Magical Siblings

Drake would halt in his tracks spotting the twin brother awaiting for his sister as though he was her butler, her guard dog, her knight in shining armor which was quite annoying. He would glare toward the other male before turning on his heels, trashing his flowers as he passed a trash can. Taylor smiles at her brother as she came up, unlocking her locker before noticing the lunch bag he held making her pout :What do you have for me today?" questioning him with concern it would be for the baby and her health more that her taste buds.
"Oh, no, this time something special just for you sis. A tasty meal isn't so bad once in a while. but we do have to keep up with your special meals. so this can be our little secret. "
saying this in a playful tone. Layla would even hear this, as if over hearing her brother helping his little sister to break some kind of health diet. as it was no secret that their mother was a health nut
in her own right. at least from the public view point. However the truth of the matter was far more taboo.

As he looked over to Layla, noticing how she had been so close to Tylor. a gentle smile on his face.
"So little lady, I have you to thank for keeping an eye on my lil sister?" as he asked this with a smile. the way he looked at Layla, was a look of a caring man. no real interest in the girl, However
it was unknown how Tylor might take this, due to her condition with being pregnant. as rumors spoke of how moods could swing wildly some times. However the fact remained. he would turn to take his sister's
hand and lead Tylor to a comfortable spot outdoors, in the field. one under a large tree so they could be together in peace, and he could see if she enjoyed the surprise meal he fixed for her.

( feel free to make it as healthy, or naughty as you want, as this is a special treat. wink wink. _
Waving to Layla as she follows after her brother, fresh air always aided when she was near food plus the cafeteria makes her greatly ill. She took a seat at the base of the tree, opening the bag her brother gifted her, a huge smile growing "Does mom know?" questioning as she pulls out a slice of chocolate cake. The ice glistened in the sun, the fluffiness of the cake made her mouth water as she scooped up the fork and went to town. Soft moans and hums rose from her as she enjoyed the sweet dessert. Mom does not want a chubby grandchild so the diet Taylor has been on barely made her enjoy eating. But all worth it for just a slice of cake.
Chuckling at how Tylor devoured and enjoyed every bite of her treat. placing his hand on her head, with a gentle tone coming from his lips, as Bel spoke.

"Of course not. every one deserves a bit of enjoyment, even in the form of food. Besides I have your actual meal, so we can say you ate it. as it rots in the trash can. "
saying this with a playfully enjoyable tone. Bel would look to his sister, as he smirked, with a wicked desire for her.
"You know, I love how you look with that belly exposed, so tell me. How about a little fun before we go home? I know a nice quiet spot we can enjoy a bit of fun, and even slip out of sight to wash up. "
as he said this, even promising to spoil her with more treats, and goodies after words, as if bartering with a child, However it could easily be turned against Bel, as Tylor was the one who could really have the fun, with
how her brother enjoyed spoiling her, even more now with how far along she had come. However nether of them knew, that before this day was over, Drake, and a few of his buddies would discover a weakness in the ring, and
more then that. her actual state hidden by the protective ring.
Sighing through her nose seeing underneath where the cake had been set was her actual meal drawing a smile that he was so kind and caring though this was all his fault, never actually telling him that. She would give in, setting her slice aside to munch into her chicken salad with a side of strawberries. "thank you for bringing my lunch and spending it with me, you are my best friend" humming with her mouth full not caring for manners around him "do not tell Layla that" giggling then their sweet moment was ruined by his naughty thoughts drawing an eye roll from her "Seriously, Bel?" scoffing as she turns her body away from him "I hate it, feel weird having my belly swelling with a life growing inside it and I do not feel sexy or pretty so please don't start anything" putting her food away as she lost her appetite.
Rubbing the back of his head, as Bel sighed. before gently placing his larger hand on her head. with a gentle tone he would speak up.
"You are only growing more beautiful, after all it is natural, However if you truly dislike the look and feel. Then I apologize for upsetting you. Tylor no matter what you will always be the most beautiful, and most important person to me. "

