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Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
She lowers her ears as she looks over to the door, debating for a few moments before rising from the seat. Almost forgot she wasn't the only one in the room he may wish to see, they were his children as well. Opening the door she kept her gaze from even looking at him while the twins began cooing in their crib. Beauty steps back to let him in “Enjoy your night?” Asking in a curt tone.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As he walked in, closing the door behind himself, Bel would move to place the tray on the night stand. as he took a moment to look Beauty in the eyes, as she asked him about the night in a curt tone. however the answer she got was quick, precise, and oddly forceful. his arms moved to grab her, pulling Beauty against his frame. one arm moving to wrap around her, grasping the mare's healthy ass, as the other moved to grasp the back of her head. as he forced a deep and overwhelming kiss upon her. one which would sap all the strength from Beauty's legs almost instantly, as well as heating up her core and needs. which could not be sated, at least not in a safe manor.

as the kiss broke, he would look into her eyes, as he smiled gently.
"well, I can say, this is far more enjoyable, but Mako will be unable to walk or bother us for a few days now. I kinda made sure her body would be unable to move for a few days. and now fresh, I can take proper care of you. "
saying this, as it painted a true image for Beauty to realize how frenzied he was. however the way he spoke and acted also revealed to this younger mare, that even compared to Mako, or Sally, she was the one which made him so excited it would be dangerous even for Mako who was the one to endure it. However with his more dangerous side sated, this man planned to enjoy Beauty even if she wanted to resist, and fend him off. her body would most likely betray her mind.


It would be sally, which would discover the horrible condition Mako was left in. her inner thighs, and pussy so bruised they would be unable to stand or move with out help for a few days. her back side so well abused, it would be impossible to imagine their master this rough, as it was like a feral beast tried to fuck her to death. However it also revealed just how badly Bel needed his release the night prior, and it was thanks to Mako, that none of the other girls, Sally herself or beauty had to endure such lustful pain, which was like a blissful, blessing for Mako, but the aftermath would be one of her being wheel chair bound for a few days, but a rewarding wheel chair treatment, so to speak. meaning while she recovered her work load would be reduced massively. thus a double edged sword.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Beauty attempts to keep distance as she watches him set down the tray but he far swifter and stronger than she expected. Her eyes widen as she finds herself trapped in his arms, his hands perfectly aimed on her ass to offer a squeeze, the other holding her head. His kiss indeed made her knees weak, her body heat up as it did that very first day she met them off. It instantly made her angry reject such a sensation, jerking her head to the side once he broke the kiss. Her ears were pinned back as she was biting her lower lip to keep control “and your kids, forget about them?” Moving to be able to cross her arms. Deciding to try and divert his attention to the twins than on herself.

Sally made her way out of the mansion, taking her time toward the shed as she hated it, only being inside one other time. She slowly opens the door, peeking inside to see Mako chained to the bed, knocked out for the day. Entering she loudly closes the door which still did not stir the fuck toy. Sally eyes Mako body as she came to the side of the bed, she shivers at the sight. A reminder as to why Mako exists.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh, no I did not forget, and I did not leave until they were fast asleep, and sound asleep. Besides We need to take some time, perhaps getting you a bit more relaxed properly. "
as he spoke up, it would not be long, before the man would suddenly lift Beauty playfully as if she was a mere light weight child or toy in his arms. carrying her playfully tours the spot he picked for her meal. before moving to sit himself on the window ledge, and Beauty on his lap. as he would move to tease her in a way only he could.

"Now, we will make sure you eat well, even if your not nursing our children, your health is still required to be strong and healthy. Besides once were done here, we will have to have some fun with the kids as well. "
as he spoke up, revealing he planned to take all three of them out this day, taking his new partner, and their children out for something perhaps enjoyable. However more then that, The way he easily handled her, and abused Beauty. it would seem to be the perfect way to excite, and please her body, and desires regardless of what her mind tried to say about it. Yet for right now even the little ones would be ether asleep or enjoying the show of how their parents seemed to be playing, depending if this little action awoke ether of them.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
A squeak sounded from Beauty as she was lifted with ease into his arms, whisking her away to take a seat for her to eat. She adored this side of him but still couldnt shake her dislike toward Mako and that he was with her all night. Looking over to the crib she guessed he was doing things right for now with the kids. She was figuring it out, felt like this was jumped onto her, the twins developed so fast and were just as quick. Distracted by thoughts she didnt hear him mention taking her and the children out. Subconsciously eating up some of the fruits he brought until snapping out of her daze “They are not even 24 hours old” reminding him. They were fragile and needed care all around which the thought stressed her out. All she felt was stress currently as she felt the sensation making her feel overwhelmed with need and heat.

