Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

Using what little of the alien infection buff she had, the Modified maiden would manage to pull herself free, and with the shelf torn from it's bolts, landing on the beast.
it would snap the tendril which was in her mouth and ass. however with this, Alexi would end up stumbling forward into the near by wall, head first hitting the hard metal. enough
to cause a minor wound, and some blood which would trickle down the side of her face. however as this happened, the fragment which was in her mouth would end up getting swallowed.
a sensation like devouring a disgusting piece of jello would happen. However once this piece of alien flesh was ingested. it would cause a small mutation with in Alexi. her modified body gaining a
massive, and ulmost instant regenerative power. as it could heal wounds like her head wound, cuts, broken limbs, however severed or even internal injuries would be a far more dangerous situation, and best
not to be tested.

as this happened quickly and back to back. The one in her ass now severed began to thicken, shrink, forming barbs, and vibrating them, as it was no longer controlled. the shifting of shapes, and size happening back to back
with out rime or reason. causing jolts of unwanted pleasure, enough to quickly begin to sap her leg strength, unless Alexi managed to pull it out of her quick enough. as all this would be happening. several new tendrils formed, and snaked
through the shelves, tours her body. as the beast was injured now, but not stopped. as it regenerated, and began to move to recapture it's prize while she appeared dazed for it's odd sensory organs to perceive.
Alexi staggered and stumbled as she clutched her head, the wound already healing but the pain lasted. Her knees buckled as the tendril inside her went wild suddenly. She stumbled further, reaching back to snatch it out of her violated back entrance as she looked to the door. She threw the tendril aside as she bolted for the door, her strength was departing, she leapt for the doors quickly, aiming to get out as quickly as sge could.
managing to get out of the door frame, Alexi would just manage to get out of the room and close the door behind her. as the impact of the tendrils aiming for her would be felt.
even denting the door behind her, however this was a successful escape which now rendered the monstrous enhanced strength she had from prior intercourse all used up. making alexi's power
and strength back to more harmless level compared to what she would be against with the husks. However now free of this odd creature, she would be able to track down her prize which could have gone
in one of only two direction, if she went tours the right it would lead to the two husks, and the infected individual which tried to help her. however if she went to the left it would lead deeper into the space barracks
of the ship., which meant who knew how many other creatures, and husks could be lying in wait. thus leaving Alexi to make a tough choice, while her one companion was alone and safely close to an escape to collect
supplies and return to the medical lab alone. thus leaving alexi to worry about the potential new victim to be claimed by her, or be stolen from her by one of the many servants of the monsterized captain of this ship.
Alexi weighed her options, knowing that she had to worry about more than just the lives of the cook were at stake. She moved from the doorway, stretching her senses hard to listen for the sounds of the loose female. She knew having a cook would be valuable, but also Daphne had time dwindling. She shivered to herself, knowing she would have to risk allowing herself to play the victim, feeling the hunger setting into her little by little.
as she listened in carefully, their were sounds in both direction, meaning that she would have to make a dangerous choice here. to head into the enemy territory to claim the busty chef, or return to the area
she knew, and claim the tiny vixen who needed rescued as well. however if she was quick enough perhaps both could be rescued, but this would be risky no matter how one looked at it. as her infectious hunger had begun
to grow wildly at this point with in the maiden's modified body. discovering that once her infectious power was used up, the hunger would begin to grow rapidly.
Alexi moved back down the hall as her hungers started to skyrocket higher, feeling her infection rising through her. She knew the petite woman needed help sooner, if the cook was smart enough to hide herself somewhere, she could recover them both. She moved back for the hallway of Husks, though her new aches made it harder her to try to hide the long her body screamed to feed.
Now back in the hall, Alexi would soon hear the screams, and struggles of Daphne who was still in the bound fleshy room. However the husk were now in the room with her. moving tours the new toy.
ontop of the two which were in the hall way. However the one which would be recognize was the young man which aided her prior. as he moved or more shuffled tours her with out realizing Alexi was down
