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Sci-Fi RP ~Lux in Tenebris~ (Brit)

Local Time:
5:56 PM
Nov 14, 2022
As he watched the water glisten across her body he smirked again, tapping a control on the wall to bring a recording drone into the shower, one she would not notice in her deep thoughts "Well, now I think on it... I don't think we've rediscovered it all... After all, I did love to fuck you in the shower, your body gleaming from the water... And then, we'd have no mess..." He suddenly grabbed her, squeezing her curves and pressing his cock into her ass "How does that sound?"
Local Time:
9:56 AM
Nov 10, 2022
She gasped as he suddenly grabbed her and couldn’t help but moan when he prodded against her ass. The words he spoke had sent chills down her spine.

“I-I’d love that,” she would response with a hot moan, her body all soapy and squishable— entirely just for him and him alone.

He was right, she didn’t notice the recording drone at all- and she didn’t realize how incredibly turned on she had made him.
Local Time:
5:56 PM
Nov 14, 2022
He grinned and pressed her into the wall, using it to hold her in place as he began to fuck her ass, his hands rubbing up and down her sides "This is what you get, when you tease me like that..." He growled hotly into her ear, before pulling away so the drone could get a good side on shot of her being fucked so vigorously.
Local Time:
9:56 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Faewryn gasped out, her body squishing against the shower wall, her breasts cushioning most of her body. Even as he began to fuck her ass- she cried out hotly, her face twisting in its pleasured state- showing Elebron how much she already enjoyed this.

Her already soaked pussy was dripping more and more with desire- the creamy liquid (mixed with Elebron’s cum) could be seen if Elebron looked..
Local Time:
5:56 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Elebron continued to fuck her, even as he gestured softly to the drone, making sure it would move to get a good view of her dripping slit whilst he pounded her ass "Moan louder Fae, Moan louder!" He told her, even as he pulled her up and off the wall, spreading her body out so the drone could see all her beauty "Moan for the camera, honey!"
Local Time:
9:56 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Fae began to moan more and more- even as he pulled her off of the wall- fucking her the way he did- making her soft body jiggle and bounce all in the right ways.

And as she heard the words ‘camera’ she gasped out, her face flushed but she couldn’t help but moan more- her eyes concentrated on it flying around her- her dripping slit becoming a small waterfall again as the pleasure overtook her body and she squirted again for him.
Local Time:
9:56 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Fae cried out the moment he began to cum and stuff into her ass. She obviously enjoyed it and the way her face looked..

She nodded to him and panted, gasping for her breath as the water continued to run down her body.

Now with the drone..the camera..it could have various attachments and get even a better shot for them if Elebron so wished.
Local Time:
9:56 AM
Nov 10, 2022
After she was dried off and wrapped in a blanket, she watched the recording, her cheeks flushing a deep red.

She began to shift her legs together- watching Elebron fuck her directly… it was a very hot sight to see. “This is..this is how I usually look when you fuck me?” She asked shyly, seeing how flustered and hot she was when he was fucking her.
Local Time:
5:56 PM
Nov 14, 2022
He nodded to her words "Indeed it is, my cute little slut..." He teased her softly, one of his hands going around her shoulder and pulling her closer to him, even as he noticed her shifting legs "Why? Are you getting all hot and bothered again just watching? I'm sure we can make some more recordings, if you'd like... The Holodeck would be a perfect place to do so..." That's right, their ship did possess a Holographic Entertainment system... Was he proposing they fuck there, using it to fulfill different fantasies?
Local Time:
9:56 AM
Nov 10, 2022
If her face could turn any redder, it would. At his proposal of fucking where the holodeck was..fulfilling certain desires that were suddenly arising in her thoughts.. Faewryn bit her lip and nodded to him, obviously ready for this idea. "Mm...Elebron- I..I'd like that, a lot.." she admitted shyly, even as she pressed her legs together more, her slit wettening more and more at the idea of it- what he could use on her, make it so she wouldn't be able to stand anymore.. yes. That's what she wanted, and she wanted it as soon as he was willing to give it to her.
Local Time:
5:56 PM
Nov 14, 2022
He watched her shifting around, listening to her voice and moving to kiss her "So... In that case, why wait?" He swept her up and began carrying her there, stopping at the door and holding her by the panel "You choose, sweetie. After all, your the one drooling about it..." She'd hear the drone, still hovering behind them, a promise she'd get to see it all again, and again, and again...
Local Time:
9:56 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Faewryn kissed him back, biting her lip at the words of her lover and while she was swept up she began to think of the things that could happen.. And once at the panel she chose several options- once done, she moved from Elebron and stood in the middle of the deck, waiting for her options to take place.

