Ray gave a low laugh, shaking her head, “What? I overheard you Cylvie, you don’t want cubs… why do you want to deny Therin heirs?” She taunted and growled lowly, and Therin stood in front of Ray and Cylvie. “What she and I want is none of your business,” he gave a warning, his mane bristling a bit, his tail flicking lowly.
Ray dropped and presented her stomach to him, rolling over in a playful manner. “You’re no fun,” she murmured out, clearly annoyed. She looked at the other males and huffed in defeat.
“Fine, stay with one who won’t give you what you want,” she spoke and got up, padding over to a random male and leading him away from the pride.
Therin gave a soft sigh and flicked his ears, turning toward Cylvie, “Don’t listen to her- females in heat never know what they’re saying,” he gave a soft growl of annoyance. He wanted whatever Cylvie wanted, and that’s all he cared about.