Love for a Fallen Angel (Knight)

As she drifted to sleep, Lucifer laid a hand on her chest,, the deeper she went he felt the natural ebb and flow of her soul. He reached with his senses, his magic, clutching her soul gently as it reached to the Land of Dreams. He closed his eyes, drawing the passive dream state to him, descending into the dream. It was like latong upon a cloud of bubbles, it tickled around him all over as his mind moved into hers.
As the sensation drifted around her, soon, she felt more solid, the dream realm become all the more real. What would happen here, would be affected out in real life.

She looked around, opening her eyes, feeling Lucifer close, but knew he was all around her. Her hand gently placed over her belly, briefly thinking of the fetus that had just begun to grow.

What Lucifer would see would be a soft glow around Lyra. Pretty much like a halo of light, she was truly ethereal
As she felt Lucifer around her, her ethereal beauty radiating around her in this vast plane of red earth at her feet...she felt warm air push out around her suddenly. The wave of air drawing her gaze up to the massive demon over her, looming, watching, as she was in the palm of its hand. It was a red skinned mass of muscle and heat, with wild white hair, large curved horns,a constant glowering face with dark glimmering eyes. Fangs jutted from his mouth, like a wild beast. Lucifers true face, gazing at her, but the intense, hateful Visage didn't cast her will fear or violence, but rather with care. She was like a doll in his great size, but he carefully lowered her, putting her in a palace room. Lucifer drew back and his form changed in a Blink, he still...absolutely towered over her, but he was atleast technically properly sized. " what I am" he said as he touched his chest. A loin cloth was wrapped around him...for good it was trying to hide, was unknown.
Lyra was holding in her breath, giving a soft breath of relief once she was set down. She looked up at him, and soon her wings slowly unfolded, her glow becoming more intense, her hair began to glow as well- like embers were stuck in the strands.

Her feathers, laced with gold, stretched out further and her size grew, only stopping at the beginning of where his chin started. She reached out with a hand, her angelic heat could be felt - but against his searing hot skin, it was pretty much just warm, any other human would be singed. The cherubim’s hand touched his cheek, her eyes searching his. “I’m not afraid of you,” she spoke, her voice never wavering. “All I see is the man I fell in love with,” she tells him, moving her body closer to his.
She kissed him in return, once again melting into his embrace. Her body warmed from his, her feathers settling behind her and letting him hold her. She only continued her kissing, never once wanting to draw away from him, she wanted to feel him more, like their first time had been..but now in this form her mind only started to wander in how he would…feel.
Lucifer's body was tight packed muscle,strong enough to deflect swords off of his back no doubt. His skin was hot on hers as they shared kisses, his core temperature rising the more into it he became. She felt two massive scars along his shoulder blades, his wings he lost no doubt. Something about Lucifer,, even in this form, was hard not to want, like she was being dragged into his essence. A web of shadows reached out around Lyra, like ethereal hands, sins flowing into her little by little.
The more she was pulled, the more temptation that laid there- she couldn’t help but drag her hands down his back, tracing his scars. She pulled back from the kiss to catch her breath, panting softly. She looked at his eyes, and he could feel the desire practically pulsing from her body at this point. Lyra moved her hands, touching his chest now, tracing each muscle, before she reach down where his waist was, drawing her hand up last second before it reached his loin cloth. “Lucifer-“ she began, biting her lip and looking up at his face again. “I desire to know how you feel in this form..” she murmured out, desire dripping off her words. Whatever was reaching into her was flipping this switch quickly, and she really didn’t want to waste anymore time- she wanted to be his completely- whatever that took.
"It would not be entirely the same." Lucifer said as he eyed him, his hands however still moved down, hooking the cloth and pulling it apart. To say it was proportionate to his true form, would be underselling it, if it was to merely intimidate or humiliate, or Lucifer simply despite all his insulated nature wanted deep down to secure an heir and it had drawn itself forth. His cock rose up like a lance of passion and desire all on its own. the pull upon Lyra only grew in aggression as he took her up again in deep kisses.
She marveled at his reveal, and she bit her lip gently- wanting nothing more than to feel him deep within her depths again. If she hadn’t already been with child, surely from this interaction alone she would have been.

