Fantasy RP The Cursed Maiden, and the Evil Lord of a Destroyed Realm

as her body was in such a strange state, the small shadow like beast seemed unable to interact with her staff. yet Omi would soon feel how the beast was moving upon her once more. the massive, and now exposed magical warrior of a rabbit would feel an odd sensation. as the beast with to grasp her once more. this time the small shadow entity would burst out into a wall of thin shadow based tendrils. as they moved about. weakly, yet successfully preventing this thing from getting ahold of her once again.

As this went on, it would become clear if the small familiar was able to interact, that meant the summoner was on his way back to her location. Hopefully this meant Hito had gotten some powerful aid to help them. However unknown to Ms. Tannis at this time, it would be Hito alone, as he had seen how things began to go south for her, through the shadow's eyes. as the foe evolved to deal with her gravity magic. which now she could see this entity known as Aptom using her own magic to enhance it's claws as it struck at, and slowly cut through the re growing shadow tendrils, which were acting as a short lived shield for the rabbit warrior.

As this went on, it would become apparent, that this entity could only deal with one form of magical energy at a time, as it did not seem to be adapting to evolve tours the shadow magic, or perhaps better to say curse like energy of the familiar. while it had quickly adapted to the more natural magical energy which was used by Omi's attack prior, albeit more of a lost art kind, meaning if the shadows could make a situation to force this beast to adapt again, then perhaps she could deal some damage with her magic, or vice versa, if Omi could assault it, while it was focused on defending, which had yet to become a visible opening for the moment.
(I thought I responded to this- dang it I must have lost the post)

As the wall of inky black protection rolled out to protect her, Omi drew further back as Aptom turned to face the foe. The Gravity Witch reached out to the air. Her staff flickering back into her hands as she steadied herself, throwing arcane bolts out through the wall while the mimic attempted to adapt to the new threat of the cursed energys.
Managing to fend off the cursed energy of the shadow tendrils. several bolts hit the beast, causing chunks of flesh to vanish in aptom's arm. at first glance good damage seemed to be inflicted, however quickly tendrils of slimy pink flesh, matching the inner tissue of the beast shot out tours Omi, only for the shadow tendrils to move and snare the fleshy ones. causing the wiggling tips to come up short of reaching the rabbit maiden. while still getting some of the odd, almost aphrodisiac like fluid off them, and onto her skin. however as the shadow tendrils almost instant moved to defend her. granting a chance for the other damaged arm to morph into what looked like a featureless maw. to engulf a chunk of the shadows. this caused the darkness to revert into the small orb like bat, now missing part of a wing. as it fluttered tours Omi. however as the altered arm struggled to absorb the cursed energy. looking as if tendrils of darkness began to grow from the maw, under the skin, snaking up tours the shoulder. this forced aptom to tear the arm off at the shoulder, and toss it aside. before the arm melted into pure inky nothingness. as this happened, the severed arm began to reform, as countless smaller tendrils whipped out of the wound, snaking together almost like a drill forming at first, before quickly changing into the shape of a four digit claw.

as this happened. the small shadowy familiar landed on Omi's shoulder, as it began to slowly regenerate the wing which was bitten off. Yet this painted a brief respite for Omi to build up some magic for a stronger attack while the beast was force to remove an arm and regrow it. expending visibly considerable energy to prevent the mistake from over taking it's body. showing that if she used the things struggle to adapt while combining attacks with those from the familiar, at her side. this could be achieved. however the massive, and powerful gravity mage would be able to feel herself slowly growing both weaker, and heated in her core. However with how this familiar's power seemed to be growing, it would become obvious that Hito was getting closer to the location, where the struggle was going on. more then that, with how long it was taking, this would also confirm he got the others out of the dungeon before coming back, but would this boy be dumb enough to rush back with out help for her, or did he get help to deal with the creature, as Omi would discover soon enough, ether from the familiar or when he arrived all to soon.
Omi steadied herself, leaning on her staff as her body felt the weakness, the numbness and need crawling through her core. It gnawed at her little by little, but she held onto a hope that Hito had brought reinforcements. She watched Aptom tear away his limb, her hand lashing out and throwing out freezing rays of ice at the monster , a lesser spell, but yet another energy that he would be forced to account for.
Her rays managing to hit the beast, causing spots to freeze, and crumble. as the creature clicked and hissed. before it's newly forming arm swung tours Omi. now the one limb had adapted to the darker shadow magic, the other limb to the gravity. each one had aspects of said energy, which meant they could be effected by the opposing element. as the now shadow inbued one went for her, the claws even elongated to an abnormal rate. the the eyes of the beast locked upon her frame. as the other wicked arm began to morph, almost like a whip with a snake head for a hand. as it slung itself around, in an attempt to capture her, even if the one claw missed. as the maw would move to bite into her thigh or shoulder if possible. as the serpent like limb was the one which had spots of icy flesh flaking off, as more flesh generated under it. this would be the gravity based limb, as the extending, and quick claw would be the shadow base one.

