Fantasy RP An Angel's Lewd Corruption, In the Hellscape of Survival

as she spoke up, he would move to gently place his two larger hands upon her shoulders, giving Marina a message, as the demon spoke up.
"Very well my lady, I can come back to check on you in half an hour, if you are in need I shall take care of you, other wise I shall keep checking every half an hour on you. "
saying this as if he was under direct order to keep her safe, and comfortable, however the sensation her body would feel when he began to force an oddly relaxing and pleasuring message upon her shoulder. as his massive clawed hands pressed carefully to hit key pressure points. this would paint a new opening for the demon, one which would ether present itself by Elentiya's own desire, as she could request a proper message or dismiss the demon servant. unaware that regardless, it would not give her the planned peace of half an hour, but at most long enough for her to fall into a peaceful state of vulnerability for the servant to make it's move, for the drugged drink did not work.
Marina sighs softly, pulling away from the demon, "Do not touch me." She states firmly, glaring at the demon servant. She'd had enough of forced touches to last a lifetime.

"Just go away." She waves her hand, wanting to go back to her relaxation. When she told Heliel she wanted peace and quiet, this was not what she meant. "And stop calling me lady, I am far from one."

She runs her hands over her hair, squeezing the water out of it before looking away from the four armed servant.
"Understood, I shall report to my lord, that his gift of restorative message is not needed, and I shall be back to check on you in half an hour. " as he spoke up saying this to her before leaving. the demon would seem to vanish into the darkness as he walked away. however the fact remained, two more gentle ploys to get ahold of this woman had failed. once out of sight, and detection the servant would move silently and wait for the right moment to present itself. needing to play this right, as to take what it desired, with out the risk of punishment from the master. believing her to be nothing more then a simple fuck doll for the master's whims, unaware of the unique bond which had been forming between it's lord and this new slave before it's eyes.
Marina sighs and slumps back down, tense again. It takes a full fifteen minutes for her to relax agan, and eventually, doze off.

Her sleep was light, and to any passers but, it would look like she just had her eyes closed. A light smile curls her lips, enjoying the water and light nap. This relaxation was much needed, and she was feeling o mug better already.
Almost an hour passed, as her body was allowed to fall into a restful and enjoyable state. with her eyes closed, Marina would be able to think back on how the devil had come to claim her. in his own words making her nothing more then a breeding sow, however the way he handled her, and treated Marina. this devil spoke as if she was nothing more then a simple fuck toy, yet she was treated like a real woman, not a warrior, enemy or even a slave. the words of her war bound sister speaking of how disgusting and foul fallen angels, and true demons were, the horror stories of how they would use, and abuse angels till they were no more. however far from the experience with Heliel, it was a correct reflection of the insectoid, and the lesser fiends. yet now she had taken her mothers name so to speak. Elentiya, and was starting a new life as a slowly falling angel of lustful corruption.

these thoughts would flood her mind, as images of a real happy life in such a realm would begin to creep into her mind. an image of her and Heliel with a family of little fallen angelic children. some with horns, other with halos. as higher tier angels in terms of divine power could form halos, and she was on the verge of hitting such a level of power not long ago.

as her body was relaxed, and resting, soaking in the healing fluids of the spring, her mind having come to a peaceful state to allow the mind to run wild, this would be when the demon silently moved in tours her. planning to grab, and quickly drag Marina deeper into the forest, away from sight, and aid. wanting to take his prize from this woman who he did not see as deserving of his master's desire, and protection.
Is she was honest to herself, she enjoyed her little daydreams. At least if it only gave her hope for a happy life instead of being tied to misery. Little children running around for her to care for, and even teach how to fly. Little horns that she found adorable peaking out of little heads of hair.She relaxes more, settling into a slightly deeper slumber as she enjoys the images her subconscious offers up to her.
Now with her body more relaxed, mind lost in thought, it was the ripe moment for the demon to make his move, for he could tell by her body language. the muscles no longer as tense, as well as how her wings seemed to be completely limp now, compared to prior where they had just enough tension to appear ready to make an escape if needed. waiting a few short minutes to ensure everything seemed to be clear. the wicked servant silently moved tours Marina. as he was quick and precise with his movements.

