Sci-Fi RP ~Lux in Tenebris~ (Brit)

She let him wash her and once back in the kitchen, they sat there, eating dinner and conversing. It was only in the middle of dinner she gave a pained face. “M-mmh,” she grunted out softly. “My, they’re sure a fighter,” she laughed off the pain in her belly, unaware contractions had started, not aware her water had broke, just figuring it had been cum when they had been fucking earlier.
She began to break out in a sweat, her temperature rising. “Elebron, I think-“ she gasped out in pain, “I think the baby is coming..!” She spoke in worry, it was too soon. Way too soon, right? But she was basing it off human knowledge, not elven knowledge of how giving birth worked. The furs he had put down beneath her were soon soaked in blood and amniotic fluid, what had seemed like ages were merely a few hours surprisingly. The babe’s head breached, and she cried out in pain. “Elebron I - I, can’t push anymore..” she pleaded to him.
She screamed and cried out, the feeling like she was splitting apart down there- she continued to push as her love helped her as much as he could, and then she felt the babe push past, and finally out onto the soaked furs. She awaited with bated breath and didn’t let out in a sigh of relief until she heard the child cry out for the first time. It was a boy, fully grown to 8 months, considering she had only been pregnant for 7. She was grateful the worst was over, and she was panting hard, catching her breath. “D-Darling, let me..let me hold them…” she begged of Elebron.
She was crying, tears of joy, mostly now since the pain had passed. She let Elebron clean her up, remove the umbilical cord and whatnot, and she held their son close to her chest. “He-He’s beautiful..” she admired and heard the baby cry still, and she began to rock him gently, hushing him down.
She smiled and rested with her husband and firstborn. He would see her fall asleep, and the life he dreamt of became a reality.
She was pregnant again with their fifth child, and Chione was as tall as ever. He was just shy of 18 years of age, and pretty much as built as his father. He managed his way down to a nearby lake, going to wash the clothes for his parents.
He felt hot underneath his clothing, which gave little way to imagination, he was surprisingly very well off in the muscle department, thanks to his father’s training but somehow Eris was the only person he faced with shyness. “Oh- I uh,” he cleared his throat. “This hunting dagger,” he brandished it for her to see. “I was going to use it but I realized that I don’t really hunt much..” he mentioned now, hoping she would take it

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