Survival or Passion

As she would be hungry, and bringing the attention to seth. the entity moved to grasp a small claw full of greens, and odd plant like berries. as it moved to clean them up, before bringing the odd alien base fruit to her.
the antenna's would extend once more, but this time no longer needed to touch her, just to be exposed so it's voice could be heard by liz mentally.

"Snack, local fruit, But will need to hunt, and gather. Will be gone for few hours. Stay in den, safe, and warm? come with and learn to gather safely?"
asking this, as the entity would move up to liz, offering her the slight snack to hopefully hold the soon to be mother over until it could get a proper meal hunted, and gathered for them to share.
as it would take a few hours, but once done it would not need to go again for some time. however the fact remained if she stayed alone, being found meant she would be unable to escape, if she went with her mate
their would always be the risk of being spotted, or worse, captured by some local wild life, even with the mate near her. both had their own pros, and cons.
Smiling to his attentive nature she remained back on the bed as he brought her a little snack to munch on, hoping to tie her over until a good time for him to go hunting. Of course he offered suggestions of her staying in the den or going with him which made her hesitant, going out there meant the possibility of getting captured by her father or a wild life creature that wished to eat or abuse her, or stay in the den. She would glance around as she ate away at her snack before shrugging "I haven't have grand experiences in either places..." admitting with a shrug, realizing he may question why she felt unsafe in the den. Clearing her throat she shook her head "Just every time I go out in the forest I either black out, have to run for my life, or get raped by some wild creature" quickly rambling to distract him from other thoughts.
Moving to gently place one of it's palms on Liz's head, in a gentle head pat. the creature's tone echoed softly in her mind.

"Mine now, no one or thing else may have you. Defend mate with life, keep safe, and happy. "
saying this, it would seem odd, but the tone was gentle, caring and protective. however it would be a short lived moment, as the creature would then
promise to return as soon as possible, and prepare a feast for liz, asking her to remain safe, and rest for it's return, unaware that the two had a stalker waiting for his chance
to kidnap his daughter back once she would be alone, and the cost clear for some time.
Blinking up to him by his pat on the head finding the gesture of the affection heart warming as he spoke a promise to her, reassuring that if anything happened he would find her, her gaze looking out of the den feeling as though they were being watched. Quickly she grabs one of his hands "Maybe...maybe a friend of yours could stay guard or something?" suggesting a protective measure, made sense to ensure a pregnant female was not left alone. Liz does not know if his tribe knew about her father or hell even her, did Seth tell anyone other than the medic about her?
"If it will make you feel better, I shall go and see about finding some one who can protect you when I go out. "
As the entity would say this to her, it meant Liz would still be alone, however if things went smoothing, he would return with some one to help protect and keep her
safe before going back out to hunt. however the entity seemed to change a bit in his tone of voice. as if he was at a lost as to who he could trust, but at the same time would do what
he needed to keep his mate safe and comfortable. As it, was with all the precations to be taken, the fact remained, she would be in for a world of suffering before Liz's fairy tale on an alien world coudl truly begin.
Once she would go to lay down, The entity liz now knew as seth would move to give her an odd feeling kiss on the top of the head. as it was not from it's actual mouth, but the tail formed a mouth on it, and did this. some aspects of this species would need some time to get use to.

once she would be alone in the den. things would begin to grow much creepier, and concerning, however faint movement could soon be heard from outside, as well as a humanoid figure in the distance. from afar it could easily be her mate or her old man. if one was optimistic it would be a chance to rush out to her mate's arms, but if they were cautious, it would allow one to hide and wait to discover the horrible truth, and that was daddy had come to get his little girl back. if she wanted it or not.
Smiling to his strange kiss goodbye she watched Seth go, him disappearing and the time starting in her head for his return or a guard to come. Minutes passed as chills ran up her spine, hairs standing up on her skin causing her to move into a more secluded part of the den. She pulled a blanket with her to keep warm and hidden though kept an eye on the opening as some figure was coming toward the den, was it Seth, a guard, or her father finally taking a peek inside.
What would at first appear like a new hopeful window for her future, would quickly turn to a hellish realization for poor Liz. as the figure came into view, it was her father, and more then that. he had several larger creature's dead, and being dragged behind him. which would reveal how he masked his scent from her mate, and other creatures. this wicked older man had a devilish smirk on his face. as he planned to take his daughter back by force. to enjoy her body, and force feed and abuse her till he forced Liz to become his ideal play thing and doll. even thinking if her so called mate came for her he would take care of the creature, unaware just how bonded his daughter was to this new life form.
Peeking from her hidden spot under her blanket she realized the figure was none other than her father, he found her and was dragging around some creature making her stomach churn in disgust. She swallows down her nerves, covering herself fully and pressing low to the floor to remain hidden, oh she prayed to stay hidden. Currently wishing she went with Seth after all, thinking the den was a safe place was a bad idea, her father easily walked right in like he owned the place, probably believes he owns her which was not true. If he did catch her, she would put up quite the fight for she did not trust him one bit anymore.
"Oh baby girl, You are safe, let us go home. it's time to put this nightmare behind you. "
as he came into the day saying this speaking in a gentle manor. The old man was acting as though he was here to rescue his prescious daughter, when in
fact she would soon see, and feel his true colors. as the man had only care for her body, more then her heart. even with what looked like a modified choker, and chain in his hand.
one would think at first this was a make shift weapon used to defend himself, and get to her safely when in truth it was to bind, and take his daughter by force if it was needed. while moving into the den,
and tours Liz with out concern. already planning to beat her and take his girl by force if the need was their, but wanted to try and get her back in a more gently form first.
His voice rang into her head made her freeze up, her heart pounding in her chest as though he could hear the fear he put into her. How she wished Seth could appear but at the same time she did not want him for father may actually kill her mate at first sight. Sure, the man sounded concerned as though coming to her rescue but she knew the truth thanks to Seth. Her father had be abusing her, forcing her to desire him so he could breed her and feel no guilt over it. Absently she felt her arms wrap over her stomach hoping he did not know she was expecting but would explain further determination to get her back. So she remained still, trying to silence her breathing, balling her hands into fists encase he did end up finding her hidden spot behind the counter of the kitchen.
Easily coming into the den and finding his little liz, A gentle smile came across the devil which was her father's face. as he moved to offer her his hand.

