Fantasy RP In the Heart of the Pridelands (Rhys)

After a moment, she slowly opens and eye. She blinks slightly and peers at Therin, watching him. She smiles softly, slowly running a hand over his fur.

"So handsome. . ." She whispers, reaching over and gently scratching behind Therin's ear. "So sleepy. . . Such a sleepy kitty. . ."

She giggles softly, pressing against him.
“Mm, how did you sleep?” He asked, rumbling the question low in his throat. His head perked up as he saw his other pride members begin to stir too. He yawned a bit, knowing mating season would be starting soon, and new cubs would be on arrival. And he would have to help the new mothers to the birthing den. He wondered about his own cubs, if they would have them anytime soon, but he knew Cylvie wasn’t ready just yet.

He heard a commotion outside, and looked over to the entrance. He gave a soft sigh and got up eventually, heading out there. It was one of the females of his pride, who was in heat- and the males were circling her, but she seemed disinterested. She saw Therin approach and she happily padded over to him. Therin gave a huff of disinterested, “Ray, you know I’m not a traditional pride leader-“ he reminded, knowing the pride leader usually sired a lot of cubs to the pride. But he was only interested in Cylvie being his mate.
Cylvie nuzzles against Therin again, "Like a cub. . ." She pauses and stands slowly, her tail swaying slightly with irritation as she followed Therin. He growls lowly at Ray, her shoulder brushing against Therin.

"And I am not a traditional female." Cylvie would not share what was rightfully hers. Many lions were different, son differing to their more 'human' side and being possessive of him what was theirs, and other more like their lion.
Ray gave a low laugh, shaking her head, “What? I overheard you Cylvie, you don’t want cubs… why do you want to deny Therin heirs?” She taunted and growled lowly, and Therin stood in front of Ray and Cylvie. “What she and I want is none of your business,” he gave a warning, his mane bristling a bit, his tail flicking lowly.

Ray dropped and presented her stomach to him, rolling over in a playful manner. “You’re no fun,” she murmured out, clearly annoyed. She looked at the other males and huffed in defeat.

“Fine, stay with one who won’t give you what you want,” she spoke and got up, padding over to a random male and leading him away from the pride.

Therin gave a soft sigh and flicked his ears, turning toward Cylvie, “Don’t listen to her- females in heat never know what they’re saying,” he gave a soft growl of annoyance. He wanted whatever Cylvie wanted, and that’s all he cared about.
Therin looked over at her and shook his mane a bit, “Oh? Do I now?” He asked and gave a playful nudge to her. “Well of course I’d be, someone was clearly taunting you,” he rumbled out lowly, nuzzling her more now. He lifted his head and noticed other lions going off in pairs, and he knew come in a few months, their pride would be busy with new arrivals.
Blinking at her response, and was still a bit confused, before she mentioned about her heat— his ears perked up a little. Being the still pride shaman, he should’ve known that by now and he felt embarrassed to say the least, especially when she teased him.

Yet, he knew of contraceptives to prevent heat, stalling it so that the female wouldn’t be fertile, but maybe he had it wrong?

He nudged her gently with his head, before asking of her, "Well, what would you like me to do?" he asked, his thoughts trailed to the same spot before, and he wondered if she was thinking the same thing.
Therin thought for a moment before he huffed gently and pushed her side with his head. “Okay, come with me,” he said, and began to lead the way, padding back to that hidden spot, where they mated once before.

Once there he nudged her over and would hopefully make her fall down on her back. He would then pad over her frame, soon licking at her neck slowly- his rough tongue began to trail down her form, nearing her chest.
He gave a low purr as he continued, towards her chest now, nipping at the garment that didn’t easily hide what was underneath, like he wanted it off. He didn’t want to rip it from her though, he wanted her to take it off so he could have easier access. He enjoyed having her fingers in his mane, gripping it.
She laughs softly and uses her free hand, pulling off her scant top, and then bra. Releasing Theron's mane for the shortest moment to drop the garments.

"Your tongue tickles, Therin." She giggles softly, feeling his tongue trace lower. "But it feels good."

She grips his mane again, gently tugging playfully.
Therin couldn’t help but give a soft huff at her words, “Sorry, I don’t mean for it to tickle,” he replied teasingly, his rough tongue tracing down her chest and over her exposed nipples, wanting them to get aroused from these actions. His kept his frame close to her, like he was sheltering her from prying eyes— not like there were prying eyes, but still. He focused his tongue there on her chest for a bit, before he brought it down the nape of her stomach, slowly reaching where her legs and sensitive area was, wondering if she would let him touch there with his tongue, like it was.
She gasps, moaning softly, feels bf his tongue lapping at her breasts, and nipples. She grips his mane tighter, feeling him move down her body.

"Th-Therin~" she looks down, watching him. After a moment, before he reached where he was going, she reaches down, un buttoning her jean shorts and pushing them down, silently inviting him to go further is he wished.
Therin noted her reaction and paused for a moment before she pushed down her jean shorts, and then went back in with his muzzle pressed up against in between her legs. His tongue reached out and began to lick on her sensitive folds, enjoying the taste he was receiving. His front legs were placed around her as he settled in, and his claws were digging into the soft earth beneath them.

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