as he said this, moving in to whisper to her. " Remember even if no one else, I will always be their one way or another. so please forgive your big stupid brother, for being such an idiot at times. "
saying this, before getting up, and looking to her. Bel would offer Tylor his hand to pull his sister up to her feet, and walk her back inside. as he would ask her to nibble on the food through the day, even if it wasn't
going to finish the meal. his actions seemed to make the old goof realized he messed up a bit. however Bel did bury himself even more so to speak. Yet little did the siblings know, The friends of both Drake, and Layla would give Tylor a
new reason to despise her condition, and the school all to soon.
Felt like his thoughts were of a loving brother and upcoming father, she paused as he motioned to rise up and offer her his hand, he was going to be a father. Looking up to him a small smile grew guessing he was very charming of his view of her in this state of growing their child inside her. Taking his hand she rose up to her feet, swaying a big for balance before joining him in the walk back into the school building where an over excited Layla was waiting but before Taylor could reach her, the young woman was snatched into am empty class room.

"You are gonna pay for making a fool outta my boy" a young jock sneered as he cracked his knuckles

"and how dare you even steal him anyways! Bad enough all the guys want you in this school and somehow Drake gets past your macho of a brother!" a girl would complain as she pulled at Taylors hair. The tug would make her stumble then be pushed between two other classmates until Taylor fell to the ground. Hitting her front pretty hard on the floor making her flinch while her ring somehow slipped off her finger. In an instance her baby bump shown drawing a gasp from the group while they stared toward her in wonder of how she was hiding that all this time and who the father was.
Walking his sister up to the school door, before they parted way. moving back to sit against the outside wall. unaware of what would be going on so soon with Tylor.

Once inside she would be side tracked from her path to Layla. as another girl pulled the soon to be mother into the room, where two cruel girls, and boys awaited her. closer friends to
Drake, then layla. However it was quick and painful, as the assault began. Forcing Tylor to end up on the ground painfully, hearing cruel words, as well as feeling the strikes on her body. which would cause
the ring to end up slipping from her hand.

"Oh shit, the ugly bitch, is a whore as well. Look at that, old boy was hitting on a knocked up slut. Who you fuck, a teacher for your grades? Oh wait, probably the principle to keep your good for nothing brother
close right?" saying this, as the girls would begin to laugh, and mock the now hurt, and beaten woman. not caring for the condition she was in, or the safety of the child with in her. The four did not know that if ether
Bel, or Layla got wind of this right away, or heard Tylor's suffering. their could quickly become hell to pay.
Layla had indeed spotted her friend be swept into a room where the door was slammed shut, locked so no one could easily enter. At first she was reluctant to follow but once a thud vibrated down the hall she ran up to the door, trying the knob as it remain in the locked position. She looked inside to her horror of her dear friend being mocked and beaten while lying on the floor trying to just shield herself, unable to see the baby bump she bore all this time. Gasping she runs away in search for the dear brother calling out his name down the halls.

Curled up in the fetal position in attempts to hide her face and her belly hoping they would leave her be, tears streaming down her face by this mocking suggestions of who the father could be and why she would do such a thing. Her reputation was just ruined, they would tell everyone and she never could show her face at school again. Finally she had enough and blasted a protection barrier around herself making them all further their laughing.
Seeing the barrier like shield around Tylor, the one boy would laugh, almost maniacally. as he placed a finger on it, a small black orb began to generate at the tip of his finger. as it caused red cracks to slowly form, and spread through the shield like spell of protection. the sound of cracking, and crunching would begin to be heard. as if the protective spell was being crushed, and sucked into the orb. his buddy, and the girls both looked on at this. as they were all up to their own evil deeds of enjoyment.

As they began to prepare poor Tylor to suffer all the more. their hurtful words, and actions were obviously only going to get worse from this point, However none of them knew, that her friend which was outside the room was now looking for her big brother.

