Love for a Fallen Angel (Knight)

(XD doesn't stop him from thinking it was his doing).

Lucifer laid his hand on her face, his touch light as a feather,vsoftly stroking her face. "Lyra.. are you awake?" He whispers gently despite himself, he almost didn't want to tell her, to break such a peaceful Visage with his ill news.
"You were falling from heaven in my another you were kneeling, covered in blood. I think whatever is to happen to you, will begin when you return to heaven." Lucifer said, his eyes fixed on the sand , like he was waiting for something to come up from underneath it..
She gave a small sigh, “I’m sorry Lucifer,” she had never apologized to him before. “But when your father calls me back home, I have no other choice but to obey,” even though she did had free will, she still knew it was meant for her to be back into heaven, because such a holy entity such as herself that was on earth too long could disrupt the natural balances of things….such was the same for Lucifer, if he revealed his devil form on earth, surely something terrible would happen, like the whole continent splitting.
She followed suit, standing slowly. “Lucifer I-“ she began, but knew there really wasn’t much to say after that. She stretched her wings out, and she could feel the pull back to heaven, something was wrong. Her face turned to the sky and she furrowed her brow. That nasty feeling that she got before when Suriel was watching them earlier and returned. She had to inspect what she felt and she hoped Lucifer would understand.

(I mean XD if he ever fucked Lyra in his demon form while on earth…..he could split the continent)
Lucifer pulled up his hand, his bident pulling up and flying into his hand. He could understand it, but it wasn't like he had to be happy about it. No, not at all. "You will fall. And there is nothing that I can do to stop it." Lucifer said as the bident melded around his arm into a red serpent, hissing to its master as he wrapped his body in his dark tunic. "I just get to watch."
Lyra clenched her jaw at that, she figured at that point, maybe there wasn’t anything to prevent it. “Well, when I do,” she said, glancing to him, “I’ll tell you what caused it then,” and with that she took one powerful beat of her wings, causing the sand to fly up around her as she took to the sky, the pulling for heaven only increasing as she neared, and left Lucifer there on earth.
As she pulled away Lucifer felt his serpent ride around his arm, bracing him for his warmth. "Yes. I know." He said looking at the red reptile as it raised its head to his eye level. "I know that I didn't handle that well." He said rolling his eyes, though his companion only flickered it's tongue out to him . It wasn't like it could respond, but Lucifer had no one else to speak with...amd to speak to himself would be to admit he had so few je truly trusted. "But what else am I to do? I told her of her fate and yet there she goes to fulfill it."
But fate had to be fulfilled at some point, even he knew that. Then as he would make his way back to his throne, he couldn’t stop another vision coming through. Two people were there, one with hair like Lyra and the other a man he couldn't recognize. But these were different, in a different world and time it seemed. Why did he feel a connection with the woman? Was it Lyra…? Or someone else..?
As the visions passed again, Lucifer touched his face, growling to himself in irritation. Damned things! Fates and destinies to come that he will never understand. Why did one ring of Lyra...would she become a mother? Would it be his? Or be with another man? And that other man with her. The Questions swirled in his mind, more and more gathering as he pondered. He sat upon his throw, the dark metal and stone starting to slowly glow as it absorbed his heat.
It had been at least a month after their interaction, and even then Lucifer would know none of his visions were set in stone. They were just possible outcomes. Perhaps another vision would come about, but they were entirely at random, this foresight that had plagued him for centuries.

The sky would open up and Lyra was swooping down with her wings, her holy blade on her hip, and she seemed perfectly fine. She landed in a small field, her wings folding up behind her and disappeared into her shoulder blades. She was clad in armor again, her halo of light around her head dimmed ever so slightly. That was because of the immense darkness she felt on the earth at the moment. Sure it felt nothing of what her and Lucifer had both felt that night prior to her returning to heaven…but still it made her uneasy. Was it another ‘faerie’? Or something more sinister like a soul eater?

She glanced around the field, surveying her surroundings. It was dusk and the sun was setting. The air was thick and she felt like she could cut it with her blade.

Lyra wasn’t aware that with every passing blood moon- Lucifer’s power would wane, until he had found one to rule with for all eternity. That’s why everything prior to their first time made more sense. Demons just didn’t escape hell. If they did all the time, that would mean Lucifer wasn’t a very effective ruler. Something or someone must have been at the end of it, pulling the strings, but whoever that was had surely been under Lucifer’s ever vigilant gaze for a long time.

