The Human Princess and her Vampire Knight (Dream)

Enjoying the screams and the game of chase, she was feeding off blood and adrenaline until satisfied enough to think. She could actually do things on her own with no concern, time had passed into night so she was safe outside. Fetching the horse, leading it inside to use all her strength to hoist Eric up. It took much longer to reach the cave as she got distracted by all the sounds and smells.

Carrying him into the water, she waits on the shore struggling to keep still. She would twitch, scratch at her arms and legs until she bled mostly oit of anxiety
Motion from the pool snapped her attention as she watches Eric swim toward her. She nods her head staying silent, covered in blood all over her, some her victims and some from herself. No idea how he handled this urge all the time, she felt on edge and could hear everything at once. But he was alive and she somehow was alive to just had no idea what happened.
Eric managed to crawl out of the water and over to her, he seized her body and without a word laid his fangs deep into where his previous mark had been. He growled lowly as he injected his venom into her body once more, holding onto her frame tightly.

Cassandra would feel that blood lust calm, and her heightened senses ease as well- everything was normal again. Well, somewhat. Eric pulled his fangs back and gasped out, his eyes a deep ruby as he laid them on Cassandra again.
Her gaze watches him crawl from the water not even speaking to her as he pounces upon her, his fangs striking into her neck where his mark once was "Eric!" she yelps not expecting such an action but relief washed over her. She felt a calmer state overcome her as the blood lust and noise settled down allowing her to finally relax into his frame as he held her. Flicking her gaze up to him, she met him with the same ruby red eyes "What happened?"
She touches her fingers on the fresh mark unable to feel the scar that was left before while he explained simply he was tortured for falling for her and defending her "The mark was burning, it got so hot like it was melting my skin then everything went blank" following his gaze to the moon pool. "I woke up, my gums ached but I was hungry and filled with this anger, everything was blur until I brought you here" looking back to him. "your family is dead" adding more quietly not wanting to admit she killed the royal vampire family in their own home.
Squeezing his hand she dips herself into the pool watching the blood slink into the water, her eyes widening to such a sight "A proper meal?" she murmurs with a smile "I would love something warm like a steak with mashed potatoes" humming as though she had not fully comprehended she was a vampire now. As she said it was all a blur but not only did she survive but the little one growing inside her womb.
He raised an eyebrow, but he figured he could have it on the rarer side so she could still get the blood from it. “Well, that and you’ll have to feed properly, I’ll teach you everything I know,” he says next, unaware of the child growing within her womb, it would be hungry for a lot of blood no doubt, considering it had a vampire for its father.
She noticed his take on her suggestion of a meal and how he added he wanted to teach her but she shook her head "No, I don't want to do that" slumping her entire body into the water to somewhat hide from the truth. What she did back there was murder, a horror and any thought of feeding made her tense up and feel out of control.
She stared ahead of her while he attempts to reassure her that what she did was a blimp in protecting him and saving his life but she felt so out of control from the blood of human and vampire in her system. Slowly she looks up to him with a pout "What else can I feed from?" hoping he was not about to say animals

(Haha tries to feed her animal blood, blood bags, and his blood only for her to throw it up cause the baby only wants fresh human blood)
(Well she was human before becoming a vampire so the baby was feeding off that blood and has quite the taste for it, makes sense)

"Alright" agreeing to that than feasting off humans, made her shiver to the thought. "I want to sleep" admitting softly "Where can we go? I can't go home as a vampire, my father will disown me, my kingdom banish me" explaining to him.
The moment his hand took hers she hurries into his frame, hiding her face in his chest while he reassured her they would be safe due to him being the last royal which was answered with a simple nod. Though he won't be the only royal in a short time once they become aware she is pregnant, the baby had survived all this chaos.
Once they had travelled back to the palace, he had a servant fetch Cassandra’s things for them, and she would feel more at home here now. Although her father did find out about her transitioning, he did not disown her like she had thought, but accepted it and let her go off with Eric.

Once all settled in, the new coven was apologetic to the prince, saying that his family had been corrupt was an understatement- and they had welcomed Cassandra with open arms.

