Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

Some time would pass, as Alexi finally began to come to once more. this time her own body was the one pinned and being penetrated. the deranged look on the tiny maiden
sasha. as her tongue was out, slowly licking up her partners neck to her ear. as the hands pressed firmly into the taller maiden's plump healthy breast. the eyes was like that of a wild
beast. however the sensation could not be mistaken, as the long thin cock invaded Alexi with out remorse. kissing her very core, as the two were going at it. the room had begun to smell
of their union. yet more then that, Alexi would slowly feel a new kind of strength, and energy growing with in her, as if this lewd act, going on for so long was some how recharging her with strength,
when it would be more natural to drain and tire one out.
Alexi came too, unsure hos she even changed positions, too but moaning as the petite woman's was trying to push her limits. Alrxi looked down, feeling something sticky on her skin, her cum was pouring out if Sasha, h we r once petite belly rounded by her dense cum. She moaned as the rooms sense touched her nose and sge fekt ger mouth on her neck. "Ho-how long-" she moaned out faintly
For some time the two mad scientist like women had their fun. as the lab was now covered, and glistening from the fluids. Finally Alexi's body was sated, her mind hers once more. however now her body had these faintly
glowing purple veins through them, at the key spots like her breast, cock, even around her puffy womanly entrance. however the same veins could be seen at the same spots on Sasha.

the two laying their, as sasha would be out cold on Alexi, her face buried in the busty maiden's bosom. while her cock was still deep in the taller woman's cunt. softly whimpering in her sleep like
state. of how she loved alexi's body, and would never let her go to any one else. as she was not fully aware of her own words. This gave Alexi a small glimpse of sasha's more dominant, and possessive nature which was hidden
from view. Yet Alexi, had Lee to check on, who would most likely come looking for her once the scientist was fully recovered.

unaware of it, many of the crew had begin to show more dominant signs of the infection. two of the male guards making their rounds, were now more like grunting beasts. any female they would come across would be assaulted in an instant.
any male other then one in their uniform would be seen as a potential threat with their devolving mind set.
-as she moved tours the tank, Alexi would find something odd. as her own legs seemed weaker then they should be. more then that, each step seemed to cause a strange
pleasuring yet painful sensation through her legs. Once she was up to the tank, Alexi could see the progress bar on the window, as it showed how close the progress was to
completing the recovery process. however as this was visible. images would soon flash in Alexi's mind. as her eyes would see images of Lee in the tank, with small
easily missed tendrils snaking around her from the back. inching tours her nipples, clit, and tender region. causing lee's body to faintly squirm in the tank.

this image could be real, or her mind attacking the scientific maiden once more. it was up to Alexi to ether act on this sudden, and startling sight or to try and see if
she could make the image vanish with some will power.
Alexi winced. Touching between her legs as she shivers a little. No doubt she left just a big a impact on sasha...maybe a bit more with her size difference. She shook it off, best she could as she looked at Leez logs. Then she gasped as she saw the dark images, the tendrils wrapping around Lee. "No! How!" She said starting to look at the readings, around the tank, her panic spiking in her body instantly. She didn't even fully consider the situation a moment, her head hurting instantly. She clutched in it, trying to stabilize herself, trying to think clearly.
In her panic, Alexi could easily cause the system to do an emergency release for Lee's still recovering state. however if she managed to get ahold of herself.
the genius victim would find the readings were all calm and stable. which did not match the images she was seeing with in the tank. as her senses and mind were twisting
and telling her one thing, while the numbers told her something different. was it possible this was a mirage, and mind state like an incident earlier, or did this creature
have a means to hide it's actions from sensors some how. as it was an unknown life form.
As hee hands hovered over the emergency release. She pulled back, dragging herself backwards as she felt the mirage starting ti bleed away as her mind fought back again the illusions. She panted to herself, feeling ill. She glanced as Sasha. 'Oh going to have to make another mess just to try to get a brain scan' she thought ...not that it was necessarily a bad thought.
Now with Lee recovery going smoothly in the tube, little Sasha laid out with a goody yet satisfied grin on her face. Alexi would be free to figure out things on her own. Yet more then that, Natalya was the one which was still left in the lab from prior ordeals.
Meaning if nothing else, the modified beauty still had one more person to check on, as her own requirements of needing to get herself scanned was their. as the pain in her mind finally went away along with the images she was seeing. Yet it was unknown to Alexi at this point,
her body would react in such ways when ever exposed or near other contaminated victims. All the while the lights would soon begin to flicker with out any known reasons. The vents began to slowly drip a thick yellow, and green like slime.

