Twisted Desires (Knight)

Kade laughed and shook his head. “Be careful of where you point, keep in mind three fingers are pointing back towards you.” He stated and Marie looked between the two, and her mouth opened a little. “Derek- you…you planned on using me as well?” She asked, more in shock than anything else. “And here you are spewing about me,” Kaden spoke, “When you can’t even come to the truth of realizing you want the same thing!”

Marie didn’t know what to say. Her glow became brighter and she knew that a demon couldn’t even come close to the spiritual energy she was radiating right now.

“Screw this, I’ll find my own way home!” She shouted angrily and stood, turning to leave the two. She hated that both the men she had trusted, wanted to use her just for her angel blood. Although she was aware her blood can heal curses, if Derek had just simply asked, she would have cut her own flesh to bleed for his salvation.
"I'm not like you! I never lied to her!" Derek snapped, a mere human stepping to the Son of Lilith as if they ere equals. "You schemed, you lied and even prepared to sacrifice her being! What have I done to her? " Derek moved forward, going over the stone table, knocking over candles and smudging runes as he threw himself at Kaden, bowling over with him, trying to rip the knife from his grasp. "I would have let her go without even a drop!
As candles were knocked over, runes smudged, whispers began to fill Derek’s mind. Whispers of malicious intent. Sure, Derek got the upper hand by mere surprise, and Marie was caught off guard when Derek did begin to fight Kade.

Karen tumbled and tussled with Derek, knowing he was after the blade. “You’re going to be a fun one to torture in hell, aren’t ya!” He laughed and showed pointed, jagged fangs. The son of Lilith truly was a terrifying demon to be fighting with, and nobody would even dare. Well, Derek would.

Marie didn’t know what to do- if she stepped in, perhaps it would be worse, but she couldn’t leave Derek by himself.

“Kade! Don’t you dare hurt him!” Marie shouted suddenly, not knowing how much she would learn to regret her words.
"I'll rip those fucking fangs out of your mouth!" Derek said as he twisted Kadens hand trying to edge to dagger closer to Kaden, nearly slashing his cheek open. Any Demon would have shrunk, any human would have probably had faltered...but Derek had gotten jaded by his curse. Fangs and threats of damnation were like water off a duck.
Kaden actually grunted from the force behind Derek’s grip. This curse on this human was something else and needless to say it terrified him. But he wouldn’t let the human know that.

“Well, I’m sure that’s what you want to do but-“ he switched, his shell of a disguise melting away slowly, showing a demon with inky black skin, and red marks- seemingly drawn by cutting one’s own flesh- traced up and down his body. He felt like hot tar burning into a human’s flesh.

“Kaden, stop!” Marie yelled, going to intervene this time, and she got tackled by someone similar.

“Lily?!” She gasped, the succubus on top hissing like a snake. “Sss-stay away from him! Let him sss-show Derek who’s clearly the better of the two.” Lily’s forked tongue came out and the acid level venom dripped onto her cheek, burning a hole to reveal Marie’s own demon skin.

Kaden laughed as he easily overtook Derek, coming into his full demon form. Pinning him down like it was nothing. “Listen. I was willing to help you out, but you need to understand-Marie’s angel blood will be mine, and you can’t stop your curse.” His words stung more than the dagger suddenly that was flipped and pinned into Derek. Wherever the fuck that landed. Wait- there was a dagger in him? Fuck. Kaden’s hand gripped the hilt and twisted it around wherever it had struck, not really caring what it hit.

Marie watched this, as Lily focused all her strength on the princess, keeping her pinned- grinning when Marie cried out for Derek- the screams of the princess echoed as she watched a man she had fallen for, a mere mortal- being potentially killed by her once so called friend.

Lily could feel Marie struggle and she deepened her talons into Marie’s flesh. “Alwayssss the weak one,” Lily taunted and Marie’s eyes shifted from the emerald to her electric yellow serpent ones.

