The Human Princess and her Werewolf Knight (Dream)

She looked to him, and a dark shadow crossed her face.. “You won’t have to worry,” she spoke and she shifted up, leaning against the willow tree. “I hate to admit it but my doctor tells me I’m infertile.” If she was how was she able to go into heat? Perhaps something wasn’t adding up here. “I’d love nothing more than to have a family with you, Lyall..” she smiled softly, hating to tell him this.

(Ooooooooh what if later when he goes to his pack she gets tortured by her ‘doctor’ and he tries to harm her, for ‘reasons’ ((I’ll make them up later)) but he wants to keep her infertile (after finding out about her heat), so he tries to remove her womb, saying that a half breed shouldn’t reproduce. Of course she doesn’t know what he means..)
(ooo that will piss Lyall the hell off, he will coming back worried as hell about his mate and finding she has been hurt...the doctor will have an early grave)

He stares at her as she explains this to him, admitting she wanted a family and yet here she was in a heavy heat with a very powerful and fertile werewolf as her stud. He shifts up with her still waiting for his knot to go down "yeah, I still think you should get checked out" chuckling with a shake of his head. "I will need to stop by the pack for a short while, get some answers for us...mmm?" reaching up to fix her hair behind her ear.
Least she wont fight him in that, he understood getting checked out was silly but he wanted to be sure. Unaware his own medic in the pack would best for this than her doctor that held ill intent. “I love you, and just want you safe” reassuring her softly. A few minutes more would pass until his knot deflated enough for him to pull out and get his pants back on.
“I love you too,” he would hear her say, and she smiled up at him. She shifted and touched on her dress that he ripped. “Mm..might have to offer me your cloak until we get back to my quarters..” she chuckled lightly, going to put on her new cloth, and will have to dispose of the old one.
Pulling off his shirt to hand over for he usually wore lighter clothing due to transforming when needed. “Should be long enough” smirking a little as he ties his belt and disposes of her old cloth himself. He checks around for any servants or guards really not wanting gossip for her sake. They werent married in the tradition way of humans, to him they already were married as mates. “You decent?” He teases as he peeks behind the curtain of nature.
“Yes,” She assured him, wobbling slightly as she stood. She still would have to get used to their mating sessions, especially with how large he was and how he was able to fit in her..she blushed slightly at the thought.
It wasn’t long till he was kissing her farewell and that he’d return to her the next morrow, and she promised she’d go to her doctor.

She began to head down the hallway opening up the door and stepping into the sterile room, the doctor greeting her with a grin. He himself was a werewolf, but more traditional than the younger generation. He had suspected something was up due to the heat he smelled off of Cassandra. Letting her in, he had her sit down and he leaned back in his chair. “So. When did you start to transform?” He asked, and she looked confused. “T-Transform?” She asked, wondering why he lead with that, seeing his yellow eyes began to make her nervous.
He hated leaving her but mist be done to speak with the elders of a correct course of action. Of course also admitting what he had done, being vulnerable and honest was best in pack life. They were angry at first but when hearing what he has noticed they turned to the history books. Lyall was forced to await their answers to his questions of her being a werewolf. He could not sense her wolf so he was confused and growing more nervous and filled with anxiety the longer he was away.
“Let’s see the Princess is x years old what our alpha told us..” some of the elders murmured. Until one came to a conclusion. “Her mother..was one of us,” he clarified, looking to Lyall. “That’s why her heat is so intense to you..she’s a halfbreed. But it seems her human side never let her wolf out, and is always attacking it. But,” he sighed, “only you can help her transition out, you’re mates..bonded to one another..”

“What? You don’t know your own lineage?” He scoffed and shook his head. “I hated putting my sister down after she copulated with a human,” he began and seemed almost regretful, but, his niece, Cassandra- her eyes were wide, and mostly in shock. “I-I’m half werewolf?” She asked, and then her gaze darkened further. “You killed my mother?! I thought she died while giving birth-“ she was cut off by him. “She was. I was the one who delivered you,” she would hear him growl, and she shrunk back slightly, feeling very vulnerable at this moment.
Staring from the books to faces Lylla awaits to hear news he did not expect, that she was of their species. Not properly raised by here werewolf mother her body rejected her wolf. He couldn’t imagine the agony her wolf must be in but this brought about a topic he will deal with later. She was half, and he full so having a litter wont be a big deal. Besides he was alpha. “I need to get back to her” scrambling out of the meeting in his feral form to sprint to her location.
“I just need to sterilize you so that no more abominations can become possible..” he says and Cassandra scrambled up from the seat, trying to find a way to the door but he blocked it. She could see him shift into his wolf, landing on all fours, licking his lips and growling. She could see how rabid he was, the foam off of his mouth.. “You’ll heal from this,” he growled out and pounced on her, making her scream out as she was attacked, she was trying to protect herself but he tore into her stomach, aiming for her womb.

It was in this moment her wolf came out, but she was much smaller and frailer than her so called uncle attacking her. She yelped and scrapped with him, defending herself- yet she was too late, at least she thought. He had dug claws up against her chest in their scrap, and she yelped and leapt back, ears pinned back against her head, cowering as he circled back around for her.
Powering his way through pack territory took several minutes, his wolf calling out to a mate that had no idea what she was. He hoped she was okay unaware her doctor was a nut job. Entering the castle he sensed a new smell, a new wolf tbay tangled with Cass’s sense. Finding his way around the large alpha drew close enough to hear the yelps and growls of assault occurring. Cass was in there! Throwing himself against the door, he sticks the lansing to launch himself at the male wolf corclong a small female.
Cass heard banging on the door, and in came another, much larger wolf..she felt woozy, her vision blacking in and out.. she collapsed the moment the other wolf attacked her attacker, her breathing was shallow and blood pooled around her.