"come with me sweet heart, papa will make sure no one else hurts you again. we will be safe from now on. "
saying this with a gentle and genuine smile, his show was just that a show. his love for her was of a darker, more abusive nature then he ever let on.
However this was an opening to strike her father and try to escape, albeit a fruitless one, but still an attempt would present itself if she took it or not.
There were his feet shadowing the hem of her blanket, his form leaning to offer his hand while that fake show of a smile presented itself once she removed the blanket from her head; he had found her. Gulp down the fear that sparked in her eyes, she fumbles her hand on the ground to find a rolling pin made of the thickest wood in this world, gripping the handle she launches to her feet, striking her father right in the face "I am safe here, you bastard!" shouting at him. "I know what you did to me! I know what you were planning!" speaking what she has learned since Seth rescued her "Go home! Get out of here!!" screaming as she readies to swing the rolling pin at him again.
now striking her old man, and shouting. it would cause him to drop the gentle, and caring act. as Liz swung again. her massive brute of a father would catch the pin with ease. ripping it from his daughter's grasp, and tossing it away. before moving to grasp her by the hair, and toss Liz over his shoulder to both smack her ass, and carrying her back home. the fact remained, he was no longer going to be gentle with her, and begin the final phase of his plan far ahead of schedule now. however to make matter's worse, he had no idea that his daughter had a mate which would come for her. the instant it returned home to her no longer being their, which would both be known by liz, and also be of concern due to the risk of her new loving alien mate being killed by her wicked old man.
Gasping a pause as he flung the pin from her hands to instead yank her by the hair up over his shoulder offering a good spanking that made her wiggle and cry out in anger and slight pain. She would kick her feet and bang her hands on his back "let me go!! You disgusting excuse for a man! Let me go!!' shouting as she attempt to free herself, run for the hills anything to just get away from him. But she did not speak of her mate, no need to put him on alert if she ends up back home, Seth could find her and take her father by surprise.
Now carrying her out, Liz's kicks, and hits seemed to do little to nothing against the bulking mass of muscle which was her father. however chuckling as she struggled and shouted. the wicked man spoke up.
"Oh, how I do love you my little angel. more then that, we will have a wonderful family. do not worry even if you don't love me yet, like your mother prior, I will break you, and make you my ideal little fuck doll before
this is over. " saying this to her, as he chuckled longer hiding his end goal for her. unaware just how broken Liz had already become due to his horrible and wicked training she had been put through thus far. but her new mate
had filled in the role which was meant for her father.
She halted her hitting as he spoke, her head perked up as her eyes narrowed "Have?" she questions "We will not!" snapping as she knocks her elbow into his head "You won't break me! I know what I worth, what I am deserving and I deserve far more than you!!" screaming out as she began a whole new fit of rage. All this occurring while her stomach growled with hunger needing food for her body and the developing baby in her womb.
Despite her rage, and attempts, Slowly liz would find herself carried back to the home she once knew. as her old pain painfully tossed his little girl into the room. before locking the thick steel, and wood door behind him. with a wicked smirk, despite all the bruises, and knots. he would crack his knuckles. before looking to his little girl.

"So now we have to do this the hard way. remember you chose to make this difficult, I wanted to take care of you, make you my personal little princess, but now you will have to be nothing more then
a lovely little doll, just like your mother. "

saying this, as he moved tours Liz. planning to pin and force himself upon her. wanting to force a display of dominance upon his child, so she would know her place, before locking liz up and treating her like a wild pet in a cage to be enjoyed.
Her attempts did not falter until seeing the house, she would began scrambling to wiggle free but his grip on her was so tight it was already creating red marks and bruising on her body. Inside she was tossed into the room, yelping by impact before looking up as he locks the door behind him, cracking his knuckles with a dark look on his face "No no! Stay away from me!" screaming as she gets to her feet going for any window or finding any weapon possible to defend herself. How she wished to shout out that she was pregnant and harming her would harm her child but would also offer him ownership over her which she refused to allow.
Now with his little girl trapped in the room with the old bastard of a man. he would smirk, licking his lips. as he moved upon her, getting all the more excited, with her desperate search for a means to defend herself or escape. Little did liz realize, the moment was right, her wicked old man would move behind her. planning to snare his daughter into a wicked hold, one arm to go around her, as the other would move to be between her legs, while wanting to pull her back to his chest.

