Survival or Passion

"Yes, we are all safe, and free. as for injuries, nothing last night's molt didn't fix. " as he showed off his formerly injured arm with no wounds at all.
before the thumb pointed to a pile of thick, shed exoskeleton. as he was gonna bury the shed, in order for it to slowly decompose, and nourish the plants.
however if Liz looked through some of the plates, and blade like talons. the young lady could easily make herself a set of self defensive gear in the den, for future
protection if her mind went that far. or she could just enjoy the moment, as the residue of the nectar in her system would begin to take effect on her body. once she was fully awaken, and
her system starting to catch up, after her mind pulled it all together.
Looking over to his shed skin was a reminder of how different they were, completely different species and yet still they fell for each other after he saved for twice now. She did not have a working mind just yet knowing she was safe here but would need weapons of her own to defend encase he is out and something happened. "So, how long was i gone?" she asks "I was locked in a pretty dark room so time was fleeting" she admits as she sits down outside the den.
Feeling his four arms around her, the entity held close. as he spoke of how he had been out to rescue her for over an week.
little did ether of them know the amount of damage her father had successfully inflicted upon Liz's mind. however her body and heart were safe,
and her so called soul mate held her close. and would apologize for failing to protect her properly prior. promising that even if he failed to
protect her, he would always come to his mate's side no matter how long or dangerous.

the entity was holding her close, and enjoying the warmth of her body. However it would take but a simple request for him to release her, and allow
Liz to go through his sheds, and find an incredible assortment of claws, talons, and plates of his shell which could be used, as this organic material would be tougher
then steel if tested.
Being in his embrace once more gave her the chance to feel at home, knowing he would do all he can for her in protection and safety wise, always find her in the end. She shifts in his arms with a nod of her head that she endured all that in simply a week when it felt so much longer. "He knows about the baby" she adds on, running her hand over her stomach "He probably knew before me but clearly wants me to pop out a ton of his babies" shaking her head a little. Crawling from his arms she moves aside some of his shedding to pick up a few talons and claws possibly cause use his scales for shields "But you saved me so no worries, right?" looking over to Seth
as she began to look through his shedding, it took a few moment, however seth would soon realize where liz's mind was going as he saw how she looked at his molted claws, talons, and chest plats.

"Want me to craft some tools for you? talon, or claw blades? wrist armor guards? light weight shield?"
his hissing, and clicking would be heard, as the gentle voice echoed in her mind. the creature would have her pick out the special parts she liked the most
which would be used for the said weapons, and armors, her mate would craft to her unique size, and requirements.
Sitting back on her feet as she voiced his services to craft her supplies of weapon and protection just encase was answered with a nod "I know you will protect me but just encase" admitting to him. She picks out the ones that were not too heavy on her fingers and wrists while she could huddle under a heavy a shield if needed. "And um...could you possibly craft a crib?" not even looking at him
a soft chuckle could be heard in her mind after the request for the crib. before the entity revealed to her, when he was out, before she was kindapped. he had already made arrangements to have an entire supply and room made up in their den for the coming baby. one which his trusty twin would come over in the next full moon, and she could direct the way it would be made. as Seth would be right their with her, revealing he had preplanned for the baby's needs for her. revealing that the instant she had become his mate, her child was his child, regardless of the actual father's identity.

However once this was done, she would find the parts, and segments chosen would be take by seth, and set aside. as he would smile softly, asking if she wished to join him for breakfast, and a dip in the stream.
At first she pouted at the sound of his chuckle but then her eyes lit up to hear he had already begun to plan too the supplies needed for the baby once they were true mates, made her smile hearing her child would have a father like him than her papa. Quickly hugging onto Seth as she nods her head "yeah, lets have a relaxing morning of you having me back safe and sound" though not sound of mind all that much.
Now in her lover's embrace once more, the entities wings would unfold, as they were like massive insect wings, but had an almost rainbow looking glow to them. making a soft whimsical sound as hey began to flap them rapidly. before taking hold of Liz in a more bridal style. flying her high enough to pluck any fruit she wanted from the branches, as they went tours the local stream to clean up, and have a bit of a picnic together.