She moved up into his kisses, her arms wrapped around his neck, kissing him in return, and she felt his hands hike up the skirts of her dress she wore in this realm, knowing exactly what he was going to do. She was pulled up around his waist, and she made sure her legs were wrapped around securely, especially since she anticipated how he would soon insert himself inside of her once more. Her depths were more than ready, slick with her arousal and that arousing scent would reach Lucifer’s nose no doubt.
Lyra gave out a soft breath as she felt his tip slowly wedging itself inside of her. She moaned into Lucifer’s lips, moving her hips and helping him move deeper. The mere size of him was definitely felt, along with the small barbs that was already digging into her soft flesh, marking her as his. Her legs shook lightly, the lust of wanting him multiplied and Lucifer would be able to feel the lust and want for him radiate off of Lyra.
She was lost in the passion and pleasure of it all, her hands gripping against his back. She moaned out his name, her depths accepting his length with each passing thrust. She then moaned out Lucifer’s name again, but this time in ancient language, the lust encapsulating her body which only made her wanting more of him. She panted, her cumming could be felt against his body, her legs trembling as it passed in waves. Her cum dripped as he would pull back, mixed with a little bit of blood coming from how his barbs dug into her soft flesh- but the stinging pleasure of it only made Lyra want to feel more.
The ancient tongue rang out, a tongue too far entangled into the nature of things to be ever truly underrated bt any but those of the time without light. Lucifer drew her back diwn for move as her cum ran diwn hus length, groaning out in pleasure as his cock barreled back into her, starting to cum inside her. He couldn't hold in his voice, her name crossing his lips as pleasure surged inside him.
Lucifer's mouth opened up, drawing his lips to her neck, kissing her there lightly as he held her up in his arms. He wanted to bite down on her neck, to mark her but he knew that it would truly not be the same until they did it in the real world. He ran his fangs out, nibbling on her neck as he raised er up to push inside of her welcoming depths all over again.
Lyra moaned out softly when she felt Lucifer draw his fangs over her neck, unaware of what he was thinking about. When Lucifer raised her up again, she let out a breathier moan when she felt his large member enter inside of her once more. “L-Lucifer…!” She moaned out his name sweetly, his cherubim clinging onto his back with her nails, digging lightly into the scarred tissue of where his wing would have been.
“I-I want to be yours…forever!” She cried out as he bit on her neck, only wishing she could really feel him out in the real world..

Who’s to say he can’t cast a protection spell of sorts to contain his demon energy, just so she could receive him in the real world like this…and maybe something to offer her body a way to make sure he wouldn’t break her.

Her pussy was fucked hard by his cock, squirting out as he pulled back, soiling his groin as he continued to thrust. She threw her head back as more cries of pleasure fell from her lips, her arms held onto him still, unaware of the black swirling marks that were forming on her forearms.
"You will be mine forever " he promised to her, whispering in the ancient tongue , knowing that her feeling were true, that he wished he had a way to expose her to this true feeling of passion. He held her against his body, rhe sigils and patterns forming along her arms and weaving through her.
She heard the ancient tongue and her body shivered in delight from his words.

“Forever,” she promised with him, the ancient tongue falling from her lips as the the sigils formed across her skin, solidifying her bond to Lucifer.

She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, there he was, in front of her on the bed, but he was in what seemed to be a half demon form, his human shell melting into his demon side.

She reached out her hand, touching his cheek gently, “I love you,” she breathed out, ancient tongue still prominent- the sigils on her body translated in real life too.
She smiled into his lips, the words ringing in her mind still. “Lucifer-“ she murmured out his name, kissing him again and pressing herself into his body, wanting nothing more than to be one with him again. She was unaware she wasn’t in the real world, but this felt so real to her she wouldn’t have minded.
He pressed his head to hers gently, still holding onto her as she whispered his name, his hands running all over her, caressing her gently. "Lyra..." he whispered to her. She felt something around them, just a faint ripple of the world around her. "Its time to wake" he whispered gently.

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