Watching the Show (Craze)

Kissing him back she lets out a squeal of joy "I love you too, Malakai" as she took a breathe to think about this. She hopped out of his arms pacing for a moment now able to actually think about everything from last night to this morning. While the stove was still heating up she got a chair to set in front of the fridge where she climbed up to get to the cabinets above. She pulled out a box the size of her hand, standing there a few seconds " um...probably should have mentioned last night or...uh this morning" nervously speaking while she stepped off the chair. "I am not on any sort of birth control and we did not use protection..." in her hands was a plan B that she had just encase something happened. "h....honestly...I um...I don't want to..." biting her lips a little knowing this was a big topic for them after all them have gone through.
She shook her head seeming to grow more nervous by the second "I do...want a kid" swallowing down her nerves as she spoke, she was crazy but if they took him away again at least she would have a part of him with her at all times. Raya took a deep breath finally looking up to him "But um...I understand if you're not ready" adding that he had an opinion in this as well.
His eyes widened as he finally realized, and then he suddenly grasped her hands, “No, no! I am ready, I’ve always been ready to have a family with you,” he said quickly, using a hand to brush hair out of her beautiful face. “I would love nothing more than to raise a family with you..”
Raya felt like a fool she had forgotten that but then again she thought he was dead, her hands gripping his to be sure he was actually here in front of her "y-yes, I remember that promise..." forcing herself to let go and head into the bedroom. She returned with the promise ring he gave her but after not receiving his letter for over a year she put it away in a box on her dresser "I had always wondered if this was a promise ring or an engagement ring" she commented
He held her hands close to his, and then as she left and came back with the promise ring, he blushed a bit more than expected. “To be first it was meant as a promise ring..but I intended it to turn into an engagement ring up until I was able to afford a proper one-“ he explained himself.
At last catching her breath while he would press his lips to the ring n her finger followed by an answer of telling his parents as soon as possible making her blush deeply at the thought of their reaction. She could not grow nay more red by his following suggestion "Breakfast still has not been served" pointing out as she slips from his grip. She got to work cracking the eggs, preparing their scrambled eggs with bacon the side.

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