"Make sure to take what ever pieces of fruit look good to you, the higher up once are the juiciest, and sweetest with in the nectar. "
as he spoke up, not even thinking of telling her the effective way these fruits could act as an aphrodisiac, as the alien entity believed she still had her immunity from the treatment he gave
her back when they first mated. unaware of her body having taken so much of the rare plant's nectar the night she was rescued. however as it was, things would almost seem like they went from
a nightmare to a dream for liz at this moment in time.
Gasping to the sight of his wings brought a smile to her face, reaching out to one side until he began flapping them, his hold on her shifting tighter once in a bridal style hold making her giggle. As they flew she held her hands out to snatch up any fruit she could gather, trying to keep them all in her arms as they made their way to the stream. She felt so free and happy in this moment she could not believe she was rescued by her mate, her father still having no true identity of Seth. "you are one lucky male" giggling as she thought about this.
Hearing her comment, about being lucky, The entity would begin to laugh, which to one who did not know any better. might think the beast was offended, however being able to hear the
actual voice, and sounds in her mind, thanks to their unique bond. Liz would be able to tell it was a pleasant laughter, despite the way the species laugh sounded some what frightful to any who heard
only the physical release of sounds.

"Indeed, Having a family at such a young age, a woman who is worth any treasure I could ever find, and more so. With you, we are going to make happy home, and den together."
saying this, as they approached the stream slowly and steadily. However if she asked, Liz would be able to discover that this creature was of a royal species, but at the same time a species which was known even among
it's own kin to be unable to find mates, or happiness. only able to breed, and die, due to the nature of the female's turning males into food, like insects back on Liz's home world. However more then that, the fact females on this
planet were so rare, and valuable, she was like a true gem in the possession of her mate, however this also would prove that he desired her happiness, as well as safety, as most creatures encountered, even her own father at this point only wanted Liz's body for their own desires.

"We get their soon, wash up first, or fruit picnic then wash?"
The term family made her tense up always thinking of her father and the family she abandoned back home thanks to him crashing them here. She internally sighs knowing she would ever get to see them again but this alternative life is quite amazing, she was very lucky to find Seth unaware how lucky he was to find her. It would take seeing the truth or hearing it from him to actually understand the importance of their relationship to him and his species. Sure her first born was a bastard but if they were lucky she may be able to have a child of his in the future.

"I am starving, lets eat up first" deciding as she bites into one of the fruits, humming with glee by the sweet and juicy taste "Oh wow!" exclaiming with surprise.
As she began to eat up the fruit, the entity would move to gently set Liz down near a large tree, which over looked the stream.
the alien stud, and lover would look to liz with a gentle sounding tone in her mind. " While you eat the fruit, I will get us some meat, Do you like fish? or game?"

