemed she was the ideal partner, being an angel or at least former angel at this point.

"So tell me Elentiya, would you like to stretch those legs a little bit, or shall I enjoy taking my little lady for another ride before the food's ready?" saying this to her, it would sound almost like he was planning to bend Marina over and ruin her right here, however if she question what he meant, or reacted for a lewd action, she would be pleasantly surprise, as he was referring to carrying her in his arms, and showing the angel his land, with the new point of view with the change in lighting, she had seen but a glimpse of the beauty it held.
Elentiya looks at him, her gaze still curious, "So. . . An involved parentage?" She murmurs softly. Angels didn't really have those. They had one being who was considered father. Even Marina's birth parents were still expected to call her sister as Marina was expected u call them brother an sister. It was g way of her people. Though the bloodlines where still heavily monitored by the Seraphim to prevent inbreeding and to maximize power potential.

She did fel the confusion at the paternal feelings she was barely experiencing, the want to be a mother and watv her kids grow. Most angels who had breeded at home had always said what a relief it had been to not have the new gel reliant on them for life.

In other words, angels were jot made with parenthood in mind, and they were not meant to be parents. Simply breeding hosts. Though Marina did not know this fact and only felt confused.

Why should she want to watch a child grow? Who would eat any of that?

She presses her lips together and then sighs softly, it was so confusing. It felt that everything she knew was tumbling down around her.

Elentiya blinks an looks at Heliel, "A ride?" She asks.
asking this the wicked little playboy of a devil was quick to get to his feet. taking Marina into his arms, and spreading his wings. before they would suddenly move to be outside, and high in the air with in the blink of an eye. as he held her bridal style, the devil would speak up, as he had her held where the view was more then gorgeous to say the least. the colors, glow, life, radiance, it all blended in a view which could rival even that of the heavenly fields, albeit darker in color, and nature.

"I do think you misunderstand something down here. if the children are not protected, and cared for, they will die. this land is harsh, it devours the weak, or even the strong if to young to survive alone. that is why our kind do not propagate so easily. those of the larger packs have larger numbers due to young in their groups. as I am sure you are aware, when I collected you, that beast was still just coming of age, his scent was that of a freshly matured juvenile. thus you were meant to be it's breeding sack and baby supplier. " as he spoke up revealing this, the idea would finally begin to paint a larger picture. the most powerful and younger of the alpha studs were the ones which bred. as they would be raised and taut by the parents to seek out fertile female and repeat the process as soon as they were old enough. the land was a race for survival, however now she had something more peaceful.

flying around the area, letting Marina take in all the sights, colors, as he spoke seriously yet with a gentle tone. the devil would reveal that now that she belonged to him, her main job would be to act as his breeding mate, and mother to his children. however this would come with protective perks, and for better or worse, the abuse of his thirst and hunger to be sated even if she could not be knocked up, thus warning her of how he would still enjoy her while pregnant. Laying everything out for Elentiya, she would be able to finally get the full picture, the fact remained from the get go, this demon lord before her did not lie, nor did he beat around the bush, but now with her mind fresh, and able to take in the information. it would paint a clear picture to the fate she agreed to back at the monster den, and the situation she truly was in with in this wicked realm.

"so then, is their any where you would like us to land and visit while we have time? a garden? forest? stream? just say the word, today will be more of a day to rest, and prepare for the fun to come after all. "
Marina blinks once and then nods, "That makes sense. At ho- In heaven, once a child is born and weened, we all take care of it and raise it. We dot really have parents." She sighs softly, looking down at the land and taking in the beauty of it.

"I will do my best, but I don't know how good my best will be." She looks at Heliel again chewing on her lip, "Now, I could very much be wrong, but I thought s- intercourse, during the later months of a pregnancy was dangerous."

She grips onto his shoulders, peering back down at the grown and smiles softly at the things she saw. "It is really beautiful. . . I'm not even sure Heaven can compare." She whispers, her eyes sliding over the land, plants and creatures.

"Oh. . . Um- I don't know. . . I like it ups here. . ." Her own wings stretched an flappe once.
An evil smile came across the devil's face once more, as he would lean in to whisper into her ear. as his hands rested around her waist, and belly. Elentiya's wings spread and flapped while still being in her master's arms. he would speak up about the danger part she asked.

"Indeed it is, however with the kind of miasma, which comes from a true devil's seed, and blood. we can infect, and allow for a growing child to gain the needed resistance for this world while still in the womb. but their is also a rare chance to cause a child to become multiple or to be lost. " as he said this, hinting tours the double edged sword, ether risking of making a larger pregnancy, or losing a child, regardless the process besides being enjoyable for the parents would also allow exposure to the lethal elements of this realm before it was born. thus able to use the mother's support to resist, and adapt, before birth. showing this wicked creature had done his homework, yet at the same time their had to be safer, and more secure ways to do it, besides that act. however their would be no mistaking his goal and desire would both be able to be met with this method.