However as the thing did this, Hito's familiar would move about to try and defend Omi from the gravity serpent limb. leaving her to deal with the shadow like claw. it would be as if one limb was it's own predator, while the other a five pronged, and blade tipped whip. moving to lash upon her.

as this two prong assault could be dealt with, albeit with great effort, with her worsening condition, The sound of Hito could soon be heard, as he was lone. it would become apparent to Omi's sensitive ears, but he was back incredible fast, despite rushing back alone.
"F-Fool-" she mumbled to herself as she picked up on the stride of Hito with her powerful ears, as the shadowy arm reached for her, she grasped the air, rings of gravity forming as the grasping claw neared her. She twisted her hand as the shadowy maw came near, the gravity and pressure suddenly rotating the monstrous limb, and folding it , a making it spiral in on itself as she collapsed the rings of the spell against each other. Folding space in onto itself again and again to severe it clean off when the rings snapped shut.
as she continued to fight, the familiar soon taking an unexpected form, as it moved to quickly grasp her powerful magical staff. after having fended off the gravity claw to create such a window. it would engulf her weapon, converting it into what appeared like a grim scythe, as it had a mixture of black shadow, and dripping red, plasma like energy from the blade, while her own gravity or ice could be used around it. as Hito could be seen concentrated, as he rushed in. his one hand glowing with a black flame fully engulfing it, thus showing how he was buffing her weapon. however with the one arm now turned into a flat paste. the beast would turn to cause the serpent of gravity to aim for the boy behind it now.

as his shadow erupted into countless deadly spikes. it would skewer the creature, which could be seen damaging itself as it pulled away slowly. moving to bind it's movement, even as the serpent maw sunk it's fangs into his shoulder. Hito would shout for the weakening, and now growing ever more excited, and horny rabbit warrior to aim for it's core. as one of his shadows managed to split the back open. as the flesh tried to reseal itself, while the shadow spikes, and tendrils kept reforming, struggling to keep an opening for her. however nether of them knew, that once this thing was slain, a true issue for Omi would become revealed, as the bite had done something to Hito which would not be noticed until the battle was done, and her own body becoming all the more vulnerable by the passing moment at this point.
Omi blinked forwards, teleporting herself into striking distance while the monster left itself open, the edge of shadow scythe in her hand warping and honing itself, force and spaces making the blade impossibly sharp as sge slashed down on the core. "You take your hands away from my recruit, demon!"
as she swung down upon the core, a strange and sudden growth of bones would shoot out, meeting the hybrid blade. slowing down the strike, as it made the effort all the harder. However as this happened, Omi would find the growing shadows around her, and the beast, as Hito began to focus even more. despite the gravity serpent having forced him upon his knees at this point. it would not be much longer before the combined efforts allowed her to finally destroy the core before her. causing the figure before them to begin to screech out in pain, as it's flesh bubbled, and spewed out fluids in all directions. slowly belting down, until only a strange fleshy pile with countless smaller tendrils, and one eye could be seen. however this thing seemed to melt away into the floor as well. Unknown to the two of them, what was slain had only been a small portion of the true dungeon lord deeper with in. however having now experienced the duo, and more so having gained a small taste of the powerful rabbit maiden. it had a new target to hunt and eventually try to claim for it's own cruel purposes, moving with in the depths to rip off another fleshy chunk, and begin to craft a new puppet for future attempts.