before Elentiya knew what was going on, she would be scooped out of the water, and her pleasant mental images. as she would find a powerful and large hand pressing it's palm to her lips. silencing her. another powerful one between her legs, fingering the young lady, giving her body pleasure she did not want, but her flesh could not deny, albeit lacking in comparison to how Heliel handled her. yet two more arms wrapped around her, hugging Marina's arms to her sides, as the hands interlocked around her belly. the angelic Milf to be in training would find herself being assaulted, and kidnapped by another demon. even if she knew her dark lord would come to collect her, that did not change the fact she was quickly being taken away from her home and into some woods. as the way this would feel, as if she made a mistake having the servant leave her, which was meant to ensure her safety. however unknown to Marina that very servant was the one taking her right now, as it had masked it's appearance, with a shape shifting skill. thus appearing like a massive four armed chimera like demon with traits of all the vile creatures which attacked her already and then some.
Elentiya let's out a panicked sound in her throat, her wings trying to flare and not having the space to do so. She squirms, bites down on the hand over her mouth, trying to get it to release. She inhales sharply through her nose at the hand between her legs, trying to press her thighs together to prevent access.

A liw while builds in her throat, flailing her limbs in attempt to hopefully free something and gain leverage.
struggling to try and gain some freedom, Marina would soon find herself painfully slammed into the ground on her belly. as the four armed beast moved upon her. pinning one of her arms behind her back. as another two pulled her up by the hips. it would be then, the angelic warrior felt three unwanted rods probing at her back side. this thing was going to ruin her, in a way which might even make it so she could not enjoy her master Heliel any more. however as the fiend did this, it's tongue elongated licking along her back, sensitive wings, and slowly tours her lips. it would be deep in the forest now, however with the angelic maiden pinned like this, her legs tightly together trapped between the devil's own legs. as such it would have her ass held up enough for a tight, yet accessible point for both her ass, and cunt. the wicked thing prepared to take her, as it would feel like two of it's fleshy spears wanted to double penetrate her tight little ass, and the last one her abused and tender cunt with out lube or foreplay. yet she had one free arm, and her legs could kick but could she get enough damage done to get free, before it penetrated her?
Marina let out a hiss of pain, twisting with a snarl in another attempt to dislodge her assailant. Her trained an honed instincts narrowed in, the elbow of her free arm slamming back inti the creatures sternum, knocking the air from it. Her legs then struck out, aiming for the beast's cocks as she sprang free. "Vile creature." She spat, shaking her head.

She turns, taking off at a sprint deeper into the woods, her wings tucking close on her back
managing to strike a painful blow, and rushing off, Marina would find herself in the dark forest. nothing familiar around her, however, now she had this four armed freak chasing her. as it bellowed in both anger and pain. As she rushed off to escape the chasing beast, getting deeper in the dark forest. Marina would be able to find multiple hiding places, however each one posed new threats, and challenges for her to deal with, unless she chose to keep running until ether tripping, getting tangled up, or potentially getting tackled from behind as the beast made progress closing in on her, the longer she kept trying to simply out run it.
Marina's gaze flicked around before finding a clear enough space. Her wings flare and she shoots up, reaching out and grasping onto a tree branch. She swings herself onto it carefully, balancing carefully on the branch.

She looks down below her, wishing, not fo the first time, she had her sword. And her dress. While not much, at leas it was something to cover her body. She waits, looking for the four armed creature, her gaze and senses focused in the area around her.
Looking around from her branch perch, Marina would soon be able to notice the sounds however their was no visible body. yet if she looked up, the angelic maiden would see the beast in the branches, moving tours her. as it used the two larger arms to swing from branch to branch. the smaller arms were reaching out for her. yet quick as it was. if she noticed in time, Marina would be able to escape the sensation, however if she did not. the beast planned to grab her, and try to pin the angel any where it could to take it's prize in a more painful manor then it originally planned. due to wanting some pay back for the painful blow in it's private area.
Marina hisses softly, jumping across the the next branch. She grabs onto it, hanging and drops down to the forest floor, grunting softly as she leans. Her wings flap and she hovers over the ground, flying forward.

