Twisted Desires (Knight)

A day or two had passed when Derek had read that book, and something couldn’t escape his mind- how could he gain Marie’s trust enough to where he could get close to taking her angel blood?

Marie was walking about the coven, Kaden had gone away for a week for about magical business but promised Marie he would continue to find a way for her to return home.

It was then she bumped into Derek, and blinked as she came back to reality, she had been lost in her thoughts.
Instead of snapping, she blinked and shrugged, "No more luck than yesterday or the day before," She mentioned and watched him momentarily. Humans surely were not that fascinating but again, something about this human in front of her.. "And you? Any luck on your curse?" not that she would care. Why should she?
"Not exactly much progress...even here, I might not be getting jumped at night, but...something is definitely still the same. Like they are just over my shoulder." He said sighing, rubbing his Dave. "Times like these I almost think it would be faster to let them just kill me and get it over with." He mutters to himself as he looked away. 'Where's your boy toy?" He asked
“You’re marked with a curse like Cain was for killing his brother.” She suddenly blurted out, and then remembered not everyone knew that story. Clearing her throat after the mention of Kade she began to say something but then raised an eyebrow. “What- do you not know he’s not..” exactly human? Was what she was going to add, but she figured Derek would have been perceptive. Perhaps all his perceptiveness was traded with that handsome head of his.
"Not...? Your boyfriend?" Derek finished, the handsome young man moved closer to her suddenly, just a step closer to her. Ofcourse he knew Kade wasn't a human, but he would probe around as much aa he could for a way in. As for the curse...Cain's curse was to wander for Eternity...perhaps it was adjacent to that idea, but the cult assassins didn't exactly say much.
Her feathers were ruffled simply because of how he inched closer. She could scent his skin- and how different it compared to Kade’s. Whereas Kaden’s was similar to her own, Derek just had these…pheromones about him that for some odd reason kept wanting to pull her in.

Snapping back to reality, and forcing down a blush, she shakes her head, “No- I mean, we sorta are together but-“ she shrugged “It’s complicated,” she explained but didn’t wish to go into detail with him, figuring he would cry of boredom if she so did.

If Marie understood what kind of demon she would become, it would make more sense but as of right now, suppressing that side, it was becoming more and more difficult to do so.
“It’s just, Demon and Angels relationships can be…messy,” she stated and leaned back on a wall, figuring she would be questioned by him more. It’s not like he would remember what she was telling him. “It’s hard to explain,” she mentioned and yawned a little. Wait, why was she calling herself an angel? Wasn’t she clearly a demon too? Unless Derek already knew..
She looked at his expression. “Pfft, do you even have the slightest idea of why I’m here and not back at home sweet home?” She had to contain rolling her eyes. “It’s because my demon side is suppressed without full cause as to why, so my angel half is more prominent right now.” If he didn’t believe her, she could just…surprise him with the look of her wings.
Derek raised an eyebrow. "Oh? So im too good looking to smart? Damn I don't know if im more offended that you think im an idiot or that I'm a shiny and cute idiot." He said as unrolling his arms, with a slight shake of his head. "I'll have to think about that." He said turning to walk by her.
Marie was…speechless to say the least, watching him walk off and being absolutely dumbfounded on what to say next. Never, had she ever been that way around a human. Let alone a male human. What in the world was going on? First she wasn’t able to go home, and next she found herself daydreaming about Derek which was odd as fuck.
She spent the next few days trying to not think about the mortal, but alas when they bumped into each other again, Marie had no words left to say to him. It was just…dripping with awkwardness at this point, the tension that was there in her mind. But Derek couldn’t deny it either, he had felt something, regardless of what his mind was telling him, the connection between them was something unreal.
Once at her door, he would overhear a conversation. "Dad- I'm fine! I know I can't get home to you and mom right now," she paused, "I don't know what's blocking the magical barrier..." she paused again, "Kaden has been a big help," and she gave a smaller sigh, "I know he's the son of Lilith," Derek would be able to hear the eye roll. "No, he won't harm me, I know, I know, Lilith has been vindictive.." she trailed off. "Wait, you're breaking up-' she was cut off and then cursed as the call ended.

She sighed and got up, beginning to go towards the door to clear her thoughts, opening it and coming face to face with Derek.
Marie had to restrain a deeper blush from his words. “So, if I challenge you in a fistfight that’ll de-stress me?” She asked mentioning about his so called magic hands. Then again it was in her nature to fight everything, considering how short she actually was, coming up at 5 feet, 2 inches tall.

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