Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

now finally managing to get out of the small hell hole of a nest. Alexi knew well now she had her work cut out for her, with only three women in her own possession.
the captain having been changed into a real monster. The race would soon be on, to see how many she could rescue or more so claim, and if the small group Alexi would create
could hold out until a rescue ship arrived to collect them. or if she could muster up a small yet strong enough force to retake this now infested ship.
entering the room, Sasha would still be out cold, however the pod which had Lee in it was now empty. as she would be in the back chamber
none the wiser. fixing some coffee for Alexi and herself. figuring it was her fellow lab rat who had rescued and gave her such a fate, as well has leaving such a lewd
scene for her to clean up. as Sasha was now properly in a resting bed instead of being laid out like she was prior. as she would enter setting the coffee onto the table.
the young lady would be in the other room long enough for Alexi to get nat into the pod now.
Seeing her like this, Alexi would soon notice how Lee walked, her hips swaying, her legs moving elegantly. despite her age, the modified body did indeed bless this old hag with the looks of a prime beauty.
"so then, you are so rude to make a girl awaken alone, and not even a nibble of chocolate or deserts after such a rough session. " as she said this playfully scolding Alexi for not being hear when she awoke, and leaving the
mess which was sasha for her to clean up, and properly take care of. Yet at the same time she would move up to flick Alexi in the forehead, before looking into the fellow modified Woman's eyes.

"So then, tell me, did you break little sasha, cause you didn't get enough of mama last time hmm?" saying this playfully, however the fact remained, Lee was oblivious to the true events going on, as far as she knew
the alien life form had been dealt with, back in the lab. unaware of how it spread it's spores, and now many other beasts roamed the ship in the guise of man, and woman alike.
"Well not- exactly" Alexi flinched as she rubbed her forehead. "I uh did that because Sasha would only help you for some payment. And uh...I think I'd call that a pretty heavy down-payment for the future too." Alexi said sighing. "I don't think I'll be able to get you some chocolate for a while either...things on the ship are getting bad." She said bringing Lee over to take a seat and she sat down across from.her slowly, starting to explain what she's seen on the ship....ofcourse leaving out the whole 'Devouring two men's essence' thing.
The two sat together, as Alexi filled Lee in with the events on the ship. However this caused a look of shock and terror in Lee's eyes.

"Are you serious, Oh God what have we done, what have I done. releasing that thing, cause I was in a hurry. we need to save them some how. or at least ensure
this thing doesn't take any more victims. how many can we save?"

sounding more frantic, and panicked now, unaware of how bad it truly was. As only Alexi could deal with them thus far, but the fact remained, even Alexi could tell these girls had a unique
infection, which was from her. making them more desirable for both herself and these creatures. as if her infection was different, more adaptive to the host, then dominating and dangerous.
"Gunner....gave me this" She said putting the emergency key on the table. "A key card to the escape raft, it holds about 10 people...and I don't know how many women- i mean people are still hiding. But I plan on getting out of here...and when it's time, I'm going to try to blow this ship into stardust so nobody else is in danger." She assured. "I don't think it's safe for you or the others yet to travel around, we need weapons....and the mess hall is a nest so we'll salvage rations from the storage platforms."
"No, no, you said women, what did you see out their to make you say such a word?"
jumping on this, quickly, not wanting to believe any of this, but the fact remained, once the three girls were recovered, Alexi could use them to get rations,a nd supplies, as she would be the one needing
to venture out to collect, and rescue those who could be rescued, or more so infected by her needs.
"Alot. Let's just say...the men seem to be faring far worse in the short term, they are mutating or last I've seen trying to fight off the captain...who is some abhorrent monster now. However ,It seems women aren't changing the same way fir the most part" she informed shaking her head. It wasn't a lie, just not the reason she said 'Women'
"I see, so you think most the men if not all are already fallen to this? then we should try to keep an eye out for any of the young men if we can save even one. it would help with so many girls. "
as she said this, the realization of why would soon hit Alexi like a hammer. Lee was thinking of how some women did not accept futa's or more so hermaphrodites as lovers. yet in truth
if they accepted it or not would have little to no effect once infected by Alexi. however now Lee would lean in taking Alexi's hand.

"Even if I have to share, I want you to promise if it's to dangerous you will forsake others, and come back to me. " saying this, in a seductive look, revealing the true nature of this modified Gilf before her eyes.
"Oh, cutey I have to say the ride needs work, but these old bones can't find much healthier playmate now a days. "
saying this in a playfully possessive tone. despite the fact,. Lee was the one fucked out of commission, she spoke as if it was Alexi who could not
finish their fun properly. However as the two began to tease one another, Sasha would suddenly come to, screaming bloody murder.

As the scene would be quiet something. Once Alexi and Lee would turn to see the screaming Sasha, they would quickly see, what looked like a thick, almost
latex like slime which was oozing from the vent right above her. moving to wrap around sasha's tiny waist, planning to bind and fold her body up to abuse her with out remorse.

( this would be the scene roughly, if Lee, and Alexi don't get it off of her quick enough. + cock abuse as well nyaa. Finding a vid or pic of what I have in mind not easy nyaa but got lucky :D )
( never seen the rope's work before, so will have to check it out. can't go wrong with 3d bondage nyaa, and might help with more ideas, after all was googling Hentai Latex slime to find it kekekeke )

as this happened before Sasha could fully Register what was going on, the odd fleshy like blob formed thick black tendrils, as one latched out to wrap around the ankle of Alexi, another whipping out tours Lee, who was quickly
grasping a blade. moving to free alexi, However for the futa maiden. it would appear even if this thing did not pose much of a threat compared to the creature's she dealt with prior to get nat back. it would still require her to exhaust
more of her unique strength, and thus increase her hunger by that much.