She dodges low hanging branches and vine, hoping to put some distance between her and the creature.
As she moved quickly, from area to area, The four armed beast slowly falling out of sight. Marina would hear it's taunting, as it kept chasing, despite how far it seemed to have fallen behind her movements. as this went on, Marina would soon find herself hitting what appeared like clear threads, which would wrap around one of her wings, grounding the angelic maiden, thus slowing her down. however this was an odd trap, by the local creatures.

Marina had no idea, that she had run from one devil to a den of horny, and wicked little demons. all of which would make themselves know all to well. as she had fallen into the first trap. with her one wing now bound, and unable to be use for movement until the odd thread had been removed. in the area she would go down had many hidden string, and line traps. the instant she would step upon one of them. it would snare her ankle, and swiftly attempt to pull, and drag the prize to the unseen Den.
Marina grunts softly, hissing in frustration and turns to looks at her wings, wrapped and tangled in the material. She pulls at it, trying to pull it free from her wings while still making forward momentum.

She scowls at the material as she pull in from her wings, so focused on freeing the limbs that she doesn't notice the trap until. . . She lets out a cry of shock and pain as her ankle gets yanked out from under her and her nude body hoisted into the air.
Now dangling upside down, her one wing still bound, but her ankle now bound as well. freely swaying, as Marina struggled to free herself. the beast she had ran from seem to come into view. as the beast stopped in it's tracks eyeing her, dangling frame. licking it's maw, and clicking it's tongue in annoyance. the beast seemed to stop it's motion, as it did not move any closer. however soon enough the angelic maiden would see the ground under her vanishing slowly. as multiple eyes were soon looking up tours her. as a sinister voice softly echoed into her mind. an unknown voice, but one which knew her name, and not the name she gave Heliel, as it called her Marina, not the Elentiya which the demon lord knew her as.

"Well, well, Marina the angelic warrior or should I say the angelic fuck toy. "
with the last part a laughter could be heard, as a figure was soon manifesting near her. standing 5'4 as it was a lean yet oddly well built figure. elf like ears, with piercing red almost seraphic eyes if not for the color of them. as what appeared to be a cape unfolded from around his body, it was two sets of massive yet thin, feathered wings. on the back side of them, jet black from the side which was covering his body, pure blood red. as the figure stood their with battle scars, and his almost human like body fully exposed to her. with the exception of two monstrously large little friends between his legs. the wicked thing smirked, as he revealed one side of his jaw, thus revealing a single fang on the one side, which showed he must have another on the opposing side which was hidden under his lips.

"So then, I shall give you an option, Join me for some fun, or allow my Familiar's in the pit to enjoy until they are sated. "
as he gave her the ultimatum, Now Marina would know why her prior assailant gave up the chase, so close to victory, as this thing had to be close to Heliel's power, albeit obviously weaker then her partner, but still stronger then most daemons, and fiends, meaning he was ether a pure blooded demon, or worse, Like Heliel a fallen angel turned demon lord class.

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(So sorry, stuff came up)

Marina bares her teeth, eyes flashing with furry at being called a 'fuck toy'. Despite. . . current situations, she wouldn't consider herself as such, it would be a term that would lower her own confidence, and Marina wouldn't let that happen. She was determined to not let these creatures break her. Her feathers ruffles with irritation, staring at the male standing before her. She supposed he should scare her, even the smallest bit, but really she felt inclined to laugh. Such a renowned creature that was so small, though she knew she shouldn't judge a book by its cover. She was small herself and a still a force to be reckoned with.

She stares at him, "Sorry, I already belong to someone else." She narrows her eyes slightly, "I have this strange feeling he won't take kindly to you kidnapping me and then taking advantage of me. Creatures down here tend to be. . . possessive."
Hearing her words, the entity would smirk, as he stepped tours her, vanishing as if walking into a puff of shadowy smoke and dispersing before her eyes. only to suddenly feel the powerful hands reaching around her from behind, as one grasped a breast of Marina, the other moved between her legs. the finger nails elongated like wolf claws, grasping and slightly cutting the surface of her skin with the scratch marks. as he moved to thicken the fingers, almost like vile stumps instead of the elegant digits he had. as these thickening ones moved into her depths, as if she belonged to him. the clawed hand scratching, and fondling her breast. as his hot breath beat against her neck. the almost hypnotic voice sinking into her ears.