Yanking one of the chain a groan sounded from Mako, her eyes fluttering open as a surge of soreness over came her. “you are not master” she grumbles in annoyance.
“No but you told him something, didnt you” sally growls, standing over mako
A chuckle followed a smirk sounded “oh no, did I step in your tail” mako teases
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Do not worry, we will be carrying them, and taking them to a special room. one which will become one you shall enjoy as the days go on. "
as he spoke, moving to suddenly distract, and tease her body even more. causing Beauty who had just become stressed to suddenly feel all her stress melt away, as her frame betrayed her mind once more. however the fact remained. this man played her senses like a perfect little flute. yet more then that, he revealed that where they went would be something important for them all with the two little ones.

as well as the fact he could carry them both so she would only need to remain by his side, and when they went to the other room. but their would be no hurry, as he planned to remain in the room with the three of them for a bit longer still. Little did Beauty realize it as of yet, she was gonna be introduced to a special care room. one which would make it much easier to care for the little ones, as well as keeping herself well cared for, yet at this moment in time, her mind and body would become hard to keep focused on anything, even finishing her meal, which was a necessity if she wanted to escape this playful chair of a partner she had under, and behind her.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
She paused in her eating to find interest of this special room mentioned, the hell did he mean? But of course she didnt think long as he began to tease and feel up her motherhood body. Beauty wiggled and couldn’t hold in her laughter by him being to gentle and caring. She clearly her throat as she turns in his lap to face him “I am sure you know, though you do not have a nose like me” playfully poking his nose. “That I am already going into heat meaning Ill be vulnerable outside the private rooms of the mansion” admitting to him.

“tell me” sally order’s pressing on a very deep colored bruise making Mako jerk away with a whine.
“Oh tue fact I may have convinced him to breed Beauty again, she is going into heat soon” Mako giggles knowing that wasnt it.
Sally licks her lips in annoyance knowing better than to trust Mako word in that since “she just had twins for him” reminding the chained mare.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Well then, perhaps we will need to take care of that condition very soon. However before that, as long as you stay close their will be no issue with other males. "
as he spoke up, the words of birth control would enter her mind from a prior experience, however would Beauty want such a thing, to indulge in her heated state, and desires with out the risk of more babies? as it would not be desired by her now master and mate. but if she requested it, perhaps he would allow such things as long as the little ones were young and needed a great deal of attention. however as she poked his nose, and said this, the idea would enter her mind after a viciously playful, and dominatingly enjoyable kiss was soon forced upon her, as Beauty was in Bel's lap, facing him, as her legs were at ether side of his frame, as she could feel his arousal under her, but it was not forced upon her, it would be this aroused sensation which would cause the thought of birth control and freedom to indulge in such growing desires with out risk.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Nodding her head, she planned to remain close; she rather deal with Bel than some horny stallions that could care less about her well-being. What was unexpected once more was his passionate kiss upon her lips again, her eyes widening in reaction, but she did not pull away or act disgusted or annoyed this time around. "Alright, you are killing me here; what is this special room you were talking about?" removing herself from his lap to encourage him to get up. She ate quite a bit of what he brought her, so a reward was to be given, plus the twins were beginning to make quite a fuss. "Oh no, they must know you are here," teasing him.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
gentle smile coming across his face, as the young man moved to lift one of the twins, as he playfully lifted and cooed over the child. causing them to giggle, as he would take the time to give them both attention. before looking to Beauty as he spoke up.

