The Human Princess and her Werewolf Knight (Dream)

(He has to talk to them soon anyways since she is his mate now, will be quite the shock though)

He clears his throat as he sat back "Just looks like you have canines" he comments with an uncertain tone in his voice. Having no clue she was part wolf, her condition due to never turning which caused her body to treat her own DNA as intruders.
A hum of wonder rose from him, deciding when she sleeps he best go to the pack, speak with elders uncover some truth he was left in the dark. Finishing up his plate he rises from the bed "So what are the plans today?" asking as he goes to wash his face and hands. A moment he allowed to collect himself, her heat was still driving him mad but keeping control was a tad easier now having her twice but still he was worried of the outcome.
"I want to go out in the garden.." she spoke, a soft flush on her face he wouldn't be able to see. Her heat was affecting her too, more so than she realized. She kept imagining him taking her like the beast he was by the willow tree- the branches and leaves offering cover so they could do as they pleased.
She nodded, "Sure...Let me just pick an outfit.." she spoke, going to do so, choosing a rather short sundress, especially for a princess..but, she'd rather be in this than garments upon garments of clothes. But one thing, she grabbed an extra cloth, tucked it into her bag to bring, knowing her heat was just soaking up her other cloth right now...she wondered if he could scent it yet.
Always in tune with his other scents of course Lyall could sense her heavy heat, was driving his wolf feral, surprise he did shift last night with how out of control he became. Once she was ready he could not help staring at her short dress, how much more exposed she was to him as was her scent. Quickly distracting himself by opening the door with a bow "your garden awaits"
At this point he never understood how mates could be in public when the female was in heat, if he could he would just lock them in here for the next week making love every chance they could. But he wasn't suppose to even be with her in that fashion let alone the possibly of impregnating her or turning her when he lost control at one point. So once entering the garden he literally showed some mint up his nose to clog up his sense as he sat by the entrance of the garden while she enjoyed herself.
(Poor lyall XD)

The garden was warm with sunlight, the breeze cooling her off ever so slightly. She glistened with sweat, and her beautiful golden locks shined with the sun. She glanced over to where Lyall was, not aware of the mint up his nose at the moment. She then disappeared underneath the willow tree's branches and leaves.
Not expecting her to wander far he was busy plucking grass from underneath him until noticing he did not hear her anymore. Turning his head he found she had vanished, jumping to his feet he hurries along the path until finding her by the willow tree "You scared me" he lets out a sigh of relief. Unaware of her naughty thoughts, of how easily they could be spotted and he could be banned from the castle for frolicking with the princess.
She couldn't help but blush lightly at the mention of her heat.. and she bit her lip gently. "Yes, it only lasts a week, I'm at my heaviest now," she mentioned, shifting and removing the blood stained cloth. She figured it was fine since no one could see them anyways. She then reached for her extra one in her bag, but removing her cloth, unfortunately the scent would be strong enough to move past the mint. All he would have to do is push up the skirt of her dress just a little and...
She agreed he was correct on the time frame but he did not expect her to outright change her cloth out here, her dress and legs no longer dampening the scent as it shot past his defenses. A growl rolled up his throat as he suddenly pounced on her so she was lying beneath him "you need to warn me" he growls pressing his head against her chest trying to control his breathing.
She yelped out slightly from the sudden pounce, but then she touched on his head, the growl filling her with excitement. "Take the mint out..." she commands softly, wanting him to fully embrace her heat. The skirt of her dress was already pushed up, past her buttocks and out of the way for him to do what he wanted..obviously she wanted this..she wasn't asking him to stop.
He lifts his head to meet her eyes when she ordered he remove the mint from his nose that was keeping him sane around her, he didn't want to hurt her but he could see she wanted him so badly that she was willing to take the risk. Reaching up he pulls out the mint, shaking his head with a sneeze away from her, in an instant his eyes changed to a yellow color as her heat filled his sense. Easily he removes his belt and pants to reveal his on going boner that had not gone down for quite some time, was throbbing as he settles between her legs, lifting under her thighs so her legs hung over his shoulders to fully reveal her to him. "you are something else" he grumbles flicking his golden gaze up to her, his hips pressing his member against her entrance before pushing himself slowly inside her. A moan escaping him from her warmth and how she gripped upon him.
Seeing his eyes, the excitement that filled her body only grew and grew, she then noticed his erect length, noting he already had a knot forming, and his length was more wolflike than it had been before. As she was hoisted up, and her legs spread, his red tip kissed her folds, her heat spilling out slightly as he pushed into her- and she couldn't help but moan from the pressure, the pleasure..
Leaning over her, bending her body in half as he thrusts all the way to his balls, his forming knot slipping inside of her "Fuck, you feel amazing" he growls as he dips his head to take her dress into his teeth and rip it down to expose more of her to him. She was dealing with a werewolf, clothes would not be spared if they got in the way of him having her. Kissing her chest, taking a nipple in his mouth to suckle upon while hie hand kneaded her breast between his fingers, teasing the bud with pinching. Drawing back his hips so he was at his thrust, trying to have her enjoy herself and not be a one trick pony. He slowly would push all the way into her and back out, over and over until she begged him for more.
She gasped out at the feeling of his knot, the way his teeth just took her dress.. having her chest exposed to him- only made her excitement grow further. "-Y-You..feel just as amazing..!" she moaned out, laying her head back, pressing herself up against his thrusts. She opened her eyes to look at him, her own eyes, the green turned more yellow...or perhaps it was the lighting.
He was lost in the pleasure of mating with his love, picking up his speed as he began to grow his knot to the point of barely getting it out so he had to short his thrusts and quicken them. Breaking his lips from her breasts "I'm close" he growls hating he couldn't last as long this round but she felt so amazing. Leaning over a bit more he latches his teeth over her collar bone, not injecting any of venom but an instinct to keep her still as he pushes his knot inside her entrance, his seed exploding into her womb.
"I-I well..!" she cried out to him, gasping with pleasure as he shoved his knot into her, the feeling of his teeth on her collarbone..she cried out in pleasure as they came together, her face flushed and heated due to his mating session with her. She came down from her high, moaning out as he slowed, her breathing was quick and short, catching her breath. But oh no, she was in no way wanting to be done yet with him, her heat made sure of that.
Their release together was beautiful to say the least, being one together in such a fashion was a sign they were soulmates in a fashion of physical body, soon enough their spiritual will reveal itself as well. Loosening his jaw on her collar bone he pull back to lick at the wound he created "Shit, sorry" he grumbles feeling bad for injuring her again. He would buck his hips to really settle himself inside her of, realizing he did it again "Okay..." looking up to notice her eyes which changed his train of thought quickly "Are you are human?" kinda teasing but also wondering.
She blinked, her eyes faltering back to their green.. and she tilted her head at him, "I am human," she states firmly, shaking her head slightly. "Are you losing your brain due to my scent?" She teased him, and her canines were easily shown once more...he would have to consult the elders. She laid back, feeling content, not even worried about her ripped dress.

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