Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

"well then, when ever your free, we always have missions, and quests for skilled warriors. so hope to see you again sir. "
as he spoke with utmost respect, the fact remained, Silas had what he needed done, and now had the collars, and
companion ship cards to prove these nu's were not monsters but tames now.
as they got back, it was almost a comical show, as the nuns, and priests outside, did not enter, but were dancing around. as the two nu kits were zapping at their feets.
hissing and attacking with out leaving the smithy. it was clear that these two kits had already claimed the smithy as their territory at this point, and more then that, they did not like
the holy visitors. despite the attacks they remained outside, annoyed and dodging the small discharges.
entering the room, Silas would Find Clara now where to be seen, however the sound of a hammer striking metal could be heard else where in the smithy.
as clara had come to, and was already working on something. despite still being naked, she had an odd image in her mind when she was asleep. having woken to begin
crafting the odd item. Little did Silas know, it was a new weapon for him. one which would illuminate with the power of both holy, and dark magic alike in it's blade.
a rare treasure class weapon which should not be craft able by a smithy, yet here she was working as if possessed.
Silas paused as he caught her at work, her focus, her poise...her bouncing assets as she struck with her hammer. He swallowed ti himself. "The Steel Champion touched upon the earth and said upon it 'only the most intense flame shall warm my blood, and make it stronger still when cool'" he mumbled, reciting the scripture to focus on collecting the Nu's to collar them.
as he began to move tours the little nu's. the kits would zap at Silas as well. but unlike the priests and nuns earlier, the zaps would be much weaker. more as if they were testing him, to
see if this serpent warrior would back away like the others they had tormented earlier. however the first one would be easily captured, but the second one would rush to hide else where in the smithy
once it saw the first one captured. unaware that he meant them no harm at the moment. as the one captured would squirm, and struggle to avoid the collar.
"Hey hey, quit writhing about hm?" He said as he held into it. Even serpents were more still than these creatures. Silas tucked the Nu closer to him, fitting the collar around its neck and then set it down. "See? No harm" he said reached out to try to pet it now. It's shocks had tested him, but unlike the other, he hadn't flinched away at all.
once the Nu had it's collar on, and was set down. Silas would see how it was rolling about, trying desperately to paw itself free of the collar
to no avail. it was almost cute to see this, as the second one was growling, and hissing at this sight. the tiny kit would be a bit annoying to
capture, however now the serpent knew. they were harmless, more so to him then to the nuns, and priests which had smoking feet at this point, out
side the smithy. cursing under their breaths from the odd assault the two kits had done to them.
managing to grab the kit, it's little paws swiped hamrlessely at Silas. as it hissed, and squirmed, even the little tail moving to nip at his fingers with the serpent tail.
at most all Silas would feel was faint pins and needles from the shocks, however as the other kit had finally began to calm down, and was visibly sulking in a corner from the collar.
this one seemed all the more energetic, and felt almost like a squirming fluff ball in his grasp.

as this was going on, the sound of smithing began to finally die down in the other room. which meant he would soon discover what creation made his woman into a possessed wrench of the anvil, and hammer.

( feel free to get creative with the custom weapon for Silas, be it sword, spear, sickle etc. But it will be half Cursed, power, and Half holy, thus giving him both the blessing and cursed powers. as the darkness would come from the dwarven blessing runes. )
Silas wrapped the other kit with the collar, it's snake bites only catching on his scaled skin. He smiled to himself. "Those baby fangs can't harm me!" He teased as he put the little beast down gently.

Clara's efforts had forged her a weapon that she only half remembered striking the metal that forges it. It was a flail but it had 4 heads, each one a hissing serpent of some kind. The heads were detailed by subtle runes , carved and etched to seem like scales. Two heads were worked with mythril, giving it some shine to reflect the divine radiant energies infused in them. The others heads were pure iron, forged black and steeped in the energies of cursed dwarf runes. The chain links were sections were shaped like sections of a snakes body, coming together to wrap around a singular hand of Ivory were the two metal tails wrapped together and wound around it.
once this unique weapon had been crafted, the tiny, yet busty dwarf swiped the sweat from her forehead. as he took it with a big smile. before
coming out to see her man, finishing up with the collars. as she moved to present the weapon to her lover.