The attacker didn’t stand a chance next to Lyall, he was surprised that the alpha himself was Cassandra’s personal body guard.. he knew it was a wolf but..the alpha?! He cowered underneath Lyall, “You seriously will take a halfbreed for your mate?! You must be foolish!” He barked out, his foam and bloody muzzle dripping down to the ground.
And kill he did, the wolf’s death was quick and he dropped to the ground a few feet away from Cassandra.

Cassandra raised her head weakly, her blonde fur stained with crimson. She whimpered and whined out, “L-Lyall? What’s..what’s happening..?” She asked, laying her head back down, her breathing shallow and quick.
Dropping the dead wolf from his jaws Lyall took a moment to collect himself before hurrying over to her. His ears pin back with shock of seeing her in such a bloody state, a sharp whine rising in his throat. “You're a werewolf honey” informing her softly “I need to give you a bite to help you transform, luckily it will heal you up…hopefully” licking hwr head in comfort.
Seeing her return to her human form did ache his heart for her wolf was beautiful but he knew it was probably scary. Careful to lat beside her as she spike to him of his wonderings being correct. He chuckles as he transforms back into his human form, sitting beside her as he caresses her hair. “You ready?” Revealing his fangs to her.
“Mhm,” she breathed, feeling him cradle her body, she laid there waiting for his bite. She didn’t feel a thing when he bit, her breathing slowly stopping, her hand that was caressing his head as he bit into her, dropped.

But not all was lost, she gasped suddenly after a long, stressful minute that felt like a lifetime to Lyall. She let out another whimper, her wounds slowly closing themselves.
Leaning down he of course pressed a kiss upon her shoulder before taking the force of his jaw to Pierce his fangs into her flesh. He tasted her blood as his fangs go as deep into as possible injecting his werewolf venom. Pulling away he licks the wound as he felt her leave him “cass?” He whimpers searching her for life.

Finally she gasped for air as her wounds healed offering him relief “there we go” he breathes out
She shivered lightly and folded into his embrace, just breaking down into sobs. A lot had happened to her in a short amount of time, and it was a lot to process.

Once she was fully healed, she was just leaning against his chest, closed eyes and breathing steadily, hoping he would take her back to her chambers.
Sitting there as she cried indeed broke his heart wishing he could help other than holding her. Once she calmed down he would gather her into his arms and carry her to her chambers. He knew she felt safest in here, even locking the door behind him. Setting her down on her bed, quickly joining her betting she would eventually have so many questions.
As the morning crept upon them, and she slowly woke, she groaned softly as her body was aching. “L-Lyall?” She called out for him, unaware she had shifted back to her wolf form again. She would have to get used to shifting between, but since she had never been taught anything, he would have to help her through it.
Lylla was up all night, proofing her room a bit more for her safety along with ridding any servants coming near unless he said other wise, also he had made a den like area in the corner of her room with his clothing and her own bedding for when she was a wolf and wanted to settle herself. He kept busy while she slept so hearing her call for him spooked him to almost knocking his head as he stood up returning to the bed to find a pretty blonde wolf "mornin" he chuckles. "how ya feelin?" glancing her over to be sure she had fully healed but did not touch her just yet.
She definitely had filled out more since the previous night, his venom had helped her in that. Cassandra raised her muzzle as he came over to her, and she flicked an ear. “I feel..a whole lot better than I used to,” she admitted, her supernatural genes finally taking over. “I don’t remember much of what happened last night though,” she said and shifted to stand, her wounds had completely healed and had left no scar tissue at all.
Smiling as he touches on her nose he runs his hand through her fur just to be sure while she stood up "good to hear" seeing her back to a healthy appearance and seeming more herself. "You are a werewolf, your mother sadly is not with us anymore as you know but she was one of us but your wolf side was suppressed and attacked by your body. Now your wolf is free and I can teach you all I know" showing how happy he was about this news. Answers and a cure for her condition along with finding out she was a werewolf like him, he can connect with her wolf and feel much more secure when having to leave her. Not yet planning to take her to his home, first she needed to learn and control her abilities plus he did not want to tell her that he was the alpha of the pack in this region. He steps back "So I ensured your windows are sealed as jumping from this height will break your legs and take a few minutes to a few hours to heal, got you a few chewing bones and such in your own lil den over here" showing her what he has been up to.
She listened intently and looked over at what he had done for her and she blinked in surprised. “’ll teach me?” She asked, moving to jump off of the bed, her tail low, unaware this was the second to last day of her heat. She padded over to the den and sniffed around, feeling comforted about scenting Lyall.. she seemingly was calmer than last night about finding out about her heritage.
Smiling to see her hop off the bed and pad over to her makeshift den he felt this heart leap with pride "I am your mate, of course I will teach you" humming as he kneels down to her level though even in human form he was bigger than her. She barely got a glimpse of his wolf last night "Hopefully we can get you to grow into your wolf more, you are almost smaller than an omega" wishing to take her to the doctor of the pack, properly set her on a diet for her needs. For now he will focus on fresh kills with plenty of fat, teaching her all he knows though worries soon enough her father will pop up.

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