The Human Princess and her Vampire Knight (Dream)

He let out a soft moan as she began to feed from him, his fangs elongating once more- pricking at her marked he bit down, he pushed into her, the pleasure buzzing his mind completely. He pulled from her neck to gasp, his eyes turning a ruby red that she could not see..but he continued to feed from his love as he fucked her, the tip of his member kissing the entrance of her forbidden womb.
A muffled moan sounded from her as his bit into her skin once more and his member thrusted into her without mercy, the sensation of him drinking her blood and fucking her was remarkable. She continued to drink down his blood having not yet been told how uncommon even among vampire couples blood sharing was, let alone a royal human and vampire. Her mewling moans were muffled by her drinking while she could feel him reaching depths he barely touched last night, stretching her out for him all the more. Her body quivered and trembled as she was already reaching an edge of orgasm unaware she had triggered his eyes to change color and his tip was kissing the entrance of her womb that if he was human was fertile for taking. Even in her condition her body did not know any better.
He continued to fuck her, feeling her body near an orgasm..but unknowing to him.. her blood could stimulate his sperm, just long enough for it to reach the fertile walls of her womb, long enough for it to implant itself to her already giving body. He pulled from her bloodied neck, licking the wound and hissing into her ear, "You're mine, my princess.." hell, he had probably injected enough venom of his into her bloodstream, and with her taking his blood...if he wasn't careful, if she fell ill, and died..she would return like him.

This vampire prince though, taking his human a mate, in itself was unheard of, but he didn't care what his family would think, he loved her, hell, he would turn her if she asked. But she probably wouldn't even think about the idea.
Her teeth bite down onto his wrist as she felt a wave over come her as she orgasms at last, a muffled moan rising in her throat feeling his tongue cleaning the blood from her neck as he hisses such words in her ear. She could not believe he wanted her, that he loves her and wants to show her his world that she had little knowledge about. He did not possibly know everything either as in this moment their was a possibility of a royal child being created.
After she released, so did he- cumming with his princess. "f-Fuck..!" He cried out, unloading a lot more than he thought he had.. He kept his base pressed up against her entrance, not allowing any cum to leak out. He continued to kiss and nibble at her neck, keeping her hoisted up against him, knowing the water of the moon pool would be vital in relieving such an ordeal for her.
Release his wrist from her mouth, his blood coating her lips as she heavily pants for breath feeling him holding her up as he came inside her, the rush of his seed could be felt this time around drawing a gasp of surprise from her. She glances down to realize the bloody mess he made on her shoulder making her internally giggle, glad he was able to state himself knowing she was safe. Also thinking she was safe from getting pregnant as he reasssured her last night about him being unable to with her, yet he did not explain the abilites of the moon pool or how his own blood cna affect her.
She glides her hand through the water as she lets out a hum of agreement "yes well I feel that would be wrong" admitting just a sharp gasp was heard behind them. A women of a dark dress covering her head to toe with a hood as well was standing mere feet from them, she lowers her hood to reveal herself as the queen of the vampire clan, his mother. "You brought a human in here?" she questions him as she eyes the shore line, her nose sniffing the air to sense their mating which made her cringe at the thought. Further glaring of the human came to realize it was the princess, her gaze settling on clear marking on her neck making the woman utterly speechless to her son.
(Oh shit mom’s here :0 )

Eric jumped a little at the gasp, turning around, still in broad daylight. He saw his mother, clinging to the shadows, and he held Cassandra close. “What, this water has clear healing capabilities and you wanted me to keep her alive,” he pointed out, but Cassandra could tell he was on edge. Cassandra knew of his feelings for her, so whatever he was telling his mother…

“And she’s my mate.” He leaned his head up slightly, his ruby eyes staring his mother down. “Do you have a problem with that?” He growled out lowly.
A scoff sounded by his half ass cover up “you never brought her here before, besides this water can do very little for her” calling him out right away. Her eyes flashed as her son held onto the girl in a protective manner announcing she was his mate. “Oh dont be silly, you know that you are betrothed to another, sure the wedding was to wait until this human could pop out a child” gesturing to Cass as she notices fresh fangs marks and a fading wound on his wrist. “Wait…you were blood sharing…” she mumbles, eyes widening with purr anger. “You fool!” Roaring as she steps up “she mist meet the council now!” Commanding him. Cass was completely lost in all of this and nude in front of a stranger.
“And what? You know that I refuse. I am loyal to my mate, I never wanted that marriage to the other woman to begin with! You knew this!” He looked to Cass, offering an apologetic look. “I will come to the council alone. She will remain in her own castle,” he settled, not wanting to leave her side, but he had little choice.

(Ooh if he gets tortured for his slip up with cass and she finds him (injured obvi) and is begging for him to turn her, she couldn’t think of anything else, she wants to save him, but can’t do it in the state she’s in and then after completely goes berserk on his ‘betrothed’ and family?)
Cass looks up to him not understanding this confusion of this woman or their fighting over her. His mother wouldnt settle easily “she must be seen by the coinsol amd checked by our physician” explaining to him. “Also please put on some clothes!” throwing their clothes at them.