"Looky, looky, I made something neat. I think it fits you very well. name it, make it yours. naming it, the weapon will take some of your mana, and become bound. "
as she said this excited. unaware that the very weapon itself would go against her lover's religion, due to the nature of the weapon, being both blessed and cursed at
the same time. however it was forged for him, and with love. the very essence of his gods, yet used in something which would be the embodiment of what he was meant
to fight against. a twisted turn of fate. a holy warrior blessed, and cursed, if they took such a weapon. however due the nature of the cursed runes. it would end up revealing something
to Silas, even his people had no idea about. the so called Cursed runes, they believed to be evil were not evil. Just aligned with dark energies, due to the nature of forging, and the darkness
of the weapon's nature. while the blessed end would be imbued with protective, and healing properties.
He looked up to thevweapin as she offered the flail out to him, the serpent sensing the dark energies mingling with the weapon. He put the kit aside. "Clara what have you done?" He said as he looked if over, but had yet to take it from her hands. His expression had shifted, becoming impassive, hard to read as he felt both radiant holy energy and the dark cursed energy. "You've made me this? This..." he sighed. "I cannot wield this weapon, it's against my teachings and faith. It is....wonderfully made. But the Steel Champion is not exactly warm to the usage of such things."
"You need not wield it but for one night. it is the dwarven rite of marriage. the smithy of the couple must craft the only artifact of the smithy's life, and have
it claimed and bound to their partner. which can only be passed on to direct children. " as she said this revealing what it truly meant. However this was the same kid
of weapon as the hammer which housed her mother's soul now. Yet the instant Silas would name and bind this relic crafted for him. the cursed runes would connect his mind
to the teachings of the dwarven, smithy gods, the arts of crafting, runes, war, and lust. the opposite teachings of his own god, or guardian deity, however the fact remained
this weapon was the physical manifestation of impossibilities. as it was a perfect balance of the blessing of his deity, and the blessing of the cursed deity of dwarven. the god
of smithing being far closer to a devil then a god, but still a god in it's own right.

however if he refused it, then the weapon would have to be taken to the depths of the abyss dungeon, and done so by clara alone. as is the custom of her people, even if she was only
a half breed. however the worse part would not be shared. but if Silas peeked into the smeltering, and smithy chamber. he would see blood stains all through the room. showing that this
unique craft cost his lover a great deal of pain to craft into such a perfected state. one which could only be crafted once. and for only one which the individual planned to spend their entire life with.
Silas brought his hand over his chest as she spoke, the knight shifting and bowing to her. "I see-I am honored to take up this weapon and name it, even if I shall never find use of it myself." He said. He knew he was flirting at the edge of breaking a tenant of Steel. But he would not carry the weapon, and nor was it forged by dark entities in itself. He stood up again, holding out his hands. "I shall name this weapon then, and you will have toiled for me for the last time tonight hm?" He said gently. "You will be...treated for your bravery and efforts...we were cut off today after all."
Little did Silas know, that once he named it, having bonded to this unique artifact weapon. it could shift into a protective accessory upon him, be it a single earing some where on his body,
a bracelet, anklet, or even a ring. as it would remain on his body until summoned to be used. however if never used, then it would be the equivalent of a wedding band for them.

Looking to her tall, and very tasty looking lover, the tiny yet overly alluring and busty dwarf would smirk.
"well then, I expect to be pampered and well fed tonight. " saying this as she winked at him, and licked her lips. unaware of the very danger
her lover had prevented from getting to her prior with the holy church's desire to punish Clara for having the kits.
"I will treat you like a Queen.: he said smiling at her, though he saw her rampant lust in her smirk and wink, she was met with his softer nature. "I will pamper you, feed you, and wait upon your desires" he said approaching her. He leaned low, kissing her on her forehead gently, and then moved to lay the flail on one of the tables in the smithy. He ran his rings over the serpents heads. "I will deem you. Ouroboros." He said
Once the name of the weapon had been granted, a unique glow would happen. as the very weapon began to shrink down, before a sudden burst of light and darkness engulfed Silas. it would be momentary,
but the weapon was now bound, meaning it would take on an accessory which would not be removable from Sila's body, until called upon to be used. if nothing else it could be considered a very last resort for
the holy paladin. as this unique hybrid of blessing and cursed weapon was also the proof that his woman was hell bent to keep her man safe even if she was not near. as Clara looked on. licking her
lips. excited for what to come next, as this was a once in a lift time artifact craft, dwarves could only do once, unless they destroy themselves in the process of a second one.

