The Human Princess and her Werewolf Knight (Dream)

Being a shoulder for her to lean on, he walks with her back to her bed, helping her settle into a comfortable position to ensure her bed would not be stained anymore and she could properly relax. Glancing over his work he would step toward the door, peeking his head out before exiting the Princess' quarters to halt a servant for a breakfsat request per the princess instructions though he added a few things of how to prepare and deliver the food and drink. Within a few minutes the dashing werewolf was returning with a smile "food should arrive within the hour" informing her.
She smiled as he returned and then nodded to him, "I appreciate it," she said to him while leaning back into the pillows. Her mind began to drift though, somehow she wanted to have more mating sessions, although she knew her body wasn't right to have Lyall's litter, she did crave it, but she knew she shouldn't.

(She gets like the black plague or somethin and he has no choice but to turn her to save her ;) )
(Oh gosh! Dire situation he would need too!)

He takes a seat on the edge of her bed, resting a hand on her legs as he smiles her way "Anything for you" reassuring her as he gazes upon her beautiful face. Unaware of her thoughts, and how little she worried over herself, her condition like giving into instinct like he did last night. "You feeling alright?" noticing her daze off.
HIs eyes flicked from her gaze down to her lips then back up "darling" scooting up to take her hand as concern laced his voice "What shouldn't you be thinkin about?" worried she was having doubts about them or something along those lines. he was pretty clear about his stance of knocking her up, he did not want to though may already be to late, just wanted her safe.
Seeming confused bybher thoughts sl early in the game he could understand it was more what she wanted. “I never said I wanted a family, is it possible you want a family” squeezing her hand gently. He knew it was a slim chance with a huge risk, if her condition was genetic it would break him to see his pups suffer like her.
She looked down, “I want..” she sighed, “I want a family, I’ve always have..and now that I have you, and a possibility..” she looked up back at him. “And then perhaps if you can turn me somehow..I won’t be ill anymore.” Her eyes shined with hope, but Werewolves weren’t bitten anymore to make new wolves for the pack..they were born. So who knows if his venom would even work on her?
Hearing her truth did offer him insight of her thoughts but what she suggested left him struck. Withdrawing his hand from holding hers as he stared at her with a blank expression. He got up from the bed with a shake of his head “No, no I cant turn you, who is to say you wont get worse or even die during the process” looking toward the door. He would have to consult with the elders since turning a human, a royal, was unheard of in their current time.
She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t argue with him though, worried about angering him. She just hoped he understands her position..and perhaps her ‘heat’ was getting to her.

(Oooh or better yet, perhaps she’s ‘sick’ because her mother was a werewolf, but her father never knew that, and so as she was born, and sick (never knew how to transform) her human side started to fight against her werewolf genes, sorta ‘attacking’ them and perhaps Lyall is her answer?)
He could never be truly angry with her, a tad upset she would risk her health for pups, he would be happy with just her and her happiness. Glancing toward the door as a servant peeked in to silently gesture him over as to not disturb the conversation to much. Simply it allowed a breather we he fetched the platter for them both, thanking the servant and sending her away "food has arrived" he cheers returning to her bed side.

(Whoa! That would be so unheard of! AN amazing way to cure her!)
(So you're cool with the idea? :3 )

She perked up instantly, seemingly happy that food was here. She never understood why, but sometimes whenever she was hungry, she always preferred poultry. That was truly the only meat that she enjoyed. "It smells delicious.." she breathed out to Lyall.

(ooh also due to never transforming and being sick from that, perhaps this 'heat' brings about more wolflike features in her, things that make Lyall question the possibility, *perhaps her eyes changing a different color? also I have an updated photo for both of our threads
(yes, I do, lets run with it. Mmm yes her eyes can change, maybe even some small fangs appearing or she feels phantom fangs)

Setting himself and the platter down on the bed he smiles seeing her quite excited for this meal which was reassuring to see "You get the first bite, dear" handing her a fork. He eyes around the platter more drooling over the meat portions than the fruits added with veggies. Quick to lick his lips and focus more on her intake of food.
(Also what do you think of the updated photo? :3)

She began to eat, nearly ravenous at this point but she began to slow down, knowing she was probably eating too quickly- inhaling rather than enjoying and actually chewing her food. She almost ate like a wolf would, but that would be silly to think of.
(tis beautiful)

Watching her eat was nice at first but seeing how she inhaled her food was unsettling, only seeing a starved animal eat such a fashion, not even himself did such a thing and never has he seen her eat in such a fashion. He glances at her food then her in question. "You better slow down before you throw all that up" warning her with a light chuckle having not even touched the food yet. Most werewolves were taught manners and etiquette as pups even in their feral forms, the way she ate was unsettling to watch. "I thought you enjoyed your food?" raising a brow as to the sudden shift in such a trait.

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