Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Surprise crossed her face that he made this for her, this was for her and the twins, she was on his mind, warmed her heart. She looks down at the blanket, feeling along it while Victor went to check on Sally. “Really I am okay” Sally reassured her partner, smiling to his consideration of her well being and his child still growing inside her. Exhaustion was pulling at her, calling her for slumber and rest but reminder of how inexperienced Beauty was came to light.

“Burp them?” Beauty questioned with confusion, a look of concern washing over the twins but they seemed so at peace. “Over your shoulder, pat on the back, it will settle their little tummies” Sally explained not daring to attempt in showing Beauty.

“Oh…” Beauty hums as she lifts Eve over her shoulder, patting and rubbing over her back until the cutest burp sounded with a giggle. “Like that?” Beauty gasps proudly as she kisses her babe on the cheek.

Sally would nod her head “yes, just like that after feeding” she spoke,her eyes beginning to struggle to stay open.
Moving to sit next to Beauty, Victor would smile, as he watched her burp the infants. as the sight was indeed special for a new mother to be learning such things.
"I have to ask, Beauty will you be alright around sally? after all, when I came into the room, it looked like something might have happened. " asking this, as to ensure from beauty's own words she would be able to be safe, and proper around her fellow mare. however now she had Sally's experience, and advice to help her learn more about her role, all the while Victor was here to support her, and more so she had a custom made, blanket just for her and the girls.

Sally would be able to quickly see where this was leading, as Beauty was a priority, however so was sally, even more so as her infant was unborn as of yet, thus she would be seen as more vulnerable then Beauty, who was now recovering from her birthing event.

as all this went on, Mako's mind would be allowed to run wild in the punishment shed. more so even with her limbs unbound, her hips, were still chained to the bed, as the wild mare would be able to figure out things went down hill with beauty and the fouls quickly. However their was no more loud, excited, or panicked sounds. meaning he was taking care of things. However the longer it took for him to return the worse their next session would truly be. even if she was not in the mood for it. However if Mako was left alone for the rest of the night, she would know better then any one, how to handle a pent up beast which was restraining himself around the other girls. giving her a means to tease, and try to get her own way if she is to be left alone for far to long for her own liking.
Burping Lily next as Victor joined them on the bed, creating a smile on Beauty's face until he questioned her demeanor remaining civil with Sally, which simply made her believe he was attempting to leave, return to his little punished fuck toy that was sick in her head that she would be anywhere near the twins. "We will be fine," Beauty answered with a huff, not even wishing to apologize to Sally; she did warn the mare not to touch her babies, and she did anyway. Sally smiled a little. "Yes, we will be alright; you must be quite busy tonight; everyone should be fine until morning," she said, nodding her head to the door, knowing how pent-up he was. Who knows what they had interrupted when the twins screamed their heads off while he was with Mako?

Back in the shed, Mako was growing restless with concern. The screaming had stopped, but Master had not yet returned. Did something more serious occur, or was he staying the night with his new daughters, leaving her out here all alone? Mako would shake her head, not wanting to allow such thoughts to enter her mind; master would come back to her; he needed her desperately.
Moving himself to gently run his fingers along beauty's cheek. As he would look into her eyes.

" instead of reacting talk, tell me what you want? More importantly remember you and Sally are mothers , thus even if you feel no need to apologize. I want to know that he two of you will always help one another for the sake of our little ones. " as he spoke with honest and gentle feelings. Beauty would soon notice a slight yet dangerous change in her loving masters aura. Despite his honest words and actions. As to would Sally. Realizing how dangerous things could get if the pent up issues were not resolved. Yet their master was obviously prioritizing the women and children over himself which sadly could lead to new issues in their own right.

Moving not to touch the little ones but their mother instead. Victor would finally say something which could easily shock both women.

