Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

With the strong willed young man now pinned, his suit torn asunder with ease. Alexi's foot had it's base, flat against the now dented metal wall. as her body slammed into her victim.
the womanly entrance devouring his impressively thickening rod. all the more, she would feel how he squirmed under the maiden's assault. managing to free one of his arms. only to press his palm
into her busty melon. a new sensation would be felt, as if his hand was a mouth, engulfing Alexi's nipple, and sucking in as much of her breast as it could. his one eye soon began to shift into a slit like eye.

His flesh began to morph, and change. as several weakening tendrils form. Alexi would feel how he used them to invade her plump ass. Unaware that this infected stud was just feeding her his strength and life force all the quicker.
More then just that, as his body began to shift, it was unknown to Alexi at this point, but feeding, and subduing a monster form victim would grant her a unique ability which could be used only while empowered from a meal. the first evolution
would be thanks to her internal spore growth by breeding with three maidens thus far. However as this young man was partially shifting, gaining some monster attributes, however his main body still remained the well trained, innocent looking soldier, minus the
one eye, the tendrils coming from his one arm, and the other hand now a maw of it's own. meaning his change was only partial, and could not be completed, thus putting him at Alexi's mercy, as she was being penetrated in the back side, while devouring his meat.
all the more if she did not stop the advances. another tendril would move to press it's cock like tip tours her lips. the creature seemed to be trying to feed off of her, and infect Alexi as if she was a normal woman, despite how this would aid in feeding her body all the quicker.
Alexi pulled her head back moaning out as the door behind them shut, sealing them in. "More-yes-ye-Ah- mmm- give more more-" she moaned again, over and over like a broken hole recording. Her obsession was consuming her, her hidden nature rising its head higher. "I love it~ yes- take me master-" sge moaned as her body curving into him, like his feeding was giving him all the power now. Something inside her enjoyed the game, tricking her prey.
giving into the assault, loving every moment of it. Alexi's body began to almost seem to glisten with youth, strength, and a glow of seductive allure.
however as her body was being filled, the thickening ridged tendril shoving itself deeper into her ass. twisted, and gyrating with each strike. all the while the one which
now moved tours her lips. the bulbous, dripping tip rubbing along her lips. all the while the young man now beast was rubbing himself into her depths. each time. Alexi was slamming her own
body into the victim, devouring his cock with her tight womanly depths, the strong, other worldly moist, warm and tight fleshy coils, suffocating his meat. as her core sucked up and milked every contaminated drop it could.

the way her voice echoed, and her body acted. giving off the false idea that Alexi was the victim here, falling prey to this young stud. All the while this monstrous stud was feeding her all the quicker with his attempts to feed on her
and make Alexi his personal cock sleeve. it would be tolate by the time this new recruit would realize his body had become to weak to pull away, even with his monstrous new appendages, growing weaker, and less obedient more addicted
to invading her depths.
Alexi moaned 'helplessly' as she was forced to take the tendril down her throat, her those squeezing and massaging the appendage, her holes felt like heaven to the wretched mutant, every thrust, every flex, every pump of raw sensations, sent a delicious feedback loop between Alexi and the mutant. As he got weaker, His attacks getting slower, too addicted to realize she was now the one doing all the work again. Honestly as he was too busy cumming, exi was coming too now, her cock slapping against his belly as she slammed herself harder against him. 'Tell me, tell me you can give me more- say it!' Was what she wanted to say. But as she looked the monster in the eyes, he could notice finally in hers, the bigger monster thst she was inside, still curled up in its cocoon, not fully awakened yet
Managing to drive the mutating stud into a weak, and harmless state. the tendril which was just throat fucking her, now easily pulled out by Alexi's hand. all the while
her voice echoed softly, as she demanded to hear the her toy's ability to continue. It was like a scene from a sci fi, erotic movie with how Alexi was now in a dominating position.
in a weak lewd voice, the one who should have been the predator would weakly speak out to her.

" So good, can't keep up. Need more. . . "

panting this out weakly, an audible pop sound would be heard, along with the sensation of her one breast being released from, all the while a thick bulging segment could be seen inching through the one
tendril. the plump bulbous bulge moved tours her, until the tendril released it's thick over whelming load into her moist, lewd bowels. filling alexi in such a unique manor, compared to what her body was use to.

