Fantasy RP An Angel's Lewd Corruption, In the Hellscape of Survival

Slowly pulling out only to ram viciously back into marinas depths. The tip kissing her deep bundle of nerves, the way the girth stretched her silken, warm, moist, vice like fleshy apart. Picking up the pace slowly causing a growing echo of lewd impacts, as the flesh smacking together where his sack kissed her pelvis. The growing, audible impact began to grow moist in sound. All the while, her body acting limp would only allow how her breast forcefully swayed, and bounced, being pulled by the bandage as this happened. All the more her tongue could be seen as some drool began to escape from.the ring gag, due to her fruitless attempt at removing it with her tongue.
Marina closes her eyes, her wings shifting slowly slightly Everytime her body moved, limiting the pull on her nipples as much as possible. She let out a sound, mixed between fury and pleasure, her body helplessly enjoying the sensations while she mentally raged at them.

She keeps her eyes shut, her growl low in her throat, near silent. She just wanted the nightmare to end. Maybe just wake up and find herself home. . . Wishful thinking. She knew none of this was a dream, it was very much real, but hope was a strong thing.
Struggling as much as she could, Marina's mind would soon begin to go back to how Heliel abused and played with her, pleased and pampered her, despite how he called her his breeding toy. however the process of her mind going to these thoughts was a tempt to connect this unwanted pleasure to something she did enjoy. If nothing else it would help the angelic maiden endure long enough to keep from breaking, and even struggling, to grow some more strength, as if adrenaline would soon begin to pump in her bound, defenseless body, with the sensation of how the monstrous cock deep inside of her began to throb, and swell. warning the angelic maiden of the impending eruption of unwanted seed into her core.

while this would begin to happen, an all to familiar aura would soon be felt, albeit weak, but approaching. along with it, the bone chilling aura of rage, which was felt only once prior so far, as this was her true master coming for her, and he was not pleased, however Heliel would not make it in time on his own to prevent this tainting seed from coating her depths, and run the risk of knocking her up with a baby from a partner she did not choose, despite the fact she was already with an infant.
Marina shuddered, a sob in her throat. She squirmed, her efforts futile as she tried to prevent the vampire behind her from filling her. She lifts her gaze skyward, feeling the presence coming closer, ever faster by the moment. Though some how, deep down, she knew it would not be fast enough to save her from this round.
It finally began, as Marina felt the powerful grasp upon her hips. his balls pressing against her pelvis, as his cock buried completely with in her, as the thick hot seed began to gush out. the sensation causing her body a blissful high, despite how her heart, and mind would hate this. as far as Marina knew, this vampire would surely impregnate her. as the angel's belly began to slowly swell with each hot spew of seed. to the point some of it could be felt escaping her depths a bit. it would be while the vamp was nutting with in her, that the gag would finally fall off, as if the restraints weakened as he was hitting his release with in her.
She gasps in a breath, spitting onto the ground. She pants, shaking her head and closing her eyes, "Heliel. . ." She mumbles, squirming still in hopes of freeing a limb.

Something to strike this vampire away from her, to free herself from these bindings. She tries to steady her breathing, still pulling on her arm carefully in an attempt to free it.
it would happen with in the blink of an eye, the pain felt, was brief, however shortly after, she would feel the empty sensation with in her. as the vamp was ripped away from her body. before the bindings snapped, allowing her to fall onto the ground with a thud. now free to roll over, and see the sight of her master, Heliel, his six blazing red, and cosmic black, feather wings expanded to all their glory. the powerful hand gasping the demonic vampire lord by the head. the angelic demon's palm against the vampire's screaming in pain face. as he slammed his fist into Heliel to no effect.

"You are a foolish piece of shit, taking what is mine, tainting her for your own pleasure. I will ensure you suffer for such an act. "
as he spoke up, the glow which slowly began to engulf the vampire could not be mistaken for anything else, it was holy element, however to be used by a demonic lord, and her current true master. their would be no mistake now, he was indeed one of the fallen angels but if an incredibly high rank, and he had claimed her as his own. if one thing kept true from angelic nature, it would be once a partner had been chosen, it would be the only partner to be enjoyed until the death of one of them.

as this happened, the screams of pain, and laughter could be heard, as the vampire would shout that the woman was already defiled, and would bear a monster now, it was tolate, making it sound as if he was the one to impregnate Marina, however the fact remained. this fiend's seed was infused with evil mana, to help the unknown baby grow faster with in her, as well as marking it, so he could come back to claim the thing once it was ripe for birth. however as his body began to turn into dust, blowing away into the wind, from the feet up. his voice would echo into the wind.