things slowly began to grow more concerning, yet it would easily be dismissed if she believed to be more illusions like the prior scene. Unaware of how some of the spores had taken root, and began to grow like a fungus in the air vent system.
thus spreading quickly through the ship, and it's mostly sleeping crew. the few still awaken members, even if not contaminated by Alexi, would soon become contaminated if they weren't as of yet.

the sound of movement in the hallway began to grow more erratic, yet violent, as if some one or thing was being chased.
Alexi looked at the vents a moment, tilting her head slightly. "Hm...Hey, Sas-" she started to say but the ruckus outside made her spin around to look in the direction. "What the hell?" She muttered as she walked to the door , she was bare she opened the door from the side to peak without exposing herself. What was going on out there? A fight?
Peeking out, a male figure which would be hicks rushing down the hall way could be seen. as he would shout for Alexi to get a rifle and join him.
shouting this out, their seem to be an issue, however little did the modified beauty know. if she did go to aid her fellow crew mate, she would walk right into
a trap made by this unknown life form which was spreading through out the ship now. even if she was already infected her body could still be enjoyed greatly.
all the while she had three women herself to care for, the one she fucked into an unconscious state, the one in the healing pod, and the one left back in
the lab prior.
"Whats happened?" She said as she ducked back into the medical bay, pulling out one of the spare uniforms that were kept for replacements. She started to suit up. She wasn't particularly a heroic type, she wasn't a security officer after all, but if something was happening, she didn't want to see her cremated harmed. She pulled up the upper half of her suit, grunting as she stepped through the door. It felt off, a bit tighter than usual, but she had bigger problems. She closed the bays door, touching the lock to seal it just in case.
As she was soon on the move, Alexi would begin to hear the sound of combat, and more so gunfire, which was often seen as a suicidal thing to do on a ship.
however as this was going on, the voice of her commander could be heard. barking orders for the men to stop their rebellious act of treason, and return to their duties.
however something was truly amiss. Little did Alexi know, if she went into the general area to investigate, she would find the docking bay already looking like a horrible fleshy nest from
nightmares. more then that, the voice of her captain was coming from a large creature which had tendrils moving to bind and capture the males which were fighting.

( think Blob combined with Species alien maiden, thus able to separate from fleshy wall at a whim. wink wink. )
(XD Oh no the captain became a resident evil boss)

Alexi paused as she saw the monstrosity grabbing up crew mates and barking her orders. She covered her mouth and back away from the bulkhead. Nope. Fuck all of that. Alexi felt ill at the idea of abandoning others so easily, but it made her chest ache and she knew instantly she would do better barricaded elsewhere than in the direct eye of that creatire. She had to get Nataly, and get back to the medical bay, regroup with her women and keep them safe. The idea came to her so naturally she didn't question the idea of them being...her women at all. She snuck away from the commons, b lining it for her quarters to check on Nataly.
Slipping from the battle going on at the moment. as Alexi was quickly trying to make her way to the lab's to collect nataly while she still could.
however it would be once she was with in view of her destination, that a door hissed open. as a powerful set of muscular arms suddenly reached out, grasping alexi.
pulling her into the small janitorial room, as the door would hiss close. the man known as gunner, or more so charles, if one went by his name was the one in the room.

"shit, this is crazy,. what the hell happened Alex, any idea what the fuck that thing is?"
as he spoke up, after having pulled her into the small room. Something would be oddly amiss about him, however if Alexi tried to leave the room, that's when
he would make another move to pin her against the door. be it her back against him, or her body facing him. it would depend on how Alexi would react to this odd scenario now playing out before her.

"Gunner?" Alexi said nearly ready to swing at him before he spoke, the primal impulse making a soft tension in her arm, her muscles relaxed, feeling a soft pop in her bicep. "I don't know- something is loose in the ship- it was- it sounded like the captain-" she said shaking her head. "Are you okay? Have you seen anything?"
"Ya, I some some kind of, hell I don't know monster? it was dragging a few of our women tours the lab room. I barely avoided being seen. I would suggest we both hide in here, until the sounds quiet down. "
as he spoke sounding like a legit thing to worry about. wanting to wait until things became more silent. However what charles or more so gunner failed to realize, Alexi had three women depending on her. However as he moved to gently
run his rough, callus covered hand along her one arm. the man's one good eye looked into her eyes.

