A Vampire Raised with Lycans (the Brit)

She would see him take her hand, holding it gently. “I promise to you here on sacred ground that I will protect you with my life,” he promised and she could tell she would be safe.

“If you came with me to my pack, would you still have to attend the wedding ceremony?” He asked her softly, wondering if she would catch on to what he was trying to put out.
His heart swelled when he heard the love part, and he leaned closer to her face, “I could then be with someone I love as well,” he mentioned. “Tonight I meant to take an oath of abstinence but, I could instead take my forever mate..” he tells her, his muscled physique highlighted softly from the glowing fire.
His bite could be felt a few seconds after she allowed him, and as she would be filled with the venom from his fangs- she would definitely feel the bond between them strengthen. “Melody-“ he breathed out her name in pleasure as he took a pause and continued to mark her, pressing her body close to his. When he was done, he slowly released his fangs, and licked over the bite mark gently, letting it heal over. “You’re my forever mate,” he murmured sweetly into her ear, and she would be able to feel how stiff his member was underneath her lap, ready to feel whatever she was willing to give him.
Melody gave a soft moan as he filled her with pleasure from just his venom, replying to his moan of her name with his own "Adaaaam..." She sighed softly, before nodding to his words as he spoke "I wouldn't want to be anything else..." She shifted a little, pulling her panties down to reveal the last part of her body she'd hidden.
Adam watched her, and he took two fingers, reaching down and rubbing her in between her slit gently, even as he began to lay her back on the soft bed that was there. He rubbed her slowly, pressing a finger inside of her slowly, hoping to get her accustomed to something being in there before he would use his member next.
Adam nodded, adding a second finger. He leant down, kissing her breasts and biting on them- drinking blood from her slowly. He then pulled his head back, and his hand, before trailing her body with kisses, his head coming up and between her legs, licking her there steadily - happy to taste her for the first time. His soft wolfen ears brushed against her thighs as he worked his tongue on her- and his tail was wagging as he did so.
He pulled back and gave her a pointed grin. "Most definitely," he tells her next, moving up and kissing her gently, letting her taste herself. Adam then lined his member up to her slit, rubbing her entrance gently with his tip. "By doing this, we'll be bound together forever- by the shedding of your blood here on sacred ground.." he reminded her, his eyes falling onto hers, full of love and desire in his gaze.

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