"This will not be forgotten, unlike you fools, I am immortal, and I shall return soon enough. " with these last words his body was now gone, dust into the wind for now, after which, Heliel would turn to rush over to Marina's side, moving to embrace, and hold her tight, apologizing for not getting to her sooner, which was not the way a master should speak to a slave, however he did not know her true name, as far as Heliel knew, this woman's name was his precious Elentiya.
Marina panted, watching with wide, blue eyes as the vampire's dust scattered away on the faint breeze. Pregnant? A monster? Her hand drifted down her body to her abdomen, pressing lightly, her face a mask of shock.

She blinks slowly, a child. . . No child of hers would be a monster. She cared not for what it looked like, only it's intentions. She swallows thickly, looking at Heliel as he rushes to her.

"A child. . ." She whispers, not protesting it fighting as the male pulls her close to him, holding her tightly. Her opposite hand absently reaches up, tangling into Heliel's hair, her eyes drifting closed, mumbling, "Not a monster. . ."

She feels so tired, she just wants to sleep, to rest. . . She fights off the coming oblivion and looks at Heliel again, her lips parting slightly. "I-. . . I'm sorry, for running, but. . ." She hesitates, swallowing again.

"Your servant. . . Heh- pulled me from the spring. I didn't have my wots about me. . ." She drops her gaze, feeling shamed. Not ashamed that shed run, no, that was pure survival instinct (that still damned her, but she would come to terms with that later), but that she had let her guard down so easily. That she hadn't once bothered to check her surroundings. She was a warrior, trapped in a world where everything wanted her, she should have been on the alert.
Hearing her soft words, Heliel would move to Scoop Marina up in his arms, carrying her bridal style. as he looked into her blue eyes with a look not of shame but of relief. that he gotten to her before worse could have befallen the one he had claimed. despite his choice of words, the actions made the angelic warrior feel more like a lover then a simple breeding, and sex slave. as he began to take flight, in a gentle tone, Heliel spoke to his chosen partner in this hellish domain.

"Rest now, we can figure out more things once you have recovered from this traumatic ordeal. "
as he said this, going straight up, the fact remained, he would take his sweet time carrying her, as such to allow Marina to enjoy the sensation of being safe, as well as the soothing sensation of the air current both oddly warm and cool due to how they were moving now. as she would be able to tell at least while in his arms, their was nothing to worry about, but the last ordeal was indeed something to learn from. Ignoring the words of the vampire, and her own about not a monster, despite how it was a light mumble, yet clearly heard. this would leave something for Marina to question about how this one would act with a child which was not his, as it would still be her child. yet would she ask this on the flight or take this rare opportunity to rest in his embrace for the slow flight back to the mansion, and domain?
She blows out a breath, her fingers tightening on his hair slightly. She nods once, her eyes closing again as she relaxed into the warmth of Heliel's arms. "I'm still sorry. . ." She mumbles, letting her hand slide through the Lord's hair.

She blows out a soft breath, pressing her body close, breasts and thighs flush with the other's body, as of to shield herself from the world. Even the wind against her body felt invasive, as if the wind itself water her. Which was preposterous, because it was just wind, nothin more.
As they drew closer to the domain, and the estate coming into view, the angelic like demon lord would move to kiss Marina gently on the forehead before speaking up.
"I think I shall keep you bound to my personal chambers from now on. " saying this as if he was going to simply bind her, and abuse the angelic maiden like some piece of meat, for his amusement with no care for her own well being. the way he said this, and the tone of his voice, betrayed his words. as it was more so he would have her kept in his personal chamber so no one else but him could touch her until Marina felt comfortable being outside the chamber with out her lord.

it would be quiet something, as if her body and mind had begun to naturally understand his way of thinking and the way he spoke. where most would hear, and think he was using her purely for his own desires, and enjoyment, she knew the truth. which was not hidden, but one could not change the way they spoke and acted, as old habits died hard. yet she had been claimed, as he said to be his baby breeding fuck doll, however with the way he claimed her, and treated her. wanting this angel to bear him children was no lie, yet he treated her as a lover, not some simple factory to pump out children to be used as soldiers, However little did she know, that the undead vamp lord prior had that exact desire for her. and now the one slowly growing inside of her would become the ideal tool for this very mission, or worse.