"the special room, is a safety room, one which is sound proof, and able to give some privacy as well as allow for safe view of the young. It is a special room I only ever used once in the past. One which will allow us to keep our little bundles here safe, as well as ensuring much needed freedom, and enjoyment for them, while being right their with the little ones. however it would be a double edged sword, not just a safe spot for them to rest, and care for the little ones, but also a means for adult fun with out risk of the little ones being scared or seeing it, while they could keep the little ones safe.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Witnessing him interact with the twins made Beauty's heart glow with joy and admiration; he was so gentle and kind to them; she never could imagine him hurting them or herself, yet the look in his eye sometimes made her doubt. She moves to his side while he explains this special room to her, curious as to why she has never heard of it before, but it certainly brought her ease that the twins were much more safe there. Children of a powerful man like Bel could warrant the potential kidnapping of kids or mother to hold for ransom. His add-on made her eyes roll; all he ever thought of was sex. She swore. "What or who has used it in the past?" she questioned, pressing for an answer.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh that's easy, No One. you will be the first, for you are the first to bear my direct children. this room had never been needed before. "
as he spoke with a gentle smile on his face. telling her this, as it would be obvious how truth it was, more so how excited he was with this. However discovering that only her and sally would bare his direct lineage, meaning if anything this man ether would end up making another room for sally, unless beauty was alright sharing it with Sally once her little one was born. However even Beauty would be able to tell, something about her caused this man to become overly excited, with just touching, and teasing her.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
She raised a brow at his answer. "Then why mention you used it once in the past?" she questioned, now excited to see this room; he was thrilled about it. Uncertain if it was because he could finally put the special room to use for his children along with his partner and mother of his children. The topic of sharing with Sally would need to be a discussion for all involved; Sally had a right to say whether she wished to share or not, and the same for Beauty, who was already protective over her children. "well you better lead the way to this amazing room" she hums
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
asking this, bel would chuckle softly, as he answered this question.
"That's easy, some one had to check and make sure the mattresses were soft and warm enough. so I tested it all out myself, before ensuring everything was nice clean and prepared for future use. "
as he told her this, it was true this would be the first actual use, but the way he spoke prior was when he tested the room out himself, to ensure everything was perfect. however moving to lead Beauty to this room now, as she would be able to ether let him carry both children in his arms, or take one of them and carry the infant with him. Beauty had a truly perverted yet loving master which was as troublesome as it was wonderful no matter how much she might want to deny it.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Giving him the chance to carry both infants to allow her arms some rest as she followed close to his side, mainly keeping an eye on the twins as they made their way to this special room. She smiles with a giggle, finding it cute. He personally tried out the room himself, reassuring to hear from him; he cared this much for his own blood. "Okay, I look forward to sleeping peacefully through the night," she hums, skipping a little as they make their way. She healed very quickly from giving birth; his choice of a broodmare was remarkable and lucky.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally reaching the specialized, and custom room, their were three main massive beds, and even several unique and specilized cribs.
with how the three beds were set up, one looked as if it was meant to be laid in, while nursing, the other two were more so one for resting, and one more so for fun activities. as it had unique little attachments which were visible, yet hidden enough to keep the little ones if they get on that bed to mess with them. However each of the bed had been made in a unique manor where they all could be connected into a single larger bed if one so desired.

moving to gently lay the children in their new cribs. it would be almost like an instant thing with the innocent ones falling into a sleep, at least until they needed something. with how warm, soft and protective the cribs would feel. as he did this, Beauty would get a chance to check out the beds, and room, if she did not, he would playfully pick her up and toss his mare onto the beds.

( feel free to add any customs you like in it. be them candles, soft music, etc. )
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Soothing music came to her ears once she entered the room. There was no open flame, but the smell was like a fresh, fruity candle lit in the center of the room. She takes a deep breath, feeling as though floating over to one of the beds to lay herself upon with a hum and a massive smile. She could get used to this. Currently, she was on the regular resting bed, the other being noted for play of adults as it hid many toys and restraints. "how long has this been here?" she questions, unaware there was a time long ago that Sally had fallen pregnant which resulted in the existence of Mako being needed.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"I made this room a long time ago, but never had the need for it. now it shall be put to good use. " as he spoke, in a gentle and caring tone. the sight of him rocking the one child till it fell asleep would be something, as only one of the twins passed out right away. once they were both fast asleep. he would move to join Beauty. his hand touching her foot first, and then gliding up her legs. as he smiled, even leaning in to whisper to her.