" I want to make one thing very clear right here and now. Even if you have to take actions against myself. I won't be angry if it's to protect each other or the young ones. As it is I know I could lose myself some times and thus I want to know you two will always have each other for support. " as he spoke making himself clear. Due to knowing his own aggressive short comings when he got pent up or had to deal with many issues. These two ladies were the only ones he stated could get away with turning on him for the protection of each other or the chosen if things got serious or out of hand. This was a unique right even mako would never get, more so if she found out it could cause some serious issues for her and the others, which Victor seemed to be unconcerned with.
Pinning back her ears at his touch, it did draw her to meet his gaze even though, as hesitant as it was, his eyes could make her swoon, but she resisted such an urge. At the same time, he spoke, mentioning her tone was not acceptable, along with an addition, of ensuring they both knew protecting each other and their children was expected even against him. Beauty couldn't help but glance toward Sally, who seemed slightly surprised but kept quiet as this was a conversation between Beauty and Victor while she was a spectator. Returning her gaze to him, Beauty responded with a nod, "Understood," murmuring just as she dropped her eyes down to the twins, who happily were asleep against their mother. Such a sight drew a yawn from Beauty, hinting how exhausted she was still; rest was much needed. Sally, at last, stepped up with a warm smile. "Truly, we will be fine; you must have other duties to tend to," she spoke softly.
Moving to give Beauty a gentle kiss on the forehead, before speaking softly to her.
"Make sure to call out for me, if anything happens or you just need me. " as he said this softly, the old man like side of Victor would show itself.
the gentler and caring side which was originally exclusive to treating sally, was now also treating beauty. as he would place a small charm by her, the same kind which
sally had for emergency's, or if she ever just felt lonely for any reason. unless Beauty stopped him, Victor would quietly leave the room after watching over beauty, and
the children sleep for a short bit. as he would check with sally as well, to ensure she was safe, and didn't need anything ether.

all the while, quiet some time passed, as Mako was alone, bound, but able to move off the bed at least, the bindings only prevent her from leaving the shed, which meant
the instant her master returned, she could jump and pin him if she so desired or allow him to be the aggressor.
Hiding her smile that followed the peck on her forehead, she simply nodded her head as her eyes fell closed, her head shifting against her pillow, already dozing off for the time being. Sally would offer Victor a smile as her answer, not wanting to wake Beauty, especially as she joined the mare in bed to get some real rest herself. The rest of the night was given to Mako who was patiently waiting for Master to return, she had not moved from the bed as she stared, frozen in place toward the door waiting for his footsteps, the turn of the handle, the creak as the door opened, she had her ears twitching non-stop trying to detect any sound of Master returning for her. Of course, it was all out of concern for the twins than pleasing Master currently, they were to be her children.
Once everything had been settled, and the girls with the children safely tucked in bed, and secured. Victor would smile gently, wishing Both Beauty, and Sally to rest well, he would take care of them in the morning once they were well rested. as he moved to silently leave the room, and close the door. the man left a small device in the room. as a result he could hear, and react to anything which needed to be done for the safety of those in the room. as he planned to let them all rest, as well as treat the women to a hot proper breakfast in the morning. as to wake them with this gift.

as he returned to the outdoor shed. the door was fully opened, as Victor entered, seeing Mako awaiting him on the bed. a gentle smile on his face, as he walked in to sit next to her.
"So then, do you want to hear everything or just the exciting bits about our girls?"
asking this, in a gentle, and carefree tone. one which was a rare sight for Mako, or any of the girls to enjoy. However it was also a side of him which Mako could enjoy more then ether of the other two, due to how with his fuck doll lover, this man could be truly free to let all of himself out, no need to worry about holding a part of himself back for the safety of mako, unlike with sally and Beauty. a small detail sally knew of, yet Beauty would learn about sooner or later.
Neither Sally nor Beauty spotted the device planted in the room to allow Victor the ability to hear what could occur in the room just in case another scene similar to earlier happened once more; Sally was lucky nothing happened to her foal. But she was soundly resting beside Beauty and the twins, the little family getting a chance to catch up on sleep as the new world for the twins was already quite exhausting.