"Were arriving soon, make sure to squirm and struggle for my enjoyment. " as he said this, moving his one hand to grasp her exposed ass cheek, the other moving to rest against her back between Marina's wings. once more as he said this, she would feel how he began to tease, and oddly enough sooth her bodily frame. his fingers not just teasing to cause an unnatural heat to slowly stir with in her core, but the fingers on her back, with two of them at the base of her wings, would cause a strange sense of comfort, and ease, as he used pressure points with one hand, and teasing with the other. as he flew directly tours the main window of his personal chamber, the balcony large enough for several people. Yet wit this flight home, Marina would have a comfortable, and long nap, as Heliel took his time, thus giving her two hours of rest before awakening her with a kiss, and then the odd teasing. as it would be no mystery he planned to use her once they got back, and thus remind her body who she belonged to, while giving her pleasure to replace the memory of the abused way she was used not long ago this day, yet it was unknown if she would discover a desire to be bound like she was prior but with a man of her choice binding her, or if it would be a nightmare which would haunt her for many nights to come, being bound and powerless. Only time would tell if this would be a nightmare to slowly haunt her, or the birth of a new kind for her lord to use upon her.
She let out a breath laugh, one hand staying in her Lord's hair while the other presses into his chest. "Am I to do everything solely for your enjoyment, Heliel?" She looks up at him, blue eyes curious for an answer.

Marina closes her eyes, settling into the bed as Eliel set her down, welcoming the warmth of something mildly familiar. She slowly falls asleep, her slumber dreamless as she curls into the bed. She nestles her face into the pillow and blankets, her chest rising and falling slowly in a soft rhythm.

When he woke her, she let out a surprised sound in her throat, pulling her face away slightly, "My Lord. . ." She mumbles, looking up at him. She leans in for another kiss, quiet again.
As she leaned back in, this time, she would be greeted by a very potent, and passionate kiss to her lips, instead of the gentle one prior to her head. this time, he would do a bit of a prank, elongating his tongue like that of a serpent. using it to tease her own tongue, and tickle the inside of her mouth. as this went on, the demon would enjoy this act, hoping for a cute, or over dramatic reaction, but even if their was no such reaction, the act alone seemed more enjoyable to this arch demon then one would expect.

as the kiss broke, the demon would ask his little toy a simple question but one which held a double meaning, if she were to figure it our, or even care if it mattered to her. as this demonic angel was her master, and lord, now one which cared for her, albeit, a simple slave, and master fate.

"So then, do you wish to be washed off in the hot spring by me? or shall we have a bit of fun first, work up a sticky sweat before the wash?"
She lets out a shocked squeal, pressing up into Heliel as he deepened the kiss. She Arches her back, moaning softly and tipping her head back. "Mm~" She reaches up slowly, her hand sliding over the back of his neck, pulling him closer as she kissed him hard, meeting each stroke of his tongue with her own, however clumsily.

She pants heavily looking up at him and pauses, thinking for amlong moment. "What is it you want, Heliel?" She murmurs,gaze curious.
A devilish, yet oddly exciting smirk creeped across the fallen one's face, before leaning in, and nibbling on Marina's ear. as he would speak softly into it.
"Oh, I plan to enjoy making this cute little pet scream, be it from taking a beating, or even being scrubbed till she can't take it any more. "
saying this, as both statements had a double meaning, one of abuse, and the other, a more enjoyably, yet obviously sexual meaning. as he did this, his one hand move to suddenly rip the covers, and sheets off of her frame. exposing the naked angel for all she was worth on this bed. before the hand snaked itself between her legs, the nails gingerly scraping up between her well toned, muscular yet athletically well toned thighs.

moving to tease her in a way which only his touch seemed to cause physical excitement, and anticipation. he would then move to play with Marina a bit on the bed, waiting to see her reaction, if she enjoyed it or not. he would not allow her to get off with is hand alone. planning to stop right before she could get that all so sweet, and needed release, from just some foreplay. if Marina did not decide, then the devil planned to toss her over his shoulder, so that she would be facing behind her. her breast against his back, so her legs would be tours his chest, allowing her ass to stick up into the air, for a few good smacks while being taken, like he was kidnapping her, however before this, he would tease her with his fingers, and touch. waiting for an answer, despite not really caring what her answer would be, no perhaps it would be better to say, he planned to do the opposite of what she told him.
She puffs out a breath, shaking her head slightly, lips curling into the slightest smile. Her gaze flickered over his face, taking in the last of his words. "Screaming?" She raises an eyebrow, propping herself up on her elbows.