Lily felt Marie’s body heat up and she was confused when the princess cried out these words:

“Always the copy cat!!” And with that being said, Marie’s body began to transform and a long, red scaled tail came forth from her torso- covered in poisonous barbs, the end of her tail sharp and dagger like.

Lily’s eyes went wide when Marie’s tail struck through her abdomen, hooking it’s barbs into her flesh and prying Lily off of her body- soon flicking and flinging her handmaiden into the wall. Marie panted as she recovered from using a lot of her newfound blood moon activated self- and her tail coiled up as she straightened upright and looked at Kade who’s eyes looked Marie over.

“A snake? How on the nose, considering who your father is.” Kade mocked and Marie narrowed her eyes. “You know-“ she spoke as she tried to figure out her next move. “My father wasn’t the snake in the garden.”

Kaden raised his arm, going to pull the dagger out of Derek and stopped when Marie’s tail snatched his arm in a tight grip.

When Marie came closer, the heat of her scales somehow attaching to Kaden's already tar like skin, her eyes seemingly drilling holes in Kade’s face. “Your mother was.” She hissed, and threw Kade aside like it was nothing, Kade’s face met with the ground as he tumbled and rolled, coughing up dust as he eventually regained his footing.

He watched carefully what Marie was about to do with Derek, and noticed she put her guard down, shifting back into two legs, looking over the dagger piercing his mortal flesh and trying the best way to think of what to do. Who could she go to? Could she try opening a portal? But…it would fail, wouldn’t it. Dammit! She thought to herself. Derek laid there dying and she was rambling. Quick Marie! What should I-

Her thoughts were interrupted when suddenly Lily jumped her from the side, making them tumble. Lily pinned her down again and looked over to Kade, who had gotten back up and over to the mortal.
Derek was on his side, curled up as Kaden approached him, something was there that Kaden could see, even with all his magic flowing through him. It loomed like a Vulture over Derek, waiting, watching? As Kaden neared him to finish his prey, Derek rolled over and Kaden saw blood seeping out of his side, between his fingers as it pooled on the floor. As the details fell in place, Kaden saw Derek lurch upwards ramming the dagger into Kadens stomach, the demon blade biting deep. Then Derek held on, letting himself start to fall back onto the ground, dragging the blade down Kades torso
Kade slowly looked upon Derek, a disapproving scowl as he noted how the mortal was laying, and noting something unnatural hovering over Derek. What in the name of hell was that?

Before he could decipher anything else- he felt the blade strike his flesh, tearing a fresh wound into his side, causing his deep ichor to spill forward, the burning blood nearly singeing Derek’s flesh. Hissing with pain, he tilted back and Lily’s cry for her brother could be heard. “You damned fool!!” Lily cursed at Derek and left Marie be, going over to support Kade as he faltered.

Why would a demon blade injure a demon such as Kade himself? Because. The cursed blood on it from Derek, that stuff was nasty, even to demons themselves. Lily opened a portal and helped her and Kade leave, leaving Derek to bleed dry, knowing Marie probably couldn’t do anything.

Marie gave a grunt as she brought herself to her knees. She too was bleeding- all from Lily’s talons, the gash running deep across her arm and over her swirling marks. Her blood dripped black, shimmers of gold left behind in it as she neared Derek.
Derek would see the glimpse of her red hair, but that was it as his vision faded. Marie cursed and brought Derek up in her lap, looking for a solution.

She noticed the blade and grabbed it from where it fell, taking it and cutting more into her own wound, digging a gash deep enough to where it began to spray, and then spilled. She moved to where her own blood would pour onto Derek’s wound, the glittering black seeping into his very flesh, sinking into his veins.

What she didn’t count on, was Derek’s own cursed blood, mixed with Kades, now infecting her own body, but in this moment she didn’t care. She wanted to save Derek.

