Fantasy RP Our Fate Wasn’t A Choice (Lux)

Zaria glanced over and looked at where the communicator was, figuring the worst possible scenario— it was his girlfriend. And her suspicions only became correct when a third buzz went off. That third buzz meant she wanted him to see her immediately. Zaria gave a soft sigh of annoyance. “I know you should go to her..” she began softly with a bite of her lip. She didn’t want him to go. Something in her gut told her that if he did— something bad would happen.
“Mm..say that you got pulled into another patrol?” She asked him, finding it a bit funny to see how he reacted but didn’t laugh. She knew that his girlfriend could go on and on about her complaining. So she knew his reaction was very valid. “Plus..your knot is still inside of me..” she mentioned, and moved slightly, giving a soft moan as it tugged at her entrance, still not wanting to leave her just yet.
She felt him squish his face into her chest, and she gave a soft sigh. “Well, you could use that as your excuse..” he would hear her say next. And gave a soft sigh as he moved and went to check on it. And sure enough when he did check on it he would see that it was his girlfriend, paging him to come by her room.
“Well.. I’m assuming it is because she’s your girlfriend,” she would say, giving him an apologetic look. “Because if I were your girlfriend and you kept running off to some other woman, I too wouldn’t want you to leave,” she joked lightly, but knew that’s what situation he was in.
Zaria sighed again, tilting her head a bit as he got dressed. She pulled a blanket over her body, and had sat up by then, but she pulled her legs to her chest. She wanted to tell him she had thought she was his girlfriend to begin with, after so many years and then he just..had abruptly left her for some werewolf? She honestly hadn’t taken it well, but at least they had remained friends, even if he hadn’t gave her a full explanation.
As he left she gave a soft sigh, feeling a bit stupid. Zaria moved and went to her bathroom, making sure to clean herself up, seeing his bites weren’t really healing just yet. She tsked, and after she showered, she went to grab one of the blood bags from the refrigerator. She took the tube attached to it and began to drink on it, wincing at the taste. Fuck— it was really awful. She only took a few sips of it before she pulled her head back.

She tossed it back in the fridge, and shut the door. She went to redress and was drying her hair. She then flopped back on her bed and gave a soft sigh, wondering about Reyes and if he had reached..her yet.

It was at that moment she felt nauseous. She sat up and touched her mouth, before she moved to hurl the contents of her stomach into a waste bin. It was mostly blood and stomach bile.

Recently, the blood bags had been tasting different, not aware that they had been tampered with.
Reyes was walking the halls of the compound, he would sigh and grumble under his breath as he neared her door.

He really did not want to see her. Times like these is when he did want to be in a relationship with her. She was rude and extremely bitchy to the women in his life. Always jealous for no reason. He wants to leave her. He really does.

He just doesn't know how to go about that...

Standing in front of her door Reyes reached to open her door but drops his hand. "I really don't wanna..." He mumbles softly and he leans his back on the wall beside the door, thinking. Just thinking
Since werewolves had exceptional hearing..Reyes would pick up on something being said behind his current girlfriend’s door. It went along the lines of, “I appreciate you doing this..but if anyone knew you had that virus here.. and putting it into the blood supply they make for the vampires..” she sighed, “Well, at least you only tamper with hers..” there were samples of the virus, that had been being studied in a nearby lab, and..those samples had been used to contaminate certain blood bags. In small enough doses, one wouldn’t know that they were contaminated.
Reyes blinked. "Eh?" He hums as he looks at the door.

The blood being contaminated.. no.. that's not correct, right?

But then again that does seem like a thing she would do... or have people do for her. His body was itching to barg in that room and interrogate an awnser out of her. She is putting a whole race of people in this compound in danger.

But his body moved else where.

With quick steps he ran back to Zaria's room. She had to be ok. She just had to be, right?
When he would run back, he would notice the door was blocked, like something had fell against it.

Zaria had barricaded herself in now. Even after her initial throw up— she knew exactly what this was. She clenched at her stomach, and felt the sweats coming on. She..she didn’t know what to do. She panted as she looked up from where she laid on the floor. She..she had to end herself now, before it was too late.

That virus, that had been contaminated in the blood bags she had been ingesting for weeks now..

It came on slower than one would expect.

She didn’t trust those doses that the drs were giving to slow down the infection, knowing about this so called cure..

