Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Leaning into his arms, Beautys eyes rested for a moment, a deep breath taken to have his scent in her lungs. She lets out a whine as another contraction hit, her hands grasping onto his body to ease her pain. A nod of her head was given, opening her eyes toward Sally who had moved to the window. Beauty rested back into her pillows with a sigh, her right hand quick to grab hold of Victors hand.

“He’s here” Sally announced, hurrying out of the room to escort the vet up to the awaiting Beauty. Of course the young mare grew tense, pinning back her ears at the sight of the vet “only Sally” she would order through gritted teeth. The vet frowned but understood “how far apart her contractions?” He asked Sally as she gathered a towel to drape over Beautys legs.”a few minutes” she answered, opening Beautys legs to see mostly blood which wasnt a good sign.

“Keep her awake, Victor, alert, talk to her” Sally instructed as she began to clean between Beautys legs.
As things continued to go on like this, Victor's one hand held Beauty's, his other behind her head. as he spoke to her, keeping his young mother to be conscious, talking with her.
asking her about names, and what kinds of things they wanted to do. going on, with a gentle and caring tone, he would do all he could to help her remain alert, while listening
to sally, who followed the directions of the vet.

it was unknown at this moment if Beauty's little ones would be successful, albeit premature, thus needing special medical care, or if they would be lost. ether way she would not be alone in this.
as it was, The trio would endure the horrible, or magical outcome together.
His words did keep her alert, a smile on her face that expressed her pain but she didn’t answer his questions. She had not even thought about names or their genders, all she knew there was two of them and they wanted out. Beauty kept her eyes trained on Victor not wanting to even imagine the blood Sally was cleaning up.

Once able to see more clearly Sally lets out a gasp, her ears giving away the sight. She looks back to the vet who nodded his head “she needs to push, now” he informed in a stern tone. “You hear that?” sally spoke to Beauty, touching her knee for her attention “we need you to push, first one is already crowning” begging the young mother.

Beauty whines shaking her head “I’m tired!” guessing that was the strange pressure she felt, her baby was already coming. She shifts a little, her chin to her chest as she followed natural instincts, closing her eyes tightly to attempt in pushing for the first time. Barely making progress she groans, laying back her head into the pillows “I cant” she pants.

“I know honey, but you won’t make it to the hospital for a C Section, you need to push” Sally kept pressing as she moves to gently take the head. Beauty sits her head up a little, grunting as she tries again, giving all her might until she heard crying of a little one.

Sally was quick to cut the cord and begin cleaning the babe before wrapping her up “A girl” Announcing with a smile.
"That's my girl, were half way their, Just a bit more. "
as he spoke with excitement, as Victor would lean in kissing Beauty on the cheek, promising to properly pamper her, so she can recover peacefully.
however as this was going on, The first was successful, however their was still the sibling to the foul to be pushed out. as it was, the sound of this new life would be heard
out in the shed, due to the location, and how he left the shed door cracked. the bound, suffering Mako would be able to faintly hear the cries, as her mind would soon see images
of a lovely new infant for her to spoil. despite the punishment she was enduring. however her mind would be able to links this event to the words her master spoke before leaving her
to endure the punishment. did Victor know that a little one was due soon, did he mean that she would be able to be with child sooner then expected? however this was for her mind to contemplate, as
it was, she could do nothing more then endure the slow punishment which was now from hot wax, to cold drips of spring water. as it dripped upon her lips. meant to supply a slow
and steady flow of water to keep her from becoming dehydrated, it also acted as a kind of torment as well. as it could cause the need to pee, but if she had an accident before she was freed.
then the punishment would be extended.

back in the main building.
as the first girl was now successfully born. Victor would smile stating to beauty that they had a beautiful girl, and soon she should have a sibling, beauty just needed to push through a bit more.
as the night was not over yet.
Handing the babe over to the vet, Sally got back between Beautys legs for foal number two who wasn't yet crowning. “Just relax now, number two might be shy” Sally reassures Beauty.

The young mother acknowledged the cries of her newborn but she was so exhausted that she slumped into the bed, eyes closed. She was pale and breathing was short, raspy even with each intake. A few moments passed before Beauty blinked open her eyes, looking to Victor who was beaming. She smiles a little seeing him so proud “okay…I’m ready” she murmurs, sitting up again.