Perking up by the scent of Master's return, he was delighted; he was content and soft in a sense, hinting all was right with the twins, though Mako would die to hound him with details, she preferred to entertain him first as already they were interrupted. "You know how much I would love to hear everything, but..." moving into his lap once he sat beside her, "I need to take care of my Master first," smirking toward him with a hungry glint in her eyes. Her hands caress down his chest and stomach, finding their way to his cock, stroking him a few times as she rolls her hips into his lap, pressing her lips along his neck and jaw line. "you have been working so hard, been such a good master to all over us, let me be a good girl and take care of you" purring into his ear. Of course, Mako always knew she was walking into a dungeon with a monster once she got him going, but it was better now to ask him all her wonderings later.
As she had the chains, and shackles on her wrists, and ankles, the fact she had enough freedom to do as she wished in this shed. Mako was now the purring girl who was about to indulge in her master's desires. as his body was like an open book to her skills. as his monstrously swollen, and massive spear was ripe for her to enjoy. the way it had become even thicker, and painfully red, showed that once she got him going, his wild and monstrously lustful side would come out to play. however as it was, his mid was obviously in a state of care, and gentle determination having dealt with the children and other ladies. Yet Mako was the one which could flip her master's switch with her skills, and even tease him into a state she alone could enjoy and endure.
Ripe for the taking before her, more like under her as he pulsed his readiness into her hand and against her body while she grinds into his lap, knowing her tricks would flip a switch in his mind soon enough. Her lips traveled down his body, starting at his neck until upon the tip of his hot rod that leaked with delicious pre cum, she happily licked up before taking him into her mouth. A few minutes of pumping and sucking him off caused her metal chain to make all sorts of noise until she came back up to settle in his lap, her eyes meeting his once more. Mako was only in control for some time, especially when he had been pent up for so long; Beauty and Sally were busy making babies or caring for them while Mako ensured she cared for her master for the time being. It wasn't long until he was deep within her depths, her breasts bouncing with each stroke of riding his cock, soft gasping moans sounding past her lips while her tongue hung out due to the pleasure he brought to her.

Back in the mansion, Sally was sound asleep in the bed beside Beauty and the twins, the new mother waking to soft breaths and coos at her sides; otherwise, there was silence in the room. She lowers her ears as she gently removes herself from the bed, slipping into the bathroom to get some time alone and clean herself up properly. She turned on the showerhead, adjusting the temperature before stepping under the water with a relieved sigh, rubbing her hands along her body that was already healing to its original slender image. After a short time, she slowly sat down, letting the water continue to run over her body.
( wont lie, last time this thread had a notification was from our guest nyaa )

Now cleaning herself up, the new mother in the mansion would have the quiet, and peace to think to herself. With everything that has happened, and more so with the fact this man who she once believed was nothing but a perverted bastard finally seemed to have won her over, despite the way he depended on his fuck doll of a mare to keep himself under control. It would be an odd moment for the newly appointed mother, as her mind was mainly on the twins, yet for brief moments, she would think of this man, how he handled her, how he prioritized her, and the twins. despite owning the mare, he was the one which treated, her and sally as equals, and lovers. unlike mako who was the troublesome one. However for now, she could rest peacefully, as Sally was at her side, and the twins safe, and sound, with in reach of their protective mother, at a moment's notice. As it was, the Filly did not know that their would be an unknown side effect to having been bred by this man, one which Sally knew, but had a tolerance to, due to the unique relationship she had. as the young mother would feel an unexpected heat which would grow with in her, by the time the next day would come. however for now, all her instincts were under some kind of control, as her little ones were her new world.

mean while. . .

