Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

finding these two husk as her only prey, Slowly much more like a predator, Alexi would move silently tours the two males. her scent, and hormone lure getting stronger as she grew closer.
However as she got closer. an unexpected sensation of dread, and danger would be felt. however it did not seem to be caused by these husk which now turned their glowing gazes to alexi's direction.
quickly beginning to move tours her with out remorse, or any hesitation.
Alexi paused as shevsensed something, a danger looming over her, but the Husks movement stole back her attention. She steeled herself, her body pulsing with her base heightened strength. She had to go straight for their heads, moving forward to throw a punch on the first husk to pulverize its face
as she moved to pulverize the first husk, something unexpected would happen, as it moved just enough to get out of Alexi's way.
the head turning to follow her fist before the beast took hold of her arm, and flipped Alexi over onto her back. as to allow the other one to try and
mount the woman. the two were more agile then expected. perhaps a more evolved parasite, or fresher, would be the first real thoughts however furthest from the truths.
as she would learn if Alexi tried to feed off these two, which would fail unlike the prior males she enjoyed.
as she went for the one which was upon her, Alexi would soon notice how this one went limp. however the face began to bubble, as the skin was squirming. if she did not act quickly, the body
which was trying to pin her would erupt the skull, and flood the parasites upon her. trying to infect Alexi with them, however this would make it appear as if the one she had failed to strike before was special,
and this one was just a normal one. however the one which flipped her into position was not moving to help or anything else, just standing their, until an opening presented itself for the husk to make it's
move upon Alexi.
as she began to get up the second husk was quick to get behind Alexi, pressing her belly and face into the near by fleshy wall. as she could feel the wall's flesh melting away anything she had on to cover her body.
all the while feelers could be felt encroaching her meaty spear, and womanly entrance. as the husk licked her neck, before speaking, with an all to familiar voice.

"Even like this, not all of us, are lost completely. so join me, You know it will be more enjoyable Alex. "
as the voice echoed wickedly, it was a very young voice, one which would hit a cord. as Alexi's so called little brother's voice came from this body. even if not blood related, family was the crew, as he nipped at her ear.
and moved upon her. revealing his ego was still intact, despite being a husk, or so it seemed. all the while the real puppet master was enjoying the show of it's prototype husk, and the first prey it encountered.
Alexi felt her suit sizzling away from the acid little by little. "Armand? Is that you?" She said looking back at him as best she could. "You're still in there?" She said sounding betrayed, heartbroken. She was, she couldn't have expected such a hideous truth. Bur the monster that lurked in her, had no issues with consuming her once close friend, absorbing her little brothers infections and allowing his strength to be hers. "You let me go Armand! I'm a sister to you-" She said asvshe felt the walls tendrils wrapping around her male parts. "Ha-no-no-" sge whined and cried .
"I can only do so much, Please forgive me, If I do not do something to you, that monster will do worse. "
as he spoke the voice from this husk sounding like it was in pain, and suffering, however what he had done just now, if alexi noticed was warning to a real monster hidden near by.
as it was, it was painful, however it painted an image for Alexi, that even in his own twisted way, this odd mutated husk, was indeed her little brother still, and in his own way, he was trying to ensure she got
away with out infection. however more then that. if she looked tours the husk she had slain earlier. something would stick out. in it's back shoulder, the blade which belonged to this husk pinning her was stabbed in it's lower
spine. showing that during all that intense action. he had taken the chance to strike his fellow infected body, to prevent it from being able to infect alexi. as this ego had no idea she was already infected.

would it be proper for her to feed on this young beast, or allow it a bit of pleasure, before putting it out of it's misery, and finding a different one to make into a proper meal. as they did not die when she fed on them
but were trapped in a permanent state of eternal suffering. which was made clear if one paid attention to the expressions of her prior meals. heaven before hell one could say. however the fact remained, the fleshy wall which was
now about to make alexi fully nude, as the tendrils teased her pussy, ass, and cock. manipulating her breast to some degree.
"Armand-let me go- please, I don't want to have to do something terrible to you." She begged as she looked at him. "I'll-I'll do anything you need but I need you to get away from me-" she said frantically now, squirming and trying not to moaan as sgecfekt herself being touched, her body getting warm and turned on.
as she said this, slowly Alexi would feel herself getting pushed more and more into the fleshy wall, before slowly she fell through it. covered in an odd slime, which would leave
her body reacting like she had soaked in a very effective aphrodisiac. However as she fell into the room. it was revealed to be a weapon storage room. one which had been forgotten about as it was the
captain's private one. this only showed Alexi what her former lil bro was actually doing with how she was pinned. however now in this room, the sound of shuffling could be heard, as well as the sound of
multiple smaller creatures scuttling around. the voice echoed softly in her mind which was whispered to her once she was pushed into the fleshy wall.

