Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

"Take your time, we need to figure out how we can abuse anything in this bizarre scenario to our advantage. "
as she said this, Lee was speaking true to their situation. however the fact remained. she was also the one who had been seen
by the crew prior to this hellish scenario as the local mad scientist. now though the rumored madness in her mind would end up becoming one
of the best weapons for Alexi to use in this wicked scenario.
"I intend on us surviving." She said shooing her away ...waiting a moment or two longer. "Sasha. When I was looking for Nataly...I found out where the infected keep women and uh...what happens to then. I...I didn't even consider this until I found out but your sister....won't be able to join us. ." She said as she drew out the badge slowly, abd held it out to her. " to her first."
seeing this, Sasha fell silent for a few moments, before breaking down into a serious level of cries.
seeing this, Lee would get a more serious tone to her voice standing their, as she would look to alexi.
"I think it is very important we find the ideal sample of the base flesh. not some converted flesh. we will need to come up with some means to fend them off properly. "
now saying this, in a more serious tone. it was obvious that the excitement had some what vanished with this reveal. as Alexi knew better then any one the risk they all were in,
as she was able to see it first hand a few times by now.
"We'll have to find something pure." Akexi said ascshevout hervarmscaround Sasha, holding onto hervas she cried. The futas:eyes were looking far away, not quite focused on planning while Sasha cried her eyes out. She couldn't offer her comforting words here, nor could she even offer a lie of a painless, swift death. "I'm so sorry Sasha."
as things began to calm down finally, Sasha would look up to Alexi her eyes red, and puffy, her cheeks stained in tears, and face with some snot.
"we need to get out of this ship, we need to get out of this nightmare please. "
as she spoke up, unaware that such a thing would be impossible, at least until they got through the auto pilot scheduled light speed jump back to a stable galaxy. where they could be
found by a space station, or until a rescue team got onto the ship. ether way this did not change the fact, alexi would need to protect the girls which were hers, as well as rescue any potential new
victims to spread her infection upon. as it seemed like those infected by her would not turn to monsters, but instead become docile tours her needs to so speak, while keeping their own ego's.
which could be see, as a minor mutation instead of the monstrous mutation those infected by the captain had gone through.
hearing this as she calmed down, Sasha would make an unexpected request.
"Once we know for sure, I want to take the head of the one which killed my sis with us. as a memory, and proof. "
as she said this, revealing a some what twisted, yet fitting desire for one who had lost family. yet it also painted a sight which might be both
enjoyable and troublesome. a tiny bloody thirsty space pirate vistage of sasha would both enter, and excite the mind of Alexi if she realized it right away
or not. as Lee would be the one to notice right away, snaking her hands around Alexi to feel up her growing erection.
"Well...I don't see why not, but I don't know-Lee-" Alexi looked down as the GilF was rubbing on her male organ. "I thought we were going out on business! Dirty old woman-" sge said as her election only got bigger before Sashas eyes. Ofcourse the futa probably would notice best that it looked a little bigger than before.
"Well we are going out on business, But do I really need to say it out loud? we have two beautys will equipped, but only one is stable at the moment. "
saying this as she smirked. However Lee would be unaware that her words would come off almost like a challenge for Alexi to get sasha active in the act with Lee and nat.

However this teasing did serve a second purpose which would not be over looked by one as smart, and calm as Alexi, considering the scenario they were trapped in. as
the Gilf was both moving to tease and get some fun, but also trying to distract the more distraught smaller woman, with a sight to cause a new desire or reaction to get her out of
the mind frame of being a simple victim. The infected maiden who was the leader of this little group would need to decide, ether give into some fun, and risk luring unwanted attention to this room.
or to take one of her girls with her out to try and get some scavenging done for supplies, weapons, and perhaps in Alexi's case, a quick drain or two. as only she knew of how the infected males could make her
stronger. perhaps to some degree one of her girls who were infected by her could also endure, and gain strength like her, but this would be a risky experiment for Alexi to test later if she felt so inclined to do so.
calming down finally, Sasha would look to Alexi sniffling a bit still, but calmer then she was prior.
"I want to get the head of what ever is responsible for my sister. if we get the chance promise me. "
saying this, as she squeezed her little hands into fists, so tight they bled slightly. all the while Lee would be pouting from alexi's
comment, despite how it was true. regardless, the seductive milk would look to her mistress asking which of the two girls would go with
her, and which would remain to watch over Nataly in the pod.
As this went on, Lee would suddenly take hold of Alexi's arm. pulling her away from Sasha for a moment, as she would smirk.

"Well then, which of us will go with you, and which of us shall stay and look after Nataly until she recovers hmm?"
saying this in an oddly sultry and teasing tone of voice, the old wild bird was wanting some fun one way or another. as she had shown
hints of a twisted, and blood thirsty side. but at the same time she was as lewd, and kinky as any one could expect with such a body. But none of this changed
the fact. that she was right, and they did not have even enough supplies to last the night in this room let alone longer. thus it would be priority to get some food, as the lab
could provide clean and purified water with the built in equipment in the room.
Once this was decided, Lee would seem to smirk playfully, before moving to take her enhanced vibro cleaver blade. as she looked to Alexi.

