A Vampire Raised with Lycans (the Brit)

Adam nodded, looking to her, “Yes- I-“ he thought a moment, before an idea popped into his head. “Here,” he held out his wrist, “It can’t only be for a few minutes but, drink my blood and you’ll see my memories of you,” when she would, she would see herself through Adam’s eyes, especially would figure out how he thought how absolutely beautiful she was.
She looked at his wrist "Are... Are you sure?" She asked, before realising he must have been and taking said bite. She paused as the memories hit her, flushing a deep red as she could see herself through his eyes, every imagined imperfection gone, leaving just her pale skin, shining in the moonlight of his vision "I... Is... Is this really how you see me?" She questioned softly, also feeling how he felt alongside the visions.
He pulled back as the bite healed, and he nodded, “Yes, Melody-“ he paused, “I truly do believe you are beautiful.”

Before anything could get further, a laugh could be heard and Melody’s husband to be entered into the moonlight, sneering a bit at Adam. “Oh what do we have here, hm?” He looked at Adam who instantly growled at him, “Don’t growl at me, mutt,” he snarled and stalked over to Melody. “You-“ he pointed a finger, and gave a yell of surprise when Adam turned wolfen and pounced on him, pinning him down.

Adam’s figure was much larger than Melody’s fiancé, she would…notice. Adam kept the man pinned and growled, “What are you doing here, trespassing on sacred grounds?!”
Traivor grunted as he was effectively pinned by the beast, and he sneered up at Adam when he was asked why he was here.

“I came early to see her,” he motioned with his head to Melody, “But I had found her missing so I followed where she went.” And Adam dug his sharp claws into his flesh.

Adam growled lowly, “Still, you trespassing here will cause you some serious grief,” he flicked his tail, not letting the man up for anything. “Now. Go back to your coven- far away from where Melody is-“ he leaned in, his salvia from his sharp fangs dripping down, his hot breath on Traivor’s face.

Traivor honestly looked frightened, even as he was let up, and he scrambled back, his eyes widened from the very fact of how powerful this mutt seemed to be.

Adam padded back over to Melody, big enough to shield her from any attack angle. And he did just that, growling more at Traivor who stood, and hissed, “Fine! But beware, I’ll come back, and I won’t be alone..!” He promised, stalking off into the night.

Adam relaxed as he scented Traivor leaving, and he looked to Melody. “Are you alright?” He asked worriedly next.
As she gently pet him, he gave a lick on one of her hands. “I’m perfectly fine,” he tells her next, giving a small huff. “He’s nothing but a sad little bloodsucker,” he growled slightly at her mention of Traivor. He then moved and went down to the moon pool again. The water glistening in the dimly lit part of the cave. The moon pool was special for many reasons, the water offered healing capabilities, and has even seen the bond between people unfold in its waters. He glanced to her. “May I show you something?” He asked, shifting forms, but this time more…revealing, with only enough to cover his lower half for her, he clearly meant to go into the water.
He lead her into the surprisingly deep pool, and once floating he smiled to her. “Watch this,” he mentioned and a tiny bit of light filtered over them, and he glanced upwards, she would be able to see shaman marks form on his body, slightly glowing. He closed his eyes and let them form, before turning to her. “There’s a secluded cave underneath this pool,” he mentions next, “We shamans sleep there during the night to provide us protection from predators and return during the day,” he explained and then asked, “Would you like to join me for the rest of the night?” He asked.
As she took a breath and went under, he followed. Leading her the way. They came up on the other side in a cozy little cave. This place had a bed made out of soft moss, surprisingly an animal fur blanket and a few soft places to put your head on. A small dried fruit pile, some firewood, flint, everything you could need for a night here. He stood up and got out of the water, helping her out of the water next. “This is one of the hidden entrances..” he mentioned to her next.
He was in fact, grateful for the fire, and the warmth it offered. He soon dried off by it and leaned back gently. He glanced at her briefly, wondering what exactly was running through her mind at this moment. His shaman marks were prominent, and he still had a duty to fulfill but now with her…

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