Wasnt long before Sally announced to begin pushing for the second babe to be born, screaming louder than the first. “Another girl!” Sally informs, cleaning up the darling babe. Both foals had ears and tails that resemble their mother, beautiful crystal blue eyes to pair. Since they were not carried until term they were small and would need crucial care for tue next few weeks. They were squealing their cries of life that Mako heard all the way back in the shed. She struggled at first in her binds, anger fleeting to realized she missed the birth of her foals. But the cool wax was a reminder of her slow punishment for the night, she would see the twins soon enough. Made her wonder if Master knew.

“They may be small but they are healthy” the vet reassures the family “they will chill easily and need more frequent breast feeding than the usual newborn” he adds. “Keep them wrapped up, clean and warm” instructing with a smile before looking to the mother. “Problem is, she needs to rest after such a birth, luckily it seems no tears to worry just stretching and usual blood of birth” explaining Beauty would be fine. She was lucky to be born for breeding though she was once apart of a noble family until given to Victor.

“What shall we name them?” Sally wonders out loud looking to Victor as Beauty already falling to sleep.
"I think we should wait on giving them actual names until Beauty comes to. For now our little eve, and lily will do. but the final name will come from beauty."
as he said this, with a gentle smile. looking to the vet, and sally, for the first time in a very long time, the proud owner of the mares bowed himself to the two.

"I can thank you enough for rushing out here, and My beautiful Sally, I shall have to give you something special later. "
as he did this, it was very rare, and unlike the proud man, yet it was a side of him sally knew all to well. a gentler, and caring side which put his own ego, and well being aside
for those he cared for. However he would move to sit next to beauty, gently stroking her hair, and speaking softly of how well she did, and how everything would be fine.

leaving the vet, and Sally to take care of anything left to be dealt with. It would be up to sally if she wished to slip out and share these events to Mako or not.
as it would need to be known that mako would need to let Beauty care for the fouls long enough until they were able to be properly fed, and strong enough like a normal
infant. as this would most likely not be taken well. but at the same time, the fact remained, Victor would allow sally to show the infants to mako, but not let her touch the girls,
if she so desired. as Mako was still under punishment.
Smiling softly to the fill-in names of Eve and Lily given to the little twins that were beautiful in their small ways, how tiny their hands were, their eyes barely even open as they wriggled within their warm blankets. She would look to Beauty, seeing how exhausted the new mother seemed. Hopefully, her birth would not be as a spur of the moment, but everyone was alive and well. A question burned on the tip of her tongue for a few seconds, moving the twins to lie with their moth, resting them on her bare chest to hear her heartbeat, taking in her scent and warmth. A breath was taken, and she chewed her lip a little as Sally looked at Victor. "Best you tell Mako that she must keep her distance as the twins grow their strength." Deciding better, Mako is put in her place off the bat this time. "But...I am wondering..." she adds, looking back to Beauty. "What are your plans for Beauty?" she directly questioned him. "You clearly are pretty taken with her in ways you have not done with me for some time, never with Mako as she is more of a pet. Beauty has given you something Mako and I can not; she bares you foals, twins even, and she is growing to love you in the bedroom and her heart," explaining how she saw things, not jealous at all, she was curious and wanted to know his true intentions. Already, it was clear he wanted foals for Mako to mother and Beauty to understand some of the business alongside Sally, but there was more.

"Basically to be like his wife, his partner," Beauty spoke up in a slurred fashion, her arms moving to gently caress her twins, who were cooing in their calm states. "Mako is his sex toy, you his business lover, and I his partner in life," she explains easily. Opening her eyes, she smiles. "I mean, I brought these beauties into the world," she hums, quite high on pain medication and exhaustion.
with a gentle smile, Victor would lean in to gently kiss Beauty on the cheek, as he told her to rest for now.
once this was said, he would look to Sally, as he spoke up in a gentle and caring tone.

"welp you heard her, however their is one thing to be proper understood still. You and her will be in a unique position, sharing the same position, unlike my wild little mako out their. "
as he said this, making sure that Sally and Beauty would hear this. as Beauty would have an understanding, after feeling first hand how he handled both these two women gently, and with love.
as he wanted Beauty to learn all the skills sally had, making her a woman which could not be replaced, which would also allow both of them to split the loads. it would be an interesting idea,
a man with two life partners, and lovers. however the fact remained, Beauty was the younger of the two and thus she would also need to be handled with gentler hands for now. as he looked
to Beauty as he spoke softly still.

