Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

"Mmm! Mommy knows what you want" she said as she felt Zerek moving , but her grasp hadn't wavered quite yet, she was completely focused even while teasing her Raltz. She reached down to open his pants up. "Vut only the best boy can put it in Mommy raw!" She teased further as she shifted and wrapped her thighs around Itranels cock, the smooth soft fabric squeezing around him as she started to move in his lap. "And we still have to train your bad habits away!" She said as she hugged his head tighter inti her breasts.
Kara held Intrnael close to her breast, enjoying letting him work out his lust in reality rather than in his mind this time. She opened her eyes as Zerek reached down for her gain, just before her could try to touch her head he was lifted out of reach as she smiles up to him. "Mm I don't think your wandering hands are allowed to touch me yet!" She teased
"Ah! Zerek! You-qill! Stop! Thi-this instant!" She tried to say as the two of them sandwiched her in their lust. "I-didnt give you-permission!" She moaned as the pain faded and sge couldn't focus enough to push with her powers. She hugged Intranel because he was right in front of her, squeezing him tight.
The more she squirmed, the faster her two 'Mon moved, getting and giving extreme pleasures to and from her tight body. Surprisingly, Zerek was the first to crack, his admittedly quite large cock filling her ass with his cum as he cried out in delight, but Itranel seemed to have more stamina, his larger member ramming her pussy deeper and deeper as he moaned into her breasts.
Kara moans out as Zerek started thrusting again only tightening her arms around Intranel. "Ah~that's better, that's a giid biy" She moans out as she squeezed them both. Her body shivering all over as she felt herself starting to cum, giving out a loud moan as her powers pushed them both against her in a intense embrace.

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