asking this, it might take a moment, but the way this creature was using the word game, was more so for a creature which could be like rabbit, or deer like meat.
however fish could be captured right their where they were, as it was. Liz could easily choose what kind of meat she would like to go with her fruit, however she would also be
left alone by the tree, regardless of the choice, unless she chose something else all together which might not be an option to start with.
There mere suggestion of him leaving her sight to seek game led her to shake her head "Oh fish is fine" quick to answer with a smile to follow so he did not pick up on her nerves. Sure they were miles upon miles from their old den and the house of her father but being apart from Seth did set her uneasy. He was gone when she was kidnapped or in her father's terms "rescued" thankfully she did not utter a word of seth or them being mates to protect him and possibly herself. Who know show father would have acted if he knew another had laid claim to her in a fashion he never could dream of.
"Very well, Fish it shall be. just relax and enjoy your fruit, I will be in the stream,"
as the entity told this to Liz, she would see, and hear the sound of flesh, and bone tearing and snapping. as one of the four hands shifted
to become more like a spear. before the creature began to enter the water. However once Seth was out of reach of her, this would be when something would hit her
be it a sensation feeling or fear. as just moments ago he was with in reach of her, now no longer with in reach, albeit still with in sight. as if something in her wanted to remain
even closer to the mate she had, was it due to the ordeal her father had put her through prior? or perhaps more so just needing the sensation she had become use to, of being close
to some one sense she had endured for so long.
His agreement to fish in a stream so near was reassuring to say the least, her gaze watching him reform an arm of his limbs to a spear for stabbing the water for their breakfast while she is able to keep him in sight. The moment her mate left a certain distance between them she felt a spike in her chest, her heart tighten, her lungs freeze at a finding she greatly felt vulnerable yet he was right there unlike that day where he went off to fetch a friend to watch over her as he hunted. Not even finishing her fruit she scoots down the bank as close to the edge of the stream as possible though did not wish to get wet. "How far are we from where we were?" she questions, fumbling with her hands that revealed her uneasiness.
"On foot, a good three or four days. Plus natural and artificial traps to protect the out skirts of our new home. "
as the entity revealed this, it would show Liz that he had taken precations to prevent her from being taken, however little did ether of them know.
sense Liz had been gone with the first time he took her. the wicked older man had studied and learned alot more then ether of them realized, however as she scooted
closer to the water, the alien like stud would be heard in her mind chuckling, as he would comment, how once he was done fishing they could enjoy a nice long dip in the soothing water
together, and with this, the image would be painted in her mind of Seth taking Liz in the stream, and laying a claim upon her for the world to see, that she belonged to him, even if his comment
was more innocent and caring in nature. as the abuse, and mental training her father put her through, had changed the innocent mind of this young lady in more ways then ether of then could truly
Noticing he picked up as to why she asked such a question was for her father could not fly as her mate can which was very reassuring. She shifts hearing his comment of taking a dip in the stream after he fetched some fish for them, she eyes the water looking forward to at last wash away the stink she wore, unable to remember the last time she bathed. An image crossed her mind of when father grew angry and gave her to some plant by the stream, allowing it to take her while he filled her womb with as much baby batter as he desired though already was carrying his child. Unable to look at herself any more she finally allowed herself to glance down, realizing she was beginning to slightly show which made her uncomfortable. "I like that idea" spitting out so he would know she heard his suggestion.
Stopping in the act, as he broke off, the boney spear he had formed from his arm. before stabbing it into the ground next to Liz. as the hand regenerated like it had never been damaged.
after which he would move to gently lift the maiden almost bridal style, as he carried her oddly timid looking body into the stream.

"I can tell something happened when you were near a stream at one point, but we are together. if you do not want it, then nothing will happen with us together. "
as he said this, his two arms gently lowering Liz into the water, till her feet could touch the soft sandy basin of the watery depths. as his other two hands would move to gently fondle, and begin kneading, and handling
Liz's flesh in a gentle manor. wanting to both relax, please, and wash her off. unaware that what this entity saw as gentle care could easily cause a new sensation or desire in her body, due to the difference in their anatomy, but this could
also be something the two could learn to enjoy with each other in the near future.
Jumping in surprise to him halting his fishing to instead focus back on her, glancing to the spear like arm that returned to a hand to aid in lifting her into his arms which brought on a tension in her muscles. She looks down to the water as he slowly, gently set her into the cold, fresh stream that washed not only her body but also her worries aways while his hands would caress over her skin to aid in cleaning her. Liz looks toward his face with a soft smile "yes well, many punishments occurred and...I had not noticed..." her hand subtly running over her lightly swollen womb. Pressing her body close to his as her toes knead into the sand below her she took in a breath "thank you"
"Your trembling? is this harming my Liz?" asking this with a bit of concern, as the creature did take notice of the faint body reaction to what her memories had caused her.
the fact remained she was now safe, and in the hands of a loving partner, not an abusive perverted over bearing beast. Yet at the same time, his touches, and movement along her elegant, and
tender frame would only go on to remind liz that in Seth's embrace, she would be safe, loved, and more then that. cared for, even if the baby with in her was not his, it was his family as it was hers.

doing all he could to care for the young lady, it would not be a long stretch to think that one wrong touch could cause a momentary flash of the memory and sensation of her punishment in
that horrid bush, used upon liz prior to her rescue. as the setting was so similar with the stream here, despite no such danger or risk existing at this moment in time.
Blinking to have not realizing she was shaking due to her body's reaction of the fear her father he deeply bestowed within her, she swallows down her nerves with a shake of her head "N-no just um...things...actions were done to me near a stream as this but I am safe with you. Time is all I ask, such horrid memories will fade eventually" reassuring him in such a soft voice. Also had not taken notice to many bruises and abrasions along her body that the stream cleaned away the dirt upon and sun light revealed.
As the process was nearing the end of the wash, Seth's twin arms moved, as two of them went around her lower back, as one was against Liz's upper back. the fourth, and final
moved to place it's palm against the back of her head. as he pulled her into a deep kiss. As the kiss was held, for a short while, once it would finally break. the alien entity would speak
to the young lady.