( the permanent accessory form is up to you :D Piercing, bracelet / anklet, ring , choker, etc :D )
As Clara watched her creation, this Ouroboros swirl and shift in their explosion of forces, the serpents un wound from the handle and it folded in upon itself. It locked itself around wrist, the serpents conforming around his arm into a metallic bangle , chaining together, with each snake looped, kn after the other in the midst of trying to swallow another. He looked at the braclet sets, then to Clara, his hand touching the golden collar around his loves neck. "Its beautiful...thank you." He said softly to her.
"Well, now you are mine, and mine alone. Remember we will only share with ones we both agree on. "
saying this with a playfully wicked smirk. a strange sensation of both excitement, and fear would be felt running along Sila's
spine for only a moment. However once this passed, he would suddenly find himself tackled, as her body ontop of his. snuggling into the paladin.
as she softly spoke of how much this means to her, and how much he means to her. the playfully energetic maiden was now showing the oddly cute side once more.
He embraced her as she left upin him, holding her up in his arms. "It means just as much to me" he agreed as he muzzled her. "I don't want to share you with anyone. None on earth will touch you." He said as ge looked down to her, his arms moved Ving to support her from below, holding jer thighs. "Now...I believe u said I will pamper and polish you?" He said as he started to take her out of the hot smithy. He brought her upstairs, his hands running over her skin, laying her on the bed. "Do not move an inch, my lady, you've done all you must today." He instructed as he tapped her gently on the nose, then leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips.
As their lips would soon lock, The tiny dwarven maiden would not hesitate to wrap her arms around Silas. her strength still something not to be taken lightly.
As if instinctively, Clara's legs spread, as she puled silas more tours her own frame. as her hands dug into his scales softly. the pressure would be enough to be felt, but
no risk any harm to ether of them. all the more, Silas would feel the growing heat of his partner, thanks to the reptilian aspect of his body.

However unaware of it, the two would not be able to enjoy this night to the fullest. as their would soon be a guest heading tours them. However
it would not reach their little territory until the two had begun the intimate act which was promised for this night.
(XD Silas: *just wants to sleep with his wife
The World: prepares to cock block)

Silas locked his lips tight to hers, makingvout with his dwarf bride as she embraced him, latching around him. He pushed her onto her back start to hold her in return, squeezing and rubbing on her massive breasts. "Mm-im-still dressed-" he teased in between every kiss.
as he said this, Silas would soon feel the claw like grasp of his woman, trying to tear his clothing off. with out concern. as it would be a simple task to pull away from her. however perhaps letting his tiny lover
struggle with his covering a bit could be as much fun. as Clara could grow frustrated, rolling the two of them over, and onto the floor in her struggles to strip her lover. or he could pull away and begin a playful
strip show for his lover. so many ways this could be played out, all the while, Silas was finally having the chance he needed to enjoy a peaceful night with his wild partner.
Silas laughed as she started to struggle on his clothing, treating her woth a few more kisses, as she pulled harder, the two of them tumbled off hlthe bedding. "Mm-so-stop-" he muffled as he pulled away, smiling at her. "Lemme help!" He said grinning as he rolled around, straddling her. He touched his gauntlets, the armor starting to drop off as he triggered the rune she had on him.
It did not take long before both Silas, and Clara were fully exposed to one another once more. the duo quick to enjoy this moment.
as her powerful yet small hands moved to grasp her much taller, and well built lover. pulling the serpent into her. as if trying to smother him with
the short stack's impressive and monstrous bus. all the while her legs moved to fold around his thighs. as if trying to mimic a serpent's desire to coil around it's
prey. as this went on, it was as if she was demanding, no begging him to ravage, and ruin his woman here.

as things would finally begin to heat up a figure approached the door of the small smithy shop. cloaked and unviewable except by
a select few. the massive figure inched ever closer to the destination, as if hesitant for some unknown reason. unaware of how the events which would soon play out
might change many things for all parties involved.
Silas wrapped his lips around his lovers breasts, his hands moving to paly with them, knowing it made her crazy. He bit on her buds, starting to suckle on her. He fekt her warmth, her legs wrapping around him made his hips press over to her, grinding his body against hers. Her passions seemed to have infected him, his mouth nipping and playing all over her breasts. "Mm-trying-to smother me?" He teased as he pushed his face up a bit, his tongue flickering along her neck.

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