(She would go crazy on them for hurting him to a point he was literally injured. Maybe attempts to drag him to the pool herself or by horse.)
He grimaced as she was not settling. He looked down at Cass. He listened closely, but could not hear a second heartbeat, which relieved him somewhat, she would be spared then. But himself.. “I’m sorry, my love..” he says and he wanted to explain more to her, but knew with his mother in earshot, he wouldn’t have the chance.

It wasn’t until they were both back on the horse he gave her a small squeeze with his hands. “Well..I can assure you you’re not pregnant, so the process of being checked by our physician won’t hurt..” he assured her, but this was the most unfortunate situation to happen to them.
Fumbling back into her attire she looks to Eric for sole explaining but he was keeping to himself verbally as his mother escorted them out. Once on the horse she was pouting at this point until feeling him squeeze on her gently. She gasps hearing his reassurance “pregnant? What do you mean??” Clearly caught off guard by that. Also why would did she need a doctor of a other species? She glares toward his mother blaming her for this.
“I wish I could explain more..” he looked like he was being tied up, metaphorically and physically. At the coven, they were separated from one another, by force. Cassandra would begin to see why Eric never wanted to return home. This place was more dreary than her bedroom on a cloudy day.

She was placed in a cold room with a doctor there to inspect her. All the while she would hear shouting down the hall, and Eric seemingly was shouting in return.
Cass tried to keep close with him, reaching her hands out to him as she was pulled away into a cold room. All this stress was causing her to not feel well but she didn’t allow it to show. Looking around she hated it here, she wanted to go home. “I can tell you all my doctors notes, there is no need for some inspection” she spoke up. Then hears the shouting down the hall of his mother, father, and his supposed father in law who was pissed he mated with a human.

“We will have to break the mark!” One would shout which was a horrible and torture filled ritual. While everyone else was just angry at how foolish the prince was.
“Its the only answer, and it will hurt both of you but you more than her!” His mother informed as they all came to agreement. Thats when his betrothed walked into the room they were arguing in “You betrayed me, Eric” she frowns. Having crush on him for so long though he never noticed her. “Yes, break the mark and he marks her to end this madness!” All agreeing. While alone in that cold room, even with her heart racing a faint second heart beat came to light.
(Damn his sperm works overtime XD)

Eric looked around, growling and fighting the restraints that soon followed and he was taken to the torture room, first given several lashes- with wolf’s claws- Cassandra would feel his pain, but no physical harm would come to her. When she felt this, it felt like her mark was burning, crying out for her to do something.

He looked up, his face falling on his mother. “Y-you never wanted the human race to live anyways..” he came to the realization. He felt betrayed by his parents, by his coven..he hated it all. He wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of hearing his screams.
(Supernatural haha)

A burning sensation crossed the mark on her neck making her hiss in pain, her hand touching it gently “Eric…” getting up from the table. She tries the handle but it was locked, at least there was window “hello!” Calling out. Suddenly she felt a shortness of breath making her step back “Eric?” She whines as the mark continued to burn causing her skin to redden around the mark.
It was still daylight out.. and his family, closed two giant doors, opening up a ‘sunroof’ from the other side and the sunlight hit his skin- burning it, scalding and blistering. He couldn’t help but wince more, he wanted to scream..but still wouldn’t give them the- the..satisfaction.

The sunroof closed and he collapsed on the floor, his back littered with lash wounds, his skin a boiled, mess.. he felt like he..couldn’t.. stay awake much longer.

One of his family members must have thought he had died and they halted the torturing process, unaware what was happening to Cassandra.

As her mark burned and burned, it stopped. Her whole body warmed, then began to chill. She would begin to feel faint, unaware that sometimes humans would die if the mark was severed from their vampire lover. But, she had so much of Eric’s venom and blood in her her.
She hurries back to the door jiggling the handle trying to open it as she called out for Eric begging to see him. A wave suddenly hit her and she was on the ground gasping as she felt the mark literally being burned off her. She lets out a crying scream that grew silent as she found berself growing cold then, everything slowing down. Her bodily functions halted as her heart stopped for a matter of ten minutes it took for his venom to tale affect.

Gasping she opens her eyes feeling woozy and very off, she had a hunger she couldnt quite pin point. Her blurry vision went to the door as she slowly began to stand up. The lil heart beat inside somehow still beating.
One of the guards jolted in shock as the door was flung off its hinges. He saw Cassandra’s new found ruby eyes and he gasped in horror. A fledgling without hunger control! He quickly left his post, racing for the royals.

He was pretty much panting by the time he reached them. “I-she..the Princess..turned!”he managed to get out.
The door was busted down with ease, the power in her body felt amazing after being trapped in a weal, fragile state before. Her eyes swept the hall landing on a guard that took off running, leading her to the royals. She licks her fangs as she appears in the room, her eyes falling down upon eric. A cold took over the room as she realized he was dead, least she thought he was which felt like her heart was ripped out of her chest. In a flash his mother was beheaded, her body falling to the other as the others scream in shock of such a measure.

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