Although unfortunately Cassandra found out that she couldn’t keep any blood down. And Eric was pacing, “Perhaps you’ll have to see our doctor after-“ he paused, he looked at her and heard a heartbeat. A- heartbeat?! He neared her and asked, “Are you feeling anything else beside the nausea?” He asked and wondered if she would question him.
The next short while felt like a blur but she finally was able to rest and feel at ease she had her father's blessing to go with Eric to his coven and rebuild it. Currently sitting in their room, another dumped blood bag, barely half finished before she puked it all back up. Heaving a few times into the bucket and wipes her mouth to see Eric pacing again, she knew this was stressing him out since she was growing weaker by the day. A brow rose when he suggested the doctor, she was sick of doctors but his following question made her head tilt "I only feel nauseous when I try to eat anything, guess I feel achey and some reason bloated" shrugging it off.
“I hear a heartbeat… which shouldn’t be possible..” he spoke, knowing that a heartbeat meant a human halfbreed was..well, they did do it twice when she was still a human..but.. he knelt down by her, looking up to her. “You may not like it but I think our little one here might crave human blood…” he wondered what she might think, but he placed his hand on her belly seemingly not..panicking. Why would he? He was the leader of his coven now, with Cassandra as his bride.
She blinks with a scoff "A heart beat, where?" she questions as she watches him kneel down by her making her grow worried "Eric, you're scaring me" adding quietly as he voices his thoughts on what was going on with her. Looking at his hand over her belly made her freeze "Little one?" staring at him with disbelief "but you told me it was not possible" finding herself breathless of the thought of being pregnant and also feeding off humans. She felt woozy suddenly, all of this alot to take on.
“I didn’t think it was possible..” he said, watching her become woozy and sway, and he shifted up, letting her lean into him. “I’m sorry my love, I had no idea..that it was possible, I..” but even as she was woozy, there was a human servant who had appeared in the hallway, and had accidentally cut their hand- the fresh blood would fill up Cassandra’s senses and make her tummy ache, knowing that’s what the baby really desired.
She leans on him, her hands grasping his shoulders as she gets her bearings just as the scent of blood creeped up her senses, her eyes flashing red "Who...who let them in here?" she growls out. Her muscles grow tense as she attempts in fighting the urge but in the speed of light she in right in front of the servant, her fangs deep into their hand. Purposely she had kept away from humans cause she still lost control, resulting in the servant losing their hand as she ripped it off in the process of feeding.
The servant didn’t scream though, they had been indoctrinated into the coven as a blood slave, as all humans were. They’d do duties and what not, but they were spelled to let the vampires feed on them whenever.

Eric watched as she fed upon the human, and he stood, heading over to her, catching Cassandra as she backed up, the servant thudding to the ground. He turned her around and had her look into his eyes. His eyes were mesmerizing and he muttered something she wouldn’t understand but that blood lust urge dampened slightly, yet her next victim wouldn’t be a victim per say.

He then had a line of human servants for her, and he watched her intently. “Here, watch me,” he spoke, going up to a human and feasting upon his neck, closing his eyes as he drank, but did not drain completely- pulling away after a few moments. He then wiped his mouth and walked back over to her, touching her sides sensually and leaning next to her ear, “See? How about you try next?” He was trying to make the feeding process..easier for her.
Realizing what she had done made her stumble back into Eric's arms, she drops the hand of the servant as she turned to face Eric "I'm sorry, okay" whining to him. She felt the hunger lessen after he muttered something unknown to her which was a relief but she just hurt someone. Watching as he requested, tensing up as he drank from the artery not draining just feasting to a point the servant remained up and alive. Staring at the servant she slowly looks to him when he returns, his hands on her sides as he whispers in her ear of her attempting next. It was then she realized that she had not gotten sick for the first time since she turned but she couldn't drink from a human "I..I can't..." she whispers with a shake of her head "I will kill them"
Her eyes widen to see the human step closer, flicking her eyes to Eric when he spoke to trust him then back to the human settling her gaze on their neck. She steps up, chewing her lip a little as her fangs urged her to bite but she was still reluctant until hearing the heart beat of the human, the thought of their blood coursing through their veins. Licking her lips as she latches on, digging her fangs into their neck making a bit of a mess as she drinks counting a few seconds in her head. Then she let go, stumbling away from the human wiping her mouth unable to believe this.
He caught her as she stumbled back and he praised her, “There you go love,” he murmured into her ear. “Try it again,” he urged, pulling another human forwards from just a hand gesture of his. He wanted his mate to feed again and again as she needed, he wanted her to remain healthy during the pregnancy and afterwards as well.

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