"once your feeling stronger, we can celebrate the birth of our little ones properly, and soon we will have more to celebrate with our sally as well. right?"
saying this. before he would get up, and move tours sally to give her a gentle kiss as well, before telling her that he leave's Beauty in her care, so he could go and deal with mako right now, while
the embers were fresh. which would also allow the two mares to talk if possible, as the pain drugged maiden might not even fully remember the words from victor about wanting her to be equal
with sally, and thus the two women would have the same role, yet her being seen as a house partner and sally a business partner which were both equal lovers was still a pleasant way for the two to see it, as things seemed to be at the moments.
Humming softly in response to his sweet kiss, her eyes fell closed as she held her baby, slumber-snatching the little family, for now, to rest after such a night. On the other hand, Sally raised a brow hearing how openly Beauty spoke of her position, though it felt like Victor was still feeling things out; treating Sally and Beauty as equals would eventually not be enough for one of the mares. Nodding her head into his kiss, understanding she was to watch over the new mother and foals while he disappeared to finish Mako, surely she would be even wilder after hearing the cries of contemporary life. Moving to sit on the bed, Sally looked down, reaching out to pet the twins' heads gently. They were beautiful like their particular mother, but Victor never mentioned if he preferred daughters or sons; he wanted a safe birth, and to be healthy was a given. "life has just begun," she murmured, knowing Beauty had so much more to learn.

Back in the shed, mako perked her ears, having learned the steps of Master returning to her, his scent wafting through the door, so many questions held on the tip of her tongue; she wanted to see the foals, make sure they were alright, she wanted to bond with them unaware they had to remain with Beauty for some time. Mako jerked in her restraints, lifting her head, not speaking just yet as she wanted Master to tell her all or have his way; she was excited.
finally entering the punishment shed, Victor walked up to Mako, as he moved to run his fingers from her toes up to her breast. as he leaned
in to kiss her deeply upon the lips, if the mare wanted it or not. before he looked into her eyes.

"well I have wonderful news, and some bad news to share. Let's get the good news out of the way first. "
as he leaned in nipping her ear after saying this, one hand moving to fondle, and grope her messy and waxed covered breast. the other moving to tease
mako between her legs. as he would then begin to speak as he assaulted her.

"We have two beautiful baby girls, Eve, and Lily, name's still pending, so I might need some help for permanent names in the future. "
as he spoke this, and then leaned in to kiss her once more pulling the lower lip between his teeth playfully, before the wicked man assaulted her sense, getting
mako as worked up physically as possible. however he would lean into speak softly to her ear for the next part.

"the bad is the twin sisters were born prematurely, which means we can not separate them from Beauty until they grow big enough to no longer
need breast milk every short period of time. However this also means, Once they are big enough, I can finally see that ideal image of My Mako, being a wonderful mother to our children. "
saying this to her. not lying, but at the same time, he had yet to reveal the unique role they all would play, yet he knew well, while Beauty would be recovering and caring for her twins with
Sally's help. he would most likely need Sally's help to convince, Beauty if nothing else, Mako would be ideal care giver for the children, as long as they were able to get close and accept the mare.
however this also mean their would need to be some work on Mako's side as well, once it got closer to time.
Eyes widening with joy at the mere sight of Master, not caring if it was for a glimpse or for her punishment to continue, she wanted to explain answers to her many questions that were right on her tongue to ask. Still, she was silent at his approach, reading his demeanor. He was beaming with pride and glee, meaning Beauty was still alive, as were the twins, though they came early. It also meant they could have many foals through beauty, many strong and beautiful foals. She wiggled a little, giggling as his hand guided from her toes up her body before he even spoke to her, his lips taking her breath away, but she was far more interested in his words than his actions. Barely reacting to any of his teasing, fondling, or playing with her body as he always did when they conversed on essential matters was one way to keep her focused on him. They had daughters, Eve and Lily; she adored those names, making her smile into his next deep kiss, whining a little when he bit on her lip to increase her sensitivity and attention.

Master's lousy news did bring a pout to Mako, not happy she had to wait to properly care for the newborns, for she had far more experience than Beauty; she would be much more attentive and understanding of their needs every second of the day. "Will I at least get to see them?" she questions, beginning to doubt Beauty will ever give them up; she had not shown much interest in the business nor, being Master's lover, was suspicious.