Now riding her master, the lustful mare would be the one ontop, as she could feel his hands grasping her hips. with each lewd, moist impact. her breast swayed, bounced, and rotated beautifully for her master. as his hot thick rod filled her depths. it was rare for this maiden to be the one in control of the show. but with her tricks, and experience, Mako could enjoy her master until that lewd trigger in his instincts finally flipped, as it would then become her punishment of bliss. leaving the beauty a weak defenseless slut of a mess, like only he could. however until then, she could enjoy herself. more then just that. while his sensual desires were being sated, and his mind having not yet succumb to the lust, it would be the rare chance to tease info from her master and lover.
Needing a few moments of adjusting to the overwhelming pleasure of him inside her, Mako got her bearings to dive into that mind of his. "So, now that the twins have been born, Beauty will be going into heat soon. Will you breed her again?" she questions. Her fingers traced along his shoulders and neck, her body bouncing and jiggling upon his lap as her soaking wet pussy sucked his thick member in and out with each motion Mako made. Already breathless as she was not entirely used to performing for extended amounts of time, she would endure anything for her master as long as he was in her good graces. "For, if you do, then she would have to allow me to aid in caring for the little ones; Sally can only help for so long as her little stallion will soon be born," accidentally allowing some information slip that Sally had been keeping to herself. A son was on the way in the womb was his longest and most faithful lover. But why would Sally keep such an important piece of information to herself?

In the shower, Beauty was getting lost in her thoughts; she had believed she was the true love of his, that Sally was simply here for the workload and business, and Mako was a sleeve for his cock, but those mares seemed far more intelligent than just simple objects. She can't leave now; her foals are here, and she can not take care of the twins by herself out in the cruel world. Plus, he made it clear he would not run after her if she left, which made her feel worthless but also desire to stay. A whine rose from her wishing she could have some real and true answers, but of course, her thoughts were interrupted by Sally poking her head into the shower "Beauty, what are you doing on the floor? Did you fall?" clearly concerned as she saw how red the mare's skin was from the burning hot water. Reaching in, she shuts off the water, pulling open the curtain as she fetches a towel. "The twins are awake; better you return to them," she informs, holding out the towel, but Beauty has not spoken or moved, lost in thought.
Suddenly taking notice of how She had let the little slip up of info out. Bel would suddenly grasp mako, slamming himself into her, as if he was a feral beast trying to force his balls into her like a wolf's knot. with how hard he slammed into her, and pulling out to do the same thing. getting much faster like a full powered piston.

"So then, she shared a bit of info with you, that I did not know. I am gonna have a boy huh. Looks like your gonna be very busy my Mako. I expect you to teach our kids how to be good boys and girls when the time comes as well. " saying this, as he got rougher, and faster with her while speaking.

This news excited her man all the more, as it would become all the harder for the mare to keep herself mentally intact at this point, due to the abusive pleasure which was now beyond her chosen pace. yet at the same time, Mako knew no matter how rough, or wild her master got, he would never truly hurt or endanger her, unless it was with in acceptable levels due to making out like this. making her body defenseless, legs weak, and bruising her love entrance, or rear had been the worse he ever done, when like this. however it was also a double edged sword, for Mako knew she could go wild if she wanted when her master went off like this with her still on top.


Returning to her bed, and the twins,. with her bod soaked, and smelling, fresh and clean now, even if it was not the intentions. Beauty would be able to tell by how things appeared if nothing else. she would have her hands full. as now images of Mako being a monitored baby sitter would enter the mare's mind even if only for a moment, due to the lack of trust, however what she had seen and heard from mako, and sally seemed to collide into one thing. the cock sleeve had two good jobs, which she excelled at. watching over, and protecting little ones with her life, as well as being a simple cock sleeve for the abusive side of their damaged, yet passionate master. however would Beauty allow herself to give mako the chance to become trusted over time, or would she shut the door once and for all, even perhaps making an Ultimatum for her master when dealing with Mako come the next day. however if any one could help Beauty understand the odd situation with the wild mare, it would be Sally, who was slightly older then Mako, or at least in appearance, if for no other reason. perhaps stress.
A yelp of surprise sounded from her, enduring the change of power and pace of him under her, sadly her body unable to keep up and bop up and down due to his force while bracing herself against his frame. She was not given this information; she found out through an ultrasound on the laptop Sally held so dear; not even Master was allowed the password, but Mako always had her ways. Mako bit her lips to mute her squeals as he made to slip into the feral side of himself; soon, she would be under him, forced to take his beast on with all her might and enjoy every second until he was done with her. "Yes, Master!" she squeaks out before somehow releasing herself from his clenches, falling onto the bed with heavy pants to follow as she catches her breath. Of course, she would educate their children to be excellent lads and ladies, but the real question was how many he wanted. Though he desired children from Mako, she refused any surgery he had in mind. Beauty was far younger than herself, and Sally, a noble-born and beautiful mare with an aggressive personality, had already brought a set of twins into the world. "Better get on with it so you can be with your kids," she pants as she turns onto her back.