Just outside under the tree, as he sat their, in a strange meditation like pose. his breathing calm, his eyes closed. Layla would spot Bel their, as he was in a meditation like trance, waiting for his sister's class period to come to an end, so he could meet up with her once more. however as he was like this, the young man was surrounded by a bone chilling aura. the kind only felt from those who survived blood front like wars. however this was due to the training he had been through. yet Layla would know better then any one, that when it came to his lil sister. all the gloves were off, however at this moment. such thoughts did not matter, as she needed to get help for her best friend.
Staring up as she watched her bubble shield be cracked open before her, eyes widening that one was able to get past her barrier. Tears that streamed down her face followed by whimpers and gasps at the strikes she was forced to endure, not able a second to conjure the thought of a spell in hopes to save herself. Calling for help would be useless as one kicked her right in the throat making her choke on her own air., at point unable to breath let alone scream.

Layla tumbled past doorways, into rooms, down the halls until finally reaching the destination of Bel, her eyes face lighting up with relief to finding him at last. "Bel, bel!" waving her hand as she ran up to him "Taylor, she is getting beaten up real bad! I can't get into the room, it's locked physically but a think a spell lock is on it as well" explaining in breathless pants.
Hearing this, Bel's eyes would open wide. as he quickly stood up. placing a hand on Layla's shoulder. as she was right their before him. the young man would speak in a cold, and very urgent tone.
"please lead me their, and do not waste time. I'm sorry if your tired. " saying this, it was obvious he didn't want to waste a moment. However Layla would soon see a side of this young man,
only his family knew. and a side most would be scared of, if they knew about it. as his training had been for front like war fighting, unlike his sister who was meant to become an amazing mage in the future,
if she were to walk such a path. However now the fate of the siblings belonged them, or more so each other.
The shift in his aura was bone chilling but she kept herself focused on the task at hand, saving her best friend from the kids bullying and attacking her. A few seconds of catching her breath and Layla turns back into the school leading him down the hallways, a left and right then more and finally they came to the room. "here" attempting at the door as she heard them continue to attack her friend.
It only took moments, as Bel would use one of his combat arts. focussing aura into his foot. with a simple kick, the door bust open, as the door it self shattered into pieces, and splinters. marching in. his knuckles cracking.
the older sibling would be on the one hitting his sister in seconds. palm flat against the individuals face, tossing them clean out the window. as he had a cold, hateful stare, and a bone chilling, blood thirsty aura which would make any one
who could feel it freeze. the real show was only beginning, as the four assailants, would find no mercy from the brother of their victim. Only one who could truly control, or stop Bel when he was like this, was Tylor, and they had done
something to her, not realizing the consequences until it was to late.
The slamming of the door blasting apart Taylor would peak up before coughing out blood as she remained curled up not moving an inch as she could barely catch her breath while listening to someone offering a beating to those attacking her. Layla was reluctant to enter but she did so in a smooth fashion, kneeling down by her friend with concern written across her face as she very gently touches her shoulder trying not to watch the damage Bel was causing. The two girls involved quickly put up protection shields while the guys attempted to hold their own but failing miserably. "Hey, you need to get up so we can take you to the hospital, okay" whispering softly as she wipes away her tears trying to have her focus. Taylor let out a croaked whimper as she quickly shook her head, too frightened to even move. They were able to break her barrier spell, she felt useless, worthless, weak. Layla would look up to the broken boys that Bel was attacking calling out to him "They get it! We need to get Taylor to a hospital!" hoping he would listen through his blood thirsty rage.
The girls had shattered barriers, as they had been beaten themselves. the boys had broken arm, and leg. More then that, this would happen very quickly,

Bel would move to kneel down next to Tylor.
"Sis, this might hurt a bit, so please hold on, and bare with it. " saying this he would look over to Layla, asking her to grab the ring for his sister. stating it was a ring of protection
for her condition. before lifting her, and taking the young lady in his arms bridal style. before Layla eyes. it would appear as if Bel vanished with out a trace.