" I hate to say this, but We should wait till everything goes silence, then should look to rescue all those we can. Here use this keycard for an escape pod, it can house up to 6 people, and would release
an emergency beacon. " as he said this, the hand holding her one arm, as he moved to place his only emergency card into her hand. Due to how he only had one good eye, the alien influence could not be seen or noticed as of yet.
however more then that, Alexi would find the instant her body was ripe for the pinning and assault, the thing inside of Gunner would take over, much like how she lost control with other girls.
It would be when she was speaking and turning to get the door to open. that Gunner's hand sudden moved to take hold of one of alexi's hand. pressing it up against the wall.
as his body was against her back. leaning in, as his other hand quickly tore at her lower region exposing it to the world. leaning in to lick at her neck, the man would speak into her ear.

"You are so dense alex, A man is trying to play nice, and get some proper one on one, and you only want to rush to a sealed lab for a sleeping lap worker. " as he said this it would be quickly followed up by
what could only be described as a monstrous wolf cock pushing into her. it would be this alien thickness, and size which would finally reveal to Alexi, that gunner was infected, albeit no where near as bad
as the other men turning into monsters. but bad enough that he was now moving to try and keep her pin, while wanting to knot the maiden with his wicked mutated size, and girth.

little did ether of them know, that Alexi's already infected body could act like a succubus for the infected males. able to drain not just their life force, but the infection as well, thus converting this
into energy to heal her body, as well as keep it looking to be in it's prime. yet it was not a desired discovery to be made due to the nature of how it was about to be learned.
Now with Alexi pinned in such an ideal, and pleasuring position. the wicked entity which was once gunner began to show his true self.
moving to slowly push his thickening and growing member into her depths. claiming this busty vixen for all she was worth. as he pushed deeper into
alexi by the moment. his wicked shaft growing thicker, and longer as it invaded her core. More then that, the cold metal against her skin could be felt. as he leaned
in, and nipped at her ear.

"Oh come now, you were always the one who was such a tease, now it's finally my time to take what I have wanted from you for so long. Just cause you have some meat down their
doesn't mean your lovely little cunt can't be ruined by a man after all. " saying this to her, his tone growing darker, as his one hand kept the lab maiden's one arm pinned. so his other could begin to snake
around her. wanting to free one of Alexi's massive breast from her suit. even though it would mean the sensation of cold steel would press into her flesh. once Gunner had made himself fully sheathed into her.
the wicked man began to move, to slam himself balls deep with each strike. Unaware that his twisted desire would both end up making Alexi feel stronger, and more alluring once it was done, as well as reduce this
infected man into nothing more then a puppet of his former self, as if he was about to give his essence to a succubus, with out realizing it.
"G-Gun-Ah-" she yelped out as he filled her out, his dark infectious spores driving deeper inti her core. "Gun-Gunner- yiu have-to stop-this isn't you-" she's said as he thrusted into her, her pussy was sweet, still somewhat wet from her time playing with Sasha, welcoming Gunners girth as he forced his way inside. She was sobbing ti herself little by little, though she wasn't even sure when it began. The strength she felt rising inside her conflicted with the sensation she felt. Violated...but also a sense of dark hunger. Not for Gunner. But for more if thus boisterous strength, she had no idea why, what her instincts were doing, dropping spores of her own to draw him into his feelings of dominance, to allow him ti feel utterly in control even if she was going to strip him down to the bones .
now getting lost in this powerful lust, the wicked stud was forcing Alexi up onto her very toes. her body pressing against, sliding along the cold steel. as she could feel the swelling, throbbing, and pulsation of the cock with in her depths.
this man was going to town, as his wicked member seemed to reach deeper then any one should be able to reach. each time he slapped into her, harder, and faster. slowly getting to the point where alexi's body almost seemed to jump slightly and back to being able to
stand on her toes alone. however before long he moved one of his arms from playing with her breast, to forcefully lifting one of Alexi's legs. holding it up from under the knee. making it all the harder for her to do much.

As this wicked stud began to give her his first load, but did not seem to soften after all that. His actions began to cause more thirst, heat, and desire with in the unwilling partner's body. as he began to go to ful throttle assault. It would not be
hard at one point for Alexi to push back against Gunner, after he had been at it for some time. however this would end up with her ontop of him, and impaled deep enough to cause an instant orgasm if she wanted to try and end this quickly unaware of
the effects this assault was having for her benefits.
Alexi cried out as Gunner came inside of her, her leg, the one still trying to keep itself up, barely balanced, wavered, he her body bucking against his, pushingbthe man against the walls of the closet as her weight shifted, and as he fell back, dropping her on his lap she cried out loudly, her moans muffled bybthe doors of the closet as she started to climax. It lashed through her, but Gunner unfortunately felt something, satisfying at first, like he was cumming again, but it took a dark turn, the pleasure was disabling him, distracting him as he was beginning to be drained of his infection, and a bit more than that, Alexi's dark alie. Blessings were content in draining his body of its strength, even his muscles started to weaken drastically.
Now with the man on his back, his body fading in many aspects. However Now alexi's own body could not stop itself, if the woman realized it or not. each time she bounced on her would be rapist's body. her rippling flawless ass impacting with his
waist. the way her insides constricted, coil, and suffocated his member, milked every drop of Gunner's seed. as if her body was now on auto pilot, if she knew it or not. this was the meal her body had needed sense having their fun with Sasha.