"Well then, lead on boss, we can have our fun to celebrate upon our return right?"
as she said this, with a wicked look in her eyes, licking her lips. the old crazy babe was something to say the least. however her mind and body language proved that
she was mission first, and pleasure second.
Once the two were ready, Alexi would be the one to slip out first, as she winked ad sasha before leaving.
however pulling Alexi with her, the excited doctor of madness and experiments would smile. as she was like an excited child playing
spy in the back yard of some private property. all the more the sight of how she moved would cause the returning sensation for alexi to deal with.
as this was not the time nor place for such things. however the first destination would be down the hall, and around some moving bodies. these figures
to far to make out, but with how they moved, it was clear they were severely infected, and most likely monsters in a human disguise at the moment.
" Should we check to be sure? After all they might be able to lead us to some captured victims if we follow them? "

Saying this to her leader, and playmate of a mistress. Lee would have a strange yet dangerous look I'm her eyes. However unlike Lee, Alexis had been assaulted and defended herself against husks like this before. Despite the power up she got back them, her body was no longer as powerful after the monster fight not that long ago. If she got just one of them, perhaps it could be used like a battery for alexi bit with Lee at her side this would pose even greater risk then if she was alone.
"Perhaps. We could also capture one." Alexi said as she squeezed her fingers inti her palm. Her strength was higher than a man. But she knew she'd struggle with more than one of these horrors if she didn't increase her infection again. She started to creep forward, carefully moving to keep an eye on the monstrosities.
It was almost like the sneaking scene from some good old spy action hold videos. But this was no movie. As Lee would be the major risk, as the girl with Alexis seemed to struggle at remains stealthy. Having mistakenly made some sounds. As they moved tours the next set of doors, which was one of many dry food storage rooms. This could be a Chance to split up, allowing Lee to gather food, and herself to try and lure one of these husks alone. Unless Alexis felt it was a better idea to remain with Lee In the gathering process as well.
"Very well, but I expect a proper reward for my work later. " saying this the modified beauty which was a kinky gild would grab Alexi pulling her into an unplanned
and yet very arousing deep kiss. which would cause her mind to feel the sudden surge and desire to take Lee right their before the kiss broke. as the older woman winked at her. entering the room and
closing the door before Alexi's eyes. in order to leave her companion to deal with the husk which moved about the hall ways.

Down the hall, the two husks were soon three. however along the sides of the walls were several doors. If she needed to, Perhaps Alexi could use some of these doors to hide herself,
or prep herself to try and ambush these infected males. changing her role from prey to predator for this part.
Managing to move from one room to another. the closer she got with each room. the more organic, and living the walls seemed to become. however little did she know, that very soon, Alexi would come across
a massive yet petite woman. one who dwarved her in height, but was also often mistaken as a man due to her small petite size in key spots. as she would be bound by pink, and red tendrils, and gel like flesh.
pinned to a wall, with all her holes being occupied, and used slowly. making it obvious she was a more recent capture, due to how her guard, or more so military class armor was still in the process of sizzling and melting
off of her very form.

Alexi blinked as she glanced over and saw the captive, briefly believing the alien system had taken a liking to one if the males on board rather than kill or possess it. "Daphne? Oh god-" she hissed hustling over. Daphne was taller than her, perhaps 6 or so feet tall, and honestly when they first met on the Ship Alexi even though she was a man briefly then too. Alexi grabbed at the appendage that was occupying her mouth, starting to rip it off her face. "I'll help you, but you-you are going to owe me big!"
Beginning to free the fellow shipmate, Alexi would soon find herself feeling how the binding alien flesh began to grow and expand. as it reach out to try and bind her arms, and legs.
wanting to pull alexi into it's breeding binding. however little did this entity know, that the modified woman could use the last tiny bit of male infection, boost to rip herself free, but then it would
be all the harder to subdue, and feed upon the infection of the husked males. for now the task was to use it, and rescue Daphne, or just free herself and try to come back for the fellow woman later.
Having made her choice, to leaving the glaring girl with teary eyes behind. who was now being used even rougher due to the failed attempts to free her. Leaving, thus Alexi would need
to head back out into the hallway. however it would appear clear for now. as the modified woman would be unaware that the ideal meal for her was actual a mutated male now moving along the ceiling like
a spider, due to his mutations. unable to be detected even by Alexi, with out a full infection power up. yet it would be more then willing to assault her, the instant Alexi was spotted, as it would seem like this thing was
using the husks like puppets at the moment.
Alexi looked around the halls, trying to strain her senses, looking for prey. Her body was starting to produce its sweet pheromone trail, the mote of strength she had tucked away for emergencies until she could feed upon an infection. She picked up on the Husks, walking towards them slowly, quietly stalking towards them.

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