“You idiot,” Marie murmured softly underneath her breath as her blood ignited in her veins with immense cold. She shivered and let the blade fall, the blade shattering on impact of the ground- the mix of blood spreading across the floor. She fell next to him, staring at the ceiling as her head was spinning. Her white dress drenched in both hers and Derek’s blood, and she felt her heart slow, her eyes heavy, and whatever happened next, she wouldn’t be the witness to as she passed out.
As her blood seeped into his body, Derek lurched abd twisted, he was blacking out, or so he thought, a sweet powerful haze ran over him, making him feel warm...then relaxed, invincible. He stood up as he felt his body testing back, his flesh snapping and squeezing as it was pulling itself shut in a wet blood mess. He probably would be in agony...if he could feel anything at all. He leaned over Marie, touching the wound to press on it, every glitter of gold in her blood shimmered like oil in the sun. "Marie..." he said to himself as he pulled her up to him, walking her back into the coven...well through the door, he thought he was walking but as he tapped into the door with his shoulder, it erupted into splinters and stone.. he could watch it all breaking, the chips whirling on the air

What did sge do to him? He kept walking, taking her to a table and threw open cabinet after ripping the doors can off as he searched for a kit to try to close up her wounds.
Demon on demon wounds didn’t heal like human on demon wounds, if humans could even harm demons beyond purified objects and words of the holy trinity.

As he ripped open the last cabinet, he would find bottles crashing to the ground, various liquids spilling from the glass contents. One bottle remained, labeled very conveniently with: Demon Wound Healers, well, that was a rough translation from the ancient text Derek was surprisingly able to read it.

Upon opening it, it smelled foul like sulfur but what it would do, it would bubble and fill Marie’s wound, slowly knitting her flesh back together.

Marie's breathing steadied and she shivered as she slowly opened her eyes to see where she was.
As she opened her eyes, Derek was ...everywhere, frantic really, blurring with unimaginable speed, he was dashing about. But she could see him easily, he pulled to a stop, panting at her side, his eyes were black, glisten pools, and she could see black blood flowing in his veins, his heart bearing heavy in his chest And his side was folded inwards, puckered like he lost a fist sized chunk of body mass. "Maria!' He said grabbing her shoulders, and pinning her back down....and sge realized it was actually hard to push back up. "You're alight! Alright- I was so worried- but that healing junk worked!" Ge said as he held onto her. A brief glance told her that Derek had all but trashed the place like he was ransacked it fir anything he could get his hands on.
Marie was short of words to say. The way he acted, the brute force behind his hands pinning her down. She grunts as she was pushed back and looked into his black eyes. No. No no no, what has she done? He wasn’t immortal like her, her blood wouldn’t have worked. What the fuck had she been thinking? Obviously not. “D-Derek!” She gasped and reached a blood soaked hand to his chest, murmuring an incantation and pressing on his skin, the incantation would slow down his body’s consumption of her blood, let it release over time, and slow him the fuck down. It would be like he was hit with a horse tranquilizer and his body would all but go back to normal. Well, sorta. She used all of her remaining magic to put that on him, knowing they would have to find another solution soon. The blood of hers would wear off within the month, cycled through his veins and if they weren’t careful, he would drop dead on the spot.

She laid her hand back down as she felt another shiver go down her spine. Why did she feel so cold? Perhaps it was all the blood she lost. Well, if she just closed her eyes-

Her world went black as she fell into a state of rest and recovery, Derek’s body would do the same, the rune eventually healing his side- but leaving a nasty gash in its place, nearly festering from the many accounts of demon blood gracing his skin.
Derek felt the rune setting onto his skin, forcing his feelings of near invincibility to a halt, from a impervious feeling to a almost fearlessness. He still couldn't quite feel himself but he wasn't going to just wander through any closed doors without noticing again. "Maria? Maria!" He said as her eyes closed, starting to shake her.
She was in a deep state of rest, not waking for anything. Maria’s chest slowly rose up and down, and Derek would somehow remember that she had mentioned if she spent too much of her magical energy, her body would go into this ‘rest and recovery’ mode so she-you know, wouldn’t accidentally kill herself by exerting too much magical power.