the hall currently. If nothing else, perhaps a bit of the young man's ego still existed, which would make him a much more painful meal. well painful for her emotions so to speak. thus it would be a tough decisiion
to take this one or slip past him and go for the others which where already real monsters in comparison.
Alexi watched her little brother, shuffling along, her infect screeching inside to let herself drain anything it wanted, to gorge itself on the power and be powerful again. Sge covered her mouth, the feeling making her feel briefly ill. She couldn't do it. Not to him. She knew the truth of her ability innately, the suffering he would feel. Alexi moved to sneak over into the room. She would have to do it without feeding upon him.
as she remained hidden, the infected younger sibling moved past Alexi. however at the moment it passed her, Alexi would have to use all her strength to keep her body from lashing out,
and instinctively pulling it into the room with her for a quick meal. despite how she didn't want this, the unnatural alien hunger in her desired it. despite how much prey they had all gathering
in order to enjoy the still struggling and vulnerable Daphne in the next room a bit down the hall.
She gripped the wall as she watched him pass, her body had no enhanced strength left in it but she didn't even feel how tight her grip was, making the Steel dent and buckle as she fought to control her body. The futa forcing herself to drag herself from the easy prey towards the Pack she had available to her.
Managing to just barely escape the desire, as her brother shuffled past Alexi. she would now have a clean shot to the next door, and for a lack of terms, a one way shot to an all you can fuck
feast. the group were in their trying to gain access to Daphne who was almost ready. the slime like tendril wall had been slowly dissolving and prepping her body for what was about to finally happen. meaning
if Alexi did not properly act soon, she would lose the chance to acquire the skillful maiden, yet at the same time, she had to play her cards carefully having used up all her powerful strength. unaware of the enhancements
she could use when starving, like she would soon begin to feel within her.
Alexi moved for the doors, pushing into the room quietly, she lifted the knife as she watched Daphne's condition. She moved quickly, knowing her best chance was to rip open the sack on the wall to drain the liquid and...absorb the Husks. She'd have to get close enough to do both. Alexi crept around the crates, starting to flare her pheromones out a bit to distract the Husks somewhat, abd then started to climb around the crates carefully to try to sneak around to free Daphne from the other direction.
as she move silently like this, Alexi would find the husks moving to the last location her pheromones were, thus they would move around and end up behind her. giving the modified
maiden a few moments to act quickly before they would push the shelves down, and smash the crates to locate the source of the pheromons. even if she managed to get tackled in front of the
sack, she could at least damage it, to allow the fluid to drain, and thus prevent Daphne's fate, as two of the husks would move faster then the others. meaning they were fresh, and still rather nimble
and loose, while the others would have rough, and stiffen joints. she would ether end up moving quickly and slicing the sack, or getting tackled in front of it, if alexi took to long, thus meaning she would need to grasp
it as she was tackled, to rip the sack with the impact, and pinning action.
Alexi stabbed inti the sack , raking it open as wide as she could as the Husks went wild at her trial, smashing the shelves over in their eagerness for such a sweet viable female to violate abd infect. As she pulled her knife out, she let it slip out of her hands, the world in her heightened state almost moving in slow motion. She's grinned to herself, her beautiful fave twisted into a hungry, wolfosh glee. She would be fed. She would gorge herself on these Husks and make their infection bolster her strength and become even more powerful. As she was tackled over, she fought back, trying to excite the more with her struggle, kicking and pushing at them, her heightened strength trying to put then at bay valiantly as the sack spilled its liquid across the floor.
as the first two reached Alexi, she would feel how they were upon her rather quickly, the husks not hesitating to pull her legs apart and to the sides of the one. as his cock began to swell and mutate before her eyes.
the massive thing splitting into two monstrously thick and large rods, as this husk began to push into both her holes at once. the second upon her has his legs at ether side of her upper stomach or lower chest. as his powerful
clawed like hands grasped, and press her breast together, as he pushed his now elongated cock deep between her fleshy valley, as they wasted no time on assaulting her body and senses. another one moved around to grasp
her by the head, in order to deep throat, the victim, as the remaining three moved to join in their own wicked way. two of which would move tours her hands. as the last one seemed to be looking over her for an opening to join as well.