She gasps at the chill brush of air against her bare skin. Closing her eyes, she shifts as her legs spread slightly at the feeling of his hand sliding up between them. She bites down on her lip, looking down and watching Heliel's hand. She lets out a low moan, gripping the sheets beneath her, her pupils dilating slightly.

"Heliel~" She whispers, tensing slightly and forcing herself to stay still. She closes her eyes, for ng herself to focus around the sensations, "Th-The bath. . ."
Hearing her request, a devilish smirk came across the fallen lord's face, as he would suddenly whip Marina over his shoulder, as if kidnapping her. however the angelic maiden would soon find herself being playfully slapped, and carried as if he was actually kidnapping her. however as they left the room, the large hot spring area, was before them, but so was an open field? no perhaps a training spot. as she had chosen a bath, the wicked devil had a playful idea in his mind. as he would take her, and let his play thing down in the training field. blocking her from the bath.

once she was on her feet, and looking into his eyes, Heliel would finally tell Marina what he wanted.
"Alright, If you score three hits on me, for the rest of this day I shall serve, pamper, and wash you off, and care for your needs. But If you fail to hit me three times, while I am disarmed, and stripping slowly, then I shall take the chance to indulge in something a bit rougher, while where in the water. " as he said, this snapping his finger, as a powerful looking practice sword manifested before Marina to take a hold. as she would see how he had indeed formed clothing on his body, planning to make this fun, allowing for the first hit to be easy enough to make, the second harder but doable, however the third would be the one which would seem impossible, however he would make it into a game. as each time she would miss, he would tease, and touch her body in both a lewd yet enjoyable way, and a ticklish manor.

once everything was ready, he would smile, clapping his now gloved hands, and letting his play thing know to start the fun, as the blade hovered before her eyes.
Marina listened carefully, her head tilting to the side as she processed each word. Her blue eyes locked onto the practice weapon and she reaches forward, taking it into her hand. She weighs it, checking the balance of the weapon and then slices it through the air twice. "Okay." She looked back at her Lord, ad something in her told her it would not be as simple as it seemed.

She moves forward, bringing the practice blade around to swing at Heliel. She was t surprised when the first hit was easy, simple. Not as the second hit took more effort and time.

She was used to games like this, she'd played them with her trainer, though her trainer wasn't undressing, more like polishing boots or armor.

So as her first few attempts at the final hit failed and she'd been subjected to Heliel's touch, pleasing and distracting, she stepped back and watched her Lord for a moment. Each time she missed, he'd stopped undressing to touch her, which unwittingly gave her more time. With a budding idea in her mind, she moved.

Darting forward, she swung the blade, watching as it sailed past Heliel's arm in a missed attack. The moment her Lord reached forward to touch her, she grasped his wrist with her free hand and dropped the blade. She twisted her body closer and brought her knee up, making firm contact with Heliel's side.

"That's three." She blows out a breath, staring up at him. Now the question was would the male male keep his word?
Enjoying the session of sparring a bit to much, the demonic lord, and master of the now corrupting angelic maiden, Marina. As she would use her master's own playful nature of this little interaction to her advantage, Marina would manage to score three hits onto Heliel. as he looked at her, a playfully evil smirk coming across his face. as he would move to pointer his finger, and thumb tours her, with the digits prime to snap them, which would happen very quickly.

Once the two digits were snapped, suddenly all the clothing, and armor on Marina would turn into tiny shreds, showing off her elegant, and naked, yet well tone and very alluring frame. at which point, the shadow under her began to bubble, as it would look like Ichor based shadow tendrils formed, and coiled up her legs, and around Marina's hips. However despite how they look as if the appendages were made of a thick foul fluid, it would feel like being bound by thick fluffy stuffing like material against her limbs, and frame. as it moved to lift the corrupting angel, and carry her to the demonic lover, and master's embrace. as he would carry her like this, from the area they were in, tours the near by Spring, as the wicked thing would lean in to nip and tease her ear before speaking.

