The Human Princess and her Werewolf Knight (Dream)

She turned around to sit down, curling her tail over her paws. “I’m really that small?” She asked, her green eyes falling on his face. His handsome features, the jet black hair, and crystal blue eyes. She then felt her stomach growl and she whimpered lightly, “Lyall..I’m hungry,” she wondered if he would teach her how to hunt sometime.

(Lol she starts eating more but complains about getting ‘fat’ turns out she’s just pregnant with the alphas litter no biggie)
How adorable she looked when sitting like that drew a wholesome smile from him as he shifts right before her eyes into his wolf form. A silver and white fur coat with golden eyes that looked down to her as he took a seat to show how much bigger her was than her "yes" chuckling as he wags his tail "but no worries with training and a good diet I will have you big and strong" reassuring her. He steps forward to run his tongue over her head as a form of affection "I have servants bringing much meat up for us, I will teach you to hunt on a later date. For now, probably focus on shifting" glancing her over.

(haha hopefully by then he would have taken her home with him)
Her jaw dropped at the sight of him, admittedly feeling a bit hot underneath her fur seeing him like that. “O-oh so..try for that?” She asked, closing her eyes and thinking about it but to no avail did not work. “Perhaps halfbreeds only get one or the other..” she mentioned to him next, opening her eyes up to look at him.
Towering over her all the more in his were form his head tilts seeing the truth of her notion but was quite the jump from wolf to human without practice but he saw no reason for her not to attempt "Okay, same concept just no hair and a bit smaller" explaining simply. He rolls back his shoulders as his height shortens just a bit, his hair vanishes other than his pretty black locks a top his head, his eyes retracting to their crystal blue. "Try it" encouraging her.
Taking a seat in a near by chair he watches her transform which was always beautiful, more so to see the woman he fell for appear once again though he could not stifle a laugh to see her ears and tail "Mmm cute" chuckling behind his hand. "you seem to get it, will take time to when you don't even need to think about it to shift" continuing on to distract himself from how adorable she looks with her fluffy tail.
She felt the tail and then the ears on top of her head and yelped, seemingly spooking herself back into her wolf form. She felt warm underneath her pelt and sighed, “Well, I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it,” she spoke and curled up in her makeshift den, scenting something and looking to her rear, only to find out she was still in her heat. Now it made more sense for her- given the circumstances. But she laid her tail back down, not aware that things would be different now between her and Lyall.
Watching her spook herself was alarming at first but then followed to being funny, chuckling as he kneels down to sit by the entrance of her little den "you will, no need to stress over it" reassuring her. Since it was the last days of her heat, the scent was not overpoweringly strong so Lyall felt no urge to mate with her currently, he was in protective mode. Just then he got up in a hurry to the door, stepping out to be handed a huge platter of meats, some well cooked, rare, and completely raw. He returns, setting the platter on the floor in front of her den "and a feast" bowing to her.
She stood up at the scent of the food and she came over to it, her mouth practically drooling. She thanked him shortly and began to eat, chomping down on the cooked food first, then the rare and easily getting through the raw.

She didn’t know it was the last day of her heat, but also didn’t know it wasn’t affecting Lyall like it had been, but she didn’t think about it too much until after she was done eating and she licked her jaw, seemingly satisfied.
Being smart of having his own meal this time around based off her hunger the other day, explained alot now with her being a wolf and not eating what she needed in her diet. Still he was more polite and mannerly about his eating since he was raised so strictly but squirted some blood over himself from his raw meat. Once the both done he cleaned himself up with a big grin "Ah yes, grand way to start the day" nudging his elbow into her shoulder. "Which form do you feel more at home in?" asking of her.
“I’m not sure,” she spoke, sitting back on her haunches. She looked at him, her form already appearing bigger than it did earlier. “I can say perhaps I feel at home most with this one, because I don't feel as weak like I was." she admitted, "but i still prefer my human appearance over this." she said next, wondering what he was thinking.
Sitting with her on the floor he nods his head in understanding "Some werewolves prefer human, were, or feral form over the others. I feel more at one with my wolf in my feral form while my were form easily loses control and my human form is charming" he smirks. "You chose the form you feel more at one and comfortable with, your wolf will speak with you, trust her" smiling as it was best thing about being a werewolf, one is never alone. "Well, now that the doctor here is out of commission, I have personally called my dear friend from the pack to come check you over. A transition such as yours needs to be thoroughly examined to ensure everything is in line" he explains. "I will be at your side the whole time" reassuring her.
“If you say so..I trust you,” he would hear her speak and she looked at him and then came over next to him to curl up against. “I feel safe around you,” she breathed out, her form truly was fascinating to him, how much bigger she already was than she had been..perhaps this wouldn’t take long.
Warmly smiling down to her as she settled against him to show how deeply she trusted him, she was so beautiful no matter her form "You can rest for now" running his hand along her soft fur. Would be mid day when his friend would arrive, a woman that he had known since birth, she was reaching high in her years but wise and kind. The best medic in the pack, usually serving the alpha and beta family and high risk mothers. Easily she just walked into the chambers without warning, a short lass of thick white/silver hair setting her bag down on a chair "Now where is this pretty wolf I have been hearing about" she spoke with excitement.