Of course, Sally knew Mako's skills in caring for foals, but Beauty did not trust or believe in Mako as they did, even after witnessing how the mare is with foals. Only Victor could make her change her mind and set a proper course for her place here, or else she would always feel like an outcast who could be replaced even with such beautiful foals that held nobility in their veins. The sleep was not long as Beauty woke up in pain, sore all over and begging for water, though refused to move an inch so as not to disturb the twins as they slept, they were exhausted as well as being brought into the world. "they need to be bathed, also it's almost time for them to feed" Sally spoke in a gentle tone, carefully administering water to Beauty who hungrily drank the entire cup. "Let them sleep a tad longer," Beauty murmurs with a smile, looking down at Eve and Lily, fixing their blankets just a little.

"No," Sally denied as she stood up from the chair by the bed; she entered the bathroom to clean up the tub and wet floor before setting up the sink to safely bathe the twins and then teach Beauty how to feed them. It was only five minutes after she was gone that she returned to beauty sound asleep again, drawing a sigh from her as she moved to ever to gently remove Eve from her mother's arms, taking her to the bath where she washed the rest of any fluid on her dainty skin while also exposing her to warm water that did cause some crying that stirred Beauty. The mare went against medical orders, rushing to her feet to find Eve in the sink with Sally bathing her. "Stop! She is crying!" shoved Sally aside to quickly turn off the water and wrap Eve up in a small towel, kissing her forehead as Beauty hummed the infant instantly. Sally was currently in shock at how aggressive Beauty had become. "Do I need to fetch Victor?" she questioned in a tone that would hint Beauty may be in trouble.

Holding her child close to her chest, Beauty glared at Sally. "Do not touch either of them, ever!" snapping in a severe tone; she meant harm if Sally went against her warning, which left the older mare unsettled. "We are a family; we help each other. I was bathing her while you slept," she softly explained to calm Beauty, who was turning red in the face angrily.
as the talk was serious, Victor would continue on with mako, as he smiled, leaning in to gently speak to her, teasing her ears.

"I know this part is gonna be the hardest kind of punishment. until they are big enough, and strong enough, we will need to keep you at a distance. However
think of how many beautiful children we will have. as this is her first child or children, Beauty will be naturally more protective, and possessive of them. even more so with
how small, and premature they are. Yet we both know, my cute mako here is the ideal mother, with fouls to care for. but this is her first time, thus it will be a bit more work for us both. "

speaking honestly, and also teasing, as even Mako knew, that seeing his fuck buddy as a mother always aroused, and excited victor more then
any other mare have. this was one thing, which even Beauty nor sally knew much about. as Mako knew that when no one else was around, after watching her care for fouls,
he was always in a more playfully sneaky mood, like a honeymooner, needing a quickly to try and make a child. Yet he was also serious with his words, unaware of how right on the nail
he was, due to how Beauty would be with sally back in the room. as this would go on, Victor would lean in as he spoke about something he was looking into, on his own.

"I heard of an experimental procedure for making a sterile maiden fertile once again. Once I know it's safe, how would you care to become my personal breeding lover, and partner for
a direct family, something for only us to share, until I know it is safe and successful. " saying this to her, the man had sally look into a few things with the vet in the past. however the idea of this
experimental procedure was never on the table, yet it sat in the back of his mind. however sharing this, now after the serious talk, would reveal to Mako, that even now he had been looking for a way
to make his mako into a perfect woman for him so to speak. at least with how she filled such wonderful roles of care giver, mother, and even an ideal fuck buddy at the same time. leaving only one role
unable to be filled by her alone. yet for now, it would be both a reward and continued punishment, knowing she would have to wait for some time to get her gentle hands upon the beautiful girls awaiting the mother to properly raise them. however it would become her reward, and job in due time.
A soft moan escaped Mako's lips, enjoying their talk as he played with her body, his words very actual of how Beauty was a first-time mom, unaware of what her foals could handle or how to understand their needs properly. Mako was always very good at calming first-time moms, taking over the child while they were in a far too exhausted state to stop her, then they gave up the foals to her entirely with no fuss but Beauty was different, she was Master's mare, she had special privileges, and Mako already missed out on the birth. But then a topic never mentioned to her popped up, her eyes blinking in shock by such a suggestion, yet her ears pinned back with uncertainty. "I...I dunno about that, Master," she admits, immensely enjoying the care of foals whether they were her own or not, and now there were foals in the world sharing blood with her Master; she could not be happier. At the same time, she understood why he was curious about such a procedure, which would make her perfect for him. Yet, the main reason she was sterile was thanks to the studs that owned her before Master saved her; cutting her and dosing her up on drugs did not do well on her body. "But I will do anything for you," Mako reassured with a smile, leaning her head up to kiss him, wanting him close as she sensed his playful need to breed her.