while in his arms, Tylor would be able to see, and feel everthing, as her brother once again froze time around them, so he could rush his sister to medical help. not waisting a moment,
despite the cost, and toll such mana manipulation and usage had on his body. only worrying about her.
Hearing the groans and cries of the bullies getting their taste Layla would scoot back by Bels' approach, reaching over to pick up the ring as she noticed the state Taylor was in causing her to gasp. But then time froze, everything was still and silent except bel carrying his sister. Taylor would wince and gasp in pain as he lifted her into his arms, pressing herself into his frame as she felt mad cramping, her throat ached and was sore, her nose running and stuffy at the same time, blood even running down from her nose. "Bel, what....what...did I...I tell you" coughing out as she noticed he froze time. Her eyes fall closed trying to keep her energy to remain a wake long enough to know how badly she was injured.
As several hours passed, Bel would be a mess himself, but sitting at the side of the bed. Where Tylor was now resting, her hand in both of his. as he looked on, over his sister.
however things would not seem so well, as their parents would be arriving sooner then ether would want. as well as the fact Layla needed to bring the ring to them still.
a special ring which was needed to stabilize her mana, as well as grant as much protection as possible. however at this moment. their was only one thing on the brute's mind.
the well being of his sister. yet he wanted to hurt the other four far worse then he did for what they did to his cute little lover in his mind.
Sleeping in a hospital bed as they waited to be seen since the situation was not entirely urgent for a doctor to come check her over without the parents present but Layla did manage to come by with the ring handing it over to Bel, slipping out for this was family matters. Taylor would wake up as mom and dad entered her room looking very concerned but her father was pissed for mother had to inform him of the condition Taylor was in. Mother would come to her bed side glancing over Bel as he had dried blood from his nose hinting he either got in a fight or used his mana again. "Hey sweetie, the doctors are gonna run some test and examine you, the baby as well" seeing the beating her daughter took. "Why did you not protect yourself?" asking with concern and disappointment. Taylor would simply turn away from them, curling under under the sheets making mother a tad ticked off. Father on the other hand looked to Bel "He let it happen? She got knocked up and got the shit beaten outta her cause someone found out" snapping at his son.
"Of course I failed, I'm only human, and worse of all, she is the one suffering right now. "
as he spoke up, telling this to his own father. snapping at his own old man. however in mid sentence, coughing up a bit of blood, only to continue his words with out concern.
he would look to his parents. with blood lustful eyes.

"If you want this taken care of safely, get the school to deal with those four, or I will kill them, the next time I see them. Gender or not, I will not let this slide. "
as he spoke, even with bit so of blood being forced to get coughed out of his mouth due to the damage he did to himself. even in front of his parents. Bel would not bend, or back down, when it
came to Tylor. However he would slip the ring back onto her hand, as he had gotten it from layla as the parents entered the room.

More then that, the way he would word this, and the aura he gave off, told his parents all they would need to know. however now the worse part would begin. the testing to check on tylor,
and her child. more then just that, it would be unknown the condition of the infant after such a beating. and more so the fact remained, Bel had gone into what one could call a protective
destroyer kid of mind set.
The parents were not taken back by his lashing out in verbal response, what was concerning was the blood he would cough up, not letting it sway him dedication to his sisters well being. With a deep breath mother would take a seat in a chair opposing Bel as father went outside to discuss with the school how this will be handled, the boys would be expelled on the spot after being treated at the hospital while the girls would be suspended for now.

Once the doctors came in cleaned up poor Taylor of her blood, some stitches were needed and bandaging that she did not fight against just remained still and quiet. When the doctor began gently touching her throat Taylor would wince and croak for her to stop making the doctor move her hands away. "your wind pipe does not seem damaged, your vocal cords at just sore, you are lucky your neck did not break" reassuring her. "some rest and painkillers will health you right up" adding on their treatment plan for now as they still needed to check on her baby, the spell active right now Taylor had to shift the mana into allowing the doctor to see to perform their tasks. An ultrasound was given drawing in Mother at last to see the little one "How far along are you?" the nurse would ask. It took everything for taylor not to look towards her brother "About two months now" answering in a hoarse whisper.