Eventually, Beauty did get up, snatching the towel to dry off and wrapping it around herself as she followed Sally back into the bedroom, where the cooing twins lay in bed. Beauty stared at them for a few moments before looking over to Sally. "Is this all I am here for?" she questioned the mare. Sally had sat in a comfy chair to rest her feet, glancing toward Beauty as she sensed her mental state was slipping from Bel's hands again. "Mind clarifying," Sally states as she rests her eyes, attempting to seem calm. "Foals," she answered bluntly, moving the twins into the crib, taking a seat on the bed to still gaze upon them. "No," Sally informs with a smile, "you are here to love Bel, to be a part of the business, learn and grow," adding in a reminder of her place. "Just as Mako is here to raise foals she can not bore while also sating Bel's beastly side," she explains an example which made Beauty roll her eyes. "She won't touch these two, crazy mare, the only reason she is still around is cause I have allowed it," she growls, causing Sally to tense up.
As the night went on, It would to tell how long Mako would be able to endure, as she soon became the lewd, mess of cute mewing lust for her master's enjoyment once more. however one could see this as a reward for her as well. However more then that, it would become clear her body could not endure as much as she used to, yet at the same time, she could endure far more then any other mare could handle. while being used, abused, and loved all at once. it was quiet the ordeal this night, much rougher then it had been for some time. while at the same time, Beauty and sally would be busy together as well. However as it seemed like in the absent of the master, the feisty mare of a new mother would become more like the rebellious woman she was naturally, which was also a part of the charm which caused master to take to her. However unknown to Beauty or even Sally at this point, Bel had broken her enough to make the strong will mare melt in his presence, and dominant handling which would become apparent once more come the next morning. as it was for right now, she was still strong spirit and willed. which was her greatest allure which even sally would be able to note.
That was quite the phrase, which made Sally wonder if Bel would even imagine ridding Mako at the request or demand of Beauty; she did hold some part of Bel, but history with Sally and an unknown pleasure with Mako made them more powerful than Beauty. "I hate to break it to you, but you will never get rid of Mako; maybe put her at a distance, but if you are smart like I know you are, you will not banish her," Sally points out, opening one eye to glance toward Beauty. No response was given; silence overcame the room offering Sally some more sleep while Beauty was getting eaten alive by many wandering thoughts. The twins luckily remained quiet, not even fussing when they grew hungry as Beauty fetched a bottle, not feeling up to nursing.

A night to endure for sure; Mako was passed out by dawn, her body covered in all sorts of fluids as it also revealed a few bruises here and there, but she would not complain. She hoped to be released from her shackles, have breakfast, and finally meet the twins she had been desperately waiting for. Someone would have to watch them when Beauty goes into heat, and the master must take care of her and breed her again to bring more beautiful foals into the world. But Master may have a conversation with Sally first and figure out why she was withholding such precious information from him.
Moving to clean himself off before heading into the hut. the wicked man would look back to Mako who laid their broken with a cute yet lewd face on her exhausted state.