Now Lyra was here, on earth, the blood moon had passed just a month prior-barely missing both her and Lucifer’s first time sleeping with one another, so she wasn’t exactly his ‘mate’ as other demons would call it, but that wouldn’t lessen the feelings they shared for one another.

She turned her head at the sound of twigs breaking, clearly on edge on whatever was lurking in the shadows. She readied her sword, waiting for the entity to strike.
The snap stopped aa she turned towards the source, the ground rippling and cracking before her eyes. As she looked further up, a looming shadow of death and tee knife sized fangs coming at her. A Hellhound? Loose on earth, normally used to drag lost souls to hell...after ripping them to shreds. Normally no demon like this, pure wrath and savagery, was free to just slip out of its kennel, even as his powers waned on a blood moon little by little, they were kept close to their master after all..
As she drew out her wings, the air pulling her backwards as she beat them once, dragging herself out od the maw of the hound. It's jsws pulverized the tree trunk that she used to be next to, the wood splintering and sizzling into dust. Then the hiund slammed tge rest of the way through it, knocking it over. The hound snarls as it's Shadowy form bending into the grasping darkness the higher up she got, . Ambushing predators by nature, it was going to hide again soon, waiting for its chance to unleash its hate again
As she swooped down swinging the blazing sword upon its back, her sword bit into the ground,burning an arc into it with her slash. Her light pushed the darkness back in a wide berth, the hound was cunning, pulling back the second her light dared to reach out for it no doubt. Using the greater darkness to slink about.
Lyra cursed as her blade bit the ground, and she beat her wings, pulling back before the creature could strike her. As she hovered back, she raised her head at the blood curdling scream she heard, and her eyes widened in horror. There was another hell hound?!

Before she could properly react, the second hellhound that made its appearance swiped at Lyra like a cat batting a mouse, and it’s long terrifying claws ripped into her flesh, knocking her back into a large oak tree, definitely winding her.
The second one let the other one swat Lyra down, and as she collided with the dirt, coughing up blood, it went for her legs next. It’s long, sharp fangs ripped past her armor easily- hitting her flesh.

Lyra choked on her blood, grimacing and witnessing the second bloodhound go to her legs. Breathing shakily, she took the last of her strength and threw her fiery blade away. It landed across from the bloodhounds striking the ground with its holy flame and letting it erupt- engulfing the forest with the flame. Surely she hoped it would deter both of the hounds.

As the second hound moved up to her groin, tearing into her flesh, Lyra’s face stained with tears. Surely no one would- wait..Lucifer…Lucifer! She coughed, spiting the blood up and tried crying out for Lucifer, hoping he would come. “L-Lucifer..” her voice was weak, but as the claws and fangs dug further she cried out louder, “LUCIFER…!!

The second hellhound shrunk back at the name of Lucifer, growling slightly and glancing around briefly.
As she cries out for Lucifer, her ragged desperation echoing out in the woods, holy fire scorching faintly, sizzling weaker and weaker. The hounds pulled back a step,, but one snarls to step forward. The flames nearby flared and changed, baleful and dark with hellish energy as the flames spread further in a sheer of feat before the hounds. Something rose up from the flames slowly. Lucifer rising from the fire, a unburning figure, his shell warding away the flames. Lucifer, looked to the two hounds sharply, his whip unfurling from his shoulder. "Return home this instant or you shall never let you taste the blood of the damned again" He said snapping the whip.
One hound whined and stepped back from Lyra, his what seemed to be ‘ears’ laid back and he glanced over at the form of the angel again and decided to leave it be. Snarling and cowering, he turned to go back to whoever released him. Disappearing in the shadows, he didn’t wait around for the second to join.

Lyra choked on her blood, coughing it up and trying to figure out what exactly was happening. Her body was going in shock, and her red blood glimmering with gold glinted in the dim moonlight that filtered onto her mauled frame.

Imps appeared, scurrying about..they circled Lyra, awaiting to take the creature down to the depths of hell if she didn’t survive. It was likely she would be reborn there- but- they paused and glanced to Lucifer, who was the ultimate decider on who lived and who perished.

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