There was silence until the beating of a little heart was found then a second one "Well, seems you have twins on the way not just one" the nurse would inform pointing on the screen of the two babies. "Seems everything is alright, no tears as I can see but we will keep you for a few days just to be certain of no miscarriage" informing the family. Taylor's eyes were widen hearing she was having twins and could have lost them or still could.
Despite the doctor's, and nurses request. Bel ignored them all. remaining at his sister's side. when not holding her hand, he would be touching Tylor in an oddly soothing kind of way. refusing to leave her side while his sister was in such a condition.
despite how the docs said she would be find. More then that, he would even make sure to provide home made food, and proper goods for Tylor, when ever he did leave to go home for a short while. never leaving her alone for long. Despite how the school
would contact the parents, worried about being sued for the incident involving Tylor. and more so wanting actions taken against Bel, as to avoid legal actions from the other parents, who were upset about their children getting roughed up by Bel.
unaware how lucky they were, that he did not do worse to the children for what they had done to tylor.

at one point, when the siblings would be alone in the medical room. Bel would move his hand to gently caress his sister's sleeping head, his hands gently running through her hair.
as he spoke softly thinking she was asleep.

"I'm so sorry I failed to protect you. I failed to keep you from being hurt by those idiots. I will never let such a thing happen to you again, as long as I can help it sis. "
as he spoke like this, thinking he was speaking only to himself, even kissing her on the forehead. the heart felt words were their, more then that, he was speaking of how once
the time was right he wanted to take her away from this town, just the two of them. away from everything, where they can start over, and be happy away from such nightmares.
as it would seem the news of having twins, had made his mind all the more determined to protect his sister, and lover at all costs.
Sleep was the best thing for Taylor at this point especially finding out she was expecting twins than just one baby, things were seeming to just get worse in her eyes, both of their parents knew, a hand full of kids, her bff who was livid that she was kept out of the loop. But she had Bel who she could hear promising her to do better and protect her to the best of his abilities which was more alarming than reassuring since he could have killed himself earlier. It was a few minutes she allowed him believe she was asleep fully before she pretended to wake up from deep slumber, blinking open her eyes to smile up at him.

Outside their parents were on the phone with lawyers and the school trying to figure this all out before it got into the news or anything, already mother decided that Taylor was no longer going to school, same to Bel who was going to take anger management classes per request of the court system. Lucky they were a well of family and popular in town and the coven so they had some sway.

"Don't you ever do what you did again" Taylor would speak sternly as her eyes glare toward him "I need you alive not dying to save me" harshly reminding him that she could not do this alone. She would run her hand over her swollen belly "Twins on the way...and...I am more frightened than before" biting her lip as it quivered a little.
seeing this, Bel would move to wrap his arms around Tylor, as he pulled his sister into a strong yet gentle embrace. hugging her, as one hand against her lower back, the other the back of her head.
as he held her like this before speaking softly.

" I will always do what ever is needed to keep you as safe, as possible. more then that, I promise, that I will never leave you alone, no matter who might turn on us. we will always have each other. "
saying this in an oddly reassuring way. the fact remained, Bel was working hard to master his limits, and break them with his mana control, and manipulation, despite his painful limits.
which was the reason for so much mediation training. However he would promise her, that he would never leave his cute little sister alone, and more so he would always be their for there family, no matter the cost.

at the tail end of this, as he was holding Tylor, this would be an ideal, and yet embarrassing moment for one of their parents or a nurse to come in.
She would gasp by his motion to hold her into a hug, her hand grasping onto the front of his shirt in a heart beat as she lets out a soft sob into his frame while he reassured her of his promises. In that moment she could feel a kick from one of the twins that sensed he was close making her flinch and move slightly back from his hug. "Okay" whispering to him as a nurse came in to take her vitals and check on her IV drip, ignoring their conversation. Taylor would go quiet at it slowly reveal she became shut down around anyone but Bel, afraid of people, easily getting spooked, being in the hospital or home she felt safe. Then their parents at last returned from screaming into their phones.