However the sensation if nothing else would leave, Alexi to appear as if she was the one fucking Gunner now, until he passed out defenselessly, Unaware that he would be nothing but a lifeless, breathing husk. a body not dead, but not alive. as
it would be nothing more then living tissue, ideal for alien spore evolution, if not for how her body would be consuming, and draining this. Alexi would quickly discover that once she endured and found herself enjoying this high, Her body would become strong enough
to over power the monsterized men of the crew, albeit only for a short while. as if this power up would need to be maintained by feeding on males, while females would have a different effect on her body.

For now, it would seem as though the shoe had fallen onto the other foot. with her now ontop, and the sensation to enjoyable to break away easily. Alexi would feel how Gunner's powerful hands which once pinned her seemed to now be weekly trying to push her off his lap.
turning victim into predator. This could be seen as a chance to finish getting a much needed, albeit unplanned fix, and some revenge for how things started only moments ago.

"Shit, so good, but to much. Need break get off. Need breather then can go for some more. "
panting as he struggled, growing weaker with each bounce, as if his attempts to push her off, were his own action to lift and drop Alexi.
Alexi's eyes glazed over, but the colors had shifted, going bright blue, like electricity ckursed in her body. She slapped his hands off her, clutching his wrists ti pin him down. Yet again she wasn't truly there, not quite a black out, but this new feeling heightened her senses, her lasts, enjoying the power she felt. Her ass was bouncing onto of Gunner harder by the second. Her sex squeezing him so tight she was pulling him up and slamming him back down. "Gimme more!" She panted hotly, clutching him tighter and tighter. "MORE!"
The sounds of the small closet turned into an unplanned breeding room echoed with lustful sounds. as it drew in one of the infected men, under the control of the monstrous captain.
as he moved, in a more stable form. knocking on the door, as the voice was from the young man, Nibbles. being the youngest man to join the crew just before this recent mission. However the fact remained, he was
fresh prey unless Alexi snapped out of her current state. as she would have managed to Milk Gunner for all he was worth at this point.

"Who's ever in their, might want to finish up quickly. Captain's calling for a meeting of the crew. apparently theirs something new we need to talk about, and plan for the rescue squad. "
as he spoke, sounding like it was business as usual. However the fact remained, in Alexi's current state, it was unknown of she would snap out of it, with Gunner now milked dry, and cover herself to slip past this man.
or would she try to use him as well, before she reverted to her normal mental state.
Alexi was hunched over Gunner, still working her hips despite the fact Gunner was spent and weak, looking almost like he was barely awake. She scowled and stood up abruptly, letting him flop limply to the ground. She yanked open the door. "More." She growled st him, licking her lips at him lewdly. The crewman had no chance. Her hands grabbed his jaw,and his shoulder, dragging him into the closet and throwing him against the wall, rushing him for a kiss.
As she was aggressive, and hungering for more. Alexi's new strength allowed this predatorial side of her infected self to dominate this young man with ease.

However as she soon had him in the closet like room, pinned, and kissing him. Her lips moving, as his clothing seemed to be the only obstacle for her desires. yet the aggressive
action had the young warrior speechless, and more then that. his body was obviously excited, and ripe for abuse. which her enhanced senses would quickly notice, if not the bulge alone.
Little did Alexi know, once she had this man exposed, and ripe, his body would begin to morph, however until then, he came off as a mouth watering source of meat, and pleasure for her current state.

as she was in a dominating state with the alien influence, it would be easy for Alexi to use the strength she had gained from her prior meal, Gunner.
the struggling comrade pinned by her, would be easily teased, as each kiss excited, and caused his growing bulge to become all the more noticeable, and easily felt. even if not meant to be so against her frame.
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She worked the young male up, kissing biting and ducking on her lips without a hint of anything but wild fiery lust. She held him against the wall, her hand moving diwn to grab in his suit and re ded it like it was but paper. She pulled back and started to lift her leg. Planting it on the wall. The steel folded against her foot, not that she noticed, she rose up a bit higher, starting to slam herself straight onto his cock savagely.

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