General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Once morning came, Derek woke up and gently slipped out of bed, making sure to keep Kalin tucked into the warm blankets. He changed into his gym shorts and sleevless shirt and headed into the kitchen and chugged down a quick protein shake before his morning work out. This was a normal routine that Derek performed every morning, never taking a break or relax day.

Once he finished his shake, Derek walked to his at home gym and started his usual work out routine: running on the treadmill for a while before lifting weights for every muscle in his body.
Kalin stayed curled in bed for another half hour before stirring and sitting up, rubbing his eyes. He grumbles softly and slides from the bed, finding a small stack of clothes he had stashed away and pulling them on. A button down and slacks for work and made his way from the room, looking for Derek. He finds his way to the gym and leans against the doorframe, his gaze on the other man.
Derek was too focused on his routine as he continued. Sweat was making his shirt cling to his body and dripped from his face from his intense work out. He was in the middle of his last set of pull ups and was determined to beat his record of 75 pull ups. He growled and breathed heavily as he pushed through, counting slowly. "83...84...85..."
Derek groaned loudly as he pushed through five more pull ups. He could feel his arms wanting to give out, but he wasn't going to cop out like a bitch. Once he finished his 90th pull up, Derek dropped to his feet and shook out his arms before turning and seeing Kalin. He smirked and pushed his fingers through his sweaty hair to get it out of his face. "Good morning, did you enjoy the show little one?"
Derek loved how Kalin always called him names after being teased. It was almost turning into their way of saying they loved each other. Derek was excited by the fact that Kalin had watched him workout though. If he had known Kalin was watching he would've added some weights to himself when doing his pull ups.

Once Derek finished his shower, he got dressed in a solid, dark blue button up with black slacks and his dress shoes before heading out to the kitchen. The smell of Kalin's pancakes was filling the entire house and making Derek's stomach growl. He snuck up behind Kalin and wrapped his arms around the young male's waist while kissing his neck. "That smells amazing babe."
DDerekkissed Kalin back before resting his chin on top of Kalin's head. He didn't want to go to work today, not just because he was going to be stuck in meetings all day, but because he wanted to just lay in bed with Kalin all day. "I just can't get enough of you."

He slowly released Kalin and leaned down against the counter, raking his eyes over the other's slender form. "You know you love it. You're always such a fucking tease at work, dropping shit by my desk so I can see your ass as you bend over to pick it up or sucking on a lollipop while glancing at me."
Derek takes the plate and begins eating while leaning against the counter next to Kalin. These morning were always precious to him, making him hope that they would member disappear.

"Well my little ass-assistant, I've been wondering one thing. What have you told you parents about me, if you've said anything at all?"
Derek wasn't really surprised that Kalin hadn't told his family much. He had even told Derek himself that he didn't feel the same way as Derek did, yet. He had wondered if they knew anything specific about him such as being Kalin's boss or that he was the CEO of the company. He figured it would probably be best to just let that come out over time though.

"So do you have any plans for tonight?"
Derek takes Kalin's hand and walks with him to the car, already waiting for them outside with the driver smiling and waving at Kalin.

The car ride to work was the same as usual, Kalin and Derek cuddled close until they approached the office. Nothing was made public to further protect Kalin's reputation. Derek personally didn't give a shit what people though of him if they found out about him and Kalin, but he didn't want the young male to experience any ridicule or torment.
Derek waits his normal 10 to 15 minutes after Kalin leaves to keep thing inconspicuous. His eyes never left Kalin as he walked into the office. He honestly hoped there would be a day when they didn't have to keep things secret, but he wasn't going to push the subject.

Derek climbed out of the car and stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked to his office, making sure to flex his muscles as he passed Kalin's desk before sitting at his own.

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