"I do not care, do not touch them!" Clearly stated as Beauty exits the bathroom, toweling Eve dry before setting her down on the bed within the little pillow fort she made in a flash. She lifted up Lily, making her way back to the bathroom where she attempted to bathe Lily herself, struggling to remain gentle as the babe cried and wiggled in the tiny tub. "Please, let me help," Sally begged as she watched this unfold while also keeping a close eye on Beauty, for she was not even supposed to be on her feet yet. She glances toward the door, lowering her ears, half hoping Victor would return but also hoping he would not as he would be upset as Beauty was putting herself at risk.

"No, I got it" Beauty huffs, staggering a little as she slowly pours the cup of water over Lily's body, gently rubbing off her skin before wrapping her in a towel to then hum until she stopped crying, Beauty literally holding back tears of the pain she was in while caring for her little one.
Once the task was done, and the exhausted new mother, had her clean, and tired babes all wrapped up like little loving burritos of affection. Sally would find her hands full worried, and watching over this young first time mother. as her protective, and possessive nature showed itself. However the fact remained, it could be understandable, yet at the same time. if Victor had returned it would become a far more troublesome situation as Beauty was putting herself at a level of risk. however if she managed to get back to bed safely with the fouls, while under sally's care. then it could be dealt with later, once every one was safe, and sound for now.

as this went on, outside, in the punishment shed, Victor with Mako would continue.

"well then, I shouldn't need to ask, but I will not force you to endure such a procedure if you do not want it. as long as my mako is happy and at my side, even when no one else agrees, You know I will never give you away or allow another to touch you. " saying this in a honest, and gentle yet possessive tone. as it would always be a fact like sally, and Beauty now, Mako was his and his alone. however unlike the other two ladies, these two had a special and far more unique history due to her being a rescued maiden. yet one could say each of his girls had a unique role, and reason why they were his and his alone. as this was being said, his hand gently slid along her
exposed, and sensitive body. moving to release the restraints, and shackles one at a time. slowly creating a chance for Mako to pull her master onto her, or pounce him, however if she instead tried to escape, to see the infants, she would find how he locked the two of them together in this shed. as he needed to be taken care of, before going near sally, and Beauty again this night. however this talk was more important for him to get done first.
Knowing her consent was not needed in anything he wished to do to her; Mako was grateful he offered a choice of this procedure, for she was more concerned about being around strangers while put under; at the moment, she was not allowing her memories to dare ruin this moment. Her gaze flickered down as his hand guided along her body, unlocking her from the table; a second, fleeting as she debated on taking off to meet their twins, see them at last, but she knew better: Master needed her. With her limbs now free, her legs and arms were quick to wrap themselves around his frame, keeping him close to her. "I know, I love you too," she purred in a seductive tone. "Now, take me like your good little mako" she instructs with a smirk.

Stumbling back to bed, Beauty was barely able to set Lily down before almost collapsing. Sally was quick to catch her by the arm. "You need to rest, not be on your feet for a few days," reminding her what the Doctor said. Beauty stood there a moment, gathering her bearings while Sally voice was muffled and distant upon her ears until the sharp cries of the twins sounded. The bath has woken them up, their tummies rumbling for mommy's milk, which were very disoriented at the current time. "Please sit down; they need to nurse," Sally begged, trying to Beauty, who became rigid where she stood.
Sally would indeed have her hands full, however she was also the best woman for the given task at the moment with Beauty, however if things got to severe, even if her master was busy, Sally knew all she had to do was call for him. and this man would come rushing regardless of what ever act he was in the middle of.

now with her master ensnared with in her embrace. Mako could already feel how massive, and swollen her master was. one could say he was much thicker and larger then he ever should be, regardless of the situation showing how much discomfort, and need his body was in, despite the impressive level of self control he had even with her, for their talk. However now it was time for mama mako to work her magic, and earn her special rewards so to speak. as her master leaned in nipping her neck, and enjoying the feel of her body against his own.
Able to feel his impressive member pressing against her body, she knew he was in great need of her magic, her expertise of him, for he had had such a stressful day, it seemed, having a threesome with his mares, and yet Beauty went into labor before he could even get off. Mako gasps a moan at his nip on her neck, her hips shifting to rub his tip between her folds, lubing him in her juices before teasing his tip with her slit. "You ready for some real fun, Master?" she whispers. With one motion, she pops his tip into her entrance, gasping as she grips his frame and helps him slide deep inside her welcoming walls.