"Well, A demon lord does not Lie, however doesn't mean we tell the full truth ether. " saying this, as if teasing Marina about not giving her the promised reward. making it sound as if the so called pampering would be him abusing her for his own amusement, However if the angelic maiden allowed herself to be enjoyed as they entered the pink, warm water of the spring. Marina would find her master's action to be as caring, gentle, and relaxing as one could hope for from a partner in a spring, after a hard work out. as he still only knew his pet, and partner by the false name she gave him, Elentiya.
Marina let out a little huff, rolling her eyes, "And you think I didn't know that?" The corner of her lips curl up into a slight, lopsided grin. She loops her arms around Heliel's neck, pulling herself closer to him and resting her head into the crook between his neck and shoulder. She relaxes for a moment, blowing out a soft breath.

While the circumstances weren't ones she wanted, they were better than they could be. Safe, feed, clothed. . . Well, sometimes. But being her with this lord was far better than wandering around and getting assaulted by multiple different fiends. While not ideal, it was better than most.

Her hand slowly slides down to run over Heliel's chest. Her eyes close, a soft breath leaving her lips. And maybe she could grow to like her circumstances. It seemed she was stuck here, why not try to find a way to enjoy it?
As the duo were soon dipping into the natural hot spring, Heliel would finally move to allow elentiya's feet come to touch the floor of the spring. Once she qould be standing before her master, his tendrils dissolves in the water.

Now free her body would begin to feel his powerful palms and fingers against her flesh. Gently moving to message, and knead her sore muscles. The skilled fingers able to cause spikes of pleasure through her body with out the need for lewd touches. As perverted as the demon lord was, his treatment made the slowly corrupting angel almost like a wife at times, despite knowing her role is his belonging as Heliel did not sugar coat what she was to him. But enjoyed pampering and abusing her to his own desires.
Marina keeps her eyes closed, letting out a soft groan of enjoyment. Her muscles loosened and relaxed. The heated water against her legs, hips, and lower back made the sensations that much more relaxing.

She looked up at Heliel, quiet for long moments before, "Why do this?" She tilts her head to the side slightly.

"Not that I don't like it, I do. . . But. . . Why treat me like this when you could just-"

She clears her throat, shrugging slightly.
A playful smile creeper across his fave, as the demonic lord suddenly took a powerful grasp of Elentiya's ass cheek. Pulling her into his frame, as this allowed his erect spear to sudden rub between her thighs, aswell as teasing the puffy, well abused and ripe for enjoyment lower slit.

Doing this the demon leaned in to bite and pull her ear gently with his teeth before speaking softly into the corrupting maidens sensitive ear.

" oh thats simple I enjoy my toys to squirm in over whelping erasure instead of despair. Corruption from lust and passion is much more enjoyable then the more common despair and rage. Besides I am a man of culture. " Saying to her in a teasing manor even examining his goal of ensuring that this angel was fully corrupted into the much more playful pleasing incarnation of lust, which was well under way if one looked at her wings.

As he said this, from a demon it was no different then being told that he chose her as his bride to be. Even if for a demon it was more like being shaped into the perfect toy, however it did not deny the fact this fiend chose her and was already over protective and possessive of his baby factory to be.
Marina's lips parted slightly. She lets out a soft hum, not quite understanding, and not really wanting to either. She presses against Heliel, her eyes closing for a moment. She let herself enjoy the touch and closeness.

Despite the fact that he'd called her a toy, she didn't quite feel like it. She really only felt pleased and content under Heliel's hands. Maybe it was the fact he'd saved her, or gave her a home, or something else she didn't even know about. She didn't really care at the moment, all she cared about was that she felt good.

