Twisted Desires (Knight)

She shrugs, “Perhaps, but..” she drifted off. “I know what you’re thinking,” she tells him as he got that look in his eye. “Kaden wouldn’t want my angel blood- a demon wouldn’t want that,” she crossed her arms. Knowing Lilith didn’t want it either, that wasn’t the reason why she attacked her mother. Just out of pure jealousy at that point.
Marie took notice but didn’t move. “Well, maybe after it’s gone, perhaps your life won’t be as hectic?” She inquired more than gave him something to focus on. That was his choice. Then again, maybe focusing on anything but the curse was a good decision. She gave a little laugh, “What if you started to learn magic?”
“A lot of humans had to sacrifice their humanity to become powerful,” she murmured, knowing he probably wasn’t set on that. “I hear that power is a gateway to becoming a demon..” she looked to him. “But for you, I don’t think that’ll happen, unless-“ she paused, “Well, if your power is stemmed from losing someone and you’re out for vengeance..yeah, that’s one possible way to becoming a demon.” It’s never been heard of such, but there was a possibility.
Marie paused a moment, glancing to his handsome face. “Have you ever been in love like that?” She asked a bit softly. She knew she had never, but she had never had the need or desire to. Such like her father for a while but eternity did eventually make the devil lonely so she wouldn’t be surprised if one day she was like that.
Derek looked over at her question, but then looked to the ground. "Hm...have I ever?..." he repated in thought. Think back beyond his curse, a girl here, and friend there. He could almost see her face again, they were young, pure, innocent. Unknowing of the dreadful world around them. "Not since I was just a boy....but there's no going back to those days." He said simply. How was she now? God he couldn't even remember the last time that was....years. a decade? A little over?
“Yeah..” she murmured and closed her eyes for a bit. Something was blocking her memory, but she couldn’t figure out what. “Anyways,” she murmured and cleared her throat.

As both the silvered moon and the blood moon drew near- Kaden had returned, with the unfortunate news of not knowing fully what was blocking Marie’s magic and had mentioned it to her that she would have to wait until tomorrow evening to see if the moon would help her step into her full potential.

He was seen talking to Lily, his twin sister, and their voices were hushed as they discussed matters. It was only when Kaden took notice of Derek lingering about and he stood up from where he was sitting and crossed the hallway to him. “Derek-“ he had a suspicious gleam in his eye. “You’re just the mortal I wanted to see,” he began, and swooped him into an uncomfortable position with Kaden’s arm around his shoulders. “How would you like to assist me in the ceremony tomorrow?” He asked, already knowing of Derek’s intentions, wanting Angel blood for his curse. As if that would happen. Surely Marie didn’t know that her new found boy toy wanted to use her like that.
Derek nearly scowled the instant Kaden put his arm around him and started acting all buddy buddy. He shrugged his his hand back off of him. "What, you need my help now? You've been just fine fucking it up on your own." He said. Fucking dirty theif. "And just fine stealing from your so called friend." He pressed with a soft whisper.
“What?” Kaden pretended to act shocked. “The only reason why I’m doing so, is to help her get home. You know that, right? I’m not using it for my own personal gain.” He crossed his arms, definitely looking offended at such accusations. “And I know you’re interested in magic. Don’t try to play dumb with me, it won’t work.” He spoke, looking at Derek’s scowling expression.
“Fine, be the self proclaimed hero, see if I care about it.” He scoffs and before he turns, “Just wait til she finds out you’re using her too.” And with that he walked off, going back over to Lily, who shot Derek a glare colder than the feeling of his curse- then they both left to go attend business elsewhere.

What should Derek do? Save his ass and use Marie…or tell her that Kaden will most definitely harm her in the upcoming ceremony?
Derek touched his chest as they left him, taking a breath to as he thought to himself. The cold drifted around him, but he brushed them off. Marie was going to get hurt because she wasn't going to listen to him. He would have to tell her the truth of Kaden again, even if it stalled his plan to obtain just a drop of her blood to break his curse. He walked away from the hallway, heading to track down Marie.
Tracking down Marie was pretty easy, given she was usually in the same area each time- the library. She was researching magical blockings and whatnot, trying to figure out how to get home without the need of the rising moons. She sighed, closed another tome and leaned back with her fingers pressed to the bridge of her nose. These readings seemed pointless and redundant. She felt like she wasn’t getting anywhere.

She looked up once she heard Derek come in to the library and she sat up a bit. “Hey-“ she spoke, greeting him. “What’s up?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess,” Marie gave a small sigh and then made a face at what Derek said. “What do you mean, do something to the ritual?” She was…not discounting his accusations, but merely questioning why he thought that way. Granted, Kaden had done some shady stuff in the past, but all demons had. Even she had done some questionable things. “If you’re mentioning that he’ll drain me completely and take my power for his? I’m not quite sure even he will do something of the sort. He’s a demon in his own caliber, he’s-“ she sighed, “He was meant to serve the royal family and protect it. That’s his task.” So essentially a knight protecting the princess from harm. “He’s not meant to destroy us, I know my father and you have similar ideas of what he can be up to but you need to trust me when I say, Kaden isn’t the kind to become twisted in his desires by any means.”
"Anyone can be disloyal with the right motivations. Your power is a strong one, he's already bleeding you of your magic and here you are defending him. He is a demon. And all I've read on them since I been in this coven is that they are driven by what they desire. If you think he's incapable of wanting something so badly that he would backstabbing you to get it you're being a fool." Derek said shaking his head at her, putting his hands on the table. "Everyone has that tiny thing that they will kill for. You surely saw that for thousands of years, Maria. What makes him different? He smiles at you and worked hard to prove himself? He's close to you so he's too enamored to dare lift a finger?" Derek pressed on, standing up, he didn't notice his breath was steaming on the air as he spoke, how his emotions were riling him up and making the room chill slightly with numbing cold. His chest felt off and he gripped the table gently. "'t trust him so blindly."
Marie leaned back as Derek became more riled up, her eyes glinting slightly with that demon electric yellow he had come to know. At the mention of her birth name she gave him a small narrow gaze but said nothing. She was fine with him calling her that, and her parents, her servants….but others? Not so much. Even so, the conversation at hand, the bone chill she felt from Derek’s riling-ness. When he finished she started her rebuttal.