"if the bed seems to small, they are designed to connect, and become one much larger bed for comfort." saying this to her, the wicked man was pushing Beauty's desires, and needs with every touch, and action tours her. it would be unknown how long the strong willed, and willed maiden would be able to resist or prevent herself from acting out tours her master, even more so with this custom room.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Looking over to witness as he swayed one babe into a slumber, settling into their custom crib within a room made for the mares that bore Bel's children, which she hoped would only be her twins and Sally's foal, which had a long time until coming into the world. Her gaze follows him as he sets the babe down, follows his movement toward her, his hand reaching out to massage her toes and trail up her leg. Biting on her lip, she felt her body temp rises like a hot wave, and her cheeks brightened red as she looked up into his eyes. "Oh my," she hummed, "that is a grand idea," but her hand reached up to grasp his shirt so he was not allowed to move away from her.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she took hold of his shirt, the playfully wicked master would lean into his mare, kissing the filly deeply, as the kiss would be even more arousing and passionate then normal. yet once the kiss broke he would look into her eyes, with a gentle, and loving gaze. " I can not tell you how badly I want to just fold this beautiful woman before up and make her scream my name all night long. " saying this in a dominating yet playful manor. Beauty knew first hand, he would always be more gentle with her, even when speaking of abusing her in such a way. however the fact remained, this showed the mare just how bad he had it for her, yet she knew as she had to share with two other, but for right now, and as long as she had him in here, this man was all hers, and hers alone, at least while the twins slept, as they would be unable to hear anything from their parents, but the opposite was not true, as it was designed to allow the parents to hear the infant with out letting the infant hear them.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Her breath was snatched away by his passionate kiss, her eyes rolling closed as a muffled moan rose in her throat while meeting his kiss with just as much want for him; she felt parched of him that she had not had him in some time. She whines when he breaks the kiss, whispering such a naughty thought into her head, her heated body begging to be bred by her master. Already her breasts perked and plump with just some leakage of milk from her nipples, and her pussy folds soaking wet with her juices to coat his love spear. "Fuck, Bel," she lays her head back on the bed, trying to fight these urges. "I need you so badly," exhaling in a hot voice, her eyes wide with desire for him. "but, can you not cum in me?" she requested of him knowing full well he had a choice to reject such a request and her body made demand he release inside her regardless of what she prefers.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"If that is the case, we could always try the other side for a bit? or would you prefer something a little more wasteful hmm?"
saying this in a playfully wicked manor, however the fact remain he was not denying it, however it would be clear, this man would not pull out of her, unless reminded, as he was an animal of instinct and desires. however the fact remained, he had proven his desire to be responsible. as his hands began to move along her frame. one hand moving to gently play with her moist, hungering depths, two of his fingers moving to skillfully slide with in her silken depths. as the other moved to gently run fingers long the corners of her mouth. as he leaned in to whisper and tease her ear.