"I see, if that is the case, then perhaps I should release you, and see how well you fly in the domain?"
saying this in an almost questioning tone, little did Marina know, that the miasma in this domain she was now in would make her body feel much weaker and heavier if left to try and fly on her own. as the maiden had yet to be corrupted enough to adapt properly, however her wings showed the signs of progress. which would be pointed out by Heliel, as he commented, and complimented on how good her new wings are looking at this point. as the base or bone area of them would have black feathers, while the skin or aerial part for flight was where the soft feathers were turning pink.

it would soon become like a little game of cat and mouse, where the devil would let his prey try to fly a bit, even tempting her to try and out pace him back to the mansion, before he caught, and pulled her back to where they were. wanting to have a bit of fun for himself. it would be an amusing little mimicry of her struggles from the days before, but unlike then, no pain needed, just the sensation of freedom, flowing air, and playful assaults, which would feel pleasing and ticklish when ever he would catch her, and pull the young soon to be Milf back to the starting point to give her some fond memories of the beginning of her new life this day.
Sh nods once, blinking, "So. . . In this case, it is good ti have sex while pregnant?" She asks, her wings flapping slightly harder to hold herself up.

She frowns, her breathing ragged slightly as she concentrated on supporting herself. She felt like she was just learning to fly, and she didn't really like it. She loved flying and had worked hard to strengthen her oversized wings. Her body not being perfectly proportionate, her wings had been slightly bigger than they should have been on her small body. It had made he a powerful flyer and fast. With her larger and strober wings an smaller, lighter body, she had become a swift flyer, usually a streak in the sky. But now. . .

She let's out a frustrated sound as she shifts, trying to fly forward. Sh made it bout twenty feet before Heliel pulled her back to the start an she huffed, scowling slightly. "Now that's just not fair. . ."

She starts to soar forward again, gritting her jaw and flapping her wings, making it double the first distance before being pulled back again. This started a game for the two of them, Elentiya trying to see how far she could get before Heliel pulled her back.

Despite the irritation and frustration on her face, she was thoroughly enjoying herself. She couldn't even remember the lar tie she had played amongst the sky with her siblings.
"Oh come now, you can do better, perhaps we should add a bit of a prize for you to get their first hmm?"
as he spoke softly into her ear the most recent time, Elentiya was pulled back into his arms. the devil would whisper that if she got to the house before he grabbed her, with in 5 more tries, their would be a special desert of her choice tonight. saying this in an oddly playful tone, the frustration yet fun little activity for one, gave a chance to adapt to this wicked realm's unique pressure, gravity and miasma, while it also gave Marina a safe outlet for some energy, and frustration.

it was true her progress was slow, however improving quick enough to be impressive with each attempt. however each time she was pulled back. the devil would grope, and tease her a bit more. first time a playful slap on the ass, the second time a breast squeeze. the third a rub between her thighs, and so on. giving her 5 attempts to win a prize before he took his own prize as the fourth attempt, before this offer was made would be the hand sliding under her clothing a bit. and teasing the angel's sensitive flesh like he did prior in the bed with the mana infusion touch but to a smaller degree, thus in total she would have 9 tries, the first four to start the fun, and the 5 made after the little wager which would seem one sided at the moment. yet the way he teased her, and oddly enough pushed his new toy to try hard for improvements. in his own way this devil was trying to help Marina adapt, and evolve to the dark world she was now trapped in. even if it didn't appear that way at first.
Elentiya agreed to the challenge, and by the third attempt, she couldn't tell if she was regretting it or enjoying it. Each little touch set her skin on fire and the moment Heliel's fingers quested between her legs, she let out a soft moan, the area already warm and wet with her desire.

She bites down on her lip, flapping her wings and preparing herself for the fifth attempt. She soars forward, her wongs flapping and assistanting her movement forward.
Giving it her best effort, Right as Marina's feet would be able to touch the property, or her fingers, would be when Heliel grabs her, meaning that the Angelic maiden had accomplished her goal even if just barely. however at the same time it could be seen as a fail for only a toe or finger tip would touch her goal before being snagged. as it was, the Young Angelic beauty would need to speak up if she wanted the win, however if she remained quiet about it, then the devil would take the win. regardless, he would pull her into his hands, with out flying them back to the starting point. just holding her, and teasing his Elentiya with his wicked yet gentle fingers.

"so then, Looks like our meal should be ready, shall we eat. " getting her body ripe and ready for some abuse so to speak, while at the same time, Marina could accept or struggle to get her prize for achieving the goal even if only by a technical success. yet it also showed impressive and quick growth to adapting to this realm. as it also revealed to Marina how slow she really was, back when she was flying from her prior assailants. with the adrenaline in her system it would have never been noticed, but now with out the fear, or rush of survival. the truth was revealed to her via her own attempts. flying at a slow and leisurely pace no issues at all, but when it came to needing speed or movements, it was much harder in this realm.
Marina decided not to pursue the challenge, it had veen Heliel's challenge, and if the lines were blurred he should get to make the call on it. She nods once, "Yes, please. I'm famished." She looks at the male for a long moment before looking down and away towards wherever the food was, following nose to locate it.

But those fingers were distracting. Her hips shifted upwards slightly, biting down on her lower lip as her cheeks flushed slightly.

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