"Sorry, I can do no more then this for you sis. please survive. "
little did she know, that the ego of her former brother in arms was fading, and he was becoming more and more of an ideal monster of a weapon for his puppet master. which would now
be heard making complaint like sounds, of an unknown language tours her would be assailant, which actually was a rescuer in disguise so to speak. but she was in this armory filled with unknown foes, and
the only weapons which could be used, were all archaic melee weapons, but they did not need any fancy energy sources, or locks to use, making them very valuable in this kind of situation.
Alexi nearly began to cover herself instinctively, the slime on her slime warm and clinging to her. But as she picked up on the sounds around her, she got up on her feet, crouched as she moved to feel around for a weapon. Armand had used up whatever he had left for his will, to protect her, it made her feel a soft guilt tjst she couldn't protect him, but she would solve that by freeing him of this life, and saving Daphne. Even if her titless body would have to bred too. Her skin was warming quickly, her body tensing up little by little as she grabbed an axe frim the weapon cache.
managing to grasp an impressive little weapon, Alexi would have the moment of admiration for her new weapon. as it was short lived.
multiple smaller spider like fleshy creatures began to lunge at her. aiming for her face, arms, and even back side. if any one of them got around her, the maiden
of infectious growth would find herself captured, and subdued. however it would also be a good chance to test out this axe. as they were aiming to cover her face and take her mouth.
cover her ass and take her holes, cover her hips, pinning her arms, and disarming her. as several more were audibly around. these odd small creatures could be heard loud and clear as many more
were skittering tours her location. while the first three were making their assault upon her, at least the attempt to do so.
Alexi moved swiftly, her arm lashing out with the weapon, slashing one as it came for her face. Her heightened senses made them all so clear, she cut the second in two with a whirl of her wrist, using the weight of the axe to carry it the rest of the way. She smashed the third straight inti the floor with the axe head, twisting it to crush it.
managing to strike down several of the smaller alien like creatures. Alexi would find her weapon getting stuck in the metallic shelve, as the blade cut through the one which had
lunged tours her face. however managing clear the room, at least how it looked. Alexi would soon be able to hear the faint struggling and shuffling in a small portion of the room. a store
room closet. which was part of this room, however in it, the voice of a young woman would be heard weeping, faintly.

Little did Alexi know, this was one of the vice commander of the food rations, and supplies team for the recon units prep team. thus a glorified space cook or chef which was giving a special title.
on which was now captured and locked in a wall of slime. her body having only recently been bound. tendrils having yet to claim and successfully infect her. however
it would not be long, however if Alexi did not stumble upon this scene in time, she would miss out on the chance for a potential new playmate, or team member so to speak.


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Alexi picked up on the subtle noises, sighing to herself as she jerked on her Axe again, trying to pull it loose of the metal shelve. But it wouldn't budge easy. She let go and moved to another shelf, drawing a sword from the shelves as she approached the shelves. Another hostage. Hopefully Daphne wasn't too late to save. Alexi tightened her drip on the sword, sneaking carefully to the scene. The trapped woman in the midst of a Grim assault. She eyed the chef briefly but focused on the tentacles. She stepped out to slash off the fleshy grips of horror from her arms, careful enough not to mistake human flesh fir alien.
as she moved to free the victim which was ensnared, Alexi would find that the instant she cut off some of the alien flesh. it would quickly generate several tendrils, as it moved to try and snare the armed hand,
to disarm it's assailant. the flesh was reacting protectively tours it's prey and itself. however while preoccupied with defending itself, the risk of it's infectious assault did at least stop for the victim which needed Alexi's rescue.
struggling as she did, Alexi would find the flesh she cut off moved on it's own. as it seemed to move tours her.
However more then that, it was slowly reducing the flesh which held the victim. yet the space warrior in the making would be busy before
alexi would notice a new mass of flesh forming behind her. as it was trying to form silently to try and capture the enhanced maiden. as much as she cut it up,
it would appear as if this fleshy creature was only really vulnerable to extreme cold or heat. yet in this store room surely she would find something that could be of
aid, unless alexi planned to just strong arm it, and trap the flesh in this room alone.
Alexi slashed off more sections if the creature, hearing movement behind her, albeit faintly in the heat of her rescue mission. As she ripped away more mass, she started to rip the maiden loose of the rest of her captor, looking back as the loose mound was moving. Oh no. "Move!" Alexi said shoving the cook aside, her body was still giving of hee alluring pheromone, this monsters infection wasn't diluted like it was in the host bodies of men, but perhaps it would be drawn to what it sensed as a more sweet treat. Alexi moved aside, slashing her sword at it to keep its focus on the nicer target, while she looked for a proper way to put this thing down in this armory.
Now on the move, managing to distract the beast from it's prior prize with this new more tempting meal being alexi herself.
it would be as she moved about dodging tendrils, and cutting them off, one would eventually manage to disarm the modified maiden. and a second one snaring her by the hips,
only to begin to pull her tours it's gel like mass, which began to reshape itself to an ideal size, and shape to lock her limbs in place and abuse her.
as it pulled Alexi tours it's mass, her body would be pulled painfully, however with so many shelves, and other items. if she thought quick enough or acted quick enough, perhaps
Alexi could break herself free with out wasting the last of her modified or more stolen strength from a male infected. as this was going on, she would be able to hear the sound of her
prize beginning to try and free herself to run with out a second thought of Alexi, as if willing to sacrifice her would be hero to escape this nightmare, unaware that outside this room was
far worse dangers for one who was not infected as of yet.
"NO! DON'T GO OUT THERE-" Alexi yelled as she saw the cook start to flee, she pull and weaved out an arm as the monster tried to subdue her, grabbing around for one of the shelves between them. She slammed her against it, wincing in pain as she used it to keep herself from falling into it. She eyed the shelf for weapons, tools, anything she could get her hands on.
as she struggled, the victim she had come so close to rescuing and claiming soon left the room, leaving Alexi alone with this beast.
however the instant she found a small knife on the shelf, she would feel the suddenly sensation of two tendrils. one shoving itself deep into her back side.
as the second snaked around her cock, and began to use it's own tip to engulf her own. as this thing was making a sudden and very aggressive move upon her.
If the modified woman made her move quick enough she would be able to grasp the blade, however if she failed to do so, the wicked thing would pull her into it's flesh.
as it was planning to snare, and use this woman, unaware that it would end up only to feed Alexi's it's odd strength.
Alexi jumped as the tendrils invaded her suddenly, grabbing the knife in one hand barely, her eyes nearly crossing as the tendril dug into her backside. "HEL-LO!" She yelped out as she clutched the knife tighter as it sstred to engulf her cock next at it stiffened up instantly the sudden insertion. "Y-yo-you don't want to do that!" she said as she twisted a bit , like she was trying to fight it off, knowing even these base creatures only liked the thrill of a chase as much as any beast.
as she struggled and twisted about, a third one was soon felt around one of her ankles. as Alexi had the blade in hand. the sensation was making it all the harder for
the modified beauty to resist. as it violated her, and pulled it's prize tours the massive fleshy mound like maw. filled with feelers, and tendrils of all shapes, and sizes.