She then thought about Reyes and how she had bit him earlier..but then again the virus didn’t affect werewolves. So..she knew he’d be safe.

She felt as if her body was on fire, and she looked at her shaky hands, black veins showing up underneath her pale skin.

“Shit-“ she cursed out. She was infected now.!
A sudden bang was heard from her door.

"Zaria! Hey, open the door!" Reyes yells from the other side as he bangs his fist on the door. He was more worried than ever.

He pulled at the handle but it was a push door rather than a pull. Though with the things blocking it he couldn't even push the door open, at least not in this form.
Zaria heard the bang, her ears ringing out. At the sound of Reyes on the other end, she called back-

“No! Don’ fucking dare open that..door!” She managed to get out, pain lacing every word she spoke.

She needed to something- anything that would kill her quickly before the transformation happened.

Although she was experiencing this, her transformation would actually be very slow, unlike how it normally was for others. She was only now experiencing symptoms, even though she had been infected for weeks. But she didn’t know it was a slow transformation, one that would be painful and agonizing-

She didn’t know those doses the drs would give would actually slow her process further, even if she didn’t trust it.

She went to grab her side arm, but as she reached for it, her vision was blurring faster, and she was clearly becoming unconscious for now.
Reyes started to slam his shoulder into the door, slowly making it move. But it wasn't enough.

With a huff he shifts to his more anthropomorphic form to give him a bit more power. "Coming in!" He yells as he takes a few more steps back he rams the door open making the top two hinges come loose.

Looking at her with a small gasp he rushes to her with a gentle paws on her body. "Zaria... Zaria!" He yells at her a pleading tone in his voice.
Black veins were spreading throughout her body, and she turned her head as she heard Reyes. She looked up to him. “You..need to kill me-“ she pleaded with him, and anyone else in that situation.. she knew he would. She should be no different. She reached for the side arm again, her hand just barely out of its reach. “Please—“ she begged of him, she..didn’t want to hurt anyone in this compound, especially his sister.
Reyes looked at her with surprise. His hands shook as his eyes moved around her. "N-No.. I'm not gonna kill you." He says as he immediately takes her into his arms.

"Drs will know what to do right... they have shots for this right?" He mumbles to himself as he pulls her close. "You'll be better... once your good me and you can go find that cure.. you'll be fine... just fine." He continues softly, his voice shaky as he starts to run to the drs side of the compound.
Zaria felt him take her into his embrace, and she wondered why he was refusing. Her head felt super heavy and she rested it against his chest, giving a few soft breaths as she tried to stay awake. But, before they even arrived to the infirmary, she was passed out cold.

The doctors who were there— also the scientists, had never seen a case like Zaria’s, and they were scribbling down in their notes about her physical symptoms they could see. They then looked to Reyes with a curious glance, “Is this your bite mark?” They asked, looking to one on Zaria’s neck.
“Right..” the man trailed off, writing some more things down before he closed his notebook and readjusted his glasses. “See..the cure— we’ve been using werewolf venom to combat the virus—“ he explained further, and looked to Zaria. “Since werewolves have been unaffected this whole time.. we wonder if it’s something with their chemical makeup that prevents the virus from spreading to them, so in turn..” he glanced back to Reyes, “She would’ve experienced this change earlier in the day if you hadn’t injected her with your venom, so our theory must be correct, werewolf venom somehow slows down the transformation process,” he concluded, and wondered what his other fellow scientists and drs would think.

By then they had injected the serum into Zaria’s bloodstream, the temporary solution pushed off any further changes, making the black veins on her body disappear.
“Your venom and the others like you, may actually help us stop this virus, and potentially reverse damages done,” he says now, as he adjusted an IV bag for Zaria. He wrote a few more things down in her chart. “I’ll leave her with you for now, another attending doctor will be here in about an hour or so to see how she’s doing,” he mentions and leaves the pair, closing the curtain behind him and walked off.

It wasn’t until about fifteen minutes later that Reyes would hear the sounds of his girlfriend in the infirmary, searching for him.
Reyes had his head tucked into Zaria's hand as he sat near her, holding the hand to his forehead. He enjoyed the silence until a nagging "Reyes~!" echoed through the infirmary.

He groaned and lifted his head to the currently closed curtain around Zaria and him.

Getting up from his seat he peaked out of the curtains to see her walking around the room looking for him.

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