Twisted Desires (Knight)

He could see the wheels in her pretty head turning, and she gave it a moment’s thought. “Well..” she began, seemingly trying to word her answer the best she could. “Although you make a few points..” she paused and glanced over to the calendar in her room. The silver moon was still a week or so away, and Kaden would be there.. “Kaden mentions my purity and in how I should keep pure for the silver moon ritual..” but virgin blood meant blood that had never been spilt before…right?
She stared at him, Marie caught off guard by his words. “You’re drawn to me?” She asked, knowing what his answer already was. “That’s weird because..I feel this pull and it’s annoying the hell out of me,” she muttered and brushed her hair back. He would see how delicate and soft her features were- even if she was radiating cooled off demon energy but that angelic feeling he got while in her presence…never went away.
As he moved forward, she stepped back- feeling like his gaze was melting her very being. “I’m not sure,” she stated, the tension between them could only be felt more. It had been growing for weeks since they met. “I feel like…I can’t get you out of my mind, and I never focus on humans this much.” If things were going how they were, Derek might be known as the human who fucked the demon princess.
“I-“ she paused, stopping herself from moving. Her heart raced loudly in her chest, she could’ve sworn that he might hear it. “What…what are you going to do then?” She asked, a bit shyly at first. Her demoness pheromones would slowly wrap around Derek’s brain- and it might shut off all logical reasoning on why he shouldn’t kiss her at this moment. Kaden would have his head for laying hands on his ‘woman’. But weren’t blood moons meant to seal that shit? And in no way was this demon fighting for his right so…free game.
She was caught off guard- she had never kissed anyone like this before so she wasn’t sure on what to do. She gave a muffled noise of surprise and just…melted into the rhythm of his lips against hers. When he pulled back for air, her eyes opened and stared at him- two electric yellow serpent eyes burned into his face, but he wouldn’t feel threatened or scared of them, simply because who knew Marie tapping into her demon side for once- could turn a man on…
A burning sensation rose inside of her chest, and she only began to feel warmer with each passing kiss. Although warm to the touch, she wouldn’t in no way burn Derek- she knew she had control of her temperature and knew exactly who to scorch if they touched her in a way she didn’t want. But this? She knew deep down, she wanted it all along and now, as he held her close and they shared a kiss- she felt her guard dropping more and more as she let him in.
She let him pull away, her lips glossy from the kiss. Marie helped him in removing her shirt, and a simple black bra was shown. Her chest was nice and supple, and he could look at the unblemished skin- a picture of perfection. While there were a few moments passing, she moved forward and her hands touched on the waistband of his pants, tugging at them gently.
Marie couldn’t help but stare at his monster of a cock, and in between her legs all she felt was wet- like her own body was prepared for action..prepared for him. When he began to kiss her neck, Marie couldn’t help but let out a sweet moan, the feeling of him there reminded her how demon marks worked, but that thought only lasted for a brief moment as she got lost in passion with him.
As she was placed on the bed, she couldn’t help but feel even hotter at what was conspiring between them. To her knowledge she had never been desired in this way by anyone. Obviously she had been oblivious to Kade’s advances but nevertheless she only cared about what was happening between her and Derek right now. Marie moaned as Derek was sliding and grinding against her tight slit and she opened up for him, wanting him to push past that barrier of hers. She didn’t know why she wanted him to do that so badly but..if their pull for one another was anything less of a cosmic interaction..

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