Twisted Desires (Knight)

She knew the answer, but wondered what would come of it if she actually said his name out loud. “Kade…is not meant to rule.” She said her words very carefully. “Any child of Lilith is forbidden to ever set foot on the throne- my father made it that way because Lilith tried murdering my mom when she was pregnant with me..” and that was on being born early through an emergency C-section. She knew her parents had lost her sibling before and they were not going to lose another.

“So if there truly is a bite mark, then that not only means he’s using me to get the throne, and he…unfortunately is the one blocking my powers if my body is rejecting his bite.” She was incredibly self aware, probably more so than Derek had given her credit for.
“If I can’t see it, it means he had done it magically somehow..” Marie frowned, “Unless there was a day where I was unbelievably shit faced?” She inquired but didn’t expect him to answer. “Whatever though…it’s inhibiting me and draining me which could only prove that I am definitely not accepting his advances as his mate, since technically some demons do mate for life…” but she wasn’t going to get into the whole mated bullshit side of things.
“I’m not sure, I never really dealt in magic syphoning so I really wouldn’t know where to start.” She admitted, and it’s true, magically draining someone was no easy task, and perhaps that’s why Kade had stressed so much about the silver moon coming up. That meant that one of her closest friends was using her. That stung deeper than she had expected and Derek would see her sort of baffled that Kaden would do such a thing.
She gave a small sigh and shrugged “There’s really nothing I can do, all I know is that once he is done, my magic will regenerate so for what purpose he needs it for..” she trailed off, her eyes beginning to glow a soft yellow. Why was he doing this? Should she confront him?

“Maybe he has a legitimate reason, I know he has someone else he’s infatuated with so perhaps that’s the reason.” The person in question was a mere mortal, perhaps she was sick and his magic wasn’t enough to heal her, so desperate times called for desperate measures…
"So hes desperate enough to steal your strength, and lie to you...come on. Don't make up excuses for him not even giving you a choice." Derek said rolling his eyes at her words. "He's stabbing you in the back, you want to go home and he's pretending he has no idea?" Derek stood up. "I don't know him like you do...but if I was you, I'd be seeing where all that power he's siphoning is going. Just in case."
Marie sighed, looking at her hands. “Derek…Kaden and I grew up together-“ she paused, knowing he probably didn’t care. “My father warned me about him, saying that Lilith’s son was a spitting image of her and to be careful, and for the most part I haven’t seen or known of a reason to not trust him.” She looked up towards him. “Believe it or not, he and I have destined fates, and according to my father either I go down Kaden’s path or…the one he does not know the name of yet..” the one Satan didn’t know the name of yet was standing right in her room.
“I’m not asking you to trust him, I just want you to understand my reasoning…” Marie said with a sigh, leaning back and looking to him. Certainly they were tangled in the red string of fate- it was only figuring out where that fate led to.

“Hopefully with the rising silver and blood moon we can figure out more about your situation…” she changed the topic, looking to his chest, knowing of the mark that was there.
“Perhaps it’s an entity that even I or Kade know nothing about…” Marie spoke more to herself than anything else. “Curiouser and curiouser,” she murmured and stood, shifting over to him slowly. She was so short by him but, Derek would get an odd sense of Marie liked wearing heels. “If it’s not too much for you to handle, can I tap into the curse?” She asked. Tap into the curse? Well, it was magic based, right? Perhaps she could decipher it, because she knew her father had spent time teaching her such a thing.
The fact that he was so fucking tall next to her would have normally made her annoyed, but she liked him. Simply so, she shrugged at his words, moving his hand with her own. “I need to figure out the source..” she explained and touched on his mark, closing her eyes and trying to find where it came from. Derek would feel her extremely warm touch, like his skin should have melted from it.
As she reached out, her magic trying to bind with the cursed energy. It ran into her marks, seeping in a deep chill that she never could burn away. It surged inti her body and threatened to freeze her very core. Colder than ice, colder anything of the earth. It numbed her body next, making her vision swim with a newfound weakness, black patches dotting her vision. Whatever she had brushed against, it was something powerful, far stronger than any demon or beast she had ever witnessed.
As the chill reached her very core, she drew back suddenly, her eyes shooting open and staring wide at Derek. All she had felt was freezing, empty cold. She had never felt cold in her immortal life- but this thing she had just touch, felt like she had experienced death for the first time. She touched her swirling marks on her arms, trying to warm herself up with her already weakened magic- but ultimately failed. Derek could see how pale she had become, and she turned away, holding her mouth and hoping that she wouldn’t throw up from the sick feeling she had just felt.

Calming down, and visibly shook, she glanced at him. “Whatever the fuck it was, it’s certainly something or…someone I am not familiar with.” She paused and looking at his face more, something finally clicked.

“Wait.” She said, and Derek should be confused on what she would say next, “Wait wait wait, no-“ she hesitates in her wording, “there’s no fucking way you…you!” She exclaimed. What was Marie implying?

“You’re the one in my father’s prophecy! You’re meant to-“ she was cut off by a knock on her door.

“Maria!” Her handmaiden’s voice called, “I felt a terrible magic entity coming from here,” Lily said, clearly worried about the princess. “Is everything all right?”
Lily paused as she heard Derek’s voice, “Are you sure? I can-“ she cut off as someone called her down the hallway. “I’ll come back to check on her later,” she promised and turned, leaving away from the door.

Marie let Derek steady her, and as he touched her, he would see how cold her skin was to the touch at the moment. She was a demon, her skin shouldn’t be cold- and if it was, if she had tried to figure out his curse and it affected a demon that much…
"You're freezing..." he said guiding her to her bed, in comparison Derek almost felt like a relaxing campfire "what did you see?" He said as he helped her sit down, the chill lingering on her still, almost like Death was standing over her in her final seconds. But she couldn't see him yet so luckily she hadn't drawn that particular straw
She was guided to her bed, and as she sat down and heard his question- she looked to him, her eyes still lingering with that fear. “It was like death, staring straight into my very being.” She paused and Marie sighed, “And I know death personally, he’s actually not as terrible as some might think- but besides that, whatever latched itself to you only wishes for death and nothingness.” She shivered and looked to her wrists, “I don’t think my angel blood will truly get rid of that curse.” Wait. How did she know about her blood healing…?
“A being that is lost to time, that I’m certain not even my father, as old as he is, knows about it..” she clarifies, brushing over the blood part for now.

“But my blood?” She brought the subject back, “Angel blood has incredible healing properties,” she explained further. “Demon blood is more…acidic and can probably burn through mortal flesh.”
"Everything you say about Demons is making me rethink my hiw most humans think demons are fun" Derek said with a half chuckle, ut sit next to her slowly. He closed his eyes in thought and touched his head, gripping his hair. " cursed by some malicious ancient...something?...and apparently I'm apart of some prophecy."
“Yeah.” She said in reply to his half chuckle, and watched him grip his head. “Look, sometimes fate can be changed,” she mentioned, “I know we’re getting all Grecian here but the fates that sometimes work in conjunction with my father- know that one fate is not set in stone.” Marie explained further. Wait, was Lucifer just another name for Hades? And if so…that would mean so many other religions and stuff coincides with one another.
“Well, not exactly that,” she explained with a small shake of her head and smile on her lips. “Either way, I know my angel blood has magical properties and theoretically we can use that to help your curse,” she started on that again, but continued, “And since it’s so powerful and rare- I know anyone and everyone would want after it.”

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