Calling on Victor was a last straw effort since Sally was put in charge of dear Beauty, the most stubborn mare in the building. Apparently, she had just given birth. "Honey, please," Sally begged as she shoved Beauty onto the bed, able to avoid the twins who were belting out cries that echoed through the mansion. Beauty curled up on the bed, covering her ears. "Make them stop!" she shouts out, clearly overstimulated. "they will only stop if you feed them, just lay on your back, and I can help" Sally continues her soft tone though she does not move to touch the twins that every bone in her body was screaming for her to comfort them. But Beauty did not move from her curled position, drawing Sally to glance toward the window with a deep inhale. "Do as I say, or I will go fetch Victor." She finally laid out her cards, hoping this strategy would work.
Despite how badly he needed this, with the voice coming from the window, like this Mako and victor would both hear Sally. as he stopped right after being fully inserted into his lover, and partner for a proper night. as he moved to break the kiss, and looked into her eyes.

Sadly we will need to continue this shortly. I need to take care of our children real quick. but you do have to remain here for me. Despite coming to spend the rest of the night with you, this is still your punishment. "
as he said this, Mako would find her master preparing to pull out and away from her. as she was not going to be allowed to return to the manor until the next day as originally planned. but at least now she would have her master with her for the entire night once everything was settled. however more importantly, he said their children not his, but referring to the situation with the fouls as mako's and his. as he would promise to be back, and even let her know all the details upon his return. The mare would have her hands full if she were to try and take care of his needs properly, yet he would end up going to wash himself off before moving to rejoin sally and Beauty if mako did not try to stop him, or force her way with him to leave the shed.
Something changed, causing Mako to pause her advances, frowning as he broke their kiss, informing her that he must go tend to their children, which did replace her frown with a smile by his terms, but she just got him back after waiting here for hours. She winced a little from the sensation of him pulling out; she would not stop him as she wanted his full focus rather than his concerns elsewhere. "I can help, you know I can," Mako quietly reminded him; she was still being punished, she knew that, but this was their kids he was talking about; even she could hear their hungry cries causing concern over Beauty; something must be wrong. Her going with him was more likely to cause more problems than solve any, Beauty was on edge even with Sally, someone she trusted.

The last straw was no response from Beauty; Sally reached out to pick up the twins, focused on being gentle, and she did not even notice Beauty finally move. It was like a flash, and Sally was on the ground after knocking into the chair, toppling it out. "I said, do not touch them!" screamed as Beauty hovered over the twins. They sensed her smell, the scent of her milk, their tiny arms reaching out of their towels, trying to grab at their mother, who was too distracted by protecting them from Sally.
as things went on like this, Once the shed was closed, and the door locked once more. The words which victor left for mako would linger in her mind.

"Punishment must be carried out, remember this, even more so as we will need to set examples for them. remember though, once it is all said and done, we will be very busy, the two of us. or should I say four of us. "
as he said this last part winking at her, referring to the fouls he had to go check on. it would reveal to Mako he planned to get some family time in the near future with her and the kiddies which were still to weak and young for Mako to take from beauty. however the fact remained, he was planning this far ahead for them. however the she would be able to over hear everything going on to some degree once he left her in the shed once again.

taking a short bit to properly wash himself up before heading into the Manson. Victor would wash off the sent of mako completely, before rushing to sally, and Beauty's location, unsure of what he would run yet not liking the sounds of how things seemed to be playing out. as it was unknown how she would react even to victor tours her infants, being touched, if she was like this tours Sally, yet they would find out soon enough.
Watching him leave caused an ache in her heart; she moved a little on the bed to get comfortable while she waited, only able to listen to what was occurring with their foals, hoping they were alright; clearly, their mother was not prepared. At least she could hold onto the image of herself, the foals, and Master having fun in the nursery or the playground.