with the ordeal finally over, Both Omi, and Hito would find their bodies horribly vulnerable but not in the way one would expect. as now a heat grew in them both, and rapidly. More then that, this combined with the unnaturally potent effect the former demon lord's allure had on the powerful gravity sorceress. it would add into a scenario for the two of them which would turn this horrible experience into something of a heated dream very soon. as the moment the two of them would touch, by any means. this would be when the primal desire would trigger in them both, but which would end up being the one to act as the predator and which to be the prey, as it would also create a memory, and change their way of dealing with life from this day onward in ways none would ever expect.
Omi turned ti Hito, walking towards him as the scythe separated back inti her staff and his cursed energy. "Are you okay?" She said reaching out to take his hand to help him out. Little did Hito know the truth of the world. That while his tall beauty of liason seemed so delicate and soft, that lurking underneath her disarming looks was something that had ran Gage in circles whenever she was around fir from an adventure. This bunny was not prey by any stretch of the imagination.
once Hito took her hand, and was pulled up, his body would suddenly cause an over whelming surge in her own frame. the desire she had resisted from them just meeting their gazes prior now over whelming her senses, and added with the venom from the beast which had infected them both, enhancing it even more.

Bel would feel the growing desire and heat in his own system. with out thinking much about it. His body quickly became aroused, and obviously well equipped for some one his size. however more then just that. he could not pull his eyes away from her beautiful and now fully exposed frame. Omi would need to fend off the growing desires in her mind, if this was possible, however even if she managed to fend it off herself, it would not be long before the young man would try to sneak a grope of her, when the chance showed itself. as he would smile, commenting that he was fine, but couldn't help but to enjoy the view of such beauty before him.
As Hito spoke, he saw Omi's face get red, becoming the color of a cherry, the Albino beauty however wasn't hearing his words anymore. Her eyes flared as he suddenly to whisked backwards, pinned down to the ground by her magic, gravity wrapping around him evenly. She was on him, straddling him as sge yore at his armor. Taking it apart in only a few attempts as her focus was devoted only on one thin. Her satisfaction.
Pinning the young looking stud with her magic, the now heated rabbit maiden easily stripped Hito to reveal his impressively over sized spear. larger then one his size would have by any natural means, however it was all hers to enjoy. more then that, the thickness, and visibly pulsing veins on the rod showed it was massive, but could still get thicker with some experienced, and well placed attention. Now this powerful stud was all hers, however unknown to the lustful, and heated Omi, this session to satisfy her needs would bind her to this man, and reveal another form of his body to her while in the act, as the sin of lust was but one small key to his hidden or more so forgotten power.
Omi wrapped a hand around his shaft, starting to stroke on him swiftly, her other hand letting go of her staff to start to tease his balls. She lulled out her tingue, starting to drool along his member to slicken it, her lips angling closer, starting to kiss and nip on his shaft and his tip, lap her tongue along it frim bottom up to the tip, flicking around it as he body burns up hotter and hotter, her Mana reserves starting to heighten, making her glow.
Now beginning to enjoy herself, feeling how the odd dark mana from his body seemed to contrast with her now glowing body beautifully. enhancing the sensation for them both equally. However despite her impressive gravity, binding the young Hito under her. Omi soon felt several dark shadows begin to grow out from around them. moving to smack her plump flawless ass, as the shadow tendrils acted out in the young man's desires. as he panted, and seemed to squirm. his member growing thicker, and hotter with each lick, and nip. her hand stroking along the impressive length of the monstrous rod.