Lyall was quick to his feet to aid the medic up the stairs to the bed "This is Cassandra, my mate, she is a half breed that just transitioned last night" he explains to the woman who was already hurrying her way over to Cass. "my, a small thing you are deary, no worries an alpha diet will get you right as rain" reassuring as she gestures for lyall to bring her bag over. "how have you been feeling? Any nauseous, aches or pains, soreness, bleeding, dry mouth, lack or more appetite?" asking many questions.
AN observant old lady let out a chuckle "Ah yes, a wolf's appetite is a mighty one" guessing based off her previous condition her body was quite hungry for as much food as possible "Alrighty..." searching through her bag to pull out some supplements to add into her diet. "Now, Lyall here knows the alpha diet in and out since he grew up on it his whole life, reason he is so damn big" poking the male who pretended to be hurt "Ah hey" chuckling as he shook his head. The lady took out her stethoscope to listen to her heart and lungs, a glance in her ears and eyes "Healthy as a horse I would say just gain some weight" telling the two of them "And your window for pups is closing missy" petting Cass on the head.
Cass listened and gave a bit of her own chuckle from her observation to Lyall and then tilted her head slightly at the mention of said ‘window’ wondering what she could mean but then she figured out about her heat and she felt slightly embarrassed. “Well..I’ll go into heat again next month,” she murmured out to the lady, obviously shy about the topic.
When he returned to her Cassandra had to ask, “Why was she so set on us having pups right away?” She asked, not knowing it had been some time since Lyall had become alpha, and had never taken a mate- despite the pack’s doctor (shaman) urging him to do so so he could continue the alpha bloodline..

She settled her head on her paws, flicking her ear and wondering what he would reply with.
Making his way to flop down on the bed he shrugs as he rests his eyes “she is an old lady stuck in her nosey ways” he answers. He did not care for the pack nor their medic to be concerned of the bloodline. Hell mating with Cass he expected to never have kids, that has clearly changed. “Besides you need time to settle before worrying about all that” reassuring her as he turns over to cuddle a pillow
Cassandra decided to fall asleep after he fell asleep, knowing she would need the rest.
A month had flown by, and Cassandra had pretty much filled out all the way, just a tid bit smaller than Lyall in his beast form. She definitely was much happier, and stronger now, more so than she ever had before. Cass had adapted quite slowly, but was getting the hang of it everyday. She preferred her human now over her wolf, but still wanted to embrace that side of her, so she was seen mostly in fur, four legs and sharp canines.

It was the height of summer, and mating season was upon the pack, but Cassandra did not know this, for she had yet to go back into her own heat. It wasn't until one afternoon, when she was out hunting for the pack that she had that familiar pang in her belly, the cramps. Groaning softly, and picking up her freshkill, she trotted back to the clearing. She laid the hare onto the freshkill pile, and turned to pad back over to a sunbathing rock, laying her body out and soaking up the sun.

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Over the course of a moth Lyall was able to transition Cass into his pack, them accepting her as his mate and their Luna, she was respected to matter her family history or her raised by humans. There were those opposed to her but Lyall put them in their place without Cass around, he really did not desire her to see the side of being alpha he had to be at times. Most of his time was in meetings, checking the borders, testing pups that were becoming adolescents, and the occasional hunting party. Happy to give Cass the freedom to find her place in the pack with him to support her from the side lines so she could make friends on her own. At the current time Lyall was in the pack camp, sitting with some elders discussing the older days when the sweet scent of his mate wafted his direction taking his attention from the conversation. His gaze swept the clearing until spotting her sun bathing with drew a smile, excusing himself he stood with a bow as he made his way over to her, shifting into his feral form to join her "hello dear" licking her head in greeting.
Her tail thumped in response, clearly enjoying his presence. “Mm..hello,” She replied, clearly adapting quite well to the pack with little complications. She didn’t know her scent had attracted him over and she yawned, clearly warmed from the sun. “I was thinking about taking a nap, will you join me in our den?” She asked, their nest was a downy bed strewn with animal hides, woven blankets and such, big enough for a whole wolf family, if desired.
Such an adorable response he offered him, a big grin running across his lips as he looks up to their den with a nod "Want to walk with me or I will happily carry you up there?" giving her the options. Of course the alpha power couple being together always drew in attention, murmuring and happy faces as the pack always believed Lyall would never find his Luna.

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