each time it got her ever closer, the one in her tight back side shifted in size, shape and texture. even creating ribs, and barbs at one point with in her, as it swelled with each thrust, and shrunk as it pulled back as
if to hide the barbs, and use the ribs on the way in, but shrinking down in thickness to allow the barbs to pull and abuse her inner flesh on the way out. as a thicker, more wicked tipped one inched tours her tender womanly entrance.
She flinched at She felt the monstrosity violated her, it barbs and rubs making her cry out, but at She saw the next one angling for her womanhood, she gripped the knife tighter. "Oh no you don't!" She snapped as she hitched forward , slashing at the appendage, slicing the hidoues tool off at the shaft.
struggling with the sensation of being orally assaulted, as well as the way one of the tendrils had morphed into a kind of slime coated maw suckling upon her erect spear. managing to prevent the recent one from piercing
her tender womanly entrance. as she managed to slice the wicked appendage off, before Alexi's eyes. two new ones sprouted from the severed one. as they continued their assault. this time one of the newly formed ones
would aim for the wrist which held the blade. as the second continued it's aim for her tender moist entrance. while her body continued to slowly inch tours the massive fleshy prison of lewd hunger which awaited her from behind.
Alexi yelped as the slimely slippery maw engulfed her cock sloppily, her her cock throbbing in its grip as the tendrils milked her with its pressure. As ir restrained her wrist as he struggled harder, trying to slice its other tentacles still as she was dragged closer. Sge kicked and squirmed, trying to keep her legs shut tight to fend off the tendril that hunkered to invade her womanly entrance. "No! No!" She hissed as she around the appendage that was forced inti her mouth, nearly slipping it with her knife. The creature had yet to reach its goal, sge was fighting it as hard as she could without her powers.
it was not long before the true horror began to get felt. as the slime began to wrap itself around her first closest foot. the thin wiry tendrils snaking around her ankle, between Alexi's toes. and
pulling her leg into it's slimy yet powerful embrace. as one leg was now snared, it would be pulled back, slowly pull her one leg away from the other, which would allow more of an opening for the one
tendril which was snaking up the modified woman's leg. as her opposite side arm was snared then the one. thus one side arm, opposite side leg was caught thus far. as she was feeling how the thickening
tendrils assaulted her mouth, and ass. the oddly mouth like one sloppily slurping up her cock, as the one spot still untouched by this beast would soon be violated if Alexi did not act, or tap into what little
power she had in reserves to break free. all the while now alone in this room with such a beast, she did rescue the victim from one threat, but now she had to worry about her prize being ruined by a husk or worse,
if she got herself out of this quick enough to catch up.
As her body was pinned and dragged into the monstrosity, she knew her time was running out, and she had to choice olhow to act. If she was trapped, she'd have no chance to escape, and she had women out there to protect. She opened up the last of her strength reserves, the power jolting through her. She snatched herself free, Tearing free of the gelatinous monster and grabbing the shelf to drag it over, slamming it into the mass to block it.

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