(I was thinking of bondage / masochist esque but I don't know how to prepare the scene XD)
Local Time:
5:56 PM
Nov 14, 2022
As the door to the Holodeck opened, Elebron leant forwards and smirked at all the items she’d chosen, seeing whips and racks, as well as stocks and ropes “Aha… so, you want to be tied up and punished again?” He teased, taking her hand and pulling her to one of the stocks, making her bend over so her ass stuck out.
Local Time:
9:56 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Her face was very flushed as she watched him examine the items. She nodded and murmured out a soft ‘yes’, letting him move her how he wanted and bent over- feeling her ass sticking out- wondering what he would do with everything she chose.

She had even chosen a dildo that had many tiny spikes on it- those spikes were..well, a bit sharp let’s put it that way. Dull enough to not actually hurt her though, so there’s that..
Local Time:
5:56 PM
Nov 14, 2022
He gently stroked her rear as she murmured softly, licking his lips "Hmm... I see, this is a little spiky, isn't it? I wonder how much it would make you scream..." He'd picked up the dildo, dangling it infront of her face, before moving it out of her view. There was a soft moment of silence, before she'd feel a whip strike onto her ass, the crack of it matching the sudden red line of pain across her soft ass.
Local Time:
9:56 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Faewryn listened to him and then at his words..watch it it dangle in front of her made her bite her lip. She then waited for him to do something with it when he moved it out of view but the moment the whip struck down- she cried out- her cry mixed in with a moan of pleasure.

She panted out softly, “M-Mmn..the drone..it’s recording, right?” She asked, shifting her legs slightly.
Local Time:
5:56 PM
Nov 14, 2022
"Ah, yes. I forgot..." He gestured his hand and she'd hear the drone give a beep "Let's give you another, just so we have it on video, hmm?" Another crack, and the whip struck down onto her already reddening cheeks "So, Princess... Are you going to talk now? Or do we need to continue our... methods, to make you talk?"
Local Time:
5:56 PM
Nov 14, 2022
He gave a snarl as she spoke back, another whip strike coming down before he leant in, over her body "Oh? You won't tell me? That's what you think now... but we have ways of making arguing brats talk..." He took the Dildo and began to rub it into her slit "Like this lovely little toy... I've had the most resilient break down and beg to have it taken out..." He pulled it away, moving to get some nipple clamps "But I think it can wait for now... After all, where's the fun in ending this so soon?"
Local Time:
9:56 AM
Nov 10, 2022
She cried out as he whipped her again- her ass effectively stinging now. She looked back towards where he was and she whimpered out at the sight of the dildo- although secretly wanting it, she had to act.

She shook her head and protested. “I-I won’t! I don’t care you’ll torture me!” She cried out, watching him return with nipple clamps and she couldn’t help but feel excited. Her nipples were definitely hard and erect for him.
Local Time:
5:56 PM
Nov 14, 2022
He smirked again as she protested, licking his lips "Mhm... I love it when my toys struggle... It makes it so much more fun." And she'd see his cock stiffening as he attached the clamps to her, the metal squeezing tightly around her teats "Now... Are you going to talk? Or perhaps I should use that mouth of yours for something else..."
Local Time:
9:56 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Her eyes widened at the sight of his cock hardening and when he told her what his plans were she struggled even more, trying some way to get out of this situation. But..

She glared at him, “Fine. Do what you want with me! I’m never going to tell you where my people are hiding!” Her character came to that resolve.
Local Time:
5:56 PM
Nov 14, 2022
He licked his lips as she refused to tell him "Oh really? That's just what I wanted to hear!" He waited until she'd try to speak again, shoving his cock into her mouth and down her throat as the stocks held her in place "Mmm... There we go, that's a much better use for your mouth and tongue, rather than wasting all that time arguing..."
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