A Vampire Raised with Lycans (the Brit)

Lilia made a noise, drinking as he instructed, her body slowly healing from the abuse it had taken. She actually had lost most of her sight due from the brutal force of the same guard so she was used to it. As she drank, he would see her tears, and she pulled away, blood staining her perfect lips. “My prince- you- you know I am merely but a servant…” she murmured and heard a woman’s voice come into the room. “She’s right darling,” Kayla, William’s supposed betrothed. She was gorgeous, of course, but a total bitch.

Kai slows down surprisingly, noting her wine. Soon she would get used to his size, and would only be able to fit him.
William rolled his eyes as Kayla entered, turning to face her "And what, Kayla? She's a good servant. I'd much rather have her work be rewarded with care, than see her abused." He shrugged, looking at the pretty woman.

She gasped a little as he slowed, but as her body started to adapt her whines became moans again, her heat scent enveloping them both as her juices squirted past his forming knot..
Kayla sighed and crossed her arms, “She’s just another human,” she looked over at Lilia. “They’re easily replaceable,” she scoffed and looked back at William. “Your father requests your presence,” she mentioned and smirked a little. “And you know the blood moon ceremony is soon, where you’ll take your forever mate..” she reminded him pointedly, knowing she would be in that position, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t purposely choose another.

Lilia flinched at the words Kayla spoke, knowing they stung all too deep. She shifted and fixed her dress, fixing her collar. Before William could get a word in, she quickly dismissed herself, and left his quarters.

Kai moaned as he felt her cum, and his knot only grew, becoming bigger by the moment and remaining inside of her as he continued to thrust, soon beginning to cum deep within her. He howled in pleasure, loving how Carmen felt.
William stalked past Kayla, muttering angrily "So are harlots..." As he did so, even as he headed for his fathers chambers.

Carmen writhed underneath him as his knot filled her up, his release filling her pussy and making her cry out in pleasure as he howled above her. Soon she slumped though, worn out by the aggressive nature he'd fucked her with..
Kayla grinned to herself as he stalked off, and she went back to whatever she was doing before she had interrupted him and that mere servant girl.

His father was talking his ear off, scolding him on how he had princely duties to attend, not to stalk the village at night like a lowlife commoner. He had to remain focused if he truly wanted to take over, and to start showing interest in Kayla, she was the other coven’s only girl heir, as her brother had mysteriously disappeared when he was just a babe. They were meant to form an alliance.

Kai gave Carmen a few licks on her shoulders, slowly leaving her depths and giving a soft sigh of relief. “Mm, I should really move you to my quarters..” he murmured softly.

Lilia walked along, passing the throne room and then she would have to get supplies for tonight’s dinner down in the cellar, going to get one of the unfortunate humans that were nothing but livestock for the vampires. She passed the guard and she could feel his eyes on her. She swallowed nervously as she continued her duties, but he stopped her, and she could tell he was looming over her again.

“If you cry out, I’ll cut that pretty throat of yours,” he whispered in her ear, and she knew she had to remain silent. She didn’t want any of this, but let him have his way with her, praying and hoping William would somehow find out.
William kept the anger he felt internal, rather than speaking ill to his father. After all, why should his father tell him how to live his life? It just pissed him off "I wasn't stalking the street! Axel caught a werewolf, who escaped. We were bringing her back!"

Carmen whimpered a little as Kai licked her shoulders, her form shifting as she breathed out, lying near comatose in her human form beneath him.
“And drink from that lowlife?!” His father raged on, he certainly wasn’t the same man who had loved a werewolf. “Kayla told me what had happened.” He shook his head. “And that servant you fawn over, that will have to stop, once you’re king,” he instructed. “I’m having her shipped first thing to the other coven after the blood moon,” he said, figuring that was best.

Lilia laid there in a bale of hay, fresh blood on her legs once more. The guard was readjusting his belt to his pants. “I have to thank whoever healed you,” he mentioned and wiped blood off of his mouth. “I’m sure I’ll need you again later,” he smirked and turned, leaving the poor servant girl there. She had fresh bite marks on her flesh, and she felt so weak.

Kai shifted to his human form, and scooped her up very easily. He managed to get her to his quarters and laid her down on the bed.
As William left, a blood scent he would catch, all too familiar. Somewhere, Lilia was hurt again, and it could only mean that guard..

If and when William found Lilia, the poor servant girl was passed out, the bite marks still fresh, the skirts of her dress stained with her purity blood again.