Sally was even more shaken, sitting up as she realized Beauty was basically feral in this current state, and she would be risking her own foal if she kept pushing, so she remained sitting on the floor just watching Beauty, for she knew Victor was probably on his way just from the noise his daughters were making. After a few seconds, Beauty seemed to calm down, her breathing slowing as she finally looked down at the twins, realizing they were reaching for her. "Why are they doing that?" she questioned, pinning back her ears as she moved away, causing the twins to begin squealing. "Beauty, they are hungry; they need your milk for the proper nutrition," Sally tells her, not daring to move as just remaining still calmed the feral mare down.
Finally arriving upon the scene, Victor would see Beauty and Sally. his mind noticing Sally on the floor like this right away, as he moved to her first. moving to help the mare up, as his eyes remained on beauty. while he would speak.

"Ok first off, why are you standing, you should be in bed, along with our little ones. secondly, why are you ignoring the advice of the one who is here to keep you and our little ones safe?"
as he spoke in a strict yet gentle manor, even in her feral state, it would send an oddly calming yet chilling sensation into one. however the fact remained. once he had Sally safely in a chair, the man would move tours Beauty next. his arms moving to gently take a hold of her frame, and guide the mare back into bed. as he would want to ensure she got safely into the bed, and then try to ensure their children would be able to properly feed upon their mother. as he was strict, yet gentle tours this young milf, as she was a new mother, and her protective instincts made her almost like a feral beast to protect her little ones. yet it was unknown how she would react tours Victor or if he would need to get a bit rougher with her, despite trying to remain as gentle as he could.
To the arrival of Victor, there was relief in the air from Sally, smiling at his timing as she was having trouble with Beauty, happy for his guidance to her feet and within a chair to rest herself while also feeling safer around Beauty. She rubbed her hands over her baby bump, checking in on her little one while Victor handled Beauty in a manner only he could; easily, he could overpower her, and she knew that. Of course, being scolded on top of the screaming of her foals was quite harsh, but how he used the term ours did warm her heart until he approached her, making her tense up. "I am fine," she demanded. Her feet automatically moved where he wished, her bottom finally hitting the bed, her presence calming the screams but the twins were still crying for milk. "Ho-how do I feed them?" Beauty would ask, looking confused and almost spooked to even touch them from their crying, but if Victor reached for them, she would be quick to shove him away. "Just lay back, relax, rest them on your chest, and guide their mouths to your nipple; they'll figure out the rest," Sally spoke up in a gentle tone. Beauty was anything but relaxed; her mind was racing, her body on edge to attack at any given moment, so the vet left a few syringes of sedative just in case Beauty got too out of hand.
as Victor moved to sit next to Beauty, his stern yet gentle approached seemed to work. as he did not go for the infants directly. but instead moved to gently guide her arms and thus guide beauty to do what was needed. as he looked into her eyes. " we are in this together, even if you are worried, remember this is not something for you to struggle with alone. these little beauties are the children of ours, thus we will both protect, and care for them. " as he spoke, like this. only to lean in, and gently kiss the forehead of beauty in an attempt to show enough affection to help her relax a bit. as he did not touch the babies directly, but would remain here to help and protect her, and the children as long as Beauty felt the need. however the fact remained, if she did try to act out or become aggressive tours her master, he would be forced to remind her of his actual strength, which was not seen by many, and for good reason.
At first, Beauty jerked her arms back when he guided them toward the foals, looking to him for some answers until she saw he was being gentle even with her in such a state making her feel a tad guilty for all this noise and lashing out. She picks up the twins, leaning back into the mountain of pillows as she rests each on their own breast just as Victor pecked her on the forehead after his words, she believed him, unaware of other promises and plans he was in the process of. "I...I didn't mean to act all crazy," she apologizes quietly before softly gasping to Eve being the first to latch on, suckling away on her mom's nipple of her sweet milk, Lily eventually following suit. Beauty shifted a little, pinning back her ears as she found this quite uncomfortable and aimed to distract herself. "You told Mako, didn't you?" she questioned him, still remembering his goal of their positions. Her gaze lifting up from the twins nursing to Victor, searching his face for reactions, truth, or lies.
as he looked to her in a gentle smile, " Of course I did, I also set ground rules, as she is not to come near you or the girls, until they are big and strong. not to mention you are healthy as well. "
as he spoke being honest with her, Victor did not deny this, however he also informed Sally as well as Beauty about the rules he set for Mako, as these girls were not to be touched or taken from Beauty. he only left out a few key details thus not lying at all, as it would be revealed once Beauty was stronger and in a healthier state. as their was no hesitation in sharing anything with her. as he would look to Beauty, as he moved to run his fingers gently along her arm.