"Sleep well, I will return later, and we will go over some new work roles. before you will leave my little prison here. "
saying this in a gentle yet playfully evil tone. it was no mystery, as now Mako had given her master some information he had not be made prevy to. as such he would need to find out if this information was true or not, for if it was just a lie to get on his good side, or excite him. then Mako would be punished later, if it was true then rewarded. however this was no mystery, as Mako had been punished for making up exciting lies before when in the middle of breeding attempts, or even rewarded for revealing hidden truths. yet this also meant she would be stuck in the shed until it was confirmed one way or another.

as Bel would soon be out in the public wash, or watering hole. cleaning himself off. the man would be visible by the window for both Sally, and Beauty, however the odd sight would cause a strange sensation for beauty if she looked on at him. a strong sensation of wanting to join, to be washed, and pampered in his arms, as it was not a desire she would have had prior. as it was but a sign of how attached her body and psyche would have started to become. sure their was still much work to be done with her. but this was a sensation which would be felt by her, and a hint tours a stronger bond to be forged still. however this was not an alien sensation for Sally, who had been pampered, washed, and enjoyed indulging in simple desires like sharing a wash in the past. things which could lead to lewd acts, but never had before, unless the desire was their, and shared for it. as Bel did not force Sally to be his play thing, this was mako's job. thus ensuring he had enough self control to respect Sally properly, and now it would be time for Sally to share some of her experience, perhaps help Beauty in becoming more inclined to enjoy her new role.
Throughout the night, Sally slept in the comfy chair, surrounded by pillows and a fluffy blanket, offering her to slumber peacefully while Beauty was lost in her thoughts, her mind torturing her with so many questions and worries. Eventually, she drained herself to the point of passing out on the bed next to the crib where the twins were experiencing the sensations of sleep and hunger throughout the night until dawn. Sally was awoken to the balling cries of the twins, demanding breakfast of some sort as Beauty was falling asleep next to them, not responding to their needs. The mare got to her feet slowly, opening the formula into two bottles before mixing and heating up in the microwave by the door. She was careful to keep an eye out for Beauty waking as she lifted up both twins to take a seat by the window, popping their bottles into their mouths to happily drink in the morning sun. Looking down, Sally spotted Bel emerging from the natural watering hole he rinsed off in after dealing with Mako all night long; he must be quite tired. Hopefully. She smiles at the sight of him before having an unsettling feeling of eyes on her; slowly, she glances at the bed to find Beauty is awake and pissed.

"Did I not tell you to not ever touch them?" she growls as she sits up, getting to her feet to make her way over to the window seat; a figure outside did distract her for a moment to realize it was Bel, he was probably going to head up here soon. Beauty rolled her eyes in annoyance at the urge she felt surge through her body. "Clean them up when they are done," she mumbles, walking back to bed. Sally had been holding her breath the entire time, terrified of what Beauty may do, but to her surprise, the mare defused and returned to bed.
A short while passed, as Sally and Beauty would soon hear the knock on the room's door, as Bel had come up. knocking a second time, he would speak up from the other side of the door.
"I bring fresh breakfast ladies. I hope your hungry this morning. "

sounding like his gentle self, Beauty had much to learn to deal with, as his voice caused the sensation to grow even stronger with in her. sensations, and desire she needed to keep in check if she were to remain the feisty woman she was. as the urge would become so much stronger the closer this man was to her body. yet for right now, he was not trying to force himself upon her, or force her to submit, but simply was bring her, and sally a proper, and larger meal to enjoy, which was made fresh for them both.
By the time Bel made his way to the room with breakfast in hand, Sally had fed and burped the twins, settling them back into the crib with the eagle eye of Beauty watching her every move. When the first knock sounded, Sally gasped with happiness while Beauty glared toward the door in annoyance, moving to cover herself with the blankets. "eat in the dining room," she spoke, drawing Sally to frown, not understanding the sudden mood. Shaking her head, she opens the door with a smile. "Oh, smells amazing, thank you, I certainly am, but Miss Grumpy is not," she greets, turning to look toward the bed. Beauty poked her head out of the blanket, her gaze falling upon Bel, immediately her ears flattened back "Eat in the dining room" repeating herself.
as she said this, an almost evil yet playful smirk came across bel. as it was a look sally knew all to well. one which he had only ever had with her prior, however it was also a warning for beauty so to speak. as he would move to escort sally to the dinning room, and give her a proper, and pampering meal before heading back to the room with his children and beauty. but not before winking at Sally, and hinting they had something to talk about later. as he properly served, and cared for her needs, as well as the nutrition needed for the little one growing with in her.

