Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

(XD I don't think so? I think it's legit just a we probably can play it as "Oh no he's just a trap" lol )

Kara smirked at him. "And were told to be good, I should make you my foot stool for daring to force yourself into me" She said as she moved around Intranel, putting her foot on Zereks chest and pushing him on his back. "Or maybe ill just chain you up and every day you'll watch Mr fuck Intranel just so you understand what a good boy like him gets as a reward." She said putting her other foot on his cheek, Pinning him down further. "Bad boys don't deserve to feel inside of mommy after all." She purred coldly ..which might have only made her hotter to the Zorua. "Infact I know just how to start punishing you. Intranel, he is not to move at good and make sure he stays right there"
(I... Mmm. TBF, there is an example of Evolution switching Genders. Azurill, from a few gens back. Nothing saying we couldn't nick that, if the mood takes us. Or Intranel could just be a trap, XD)

Zerek squirmed under Kara's feet, his face bright red as Intranel started to use his powers, immobilizing the Zorua as Kara asked "Yes Mommy..." He murmured, watching the pair.
(XD Tho Zerek progressively getting more confused over if it's gay to ram his teammate if he looks like a girl from behind would be funny to me)

Kara pushed back on his tongue, making sure to grind against his face. "Every drop you little worm! Or I'll make you dress like a maid for real! Everyone will think you're some kind of pervert!"
(XD "Do I have to train for decades? Hone my mind and body?"

"No. You must bang as many people as you can and empty your balls inti evert last one of them.")

"Tingly sweetie? Where?" She said as she stopped playing with his hair, leaning over his shoulder to look at his lap. "Here baby?" She said reaching to touch his dick, thinking that he was playing around with her or something.
He stood up as she touched him, stumbling away "N-No..." He mumbled as he started to glow "I thin... think I'm... evolving..." He closed his eyes, as the glow would force both Kara and Zerek to look away. Within that glow, Itranel changed.

Intranel blinked in shock "Ahn! Kara!" His voice was a little deeper now, but not by much. It would still be easily mistaken for a girls, but what was between his legs would put that theory to sleep immediately. It was even bigger than before, easily about half as long as Kara's forearm, and about as thick as three fingers at it's widest.

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