Kai raised an eyebrow. He might be a horny ass motherfucker but he wasn’t that kind of a brute. He let her rest, knowing she would have to regain her strength if he had plans to mate her again and again.
The guard was in the hallway for the knights, laughing and drinking pints of blood. He was boasting with the other knights on how he ‘feasted’ on the servants, and who he got that day. Now everyone knew about Lilia. She was a very easy lay, knowing that her meekness wouldn’t get them in trouble, but little did they know they were playing with fire.
He was taken aback, wincing as he was slammed against the wall. “What ? I don’t see no mark on her claiming she’s your mate-“ he laughed and didn’t know how much fucking trouble he was in. “As far as I’m concerned she’s fair game.” He smirked, “But you should have heard how she cried for you,” that was his last words, but he didn’t know that.
William's eye twitched, and a second later the guard was dead, head torn clean off his body "Bastard..." He growled, before stalking away to his room, to check on Lilia.

Carmen groaned weakly as she woke back up, rubbing her head "Wh... Wha...t happened..." She mumbled, a little lost from the sheer force she'd been fucked with.
Lilia was sleeping, her beautiful features full once more, due to the healing capabilities of William’s blood. Now, there was on his dresser a stunning diamond necklace meant for his betrothed, but perhaps it would look much better on Lilia, if he so desired.
(You know the pic I had of him, holding a necklace? Yeah, that one :3)

Kai was lounging next to her as she woke, “Rise and shine pet,” he said and yawned, “You talk in your sleep, did you know that?” He questioned.
Like she even could see…but even so, the thought crossed his mind. He had to remind himself after the new moon that was tonight, the blood moon would begin to rise. Now about her being shipped off…that was something he had to to prevent. To take his forever mate…perhaps under the new moon he might do something drastic, take a human as his mate, but then again, wouldn’t he want to share eternity with her?
(So my plot is Kayla becomes so jealous of Lilia, she rips that necklace off, unaware she hits a deep gash in her flesh, causing her to bleed out quickly, and if William doesn’t act quickly, he would lose her forever)

He laugh, “I never thought you’d be the one to shy away from nudity,” he speaks and folds his arms, “Considering you have had every chance to throw yourself out there for the vampire leader of your pack,” wait. How did he know so much?
William smiled as he did so regardless, lying with Lilia softly "Mmm..." He was already thinking about it, the idea of taking Lilia and leaving Kayla to Axel, or perhaps Kai...

Carmen blinked in surprise as he spoke "Wh... What? How do you know about Carrack?!" She asked, her voice trembling in shock as she kept herself covered, ignoring his first comment. Ah well, if she was so intent on keeping herself covered up, the maid outfit was around somewhere... Perfect for his new 'servant girl'
Kai laughed softly, “Well, I know all because my own mother was from your clan.” He speaks and sighs softly, “She wandered into the forest much like you did, and came across my father, who was captivated by her beauty and took her for his mate.” He explained, “But a rival clan came in one morning and ambushed us, when my brothers and I were young, and they had killed my mother in their wake.” Kai sighed, “Since then, my father has hated werewolves for what they had done, never forgiving them. Now he hates us, mostly me and Axel, since we look the most like mother.” It was a tragedy, really.
He shrugged, “It’s in the past now,” she would hear him say. “I have no intentions on being king, and Axel focuses himself in his healer duties.” He yawned and rubbed his head. “I think you may be well aware of our cousins, Adam and,” he snapped his fingers, “I forgot what his elder brother was called..” not Carrack, the one who had died in the camp ambush. “Well. Anyways. That’s why your pack mostly hasn’t been harmed by our coven. But the other coven…that’s the coven Carrack belongs to, and his sister, who’s nothing but a spoiled bitch thinks she can rule by my brother William.” He sighed and began to stand, going over to grab some clothes for her, decent clothes.
She blinked, looking at the clothes and placing them on. They were probably meant for someone smaller than her, but they fit well enough, even as she looked up to him again "I... Right..." She mumbled softly, wondering if he'd even be allowed to mate with her, or if she would be forced into being little more than a servant pet by the lord.
“Now, I’m not bound to rules like my brother William, so I’m sure in time we can be mates,” he assured her. “Now, come with me, and we’ll find something for you to eat,” he motioned for her to follow.

The new moon was already present in the sky, and Lilia fluttered her eyes open, looking around the room. She couldn’t see much, but could tell this wasn’t her quarters. The bed was far too soft to be hers.
Carmen followed him, but not too closely. She wasn't quite sure what his game was just yet, and she still had a chance to run, if she timed it right...

William smiled a bit as she opened her eyes "Well. Hello there, sleepyhead..." He whispered softly, close enough she could easily make him out "Are you okay, Lilia?"

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