Twisted Desires (Knight)

Her eyebrows raised, “Only a couple of hours? From what I can tell my body tells me it’s been a few days…” she murmured and touched on the scar that graced her forearm after she had placed down his drink. She rubbed her neck and looked around. “I’m assuming it’s been pretty quiet then?” She asks and looks to his chest briefly, wondering how his curse was holding up.
She looked lost in her thoughts. “We have to be careful then.” She murmured softly, “so…where are we at?” She asked next, feeling her stomach rumble a little. Unfortunately when demons did eat, it was usually human flesh/blood. She felt like a vampire at that point. It almost felt silly to mention.
She looked at the burger, before taking it and eating it rather quickly. Sure it curbed her hunger but sooner or later she would have to go on a human hunt. She was in no way going to eat Derek, she liked him too much to do so. “So, a housing project. Seems…safe enough,” she mumbled in between bites.
She paused after swallowing and looked down at the wrapper in her hands after hearing Derek’s words. “He wasn’t always like that,” she reminded Derek softly, he could tell it wasn’t something she had expected. “Whatever,” she mumbled and crumpled the wrapper in her hand and looked up, her vision blurred a little. Her arm ached from Lily’s gash, but she could work through it. Obviously Derek was in worse shape than she was, and they had to figure out how to save his mortal ass from his impending death when her blood finally ran its course through his body.

“So, about your curse..” she began, her eyes finally focusing on his handsome face. “I think I may know someone who could help us,” she mentioned. A being older than her father, and much stronger but was never one to cause conflict and just let Lucifer do his thing for he had no such desire to “rule”.
“Well…that really depends,” she spoke carefully, biting her lip gently. “He doesn’t really deal with humans but he does owe me a favor..” she mentioned, trying to remember how to locate him. Never found easily, and even a straight portal wouldn’t work. This would definitely take time but they didn’t have time. Well, Derek didn’t. Either way, it was their only option now.
"Oh? That easy huh?" He said as she thought and thought, he existed in some splintered segment of reality, a pocket plane that he took up when Lucifer made his will to take up control of hell in his own grasp. He simply stepped back and allowed it. The demon had a small window to allow for any that had a reason to find him, a gate way that would collapse and reform, centuries at a time in different locations around the globe. You couldn't reach him or that gate directly with a portal either ofcourse. He desired to force one to struggle and put in effort to reach him, only the worthy should dare try to speak to the Father of Fire. To reach the gate, they would need to gather some clues together first .
“Ugh, unlikely,” she drones and gave a small sigh. “Well the way we’re going, it shouldn’t take forever butttt you have borrowed time,” she reminded him, shivering slightly at the memory of what she saw on his side when it had been sunken in. She didn’t want him to die. Who’s to say he even would go to hell with that curse having a hold on him?
She watched him close in, and then when he placed a kiss on her lips, she leant in just a bit. Letting him kiss her again. She pulled back after a few moments of enjoying it. “Well, I don’t have to care,” she teased a little. Her arm aches again, but she ignored it. “You do need to rest though,” she mentioned and wondered if he would object.
She made a face at his teasing, “Yes- you need to-“ she gave a soft muffled noise of surprise when he kissed her again. She pulled back and forgot how to speak for a moment. “You-“ she huffed, “You are on borrowed time,” she mentioned, worry gracing her beautiful features again. Why was he so affectionate? Weren’t they just butting heads a few months ago?
"Im a human Marie, we're all borrowing time when you think about it" he said shrugging like it was no big deal. Ofcourse he wasn't exactly clear headed despite her magics cutting down the effects if her blood on him. He was perhaps as lax as she had ever seen him. Derek drew his hands around her. "So why should I start getting scared now?"
“Because you- you’re on more borrowed time than you realize,” she murmured, trying to make him understand but she realized her blood in him made him almost too pacified. When he wrapped his arms around her, her cheeks flushed again, and she gave a sigh, gave up trying to explain hand just fell forward in his embrace. She wished he knew exactly how she was beginning to feel for him. She had never fallen for a human in this way. Humans were just stupid little creatures her grandfather loved to torture with his ‘all knowing power’ so why did she care so much about this human in particular?
“I’m not scared,” she said rather defensively, but softened as he kissed her cheek, “And no. Humans never know what happens to them after death…” she made a face and sighed. “I’m sorry Derek but, I’m trying to at least prevent you from falling in the hands of the asshole you cursed you when you die.” She still stayed by him.
She frowned at his optimism and even as she reciprocated the kiss she still wasn’t convinced by his words, “Derek- how-“ she didn’t know what to say next. “I-“ she gave a frustrated sigh. Then she finally looked into his eyes, “Either way, I’m finding a way to keep you alive,” more like she’ll fight to keep his soul alive.
She watched him move and lay down, and she gave another small frown. She knew that she had her angel side holding her back. She was frustrated mostly with herself and how she simply just couldn’t keep Derek from going down a path of ultimate demise and she knew now she had to figure out a way to save the only man she had ever had affection for his soul literally be ripped away from his physical body.
“Derek…what am I going to do?” She said pretty much to herself, letting him rest. She turned and decided to go into the other room to practice magic. Then as she practiced, she would feel a certain pull to a certain spell in an old language she remembered seeing one day in a tome of hers. She mumbled out some of the words she could remember. “To seek that which one desires, one must purge thyself in holy fires…” she blinked, frowning as it seemed quite odd translated in English. Holy fires? Hm. Maybe she got the translation wrong. It wasn’t like she could look at the tome itself, it was laying in her bedroom where she couldn’t reach.

Closing her eyes, steadying her breathing, she flipped through her memories, trying to figure out that certain spell.

“To meet the one you cannot see physically, giveth unto he that of which keeps oneself from achieving power…”

She paused, was that the right wording?? She hated that the person she was thinking about was pretty much impossible to find. He was much much older than her grandfather and her grandfather was older than dirt. Literally.
As considered the spells and the wording, she felt the memories brushing iver her senses. Her father standing with her as he was rolling up the scroll. One of two to be taken and stashed away at the far-reaching of the earth. He turned to two devils. "Take these, this one goes on the earth, house it low where the world breathes best. Take the other. And it shall go deep, deep below the waves where one shall never see, and the grasp of the sea will crush them into oblivions embrace " he said to the twin devils. They took them in hand and bowed, vanishing into the ripples of magic.
She opened her eyes suddenly at the memories. That has to be it! She gave a soft sigh and tried to piece together her father’s riddles. If only she had a map, map map map map… Duh, her phone! She brought it out, looking at the crushed screen and cursing when it wouldn’t turn on. Dammit ! She threw it in anger onto the ground. Sighing, she didn’t really know what to do. She wanted nothing more than to save Derek. But she couldn’t do that if she was so fucking useless.

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