once Sally was cared for, Bel would give her a gentle kiss on the forehead, which could lead into a more intimate one, if she moved her hand to coax into it. or she could leave him to go torment the young filly this morning, and teach her a playful less on, unless Sally wanted to keep bel busy, and give beauty a chance to rest alone with the children.
Beauty's face softened just a little when meeting the expression Bel now wore before he left with Sally, happy to pamper and serve her a warm breakfast. She never minded one-on-one attention with Bel, but his warning of them needing to have a conversation made her a little concerned; what was it about? The peck on her forehead hinted he had somewhere to be; beauty, of course, as the mare was so unpredictable. "Wait," she touches his cheek to keep his attention. "Is everything okay with us?" she asks. Something Mako must have said she bet, only that mare can get into Bel's head.
"Oh, their is something to talk about, but nothing bad, or to be worried about. Perhaps more so something to celebrate. "
as he spoke softly in a gentle, and loving tone to sally. it would be enough to hint to her, that he knew something more then he should, and more so it involved her growing little one. but what did he know, that he wanted to talk with her about, what could he had learned from Mako. as things might click for Sally, if so she might need to seek some one on one talking with Mako while she was still bound. however the lustful mare would not recover from the violent session from the night prior as her face would show pleasure, but her body looking as if she had been ravaged by multiple wild beasts. it was rare but not unheard of, for master to do such things to mako exclusively. as only she could endure his full lustful might, and recover from it, both physically and mentally, thanks to her unique mental state.
Was a relief to hear bit still uncommon of him to hint at such a conversation, guess she will pay a visit while he is upstairs. “Okay, again thank you for breakfast. Maybe take a snack upstairs, she still needs to eat whether she nurses the twins or not” revealing they had been using formula most of the night. Sally offers her sweet smile before gathering herself to get dressed and begin a mission.

Upstairs Beauty felt like she won a battle allowing herself some peace and quiet as the twins were content. But after a few minutes they began to fuss, wanting to be held and cuddles by their mother. Beauty sighs as she sat up looking toward the crib, she was nervous about bonding with tjem but didn’t want to give a reason for mako to get near them.
Moving tours the room, his strides steady, calm.and with a purpose. Leaving Sally to enjoy her meal and do as she pleased until he was done with beauty. Bel had a playfully evil smile across his face.

Finally getting to the room, knocking on it with the back of his one hand. Before speaking up in an oddly calm, yet some how exciting and alluring tone for beauty's eats to hear.

" ready or not I'm coming in and we will have r
Anice little meal together. "

Making sure he announced himself, little did beauty know o realize atthe moment. If she refused or put up any kind of resistance hw would do much more lewd things to the mother. Turning her own lovely flesh against that strong willed maiden once more.
Her gaze snapped up to the door at the sound of a knock followed by Bel's voice, she rather be left alone currently, past night was traumatizing and he still went to fuck Mako. "I really am not hungry, Bel, please leave me be" she spoke a much softer tone than before. Already she knew her request would be rejected but she voiced her feelings about company int he current time. Moving off the bed she sits in the window seat, looking out into the landscape finding is far more soothing.
"Sorry but this is not something I can grant, If you wish for me to give you some peace of mind, then I need you to eat a proper meal. "
speaking in a gentle voice of his own, before knocking once more. as Bel would tell Beauty that he would come in shortly if she did not let him in. as he spoke, the sensation was a mix of roaring emotions, desires, longing, and frustration for beauty. However if she wanted to admit it or not. the filly would find herself naturally calming once her master was near her, as much as she would want to deny this, or hate to admit it. However the fact remained, he had broken her body in some degree, and even to a different degree her emotions, yet her powerful mind, and strong ego would seem to be what kept her from being all the more open to his desires at this point in time. as much more work was still needed.

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