the more Alexi struggled, the more enjoyment these creatures had, as they would feel her struggling flesh thrashing about their frames. yet little did these wicked things now, that they were actually the prey, not the predator in this situation.
as the flesh of the sack could be seen mishapening, and being pressured from the inside, as the fluid was completely out of it. meaning that Daphne was coming to and trying to break free. however if she broke free to soon. this meal for Alexi would be lost, as
her prizes would turn to the new body to abuse along with her.
Alexi struggled harder abd harder, scratching abd squirming, thee muscles flexing and trying to kick, to keep her prey in the illusion of their control. Her body started to manipulate its scent again, pushing out another pheromone. Rather than a sweet lure, it was more akin to a blindfold, making her prey feel its sweet dark pleasure all the harder with their special victim. A hook to keep them focused in her as she squeezed and smilked them both, her truggle wavering little by little as they violated her, as if she was a prime prey.
Using every trick her unique, and modified body could. the wild foes got much rougher, and far more entertaining for the assault.
as her kicking caused the two which were after hands at first to be drown to her feet. feeling how the two would take hold of her ankles, as
they tried to use the space between her big toe, and the next one for their vile meat. however as this was now happening. the one which was free of the fun could
now move into the play. her hands free to resist the one fucking both her holes, or the one tit fucking her. all the while another had a hold of her head by the cheeks.
shoving his cock deep into Alexi's mouth, bulging her throat as it face fucked her. however the one moving tours her upper body which which now had free hands. if she did not
distract it with her delicate hands, it would seem oddly interested in one of her ears. as the husk could be seen preparing to change the shape and size of it's wicked cock.
unaware if this happened, it would cause her brain to shut down with her normal side, allowing only the influence to take full control of her body.
Alexi reached out abd grabbed at the husk that was angling towards her head, now aware of its intentions to ram itself into her brain, but because she briefly though it was going to try to fit itself inti her mouth like the one fuck ING her face with such feral hunger. She grabbedvonto its cock, squeezing it abd rubbing it slquickly. Like she was desperate to please it, that she was trying to do anything to survive. She curled her toes, rubbing and playing with the monsters. She moaned 'helplessly', her instincts making her pretend to cry in shame and fear. In reality they were almost crocodiles tears, weeping not fir her prey but the fact she was going to gorge herself full on these beasts.
now pinned down, her breast, mouth, hands and even feet occupied, Alexi would feel how the one deep with in her entrance, and mouth began to spew out.
as the first two which had begun to feed her body, would begin to feel weakness, and would fall prey first. the ones being played with by her limbs, and breast would soon get their own
turn as well.

as all this was going on the creature which was like a puppeteer would move silently along the ceiling outside the room, as well as the husk which was the remnants of alexi's brother.
as if the two were slowly being drawn to the room the modified, and infected beauty was located at. while she would soon be able to push off, the oral, and vaginal fucker to make room for the
next portion of her meal. even if she made it look as if she was trying to escape to excite her prey all the more.
As she was forced to swallow their loads, her throat buldlging and guzzling as her pussy milked the other, she felt the gluttonous monster inside of her making her feel good, her sex sucking it in more and more before she forced herself to push it back and twist her head, twisting around like she was trying to escape as she pushed the emptied Husks away.
managing to get her feet free from the two using her toes, and getting the base of her feet to the belly of the fiend which was now flooding her depths. with a struggling kick of her legs the now lifeless husk
would seem to stumble back and fall into the shelves. however as this happened, and the one at her face was pushed away by her moving head, and freed hands. Alexi would soon feel powerful hands moving
to take a strong hold of her ankles. this time dragging the would be victim away from the current spot. and pulling her legs up, as if trying to fold Alexi in half before the next one moved to
pile drive itself balls deep. forcing not one but two cocks into her abused, and well lubed cunt. as this went on, it would not be long before the now folded breeding press positioned victim would notice a smaller
husk of the group, the one which originally was prevented from using her ears moving tours Alexi's head as well. but how would it felt in, at this point. as the currently one began to go wild upon her.
Alexi cried out in ragged pleasure, getting herself spread by both clocks at one making her body clench tighter as she was bent into its desired position. She moved blindly, struggling in its press position to fight it off as she craned her head, seeing the smaller husk as it was infront if her face now. She tried to grab at it, alpine at it like she was trying to fight it off
pinned and rolled up as an ideal fuck toy. Alexi would feel how this excited Husk was getting tougher, and faster with out mercy. her own body feeling the pressure, her belly
bulging slightly with each thrust. as her mouth would soon feel a wicked tip of a spiral like cock longer, and thinner. rubbing along her lips. as this beast almost seemed to morph it's husk like
cock into that of a combination of an avian, and a swine. for the thinner longer shape, while able to coil, and extend for use.