"I can do very good things with this mouth of mine, as well as help make something painful feel much more enjoyable. " as he spoke up like this, before ending the last part with a soft number 69, if she understood the meaning of this. as this was something had not done much with others, well mainly such actions of giving pleasure instead of taking it, had been reserved for sally normally, but this time, Beauty was the target of his fun.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
He was not going to deny her need; that was for certain; she wiggled desperately under him as his hands caressed her body until one hand met her soaking wet depths. A moan-filled gasp sounded from her, eyes flickering by just his fingers edging her further into a state she became an animal in heat. Beauty let out a whine, finding all of this far too much to think about to choose from, turning her head to suckle his fingers into her mouth as her gaze remained trained on his face. After a few seconds of sucking on his fingers, she pulls them out by turning her head. "Please, please, master," she begs him, bucking her hips to make his fingers go deeper inside her. "I want to do anything to orgasm, please." Her lips parted so her tongue hung out of her mouth as she pants in need. Beauty was willing to do whatever he wanted at this point. Had he truly broken her, or was her trust mixed in with her heat, creating this mewling mare beneath him? A few rounds here and now could result in more foals to be on the way.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing that cute voice, Bel could not resist himself any more, as the wicked yet playful male moved upon his mare. moving to start slowly kissing from her neck down. as his hands played with her. slowly getting into position. before she would be able to fully respond, his tongue slid along her puffy moist slit. his tongue assaulting her tender region, to enjoy the nectar his mare began to produce. as he moved upon her, With the mare's grasp on his shirt it would soon slide right off the man.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Beauty tilted up her head when his head dipped down to peck along her neck, his hot kisses trailing down her body, making her shiver with excitement as her grasp kept on his shirt, resulting in it tearing off him. She gasped, her hands clenched into the sheets. Just his lips and tongue met her folds. Her legs instinctively wrapped over his shoulders to keep him in place as he ate her out, which felt like a wonderful warm-up. She lays her head back, closing her eyes to enjoy the feeling of his lips and tongue at work on her clit while her juices leak out of her entrance. "Mmm, yes, Master, just like that," she squeals out of pure enjoyment, but her hunger for more pleasure grows by the moment.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
making her feel all the better, each passing moment the master enjoyed her flavor, his tongue slid deeper and wiggled about her depths. his mouth pressing against her sensitive, and puffy lower lips. his one hand now moving to play with her clit with his one hand. the other grasping and teasing her breast, as the two fingers playing with her nipple. the milk coming from it, only enticed her master's teasing all the more. however Beauty would find her master would not relent, or slow down on his assault until she hit her first release from his oral assault, as this was but a warm up. more then that, the wicked man was breaking beauty with incredible ease, and pleasure as he used a more gentle, and playful approach to this one. mixing her heat, and needs with his tactics. however unknown to Bel, this was also a means for Beauty to be the one to claim bel for herself slowly.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Her moans were hitched, but she caught her breath, Finding this unbearable, for it was like he knew when she was close and shifted his attention back to her clit as he lapped up her juices before assaulting her depths with his tongue once more. She barely felt his fingers teasing and pinching on her breast to spray her milk out while he busied himself between her thighs. Beauty's body was far from done; he knew he was warming her up for something more enjoyable. At last, she let out a squeal as she came heavily into his mouth, her sweet nectar coating his lips and chin, dripping off to the floor. Beauty pants, catching her breath from such an amazing feeling. "Oh wow, wow," she mumbles, almost nonsense. She was lucky to be with a man rather than a stallion as this would be purely a quick breeding session rather than a lengthy love-making process.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
now breathing heavily, her leg lock around his head loosened to allow bel to pull free. the man smirked, grasping her legs and suddenly pulling Beauty so her ass and lower would dangle off the fluffy bed. as he pushed himself between her thighs. kissing up her frame, after enjoying the mare's tender region. as he took his time inching ever closer to her, the wicked man would whisper an offer, to play with her womanly entrance, and cover her with his sticky goodness, or flood her belly with it. in a lewd yet playfully way.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Folding back her ears when she sensed him pull free of her quivering legs she blinks to watch him inch up her frame. What was next? She felt her core engaged as he held her half off the bed hearing his words in a whisper. Beauty whines as she wiggles and bucks under him already feeling the high of orgasming fading from her. She seemed in a daze barely able to keep her eyes open “fuck me, master” her words stumbling out. “Fuck me however you wish” smiling as she lets out another mewl of need. Option was up to him, she was open for breeding with him or play with her until her heat subsides.
Local Time:
10:04 PM
Nov 19, 2022
hearing her request, the heated beauty would soon feel the thick bulbous mushroom tip beginning to spear into her chocolate starfish. pushing it open, as the thick girthy rod began to invade her lewd tight depths. stretching her. Bel began to move slowly at first, as the sensation of anal assaulting her, would not be as enjoyable as vaginal, however more then that. the new kind of pleasure would not be a known one if this was with a steed instead of a lover. however this would be a chance for beauty to indulge or just enjoy. as she would feel how her master worked up tours her breast with his maw, and his one hand, while the other snaked tours her own hand. wanting to hold hers, palm to palm, and interlocking fingers. loving the sounds, and reaction of his seductively healthy and fertile filly.
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