" I know this must be uncomfortable, however your body should be able to get use to it soon enough, once they are a bit bigger if it is still to troublesome, we can go to bottles. "
saying this to her, Beauty would be able to make requests of Victor right now, as it seemed like he was malleable to any requests from a mother with children before his eyes. as the sight would be quiet something for sally to see, and enjoy. Yet if Beauty ended up requesting Victor to remain with her for the rest of the night he would end up having to ask Sally to deal with mako for him, if this came up.
His precious Mako just had to know the twins had been born early; at least he set clear ground rules though it had been proven Mako would go against regulations just to get a taste of what she truly desired at the moment leading Beauty to believe Victor did not hold control over the fuck toy of a mare. Beauty would flinch a little when he touched her arm, turning her head to not look at him as he spoke of her being uncomfortable with feeding the twins currently. "Go back to your little fuck doll; we are fine here," pinning back her ears as she mutters such an order to him. While all this took place, Sally had moved from the chair to the mini couch within the room, resting there for now; she had her eyes closed but ears tuned in to the couple with the twins; she was so exhausted.
"heh, listen to those sharp words, but we both know, if she found out on her own. their would be a much larger risk of mako acting on her own. Besides your well being and the girls come first, now you need to relax, and allow your body to rest properly. " as he spoke, moving to get up as the man left the room for a short bit. at first, it would seem as if he did leave to go back to his so called fuck doll as beauty called her, However it would not be long before Victor returned with a blanket, made of pure felt, and warm soft fur. it would be incredible soft, and fluffy, light enough to be comfortable but heavy enough to prevent one from getting cold. as he moved to gently lay this upon Beauty, and the fouls. even if Beauty didn't realize it, Sally would be able to tell at first sight. until now, the only one who had ever been given a hand made gift like this was sally herself, this was not something even Mako had been awarded with as of yet. however here Beauty was being given a hand made item to try and help her body remain as comfortable as possible so she and the little ones could rest.

he would look over to sally, as if to ask if she was alright with his eyes. remaining silent at the moment, However it would become clear how things would play out, if it would be a gentle night or a worse night where he would need to use a tranq injector on beauty with how she would react to the blanket.
Pinning ears and glaring eyes watched Victor exit the room, his tone and words hinting he may return than do as she demanded of him, more like expected because he was in great need of Mako's gift but she remained out in the shed. It was a couple minutes until he return. Beauty had removed the twins from their milkers, cleaning up their mouths with a spare cloth on the nightstand before moving them to rest more in the middle of the bed, herself curling around them. She lifted her head hearing heavy footsteps returning to find Victor presenting a blanket to her, draping over his little family which drew curiosity from Beauty, more so from Sally who opened her eyes when Victor arrived. Immediately Sally knew that blanket was special, something only herself had been gifted, Beauty had some tricks up her sleeve that was for sure. While the blanket was inspected by Beauty allowing Victor a moment to check on his other mare with a bun still in the oven. "I'm fine" smiling toward him in a reassuring way, Sally shifts a little to settle herself back down into the couch.

"It doesn't smell like you" Beauty noted in a unpleased fashion but did enjoy the softness the fabric offered, at first chilling her body before it began to warm up with her body heat "but thank you" grasping the top of the blanket to pull over her and adjust around the twins. They were beginning to fall asleep, unaware Beauty was supposed to burp them after every meal.
Hearing her say this, he would smile, as the wickedly playful looking man would turn to look tours Beauty after checking on Sally.
"That is, cause I only recently finished making it. soon enough it will have the scents which it should. for now it is new, and fresh. "
after saying this, he would look to Sally, as his hands moved along her frame delicately, as he carefully ensured she was fine, with both physical, and
verbal checks.

once things began to look this way, Victor would think to himself before speaking up.
"beauty, I know you and our lil ones need to sleep, but we need to burp them, they had just fed after all, unless we want them to wake up shortly in pain. "
saying this, Sally would know, that he didn't fully understand however he knew enough from watching mako care for the fouls. as it was, his actions and words were quiet something
for both sally and beauty to notice, and react to.

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