it would seem she would need to be fully dominant to finish up this meal, as the two tendrils were squirting on and in her, while the cock itself was throbbing, and pulsating. hinting tours the most spore filled load
being built up from his churning balls. very soon this room would become the lewd coffin of two assailants having picked the wrong victim.
"Don't worry baby- I'll take care of you- mmmn~ gimme everything-give me everything and I'll be your woman~" sge panted as his load filled her, her belly swelled, sagging slightly, but her body would break it down and absorb it into her system in less than an hour. She was riding him harshly now, grabbing his face and shining it into her brest as she upped her intensity, her swarm welcoming body slurping and wringing him fir everything he was holding in.. her other jand grabbed him by the sack, massaging it to try to coax his final load frim him. "Don't you want a woman like me- Don't you want to make me your little breeding where baby?" She begged abd pleaded, though her forced away only getting more harsh, more intensive. She probably wouldn't recognize what she did as rendering these two men as vegetables, seedless vegetables, but she didn't have the capacity to care for anything but getting off.
Finally milking this second man dry, Alexi's predatorial mind would seem to slowly merge with her natural caring mind. Albeit short lived, yet it would allow her mind
to quickly realize these mutant or infected men were like a wonder drug for her modified body. Despite how the alien influence in her did not fully corrupt her mind, but made more of a
split personality, which was now slowly merging with her true self. as this meal would be enough to allow even her new mind to piece together that by fucking or more so absorbing infected seed, her
body would become stronger, albeit it for short burst. Yet at the same time her mind would scream with images of how Gunner pinned and took her by force.

making one to wonder if she should thank the two men for the meal, or kick them for making her into such a dirty woman. Yet when ever she had ether an appetite, or thirst for satisfaction her instincts or
desires could become over whelming and take control again. yet this would happen, as her mind and body would begin to come off a glorious, and blissful high, as her heavy, bulging belly was visibly shrinking, with out losing a drop
from her tender, and well abused holes, which were healing just as quickly. as if prepping to feel fresh and ripe for the next meal.
Ass she got up again, she felt the high dropping off, the dark glee melting away into her subconscious again. "Oh god-what did I do to you guys-" she said touched the two shrunken, practically malnourished looking men. "Oh Gunner-" sge said blinking back a few tears. He had forced himself on her, but even then she realized that she had complete control of the situation in the midst of her assault. Vut she chose to allow it just so she could steal all of his infection spores abd leave him utterly broken and infertile. And a tiny part of her relished in knowing it. She shivered as she back out of the closet, by now sge was already tight abd thin, like nothing ever happened. Akexi looked at the key card as she abandoned those poor men to their fate. She had to save Nataly, and as many crew mates she could if they weren't infected. She had to protect them.
With both Lee, and Sasha in the med bay, it was easy to keep them safe for now. However Nataly was last seen in the lab area. which as Alexi, now exposed, and glistening
frame moved tours. she would find the door wide open, and a strange thick, clear slime trail moving from the lab down the hall tours another department. More then that, in some spots of
the trail, would be what looked like foot, and hand prints. as if a covered victim was trying to break free. All the while the lab itself was now destroyed. meaning this thing had taken Nataly, and
dragged her tours the direction of the Mess hall. Which unknown to Alexi was already being slowly converted into a breeding, and incubating chamber by the now monstrous captain. wanting all females captured,
and prepped for a new generation of the parasitic creatures to be nursed, and born in. the victims would not die right away but lose their life over countless birthing, and nursing of these new creatures. while
the men, would prove to be an ideal meal for Alexi's growing power, and mutations. a new sensation would swell from with in her. from the original thought of just rescuing any one who was not infected
to rescuing the women, and making them hers. as if something with in her, was now twisting her once noble idea into something dark, perverse, and selfish.
She scowled as she saw the scene, the trial of slime and followed it. Something has stolen from her, taken her friend away. Nobody was breeding Nataly but her. Nataly was going be laying her parasite eggs and teaching their little mutant monsters what human women were for. She didn't even question her own twisted reasons. She believed she was saving them anyhow, her goal to fuck them all into her mind broken cock sleeves was just their salvation she didn't happen to inform them off. Even Lee.

She walked into the mess hall, looking into the room, touching the controls to open it.
as she opened the door to the Mess hall. the thick metallic gate blocking like door hissed open. As it did, the scent of rotten eggs, and spoiled meat began to hit her senses with out remorse.
Before her eyes, the walls had all be hanged into thick globs of pulsating and glowing flesh. the way the ceiling dripped, their were visible tentacles snaking around the room, as they moved through out
the walls.

Their would be several cocoons, now with maidens being used. as these flesh bags were to thick to see which one held nataly in it, but their were 4 of them so far. However little did Alexi know
that the two which had been here the longest would already have the maidens in them mutated into predators. awaiting the chance to be freed, like a moth awaiting it's freedom from the cocoon during
evolution, while one of them would now be nothing more then a sack of flesh, and meaty slush for consumption. while one would have the maiden she sought with small vines, and tendrils poking into the woman
like needles. causing bright red, and blue veins through her body. as to where it would be Purple veins from Alexi's own infectious nature.
Alexi walked into the horrorshow, though..she felt her superior senses raising themselves up, her breathing had softened, preparing for danger and to reactive as shecwalked into the meat pit. She waved the scent of spoiled food away, not even sure when thus happened. The captain must have done this the second they were infected. Alexi walked deeper, seeing the cocoons, walking towards one to give it a test of her new enhanced strength.
as she tested the first sack, the flesh would rupture, as the content spilled out. a meat slosh would spill out to her feet. along with some odd looking eggs.
as this victim was to far gone. However their would be a small silver medallion. if one looked into it, this would reveal this victim was Danalia, or Danny. a fine soldier, and
sister to Sasha. However the fact remained this one was long gone, as her life had been turned into sustenance for this new alien life form.