"Can you run a blood test on the babies, see if you have the father in your data base" mother would demand of the nurse who was quickly nod, exiting the room to fetch supplies. Taylor would sit up a little "Mom, this is not necessary" not understanding why she cared. "Your brother should not be the one caring for you, the father of your children should, feeding you, holding you, supporting you through it all, not hiding away hoping to dodge the responsibility" shaking her head in disappointment. Looking over to Bel, his blood was int eh database since they were born in this hospital, they would be found out.
As the nurse would begin to do this, Bel would look to their mother. to the point he had a painfully wicked look in his eyes.
he would speak to their mother right their in front of the nurse, and even his sister in a tone he never used before.

" This can wait till she feels better. The father part doesn't matter right now. it is best we let her fully recover. Besides that, do you think Any extra stress will be a good thing like this?"
as he spoke, even preventing the nurse. Bel was more then just adamant. as it seemed he was responding to how Tylor was worried, more so becoming skittish around people.

as things were going like this, The secret would be discovered before Tylor's body was recovered enough to leave with him. as such, Bel would do what ever he had to do, more so to protect his sister, and the mother
of his unborn children. However the one who could make the final decision, would be Tylor, and her mother. Yet, the fact remained. if this test was done, it would force , Bel's hand, as his sister knew this already. more then that, she knew
they would vanish from this town, and those they knew. much sooner then planned, and more so changing their way of life. however if given then time, it was likely Bel would still take Tylor away from here before the test could ever be done.
Unable to get past Bel the nurse would sigh "there is no stress, the babies will just get a little pinch and the mother will be fine, honestly it is smart so we can screen for any birth defects or genetic issues from the fathers side" explaining to him. Mother would not in agreement "Don't you want this best for Taylor?" questioning him as Taylor would scoot to the top of her bed to avoid the nurse already knowing some issues that could arise with the genetic pool of the twins. She would eye her brother wondering if this would speed up his plan that she was kept out of loop of as to remain acting normal and such. "Just everyone out" Taylor would snap quick to snatch Bel's arm to keep him with her.
"I will make myself clear. Until she is better, and able to properly leave and walk on her own. I will not let any one do anything which seems to disturb my sis. "
as he spoke, making things all the more difficult for the nurse. Their mother would see how Tylor shied away from the nurse, seemingly to be hiding behind her brother's form.

However if they wanted this to go easily, the mother could plan to have the nurse do the test later at a point, when Bel would be away, as he often left for short bursts in the early day.
to make proper, and tasty meals for his sister while she slept. Or the mother could get into an argument, trying to force Bel to back down, even with the back up of their
father. this would be no easy task to say the least.
Sitting back the nurse looked to the parents who dismissed her then themselves knowing better than to out right confront Bel when he was on a clear goal of keeping Taylor comfortable while she recovers. Taylor would stare as everyone left before looking to Bel "Would it really be a bad idea...?" she murmurs quietly "I mean...we are still kids and how are gonna raise twins let alone if they have issues that could pause development mentally" very concerned for the lives growing inside her. She was still very scared of what would happen when their parents found out their children were together in a way that was wrong and also having babies together. There have been moment Taylor wished they did not sneak out on that camping trip.

Suddenly she began to cry, hiding her face into a pillow finding all this utterly stressful and overwhelming. She wanted to vanish now, disappear until she went into labor, least then she would not have handle the stares she will get as the rumors spread.
Once they were alone in the room, Bel would move to sit on the edge of the bed. his hand moving to gently caress his sister, as she seemed to cry into her pillow from the stress.
as he would speak up softly, the young man leaned in to gently kissing her cheek, as he spoke to her.

"We will be fine, I have already gotten my hunter's licence, and guild card. Unlike the old man, I can actually hunt mythical beasts. one of them would give us enough to live comfortably for many years. besides that
I have some savings already prepped for when I moved out. and a nice little private spot all picked out. what you say we leave, and make every thing we know disappear, starting fresh just the two of us. and of course our little ones to come hmm?"

asking this in a soft, gentle whisper like tone. Bel had already planned this out for some time. making small tweaks, as he was now obviously planning to take her away from all this, before they even discharged Tylor. wanting to take her some where private, and safe. until she felt ready to be in the public eyes again. However little did ether of them know. that a new start would be as good as it would be bad. for a lack of terms, Bel would be a professional monster hunter, where their old man was just a hunter.

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