"Come now, I am sure that what ever it is which claimed you, can not make a fine specimen like you feel better prepared and enjoyed then a noble such as I?"
saying this, even taking a moment to lick from her neck up to Marina's ear. he would ask if she had any idea how wonderful she would feel all to soon.
Marina lets out a soft, strangled sound. "Stop-" She gasps, squirming. She bares her teeth at the creature behind her squirming more. She snarls and tries to kick at the male, snapping her teeth.

"Let go." She hisses, "He does a much better job than you could ever dream to do."

She squirms, panting and pulling against the bonds. Her eyes narrow in fury as she glares, eyes seeming to glow slightly with her power. Despite being tired, the healing and rest from earlier had let a kernal of her power return, nothing dangerous, but a spark to show what she would do if she had more.
Managing to push herself free, Marina would end up on her knees, and hands, on the ground. as the vamp smirked, shaking off the painful kick which hit him in the leg. causing the demonic lord to lose his grasp, but managing to trip her, as such preventing the angelic maiden before him from escaping. Moving quickly, to painfully grasp one of her ankles, and lifting the short maiden up. this time his fangs would show themselves. as he planned to sink his teeth into her flesh. taking a small amount of her blood, to not just weaken the warrior angel, but also to discover any kind of power or secret she had. Unaware that this small amount of blood he would get from her, would reveal to this fiend that she was pregnant, as such making her body all the more enticing. the wicked man planned to bite into Marina any where he could, wanting a sensitive bite at her breast if he could not bite her neck, but a hand, wrist, what ever he could would work, depending on her struggle.

( you can choose the spot for the bite wink wink. - Vampire Hickie incoming nyaa )

Marina hisses softly in pain, kicking at the vampire again and twisting. She grits her teeth, determination hardening her blue eyes. "You'll have to go through my child, dead body to get to me."

She reaches down, grasping the creatures wrist in her own hand, the dim light reflecting off the bone ring on her finger, making the pale thing seem to glow in the dark. She pulls his wrist away and kisses as the male's fangs sink into the fleshy part of her palm.

"Holy-" She uses her other hand and foot to punch and kick the vampire, grunting softly.
managing to push, and kick herself free after the bite. Marina would see how her palm had two pin hole like wounds, as her golden blood now had a faint black, and rad glow to it. this only proved she had begun to become a fallen angel herself. however the way it mixed, gave her an odd mix of dark pink, and pure gold for a blood. as some of it could be seen trickling down the lips of the wicked stud, as he licked it from the corner of his maw.

Beginning to laugh as he walked tours her, his strides, those of a confident and self assured predator, knowing the prey is his to enjoy.
"So You are unique indeed my lovely little toy. I will enjoy breaking that lovely body and mind of yours. "
as he spoke his one hand began to glow with sparks of crimson, and black lightning as it slowly began to take form of a lightning whip, which he planned to use to snatch and bind this angelic warrior, as her body had spirit, and good fight in it still. however now he had tasted something he wanted, her body, and what was growing inside of her, if Marina knew it or not.
Marina rolls up into her feet swiftly, taking a defensive stance. She shook out her hand, eyes narrowed on the creature. "I am not yours." She hisses at him. Her wings started to glow as well with her own power, adding a little more light to the dim area.

"I belong to Heliel." Despite the fact that she hated belonging to anyone, she knew having someone lay a claim on her was better than not having that protection. And she hadn't met anyone better than the strangling gentle, yet demanding male.