Sasha still freaking out, as her arms, and legs were now tightly around Alexi, as if she was a traumatized child risking the life of her would be rescuer, due to her panicked state of being. which one could not blame Alexi for having to
deal with this now. having seen first hand the monsters, unlike her girls. However as it got a hold of her, and caused the woman to feel it trying to pull and trip her. the worse sensation would be the odd warmth felt against her body.
which would end up being the most embarrassing part to deal with once this was all over.

( think scared puppy, but replace puppy with sasha <..< might need some monster endurance training after this encounter. nyaa )
"Sa-" Alexi gasped as she felt the warmth on her body, but she twisted her body, sliding Sasha off her. The slime saw Alexi lift her leg, almost completely vertically by her head. The axe kick she delivered rushed with more of her boosted strength, it probably was more than enough to split even the bed frame it sat upon. "You and I are going to talk about that Sasha!" Alexi said over her shoulder
Now saying this in a threatening tone, the fact remained, Sasha was pointing past Alexi, still freaking out. however Lee soon tossed the blade to Alexi.
"Use this, that thing looks like it needs to be cut, and burnt at the same time. "

as she shouted this, the weapon was a unique knife, despite still being in it's carry case, or sheathe. it would be able to vibrate and heat up with the two switches on the handle.
being a strange looking Butcher blade, one which was custom, which would leave one to ask why Lee had such a tool, or perhaps it would be better to say Toy, hinting tours a side to this
old beauty, perhaps one more twisted, and sadistic then any playmate Alexi had prior. Yet this would hopefully allow her to finish off the sludge like beast, as it began to pull itself together
from the spread out impact it was in. having been crushed, but not killed, the thing had no real physical structure like the foes so far, yet it did not splatter, but instead spread out like a smashed gel.

if it was allowed the moments needed, many tendrils would form and launch themselves out to try and ensnare Alexi's limbs, legs, and arms alike.
as she began to slide it apart, the bulk of the beast could be seen now visibly trying to escape. even releasing squirts of it's sticky black fluid.
as it would bind the victim to any surface it hit as well. an ideal binding agent for capturing organic prey. however as this was a desperate act
to get away. this only showed Alexi she had an ideal weapon now for this scene. yet if even a single chunk of it escaped, it could come back when they were asleep,
any where on the ship.
managing to cut it down more and more. as the chunks seemed to sizzle and evaporate. Lee would quickly stop Alexi from finishing off the tiny putty like beast as it was now just enough
to be crushed in one's palm completely, as the fellow mad scientist rushed over to jar the latex jelly up. and sealing it. as she smiled with a wicked smirk. before looking to Alexi.

"wow, you got us a new toy to play with. I can't wait to see if we can train, and tame this life form. just imagine a living battle suit, or more so life support companion suit."
as she spoke up, her mind running wild, which would be something any would think, if they had not seen and experienced the horror this thing brought along with it like Alexi did.

as this was now a task completed, Alexi had a freaked out, and semi traumatized Sasha to handle, to both help and scold for the odd scenario which had played out upon them in this tiny room.
"No, No, it's not ok, it's still here. it's still a danger. we need to escape we need to run. "
as she spoke sniffling, and pulling herself into the corner away from any vent, and the sealed jar which had the tiny creature struggling to escape.

as Lee had placed the jar on the table and was excitedly looking it over with her fascinated eyes. this did not Help Sasha who was obviously terrified due to
how it had awaken her. Yet this would seem to vanish if she was able to be wrapped in a warm and protective embrace. despite the fact of the mess she made prior, albeit
Finally calming down, the tiny sasha was in Alexi's arms, as she snuggled into the woman's embrace. sniffling as she asked what was going on.
why so many monsters and why now. still some what freaked out, Lee would be watching at this point, as she smirked, seeing how the specimen they had
seemed to be desperately trying to get out of the jar. as it bounced in the direction of Sasha over and over again. despite being sealed in this container.

as she was now growing more curious as to what about Sasha was drawing this thing to her. as it was obviously one sided attraction.
Once things seem to finally calm down, Lee would look to Alexi, with a devious smirk. as she had the jar in her hands. as she moved to place it down next to Sasha. oddly enough once it was close to sasha, the odd slime core began to melt into a more gel like
filling in the jar. as it calmed down. a smile coming across Lee's wicked lips. she looked to Alexi.

"I see, this thing is hell bent to be near little sasha. Even if it's contained. Alexi, what you think, is it possible some of these creature's keep attachments from victims?"
asking this, as she would look to sasha, thinking who or what had been the source of this creature, as it was oddly fond of Sasha, did she have a secret lover in the crew, or perhaps a hidden pet which was turned into the monster.
however unknown to Lee, or Sasha, this odd reaction would trigger a strange sensation in the back of Alexi, as if their was a dangerous competition on this ship for the girls which were hers now. as the back of her mind would see images
of men being consumed by her, and the power being taken, and used to secure her girls, safety.
"so then, do you have any special partners, which might be a new test subject for us?"
asking this Lee had a devious yet oddly alluring look to her, with the way her twisted mind was now working. the wicked yet playful genius was
always as dangerous as she was alluring when like this. Asking this, it was obvious that she wanted Alexi and herself to go out and test this theory, more so in a way to capture
more specimens for testing. yet little did she know, this would also be a chance to paint an opportunity for Alexi to feed, and restore the lost power she had from her prior meal in the
small janitorial closet prior.

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