The Human Princess and her Vampire Knight (Dream)

He sighed softly as she smacked him, ‘pregnant women’ he thought to himself with a small shake of his head, and he dismissed the rest of the humans, turning around to her once more. “I’m sorry love,” he apologized and knelt by her, taking her hand in his and using his face to nuzzle against and kiss on it.
Cass reached to take his hand, squeezing it "Guess you are not the last royal" she murmurs softly "teach the right way of being a vampire" smiling a little knowing this would be a fast but difficult pregnancy. She needed to feed a much as possible to properly develop their baby but first "I want to see the doctor here, make sure everything is okay"
"They'll be half..." she would hear him remind her, looking up at her eyes, her beautiful eyes. Upon hearing about the doctor he nodded right away, "of course my love, I'll make sure you'll receive our best care," he promised. Instead of nine months, the pregnancy should only last about 6. And it had been a little over a month since everything had happened.

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Least he paused to offer her attention, reassuring all was fine and simply the child was half vampire. A sigh left her as she releases his hand for him to fetch the doctor simply for a check over, ensure all was well for now and how long she may have to prepare. So much to do, nursery or decide if the baby will be in here with them, everything the child will need and hopefully some additional ideas Eric will have since this will be half vampire, already the child enjoyed any fresh human blood she consumed.
The doctor confirmed that everything was going as it should be, and she need not to worry. The baby’s heartbeat was strong, and clearly had an appetite so that was that.

Eric seemed to give a sigh of relief at the news, clearly happy about hearing that their child would be alright. He then heard the doctor tell Cassandra that she would have approximately 6 months, that these pregnancies go by more quickly than a human’s.
Finding herself offering the doctor her full attention was a surprise but she was developing another life inside her womb, she needed to know what to do and how long she may have. She looks to Eric hearing his exhale of relief, having not noticed him holding his breath on this check up. What she was not expecting was to hear she had six months or less until this baby arrives "Wow, that soon?" reaching out to Eric's hand a sense of want filling her to talk more about this future family.
The doctor agreed that it would go by quickly, but with his care and of course, Eric by her side, she would be in the upmost care. Eric then thanked the doctor, giving Cassandra’s hand that she had reached for his with a gentle, reassuring squeeze. The doctor then mentioned if she needed anything medically, to not hesitate to call upon him.

Once he had left, Eric turned to Cassandra. “Anything you might need now darling?” He asked, his eyes falling on hers.
It was her turn to hold her breath until the doctor left them bed, finally she exhales a heavy sigh "I am kinda freaking out" admitting to him unable to imagine how he truly felt about all this craziness. They just began to rebuild his clan of vampires with him leader, her moving in with him to fulfill her new life but now she was developing a new life inside her, a dream she never believed to come true let alone with a vampire. "What I need now, it reassurance, like how is this going to work, what do we do or is expected of me?" she questions him seeming to ramble on and on.
“Cassandra, my darling,” he spoke and seized her cheeks with his hands, his eyes falling on her face. “You..need to not worry,” he began, kissing her lovingly and trying to ‘shut her up’. “Everything will be alright, all the vampires here are happy that I’ve found a queen, and that more importantly when they find out about my heir, they will rejoice,” he assured her further. Which will happen when they announce it at the next blood moon ceremony.
Pausing to his hands pressing upon each side of her face to snatch her attention while he explained to not worry, the clan would rejoice but he never spoke of his own happiness on the subject. His kisses did hush most of her concerns that could hold on for a later date before the child comes. Reaching up she squeezes his hands on her face "And you? Are you happy?" searching his expression.
“I’m ecstatic my love,” he spoke, his eyes shining true, and his clear admiration for her would be able to be felt by Cassandra. He moved his hands so he could place a hand on her small rounded belly. “I love you and them deeply, I will protect both of you.” He said firmly next, clearly more then ready to welcome their little one into the world.
Blinking in slight surprise of his affection, she settles into the kiss even her eyes falling closed for a moment when his smirk graced his lips followed by a playful squeeze of her breast. Already she was sensitive to a point of a gasping moan escaped her, opening her eyes to him "Oh...I forgot about that part" giggling as she flicking her tongue out to tease his lips.
Wrapping her arms ever so slowly around his upper body as his lips travel upwards, pressing heated kisses upon her neck before she felt the tip of his fangs drawing a deep breath from her. Her arms tighten around him as his fangs dip into her skin drawing her sweet blood for him to taste, a soft moan escaping past her lips "that feels so good" she whispers pressing her head against his as he drank, a hunger growing in herself.
Her fingers reach up into his hair, entangling themselves with the strands as he drank up her sweet royal blood. When he pulled away a soft whine rose from her, that of need for a bite of her own which he seemed to read her mind as he offered himself. Tracing her fingers out of his hair and down his neck she lets out a soft purr as she leans in to peck his skin, her fangs poking out before opening her mouth further to bite down into her lovers neck to drink up his yummy blood.
His moan signaled her eyes to fall closed, truly taking in the taste and sensation of his blood to deeper levels. Tightening her arms around him to keep his close she drank several seconds before releasing her fangs with a satisfied sigh "they are brand new still" she giggles, lifting her arm to wipe of blood from her lips.

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