as it was, it would not be long before the massive rabbit maiden would find herself a new height of pleasure with this very excalibur before her. as the shadows would tease, and assault her rump playfully. showing that even bound under him. it should not be hard to pull her off, however it would seem due to the glow of her body, the shadow tendrils were smaller and weaker then they could be. however still strong enough that the attempts to move her, would only entice, and tease the experienced maiden all the more.
Her Mana flared as his cursed energy whipped against her backside, her eyes shining with the arcade powers within. Her excitement was growing with it, her mouth pulling back as she stepped over him, her though dropped around his head, her slit, pink, pristine, glistening with her juice angled over his face. "You don't get anything. Until I get it first." She said as she started to push herself, grinding herself against his lips.
Now repositioning herself upon the young looking adventurer, Omi would begin to grind herself. feeling how his teeth and tongue would quickly go to work upon her. not wasting any time, even if he seemed to lack experience in such acts. the mixed sensation of teeth, suckling, and tongue invading her would be quiet something. all the while before the rabbit's eyes, his impressive member had swollen, and became impressively large, thick, yet oddly veiny for one who seemed to be young. his shadow magic spiking around them. as it almost seemed like the weakening, yet quickly reforming tendrils moved. making her ass cheeks ripple with each impact, as well as how two smaller ones moved tours her impressively large breast. which could easily be destroyed with a small burst of gravity or ice, if she did not want to feel them assault her breast, while the lad trapped by the Liasan's magic under her continued his oral assault upon the massive beautiful feline, rabbit hybrid.
Dispersing the weak attempt at teasing her, however each time Omi dispersed a shadow tendril, it allowed her control over his body pinning gravity to become weak. by the third one, Omi suddenly felt Hito's hand break free of her binding influence. as it grasped her ass cheek. pulling her elegant, yet massive frame into a slightly more enjoyable position. allowing his tongue to invade her depths all the more. suckling upon her moist pink folds. his hand grasping and playing with her plump flawless flesh. as it was, the pleasure increased faster then one would expect, even more so for one who lacked such experience to give such pleasure to an experienced maiden like Ms. Tannis.
The tall bunny gave a sift moan as sge fekt Hito grab on her abd she moved againt his mouth, her hand reaching out abd rubbing on his lustful rod. Omi leaned forward slowly, her soft body drawing along his, her thighs curling around the sides of his head as she started to wrap her lips around his member. Sge began to suckle on him.again, sharing more pleasure with him.
Now in such a position, the massive beauty, Omi was able to lean forward, her impressively large yet soft, and supple breast felt against Hito's lower bell. her hand stroking the lower half of the shaft, as she began to suck upon the head and work the impressive spear into her mouth. all the while, this pleasure only caused the young adventurer began to move even more into the act. his one hand which could move, began to reach, and explore. finding the sweet spot to enhance the pleasure Ms. Tannis was feeling from his oral assault alone upon her tender slit, and lower region. his tongue digging as deep as it could reach, wiggling about, as his lips smashed against her flesh. suckling as he tongue fucked her depths. it was unknow if her more sensitive spot he played with would end up being her ass, or her clit. as it would depend on the difference in physical reaction, to cause his hand to focus on one spot or the other.
As his tongue buried inti her slit, her flavor sweet and unique, she cried out in pleasure. Her taste filled the human with the thirst for more if her nectar unpon his tongue, her hips rolling as she pressed her breasts upon his cock, squeezing and rubbing along his shaft, her tongue dripping slick saliva along his member. The eccentric bunny curved her kegs hugging his head firmly, the strength if them shocking, threatening to smoother him between her legs with an iron grip.
Losing herself to the growing pleasure, a surge of unpresented pleasure shot through Omi, as if something about the taste of this young man's seed hitting her tongue. as if his mana enriched fluids was an ideal jump start for her nerves. as it was like when she had fun with gage, but so much more potent. due to the mana in it. However this only added to the way he assaulted her slit, while his head was tightly hugged between her soft succulent thighs, despite the power behind them, which could threaten to suffocate or crush the lad's head. his one free hand moving under her, as it assaulted the tender spots he could find for her body reactions. while Tannis's gravity held the other three limbs down still, albeit, a weakening hold with the ever increasing pleasure they shared with one another. Little did Omi know, that once they got to the point of no return via penetration, it would be enough pleasure to trigger the lad's latent surge of mana to manifest to try and dominated this woman as his, be it good or bad. as the rabbit, feline hybrid did not know she was in the process of exciting, and claiming the very dark lord the news spoke of being slain by the hero party only weeks ago.
His fingers caressed between her legs, her sensitive clit making her Mana surge and pulse again and again. Her Mana stoked high, shimmering off her like heat and fire. Her body rolled against him, grinding on his mouth as she pushed lower. She moved a hand, her fingers cupping on his balls, and massaging on them.
Laying this, with only one hand free to move, Hito worked Omi over as best as he could, however once the feline, rabbit maiden began to fondle, and play with his sack, the soft fleshy plaything in her palms. as the fingers could move about, teasing, and arousing, which caused his thick, veiny rod in her mouth to suddenly swell even thicker, as a bit of his mana enriched seed began to spew into her mouth. not just granting a spike in power, but also more so, increasing the need, and heat in her body. as if the side effect of taking in his dark mana, as it mixed with her own unique mana as well. all the while, his hand, mouth, teeth, and tongue did all they could, to entice more and more of the mature beauty's nectar out of her seductively well kept frame.
As she was grabted a fresh burst of his seed, his cum filling her mouth and his Mana surging inside her. Her own seet nectar gushing forty from her slit as she felt the wild heat inside of her skyrocketing. Her mouth pulled back and she rose up, nearly before he could follow her motion with his eyes. She straddled over him, starting to drive herself on top if his hard spear, guiding him inti her slit. Heshe thumped on top of him, her whiteless eyes flashing and Mana spiking between them. She put her hands on hus chest, hus fingers tracing on his muscles, wandering the crevices and valleys as she slowly rolled her hips for a few moments before beginning to bounce on top of him.
Now moving upon her smaller partner, Omi would begin to ride the impressive spear deep with in her now. each bounce, and movement allowed for sparks of other worldly pleasure and mana to spew into her core. not just increasing the pleasure she felt, but also the need. Her soft delicate fingers tracing along his well toned muscles, all the while with each loud, and impacted bounce growing more and more audible, and moist. the sight of her massive, and beautiful body on the move, only enticed Hito to suddenly reach up, his free hand moving to tightly grasp her massive, and soft flesh, as he played with the one impressive fun sack of his mentor, and playmate.