“You can’t actually prove that he’s been draining me…” she mentioned and crossed her arms, noting the small grip he had on the table.

“And I don’t trust him blindly.” She mentioned and shifted to stand, putting her hand on Derek’s wrist and showing him a glimpse of the Kaden she had come to know.

The memories flickered like a recap of movie scenes- ones where saving the princess on a battle field, showing the princess how to fight and defend herself. Teasing her and calling on her fondly. Marie boasting at the fact that she didn’t have any suitors because she could scare them all away when in fact it was Kade doing so. He was protective of her, doted on her, overall the classic trope of ‘Knight falls for Princess’.

But what Marie didn’t see, was that Derek could see the true energy of Kaden’s very being. It was dark and deceitful, shrouded in mist and ill intentions. It was like a permanent sickly halo. The fact that Marie hadn’t picked up on it, never had saw it-didn’t make sense. Obviously Kaden was a very good trickster, and whether or not Marie’s father noticed this..or even had the slightest clue, surely he would have banished Kade by now. But it wasn’t that simple.

Was it?

Marie pulled back her grip from Derek. Her five foot two height meeting the bottom of his chin as she looked upward to him. “Before you start- what gives you the impression that he’s the way you describe him? Because what I’m hearing is that you can’t stand that there’s someone else besides yourself, fawning for my affection. And quite frankly although I find it flattering you would go through such lengths-“

She cut off as the clock strikes eleven, and she gives a small sigh. “Even if I were to believe you, it’s too late to back out now.” She murmured, a gut feeling telling her Derek wasn’t just spewing bullshit.
Derek twisted his head slightly as he saw the visions, the magic clashing with his mind as he witnessed the dark sickly aura around Laden, the malice and menace. He scowled now as she spoke about him basically being jealous, almost going to argue with her that he wasn't simply doing this because of some feeling of passion he felt. That he trying to protect her, to do what Kaden was clearly not. He went to argue further, but the time was ticking down closer to the time. "I see what others don't. I always do." He said looking down at her. "He's a deceiving bastard..."

Derek ofcourse knew that. All intentions aside, he could call himself that, he was still hanging around, not just because he cared for Marie but for a drop of her blood. Even if he took just one drop, Marie wouldn't forget it. "The most deadly enemy is the one you always want to trust the most."
Marie sighed, knowing some part of her believed Derek. It was just so difficult for her to accept that one of her closest friends could betray her as such.

"I guess we'll see then," She spoke, and saw Lily walk down the hallway, beckoning her for the start of the ritual.

When Derek would attend, he would feel the odd pull of the moon and the magic it held. When he would see Marie again, she was dressed in an all white gown, barefoot with her flowing hair framing her soft features.

She ironically laid on a stone table and Kaden stood over with her, a dagger in his hand. Marie looked to his hand and Kaden gave a small nod. "Your blood is to be shed, to break the magic barrier that is preventing you from your full potential." She knew Demons couldn't die- well- without the right tools..

Those words that Kaden spoke, would resonate in Derek, and a twinge of pain in his chest somehow knew, that dagger that Kaden was holding, wasn't just a plain dagger. It had to be magical, or something of the sort that could be crafted to specifically kill a demon. Now since Marie was half, how would that work?

The blade oddly glinted red, like it was made from a dragon's scale. Wait. No. This dagger wasn't to kill a demon, but to rid of an angel, and Marie was technically in her 'full' angel state at the moment.
Derek touched his heart as the ripple of magic on the air reverberate inside him. He flinched like he was shocked. "Fuck..don't...don't do it!" He said to himself. He could feel the chills coming around him, wrapping around him closer and closer. Something was wrong...more than simple treachery, it was excited almost the closer the clock ticked by. "Kaden, wait!" Derek said starting to push himself up to the table. "Don't you feel it!" He said as his breath steamed the air, his skin paling little by little, his curse sigil starting to burn with sickly energy under his shirt.
Kaden stopped, looking to Derek with a widened expression.

Marie, on the other hand looked confused, noting his pallor change. "Derek?" She questioned but Kaden sighed, "He feels the energy from this blade," He mentioned to her, and Marie looked to the blade, now seeing it's true form. "Kaden,-" she hesitates.

"You told me this blade wouldn't harm me!" She began to sat up and Kaden stepped back, still holding onto the blade. "Yes, it won't. It will just rid you of your angel side, making you a full demon.." He clarified, trying to make her believe him. "When we shed angel blood tonight, your full potential as a demoness can begin!" He raised his voice, looking between the pair. "I was under the impression that you hated your angel half..."

Marie shifted to bring her legs around to dangle off the table. "I- I do, but I don't want to rid myself of that part, I want to learn to accept it!" She exclaimed, just as Derek's energy chilled the air, hers began to heat up, and a subtle golden glow could been seen around Marie.

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