the next three pulsed, as it was unknown which one would be which. Yet now there was a one in three chance the next sack would ether hide something to be found or be her
desired target. as the rupturing of the first sack had already caused several of the odd looking tendrils to grow out of the ceiling, as the ends opened up like flowers. moving to slurp
up the flesh slushy from the floor, and use it to grow even more.
Alexi drew back, The meat stew that poured out of the cocoon made her sick, but she choked back the bile that rose up inside her. Nataly would be inside one of these?! She covered her mouth a moment as she dragged out the badge. She slid it into her suit's thigh pocket. She would report this to Sasha, Danny was a good woman, it was tragic that she wasn't to be in her harem. Alexi stepped aside from the tentacles that fed on the biomass that was left over. She moved quickly to the other sacks, starting to dig her fingers in and tear open the next one. She had to work quickly if she was going to keep Nataly from being some soup dish for an alien species.
managing to open the next sack, it would be a young face, the young lady known as chambers, xavier, as she was suddenly opening her eyes as they met with Alexi's eyes.
Once coming to, the young lady bust from the cocoon, tackling Alexi down, as her hands moved to pin the would be rescuer. however two more arms soon revealed themselves from the back of
this girl's shoulders. as they moved to try and grasp Alexi's one breast, as the other moved to try and finger her. the mouth opening, and deforming, as the overly sized tongue began to slowly slide out of her
maw. as it moved to try and press into Alexi's mouth. this girl was no longer like one of the infected by Alexi, or even the monsters like the men. this was a meat suit being used by young alien parasites.
the body changing form to best suit these creatures, and now they were trying to use her, to infect Alexi, as the body was not completely changed into an ideal form for use as of yet. However the sudden
assault did give it a chance to pin, and begin to assault Alexi, however the once Brunette now monster did not yet realize, that Alexi still had the strength in her from her double meal.
thus with enough effort she could break free, and take this thing down.
As the monster was trying to mount her, pinning her, Alexi felt her muscles tightening, growing a bit as it held her and the puppet tried to force her mouth open. She opened her mouth wide, the tongue darting for its prize. Then the monster was met with sharp pain as Alexi chomped down on the appendage like a wild beast. Her human teeth nearly severing it as she held on to it, snarling and pulling, her body now strong enough for battle. She drove her knee upwards, slamming it in the back to knock it off of her. Alexi spat the tongue chunk onto the floor. She knew just by looking at it, she couldn't absorb its infection, it was nothing but a shell hiding a monster.
managing to knock the beast away from her with a well placed, albeit painful knee. Alexi would hear the thing thud into the near by sack of flesh of a cocoon. which would end up freeing the second one.
this only left one cocoon still intact. the fleshy sack had to hold her nataly. However now two of these husk like mutants would be after her. as the one she kicked away would be recovering. the second pulling itself
from the fleshy sack the first one tore open with it's impact. the second one suddenly extending it's arm tours her, the palm aiming to grasp Alexi by the throat, in order to try and pull her tours it's meat sack of a cocoon.
However if it got a hold of the still powered up maiden was to be seen. proving that the two men she fed on prior, were a blessing in disguise for Alexi, even if she didn't want to actually do it, this proved she would need to do
such things to survive, and protect what was hers.
Managing to rip the smaller beast from the cocoon by the arm. Alexi would find her fist hitting it's mark dead on. as the creature impacted the ground before her. with a loud thud, and squelching pop.
the infected maiden would find her full force punch caved in the skull, and killed the second creature. leaving only the first larger one to now be dealt with. as it had recovered, and was now rushing tours Alexi.