Her thoughts wandered to the prospect of Heliel knew she was missing, if he even cared she was gone. She shook her head slightly, focusing on the male before her, tense and ready to evade.
Hearing the name she said, the Noble demonic aristocrat would suddenly lash out, his energy whip snatching around her throat, as he began to pull Marina tours him. speaking in a confident tone as he did.
"Some one, who is strong enough to lay claim to an angelic toy, No such demon exist with that name, For My family rules the nobles of this dark paradise, thus I know your lying to me."

as he said this, with a wicked glint in his eye, it would be with his words that something Marina heard before from Heliel would finally click, as if the pieces of a puzzle fell into place. he was not just any demon, but a Fallen Arch angel turned Arched Demon. Thus very few would know his existence in this world, except those close to such a creature, However this would both be amusing and troublesome. as it would then click that the odd entity which chased her from the mansion, was most likely one of her master's so called loyal servants, which meant her disappearance would most likely be hidden. however as this thoughts would come together and flood her troubled mind. the current scenario did not change, as this powerful undead demonic aristocrat was preparing to try and hog tie her for some fun with a bandaged and gagged victim who could only flap her wings, if she did not break free of this slow pull. as her very feet were leaving lines in the ground from how her body was being slowly and forcefully pulled. One miss step, or moment of balance loss, and she would be doomed until some one found her as this thing's plaything.
She gasps, her eyes closing and head tipping back slightly. She bares her teeth, trying to pull free from the energy leash. She feels her own power thrum in response to the flickering energy around her neck.

Her eyes widened and she stumbled as her mind clicks into the realization, stumbling forward, her palms skinning on the ground. She coughs, her blue eyes filled with rage that this creature touch her.
Falling forward, as her hands skid against the ground, her face hitting the soil before Marina knew what happened. as the vampire stepped on the back of her head. only to unwrap the energy whip from her throat. thus crafting blood like energy indings, forcing her wrists together, behind her lower back. as a sludge like gel formed with the same blood like color. as it moved to slowly wrap around her face, thickening and hardening into a ring gag. as a line from the back if it, ran through her hair, around the base points of where her wings connected to her back. down around her sides, under the arms, only to tightly coil around each breast. thus making every wing flap, or struggle of arm movement, or head movement to cause pressure on the angelic maiden's breast, and nipples. to pull them to the sides depending on her own movement.

once this wicked binding had been crafted, the wicked thing laughed, moving to walk around her, as the Aristocrat would grasp Marina's ankles. slowly pulling her into an even more lewd position, as several vine like threads formed from the thick chain of blood which ran along her back from the gag, to the body bindings. as they then launched out, to snare onto near by trees. allowing her body to helplessly dangle, in a manor to let him abuse her. more then that, having not yet bound Marina's leg, meant she could kick and flap her wings, while what he was preparing to do, could not be mistaken for anything else. binding her, and dangling the angel so all could see, even if he did not hold her ankles. Marina's toes would barely be able to touch the ground.
She lets out a pained sound, panting and splaying her wings, only to wince at the sensation withing her breasts. She lets out a low growl, her hair falling forward and into her face. Her eyes track the noble, her breath sawing in and out of her chest.

Her wings go limp, watching as her wingtips gaze the dirt, and she closes her eyes, shaking her head
Now with the main of her body bound and dangling like a fine piece of meat for display at a butchers shop. Marina would feel how one of her legs now dangling, toes barely scraping the surface of the ground along with the wing tips. The foul aristocrat of a vamp would move with her one leg in his grasp. The bulbous tip of his monstrous, two foot long by 3 inch thick, throbbing veiny cock against her tender slit. All along the shaft were small ridges as it could be felt pushing into her depths. If not for the monstrous size of helmet prior, this could have proven more painful then it was.

As the fiend slowly pushed himself deeper and deeper into her, until the sack of his balls smacked viciously into her pelvis. Thebpleasure would quickly begin to arise from her core. As he smirked, knowing once hit hot seed would be released, her core and that secret prize growing with in her would become marked for collection upon birth.

" now this body is truly magnificent, I have to say such a divine lass will become the most lustrous and enjoyable bitch for glory hole abuse. "
She lets out a sound, her back arching slightly. Her wings flared, pulling at her breasts, eliciting another sound to be toren from her throat. Her jaw clamped around the ring gag, as if trying t force her mouth shut.

She tries to squirm, barely able to move, and each small movement itself cause something to pull. She closes her eyes, going limp and panting softly

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