There was really nothing Derek could do for her magically but physically, he would be able to take her back to her chambers and let her rest in her bed for the time being.
Derek muttered a curse to himself, pacing the room, trying to think. He didn't have the power to open portals and Marie was well and truly out of it. 'I have no choice for now, ill have to take her out of this accursed place on foot' he resolved, drawing her up in his arms and close to his chest. The festering junk on that desk wouldn't be taking her. He moved to the door and kicked it open. This Coven could go right to hell for all he was concerned.
Marie was surprisingly not that heavy to him. She slumped in his arms as deadweight- and as Derek moved out of the coven, that black mold was following him or more so, Marie- but it stopped at the entrance. It was almost like that place was damned from the start. The inhabitants had already left after Kade and Lily split, so it was basically just a rotting hellhole. Honestly for it to go up in flames would be the best thing for it. But somewhere deep in Derek’s mind knew this wouldn’t be the last time they’ll see that bastard son and daughter of Lilith.
Derek tucked Marie close to his chest and started turning again. He would have to take her somewhere safe, quiet. His body pulsed faintly with strength as he moved out into an alley, the strength pulling down into his legs. He leaped upwards, Soaring up onto a fire escape and then started ran up higher abd higher. Safe. Quiet. Maybe out of the way. He knew a few uninhibited houses, a housing project that was put on hold for when the mayor was accused of a few scandals. He could take her there.

Derek leapt from one roof top to another, pushing himself as hard as he could, but truly he didn't even feel tired yet, the sense of power inside him still swirling about.
As She looked around, she was laying on a ...once pristine white couch, now likely stained a bit with her blood, her vision clearing up little by little, what she saw was a hardwood floor first, a little red rug near her, and pillows. Probably if she moved in her sleep maybe, or if Derek was to rest close to her. She saw a fireplace, and a mantle piece, a little bit of light around her, dimmed lighting, enough to get around without much trouble but no real attention. A curtain was drawn over the sliding glass door to the back of this living room, but she heard Someone, hopefully Derek, was walking around , shuffling through some paper...she could smell some kind of fast food.
Marie sat up slowly, rubbing her neck, feeling like she had been out for days. She scented the fast food, and although technically she didn’t really need to eat, her stomach had never felt so empty. She looked at herself and felt grimy, knowing she had been laying in her own blood for days. Her arm ached and she could see her skin scar over where her black swirling marks had connected.

Getting up, she slowly walked over to where she heard the person, and she called out with a hoarse voice. “Derek?” She coughed and neared the sound closer.
As she croaked out the name, Derek looked up from he bag he was halfway inside of. Unlike Marie, he was unfortunately starving almost every day, perhaps his new abilities frim her blood no doubt. He looked fine at least..well better than how he looked while in the first wave of her blood vying him. But she could see soft red circles around his eyes, barely noticeable but she knew he hadn't been sleeping...but he seemed completely alert so he probably didn't feel sleepy in the slightest. "You're- You're up-" he said as he stepped to her, throwing his arms around her and embracing her.
She noticed the circles but didn’t say anything as Derek embraced her. She was shocked momentarily as he did such a thing, clearly not used to someone missing her. But she reciprocated in the same fashion, hugging him close and burying her face in his neck. “Are you okay?” She managed out, her warm breath on his neck and her voice still dry, reaching his ears, knowing she would need something to drink.
She took his drink and began to sip, not questioning what it was. When Marie pulled back, she looked at his face. “When is the last time you slept?” She asked, concern in her voice. She wondered then if Derek had her her cry out for him when Kaden had shoved that demon blade into his mortal skin.
Derek picked up a burger as she sipped his soda, it wet her tongue, pouring artificial lemon lime flavors carbonated sugar water down her throat. He actually thought about her question. "I. .haven't." He realized, but even then the data were clear enough in his head. "I've nust been waiting.. watching out for you, i thought it had been only a couple hours.

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