She presses her lips to the male's shoulder for a moment before pulling back slightly. She lowers herself into the water, actually wanting to be clean. She runs her fingers through her hair, her eyes closing slightly
Taking this moment to move into the water, as the demonic angel looking lord took hold of Elentiya once more. as he moved to tease and feel her up. feeling how his hands expanded against her, almost like a dragon's claw moving to gently run along her flesh. the scales moving to gingerly scrape along her flesh, as the other moved through her hair.

taking the time to message, knead, and wash his plaything off. allowing her body to enjoy every moment they shared like this. as he even moved to tease her with his lips a bit. before the angelic warrior Marina would catch a glint in her master's eyes. one which would be a golden warning of what was to come. once her body was ripe, washed up, clean, and excited. once the one claw washed her body off enough, two of the claws would change shape once more. as the fingers slid into her depths, as it wiggled about, and teased her inner flesh.
(sorry for the wait 😅)

Elentiya enjoys the bath, letting her tense muscles loosen and relax under the ministrations of Heliel's hands. She looks up at him, her eyes half-lidded and gaze sloy heating. She swallows and blows out a soft breath, squirming slightly.

She peers up at Heliel, her hand gently grasping his wrist. "Can't we. . . Do something different?" She murmurs, tilting her head to the side. She bites her lower lip, chewing on it slightly.

Marina swallows and clears her throat, "I mean. . . I just. . . Why not get to know each other too? What we like and don't like? Does it always have to be. . . Um. . . Sex?" Her face flushes brightly at the last word and she looks away.

"If I'm going to be here for. . . A whole, then. . . Why not get to know each other?"
"Oh we will, do not threat, besides I have yet to find you successfully knocked up. as such I will keep attempting to make you carry my child. "
as he spoke, stating the obvious truth, however little did this fallen one know, that his woman was indeed with child, but not his, more then that, the fact remained, he was more then willing to give her a date night or more enjoyable time together. all she had to do was share what kind of things he wanted to do.

as he did not lie to her, even if his words came off crueler towards her then his actual actions. the fact remained this slowly corrupting angel would need but make a simple request, to get him to begin doing other things to her, then just trying to constantly knock her up. however the fact remained, his hands worked their magic against her body. his one hand between her legs, the other cupping and groping her ample bosom. as he kissed at her neck to her ear, and spoke in a softer more gentle tone. while asking what kind of fund did she have in mind? perhaps torturing some souls? hunting some smaller creatures?
Marina closes her eyes, flushing slightly, "That's. . . A very. . . Candid, thing to say. . ." She turns her head to the side slightly, blowing out a soft breath. She pulls her wet hair over her shoulder,pressing slightly closer to Heliel.

She closes her eyes, letting out a soft sound as his fingers move between her legs. Her hips push forward while her shoulders lean back. She told her head slightly to better look at the male, his words confusing her for a moment.

She lets out a hesitant, slightly halting, laugh. Shaking her head she murmurs, "I'm not. . . Into either of those things. I. . . Have a green thumb, I love gardening.

"Or riding-- horses, I mean. I enjoy riding horses, but I haven't really seen any horses around here."
"we do have some fiend steads, but those are normally only used for Reapers to collect fast pace souls. If you wish to ride one of them, I can help you learn how to handle them safely. "
as he spoke of this, the image would come to her mind, of the hellish skeletal horses, which had taken so many of her comrades with their riders in the old days of war. However now she could learn to handle one of these devil steads. Yet more then that, her mind would be unable to remain with the thoughts for to long. all the more, as her body would feel the master's side between her thighs. moving to slide, and tease her all the more. his hand teasing her clit, and other hand moving now to cup her breast.

the wicked fallen one was giving her gentle, and enjoyable words, even stating how he would help to get her a special area set up for her own private garden, but she would need to go through his staff, and pick two members to help her, be her guards, and assistants, for when he was not outside with her. revealing his mind still did not let go of the close call they had, of a beast trying to steal her by force prior. despite his words, the actions were both possessive, and loving, despite how she was obviously not his equal, but simply an object of pleasure, and enjoyment, by any demonic or even angelic standard. yet he valued her far more then a simple piece of ass, or breeding stock.
Elentiya closes her eyes, blowing out a soft breath, "Learning to ride one would be. . ." She squirms slightly, biting her lower lip with a soft groan. She looks up at him, panting softly. She pushes her hips forward, pressing against his hand.

"Would be amazing."

She listens absently, her hips slowly moving in a gentle rolling motion. Nodding slightly, she grips onto his arm, "I'd rather you pick. . . I trust you know your staff better than I. . ."

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