Lyrin kept his eyes closed, sucking slightly hard and sliding his tongue aling the shaft. Despite himself, he may have been enjoying himself, nit that he would ever say anything about.
(XD Lyrin: does it again for half the original price I still hate this....)
Billy shivered again, getting more and more pleasure while Lyrin put more effort into it. "Mm-hah....getting into it hm?" He whispered as Lyrin ran his tongue along his shaft, the bullys cock thrilled welcoming the warmth and rub of his tongue. He was careful not to push himself, or roll his hips too much, though Lyrin fekt his instinctive light push against his tongue, his fingers plsying with his hair.
Lyrin shifts slightly, grumbling softly in the back of his throat. He tilts his head ever so slightly, getting a better angle as well as leaning into The other's touch. He'd never say out loud it was because of the touch. He shifts from the flat of his tongue to just the tip, waiting to feel the other's reaction
As Lyrin rolled the tip of his tongue against his shaft, he heard a sift moan rise from Billy in pleasure, a pure sound that only was couched with more of that almost affectionate, light touch. Billy was a bastard that was blackmailing Lyrin inti this with money...but or some bizarre Powe trip for his gratification, but ge seemed to be a soft bed partner. His other hand moved, cupping the boys cheek gently and caressing him. "Mmm-good Lyrin, give me more of that..." he whispered hotly
Billy gently pulled on Lyrins blindfold. Stopping him for a moment, drawing his hard member frim the boys mouth, leaving a sticky salty taste in the boy mouth. His precum? Lyrin heard something getting dragged over, but then he was guided forward gently again as Billy had taken a seat to enjoy himself. "If I let you go as fast as you wanted.what would you do?" He said as he stroked the boys lips with his shafy. "Who knows how much your effort will get." He said as he started ti undo the blindfold slowly to test his will further.
Lyric looks up at him for a moment, swallowing and then nodding as he leans forward, taking him again and closing his eyes. He relaxes after a moment, and gags softly once before starting to move his head again.
Billy looked down on Lyrin as he started in in him, if the victim dared to make eye contact as his bully reached out to touch his head again, he'd notice that even the cold look in Billy's gaze was sucked away. It was warm, sizzling with desire, and...a small twinge of vulnerability. "Do-don't gag on it...." he said softly his cheeks flushed slightly. Not that it made him...uncomfortable or nervous, it was simply a very...lewd sensation to see it and feel it, and he didn't want to accidentally choke Lyrin if he pushed in abd forced another on purpose...getting messy head would have to wait until he didn't feel so damn vulnerable about it all
Lyrin grunts softly in acknowledgement, staring up at Billy for a moment and then closes his eyes. He woul be lying if he said he didn't enjoy this, but he wasn't going to tell anyone, much less Billy himself, that fact. He sucks slightly again, pressing his tongue against the underside of Billy's shaft, moving slightly faster.
"man Billy you know that thing I hate, i think it's time for that...for money ofcourse.")
Billy gave another soft sound as Lyrin pushed up his pace , running his fingers diwn ti his shoulder, shutting his eyes. "Kota..." he whispered softly, nearly low enough to merely mouth the name...but Lyrin was close enough. A name? Another victim? Some other poor bastard that he pressed into being here?
(Lyrin probably wouldn’t do something like that until theuy;‘ e already done it a few more times with Billy initiating it)
Lyrin hesitates just for a moment before resuming, pulling off to suck his head for a moment before moving back down to suck and repeating the moments. He kept his eyes closed, staying relaxed as he moved.
(XD depending on hiw good a time Billy has, he probably drag him into the storage room again rather soon.)
Billy felt the hesitation, but before he could open his eyes to look at Lyrin again, the boy started again. His hands slowly moved up, tye gentle touch coming back to lightly pet him, his member throbbed a shelter faster, his hips rose slightly, showing his growing lust instinctively. "Mm-ah~yeah-" he breathed out.
As Lyrin moved into his touch, Billy blushed slightly, his heart skipping a beat. He moaned softly as he gently stroked his hair, starting to move his hips on his own as his cock starting to leak his seed, getting more heavily on Lurin's tongue as she suckled the head. He put a hand over his mouth gently, muffling another moan as he started to shoot his first load.
Billy moaned again and again as Lyrin worked on his, milking out more and more of the salty warm stuff, his bully folding to his lips and warmth as he started to fill the boys mouth , pushing it to capacity as he leaned back. "Ahhhh~"
Billy looked down at Lyrin, his eyes twinkling slightly, he bit his lip as he started to pull Lyrin back. Without even have to look down, Lyrin knew that his Bully hadn't softened a hint, hungry for more, hungry for him. But as Billy started to stand up again,looking down at him, his eyes raking over him; he smiled, though pushing to to be wolfish. "'ll have to take it a bit harder...think yiu can handle i?"
"You'll learn." Billy said as he ran his hands along the boys head. His fingers drifted further, sliding over his back. "Or I can...try the other side..." he prompted carefully. It wasn't exactly a threat, but the idea of testing out Lyrin'xs gag reflex a bit harder...or getting him to spread for him, the options were of two evils. "Both will earn you more..." Billy added on, as uf sweetening the deal some.
Lyrin flinches slightly, pulling away from the touch, “I-“ He closes his eyes again.
”Billy. . .” He trails off, shaking his head. Would he really let this happen to him for money? Money he could use for his brothers, yes. . But he had a feeling Zan would disapprov. And what kind of example would he set by doing something like that? Not that he would tell them what he was doing, but. . .
"Aw, come on're not finished with it yet. Don't you want to do good for them?" He whispered to him as he tucked a hang under his chin, holding his gaze on him.
Lyrin closes his eyes, shuddering. He pulls his face away, his lower lip trembling slightly. He gets up, pulling his shirt back on, “I-“ He shakes his head.
"'s okay Lyrin. It's a shame though." He said as he took out his wallet, drawing out some money, more than what Lyrin could save up in a few weeks. "You say your struggling so much..."
Lyrin’s eyes open and his gaze goes to the wallet, biting down harder on his lip. His fingers curl into his palms, nails digging into skin, using the pain to try and clear his head. He could see the tetation for what it was, to open his mouth or spread his legs for some extra cash. He runs his hand down his face, trying to stop the shaking. He doesn’t say anything, he just stands there with his hand covering his features.
Billy drew out a few of the bills , a handful of them that would atleast last the day for a meal. shrugged. "Here." He said as he slid the bills in his shirt. "You earned that much...even a tip for swallowing it all up. If you want more. You'll have to come back here again."
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