As the fun began, Omi would hear the oddly cute, and alluring voice of Hito under her, as he panted softly and was warning her that he was close to losing himself. warning her that he didn't know what was coming but she was making it feel amazing. However little did ether of them know, that what was about to come out of the boy was not a climax, but more small portion of his latent power was about to emerge, and give Omi a ride to remember, as one could say she was fucking the raw power out of him, and milking out the unique mana her body was becoming addicted to pleasure.
Omi's Mana warmed his hand, the transfers of pleasures and their raw soul energies clashing against eachother with every bounce of her body. Her taller frame smashed down against him, making a ripple if weight and power upon him, the gravity well upon him was pulling her down against him now that they were connected , the intense pleasure that she was milking out of her recruit only seeming to be as unyielding as the rest of her while in such a maddened frenzy. His warning made her lean closer, cupping his cin as she manipulated her magics, a simple protection spell to keep frim ant ..accidents from occurung.
Now with even her protection upon the playmate, the mighty, and massive beauty riding her trainee would soon feel something unexpected. right as her body began to hit an all time high in pleasure, an over whelming pressure of darkness began to feel as if it was wrapping around them, or more so herself. This sensation was not threatening, no it would be more akin to exciting, for it was actually seeping out from Hito himself. as his one hand continued to grasp, grope, fondle, and tease Omi's one massive breast. his other limbs finally beginning to physically break free of her gravity, however this only allowed him to suddenly start pushing his body and pelvis up into her incredibly enjoyable drops upon his frame. as the very sensation of her influence on his body began to melt, it would slowly feel as if she was riding a monster of the abyss. however the worse part was also the best part, as this continued, slowly she would feel how his impressive meaty rod, deep with in her continued to swell, throb, and begin to even feel as if it was forming a strange spiraling ridge from the edge of the cock head, down the shaft. it would not be hard to figure this was a modification of his shadow magic to enhance the pleasure she felt.

Little did Omi know, or perhaps even care at this point, that this lewd act was permanently bonding her to this young looking man, who's true nature would partially manifest the instant she hit an all time high in her release while riding him, this granting a momentary opening for his darkness to form, into some new appendages and his form to change before her eyes. as the stud would move to try and Pin Omi onto her back, however until this momentary opening presented itself, she was indeed the dominating factor of their lustful and passionate bonding.
As she felt the strange twisting shape inside if her, her body only bolting with fresh pleasures and giving Hito more of his own as she was dripped atop his hips. The bunny nekos magic drooped off her body forming glittering stairs and and their connection vlurring the edges if their senses.

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