more then that if she was able to notice, with the skull caved in, small leach like creatures began to escape the body, revealing the true enemy using the bodies like a battle suit.
However these things would be quick to rush along the floor and try to escape into the walls, and fleshy puddles of the room. Yet the long this took, the more likely it was, Alexi would lose her nataly to the infectious little
parasites which were now obviously using compatible bodies as hosts. But she had a horny husk after her now, with elongated, arms, tendrils, and to make things worse, it had morphed it's little friend to look like a horse cock, as it dripped
thick fluid. the sight was like a horror movie, as it rushed for it's rebellious prey.
as she hit the beast, and rushed past it. right as Alexi got to the cocoon of flesh. she would feel a painful sensation as her ankle was snared by the creature.
quickly the beast pulled her from the flesh before the sack was torn. as it pulled Alexi under it's frame once more. with her chest on the floor. as the thing moved to grab and try to
pin the maiden once more. unaware that with her strength it would be hard but not impossible to break free. yet the indented chest from her fist was now bleeding. but the blood was oddly
thick, and sticky. as it would be felt on her, as it would almost seem like a goo acting like a webbing or glue to stick to her, and try to stick her to the spot. this only proved one thing for poor Alexi,
that she should have aimed for the head.
Alexi cried out in pain as she was snared and dragged down, the monster sticky blood and ichor pouring against her suit and skin. As it pinned her, she started to push back, the monster feeling it's weight being forced back slowly as the hybrid was fighting her way back up as best she could.
As she fought and fended it off, Alexi would soon find herself free, however this freedom would be short lived. meaning she had to choose with in moments. to turn around and go on the attack, or
to try and prioritize getting to nat first. as this was a time restricted situation, which was more dangerous for her girl then herself. however as she was free, a severed tendril which had coiled around her ankle began to try and
snake up her leg once more. forming what felt like tiny pricks which acted as legs. the fleshy appendage was aiming to try and get into her depths with out remorse, in a rush. thus it didn't care if it entered her womanly
entrance or back door. which would also reveal to Alexi that this husk creature's flesh even in fragments could become new parasites, if the head was not destroyed.
Alexi felt the offended appendage jump on her leg, her hand grabbed at it, yanking it off and stepping up on the creature again, swinging at ut again, a hammer blow swing square at the monsters head to cave it in for good. Killing it sooner over later with Nataly holding her back would be safer for her.
as she went for the Hammer blow the beast would move just enough so that Alexi's blow would end up into the creature's shoulder. it's flesh squelching upon the impact, as if the flesh was soft upon impact then firm upon snaring her
fist. As a creepy smile came across the face, the beast would slowly begin to extend it's lower jaw, as it's wicked tongue would soon launch itself to try and get into her mouth once more. however the other arm now damaged and morphing
into several tendrils would move to try and snare Alexi's free arm. However if the futa maiden was calm enough to look around, the fact remained, their was what appeared to be a segment of the fleshy wall with a small metal
corner sticking out of the flesh. at just the right height that, a good push would cause them both to rush painfully into the dangerous spot. however if she did not notice this, it could become more of a wrestling match for freedom upon the now
bloody and fleshy room. yet as it was, the fact remained, While Alexi's strength appeared to be draining quickly, she could still win, as the draining strength would finally become noticeable, due to how her fist was stuck in the flesh, which just moments
ago, alexi could easily break free of with out much effort.
Alexi gripped the monsters tendrils up in her free fist, her heightened perceptions making her able to pick up on the faint metal glint behind the wrestling pair. The futa bellowed as she slammed herself into the monster, her forceful steps pulverizsing the fleshy lining on the floor and denting the steel underneath it was she stormed forwards with her last ditch effort in mind, charging the beast backwards into the metallic spike.
FInally managing to take down the first mutant she awoken. the impact would cause a painful impact even on her own body. as the creature's head split upon the impact. it's dead weight falling upon her.
the body pinning Alexi, as it would be oddly difficult to get out from under the dead weight husk. showing she had used over half the strength she had from the two meals prior. yet it proved to be enough for this encounter.
as it was also a reveal that the amazing boost she got from the two male victims prior, was something she could use up, and revert to her weaker normal state. which would also cause a bit of this new hunger to grow with in her.

However for now, the task of getting free from the husk's weight, and to the cocoon was Alexi's priority.
Alexi struggled and squirmed, wrestling herself, dragging herself slowly from underneath the deadweight , grabbing even the dents she made in the floor fir handhold. "Fuck-Nataly- you owe me-" she grumbled as she climbed up to her feet slowly, starting to stagger over to the cocoon. "You are carry every baby I put in you to term-" she grumbled as she grabbed the cocoon, trying to pull it open.
finally able to successfully get to the fleshy cocoon. the maiden inside would fall out, along with a torrent of gushing ambiotic, and toxic fluids.
covering Alexi from chest to toe, as Nat fell into her arms. unconscious, naked, and with squirming partial tendrils sticking out of her cunt, and ass.
showing they had begun to squirm into her, while in the cocoon. showing that if Alexi took even a few moments longer they would have been able to successfully
invade her girl's depths, and begin the husk puppet process. However at this point it was in time, and Alexi could easily rip the two slug like beasts from her girl's resisting entrances.
"Those holes belong to me!" Alexi snapped angrily, snatching out the parasites and throwing them away from her sight. She looked down, starting to pull Nataly up , balancing her on her shoulders to carry her out. The hunger began nagging her little by little, but she couldn't exactly stop to fuck . She shook the distraction away, limping for the doors.

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