If things went smoothing for Vic, he would be able to penetrate his daughter from behind, and begin to reclaim her forcefully. if she managed to break free, or even defend his first attempt. the muscular older man would get rougher, and more excited the more she would struggle, or even harm him.
"No, no!" she would squeal as she felt his arm wrap around her body, wiggling and thrashing about to free herself forcing him to miss entering her multiple times until she felt him inside her. She tosses her head "please stop! I will be good just stop!" begging of him, tightly closing her eyes with tears streaming down her face. Scared he would hurt her, scare he would attempt in turning her mind to mush while carrying his child and if Seth did not get her back in the next coming months then she may be all alone when the child comes.
Now in this room, with the windows boarded up from the outside. what was originally done to make one think it was to protect her. now the truth was known and so much worse, making this room into the ideal prison so to speak. With his daughter in his arms, as the wicked man plowed into her resistant depths. Loving the feel of her body faint struggles, and the sound of her desperate voice.

the wicked man began to get rougher, and rougher. eventually moving to quickly release her from his hold, only to move his powerful arms as quickly as he could to try and get them under her knees, to lift his daughters legs. wanting to lift the legs, and hook his hands behind her neck. almost folding liz young body so he could slam even deeper into her, while painfully pleasing himself, and leaving her body a weaken wreck so he could enjoy this at his leisure, however it would be at this moment in time, that would present Liz a chance to pull away from her father, however it would only end up with her getting pinned on the bed instead of this more painful position her old man wanted her in.


Squealing out half breathed moans being forced through her vocals as he pounded into her tiny body that had been used and claimed by a native of this planet, her father had no clue she had made love with another male, another being other than him and felt true intimacy for him. Oh, how worried Seth will be when he comes to an empty den, the scent of her fear and desperation heavy in the air. Once she felt her father maneuvering her she fought like hell to get free, resulting in him pinning into hard into the bed barely allowing her time to shift her head to breath normally. Letting out whimpers and whines mixed with her grunts of pain and moans even feeling the trickles of cum and blood from him pounding her with out remorse "please...stop this!" begging of him.
Now pinned, and being forced to endure a growing pleasure of her body. the carnal release of the young lady was forceful, and unwanted, yet her very core began to turn on her once more. showing the extent of what an experienced partner could do, versus a passionate one. More then that Vic got more and more into the act, pressing into his daughter, as he forcefully began to speak to her.

"Oh god, you feel so damn good like this. I am looking forward to having my cute little angel at my beck and call every morning like a good girl. This is but our first session. let it go, and enjoy what is to come. " as he spoke like this, painting an image in Liz's mind of herself being his personal fuck doll, and playmate every night. at this point in time, this desire would come off more and more like a hellish nightmare, of carnal pleasure, and pain. It would be unknown just how broken she might be by the time seth got her back, However as it was. right now it was liz's fate to be tormented or so it seemed.
She felt her body twitch and cringe in reaction to his hellish grunts with his words speaking of his plans and how she felt to him, not wanting to enjoy any moment of it as she planned to fight every second since his initial plan was wasted after she found out the truth. But she could not bare allowing him to hear her sounds of pleasure no matter the pain, her walls squeezing his cock with every orgasm he forced upon her. When he would be done with her she would never know but the freedoms she had before were gone, everything she did was to his command. Closing her eyes she felt her mouth utterly dry up from her fighting, screaming, crying and moaning.
What seemed like an eternity would finally passed, as Victor pulled out of his daughter. leaving Liz's body exhausted, weak, and over flowing with his unwanted seed. as he leaned in kissing her shoulder and neck. before whispering to her.

"Rest well little angel. When I come back we will enjoy a meal, and your next session. so take the time to rest and prepare. " saying this to her with a wicked and dark tone. the old man would leave her alone in the boarded up, and sealed room. with only two mattresses, and some fluff, and soft blankets in their for her. she was now that ideal little bird in a cage, and this was but the first session. However if planned out and played her hands out carefully, Perhaps Liz could earn some so called fun time outside of the room, in order to try and escape, as the room would not allow such openings if one looked carefully at how it was sealed up.
She had grown exhausted, tired to the point of her moans being whispering whine, her pussy unable to keep up with his over flowing seed once he finally released her from his hold, her body limp on the bed not even flinching under his lips pressing to her skin as he spoke. Opening her eyes a little to see him out she would glance around the room finding out she was locked in with no escape. It was several minutes before able to sit up finding discomfort with their spilled fluids between her thighs ranging from his seed, her cum, and blood also the room reeked of sex. Using a blanket in attempted to clean herself up she crawled her way to the pile of pillows at last passing out there for many hours.

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