as this was going on, two were now done, and drained, two using her, leaving three in the room with her, all the while Daphne could be heard recovering slowly. If Alexi played her cards right, as she struggled
to keep their attention. she might be able to get Daphne to run, and escape, under the false pretense of Alexi being a sacrifice for daphne.
Alexi opened her mouth, as the curly member pushed on her lips, almost like while she was struggling, she was forcing herself to obey , like an infected slave. She wrapped her mouth around it cock, licking and sucking on it as she was getting thrusted into, her hands pushing at the one on to of her desperately, trying to fight it off again.
as Alexi squirmed, and thrashed against her would be assailants. her body feeding off the pleasure, and draining the strength and stamina from these beasts. the corner
of her eyes would soon see the naked, and glistening Daphne coming out of the sack with some struggle. as she would quickly feel around for any kind of weapon. as the military
maiden planned to try and rescue Alexi, however if she did so, then the husks would take this maiden, and ruin the modified maiden's predatorial plan, which was going so flawlessly right now.
meaning she would need to break free, and convince daphne to flee or watch as she loses two more fresh looking meals, as well as a potential new prey item to make part of her collection of loyal toys.
She saw the Military maiden move, she ripped the Husks cock frin her mouth. "No! Run! I-im distract-distracting them-fir you-GO!" She said as her eyes watered, like she was sacrificing herself. "I'll take it! Just go-theyll-catch you again-" she said though the valiant thought of the maiden was sweet. And Alexi knew that once she was overflowing with her infection....she was so going to make petite bodied woman feel like a maiden proper.
Giving this chance for her prey of future fun to escape her current prey. Alexi would feel how the one husk to a tight grasp of her face, as she shouted. changing her words into moist gagging sounds as it took her with out remorse.
bulging her throat, as it deep throat, and face fucked the modified beauty. however this would paint the picture of her sacrifice all the better, as if these creatures were playing into her grand show, and plan wit out realizing it.

as this went on, Alexi would soon hear how Daphne cried thanks as she ran from the room with out wasting much time. However this was soon followed by how the modified woman could feel the twin cocks with in her abused, and well used
cunt, beginning to swell. the wicked things increasing in size with in her depths. as it had her folded, and pinned in such a lewd position. however with this, these two would be keeping her from the last three meaty treats.
yet it would not be long before these two would become finished with her oral, and bodily skills of pleasure.
"GO-GRLK-" She gagged messily as the husk shoved it's cock back down her throat for its selfish pleasure. She gagged and spat, letting her saliva and struggle enhance the monsters experience, make it feel like she was weakening, her tongue moving to runb abdvwraiggliecagainstvits shaft. Her pussy flex around the monster that was inside her, feeling it getting closer, she squeezed with all her nature might, as to not accidentally tap into her other strength and mistakenly crush the sensitive organs that were ravaging her.
Feeling as If her body was being overwhelmed with increasing pleasure.
It was slowly starting to look as if Alexi was pregnant with the increasing siE of her belly. However it would be short lived as the modified maiden would absorb all this seed and become even stronger.

By the time these two impressive beasts were harmless shells. It would leave three left in the room with her. Oddly enough the remaining ones were slower yet much stronger. Meaning if she wanted to fully enjoy the remaining studs she would need to ether be patient or make a false attempt to escape past them, giving the beasts a chance to grasp her.
Alexi sat up as she lurched free of the other two, heaving over, her swollen belly rubbing along the cold metal floor as she started to crawl away, like she was trying to finally make a break for the door now that it seemed she had emptied the faster Husks. Though she moved a tad slowly, not to seem like she wasn't as tired as she looked. She dragged and gasped for breath, whining as husk cum gushed from her abused holes. God her cock was so stiff.

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