"How about we wash away all those horrible memories, just us, no one else, hmm?"
asking this, as he held her protectively, and intimately, the entity was wanting to comfort, and protect his mate for all she was worth, at least she was worth everything in his mind.
Glancing to her sides as his hands would travel to place in certain spots of her body until his last hand held her still for his lips to press against her which took her a moment to accept as she had grown use to the forced kiss of her father. She lets out a soft whine of need than fear, pressing her front more upon him once he broke the kiss to speak so intimately toward her, his body language telling her that she was safe. "I wish it were so easy" she answers with a sad smile meeting him.
"Well shall we give it a try? if nothing else, try to paint a new memory of our time at this stream together?"
as he spoke gently, his clawed hands playfully and gently, trying to sooth her with two of them, and tease her with the other two.
as he leaned in to gently release his odd mandible once more. as the powerful yet soft, fuzz covered insectoid antenna's gently rubbed along her neck, and chin.
this would cause a playfully gentle, sensation upon her sensitive skin. as this was the most intimate act one of his species could share with another. however it might go unnoticed
by Liz, due to the difference in species, or the horror she endured prior to this. yet his touches, and actions were filled with a mixture of protective desire, and lustful passion tours her.
As Liz would find if she said the word no, or wiggled to stop this, the entity would not force her into any thing she did not truly want to endure.
Looking up to him with doe like eyes hearing him wonder of creating new memory here in a stream leading her to look down toward the water as he would touch on her body. When his antenna joined she tilted her head up letting out a soft moan causing her to blush deeply and pull away from him "Um...this is enough to make me feel safe" reassuring him quietly to then realize how in bad shape her body was. Feeling shame creep up her chest she swallows down her nerves "Any chance someone can look me and the baby over, make sure we are okay?" requesting of him.
making this request, Seth would move to gently lift Liz up out of the water in his arms. moving to carry her once more, in the bridal style., as his wings began to expand.
a gentle tone, and smile on his monstrous visage could be seen. to any one who did not know any better might think she was about to be taken some where to be abused or worse,
however with her request, instead of being given an answer, the entity was doing this. It would tell Liz right off the bat, he was going to take her to be looked over, and remain at her side.

Unknown to ether of them, it would be this act which would give an indicator to her father, who was else where looking for liz once more, as to which direction he needed to head. and perhaps
look carefully for signs of a new den, to rescue his daughter so to speak.
Such a smooth transition she did not take note of being in his arms until she heard his wings in action to lift them up to the tops of the trees, not a wondering or a word uttered by her mate. She pouts guessing he was as concerned as she was, hopefully the entity that would look her over would not question of abuse or sexual assault. Simply wishing to be on the mend and that her baby was healthy, sure father reassured his actions never harmed the baby yet they harmed her which made no sense to her. Resting her head on Seth's chest she exhales a sigh trying to calm her nerves, her arms covering over her stomach out of instinct.
From above, the sight would be truly awe inspiring from the alien world. as Seth carried Liz in it's arms. she would soon see what looked like a small town or
village coming into view. one built in the deepest recesses of the forest. she was about to finally see where the species of her mate lived, and how they lived.

it would paint an interesting picture for liz, as the community was mostly males, however their would be some unique and obviously female creatures in the town as well.
however very few in number. as such they would seem to get waited on, hand and foot. ignoring this, Seth would move tours the town, and tours a large oak looking tree,
which had steam, and smoke coming out of the windows. as his clicking, and hissing tone came out. she would be able to hear his voice in her mind.

"were almost their, once we get you check out, how about I treat my cute little mate to a proper meal, instead of just our simple wild caught food?"
offering her essentially a date out on the town once they had visited the medical creature. It would give liz a rare chance to see the way these creature lived, if she felt
like accepting the offer.
Holding onto her dear mate, looking down as they made their trek from the den area toward the village Seth once called home, she did feel a pang in her heart knowing it was her situation that forced him to move away but hopefully his village understood. She was not able to see much of his fellow species last time but she could not help noticing how the genders were unbalance, females treated as royalty and males servants and workers. Reminded her a bit of a bee hive which was not very settling as they touched down before a large oak. "Like a date?" she would question with a soft smile not minding a little tour and food.

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